Participants. Forty-four volunteers (30 females, M age = 21.32, SD age = 1.89) completed our mission/distraction task in a fMRI scanner and were paid with monetary rewards. All participants were right-handed, heterosexual, had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. None of them reported a history of psychiatric or neurological disorder. One participant was excluded from fMRI analysis, but not behavioral analysis, due to excessive head movement (> 2 mm or > 2°) during data acquisition. As an exploratory study, we adopted no statistic tests to predefine sample size but aimed at a final sample size within the standard range in the field of neuroscience. Data collection was approved by the Southwest University Institutional Review Board and written informed consent was provided by all participants.
Procedure. In the mission/distraction task, participants can freely allocate an around 45-minute time budget between effortful dots counting which brings extra money when correct (“mission”) and pleasant photographs watching which pays no wage (“distraction”). The dots counting consists of three difficulty levels which differ in their dots number. After being informed the difficulty, participants have an opportunity to appreciate photographs of good-looking celebrities before the mission starts. Several settings were made to frame the dots counting as an aversive but goal-directed task that shouldn’t be avoid: (1) The high difficulty level was designed so that every participant has low probability to be correct. (2) Participants were told “you can allocate the time budget at will but please complete as many dots counting as you can”; (3) We informed them that each time being correct in dots counting will add into their payment with a fixed amount of extra money regardless of difficulty level; (4) Participants were aware that being wrong at any one difficulty level, the dots counting task will be stuck in this level until correct. Under these four settings, to maximize one’s payment, participants need to spend less time in photographs and try their best in every dot-counting trial even when it is aversive (for manipulation check, see Supplementary Information).
Each trial indicated the difficulty level of the coming dots counting task by presenting its scatter diagram for 2 seconds and subsequently collected aversiveness rating toward it as a measure of negative emotions for manipulation check. Before the mission starts, participants have a maximum of 8 seconds for the photographs. These photographs were presented to our heterosexual participants, with female photographs presented to male participants and male photographs to female participants. Each photograph lasted for 2 seconds, and no one repeated. Participants can end the photograph phrase and start the mission by pressing a button after an unknown least photograph time (drawn from a 2 ~ 4 uniform distribution). Therefore, a higher frequency of button pressing before success indicates higher willingness to skip the photographs. Each dot-counting phase lasts for a maximum of 150 seconds, while participants can terminate it at any time by pressing a button and then input their answer with a virtual keypad. If participants were correct, another difficulty level will be the next; while if wrong, they will face the same difficulty but a new scatter diagram with altered dots number. In principle, only inputs exactly matching with the dots number were taken as “correct” (data analysis adopted this criteria). However, to avoid participants getting stuck at a certain difficulty too long, our task program would temporarily loosen its criteria as failed attempts for the same difficulty accumulated (for details, see Supplementary Information).
After the scanning, participants completed a pure procrastination scale (PPS) [32]. Besides, we also used a debriefing questionnaire to measure participants’ attitudes toward the photographs and dots counting (for details, see Supplement Information).
Materials. To roughly measure participants’ ability in dots counting before scanning, we asked them to complete nine trials of the dots counting task (3 trials for each difficulty level; 15 ± 4 dots for the low difficulty, 40 ± 4 dots for the medium and 90 ± 4 dots for the high). As individuals might differ in dot-counting ability, we set dots number for each participant so that they need similar time to be correct under the same difficulty level (see Figure S2). As a result, participants’ averaged dots number for the low, medium, and high difficulty ranges, respectively, from a minimum of [15, 40, 79] to a maximum of [39, 80, 130]. The specific dots number for a trial was within ± 4 dots from the mean corresponding to each difficulty level. To ensure attractiveness of the photographs, six additional heterosexual volunteers (3 males and 3 females) had rated photographs of their opposite gender and screened out those with low attractiveness, resulting in 332 female photographs and 314 male photographs.
Image Acquisition. Our imaging data was collected on a Siemens 3 T MRI system (Siemens Magnetom Trio TIM, Erlangen, Germany). Functional (T2*-weighted) images were acquired with an echoplanar BOLD-sensitive sequence with the following parameters: 64 × 64, 3 × 3-mm 2 pixels, repetition time (TR) = 2.0 s, echo time (TE) = 30 ms, flip angle (FA) = 90°, 32 × 3-mm axial slices allowing whole brain coverage. At the start of the imaging session, a high-resolution structural volume was collected with the following sequence parameters: 1-mm 3 voxels, 250 × 250 × 176 slices, TR = 1.90 s, TE = 2.52 ms, FA = 9°.
Behavioral Analysis. At the trial level, we relied on mixed linear models to explore whether counting difficulty has an impact on individual’s behavioral patterns. Individual’s PPS score was involved as a moderator to test whether the impact of task difficulty differ between high and low procrastinators. In these mixed linear models, participants were involved as the random factor to control for their intraclass differences (i.e., random intercept models). For cases with heterogeneous variances, we altered the assumptions of the error term to allow unequal variances using the ‘lme’ function in R.
fMRI Analysis. Neuroimaging data was preprocessed and analyzed in SPM12 ( Preprocessing included correction for time differences in slice acquisition, realignment, coregistration to the individual’s structural image, normalization to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space and spatial smoothing with a Gaussian kernel (8-mm, FWHM).
To identify neural signals related to photographs watching and dots counting, we implemented the first GLM (GLM1) with six conditions: Difficulty Cue, Aversion Rating, Photographs phrase (divided into skipped and not-skipped trials), Counting phrase, Counting’s end and Feedback (the last three conditions were divided into wrong and correct trials). Our primary focus is on the Photographs phrase and Counting’s end. The first two conditions were associated with a parametric modulator of dots number and rated aversiveness, respectively. The photographs phrase and counting phrase were modeled based on the duration of each phrase for each trial. The other four conditions were modeled based on the duration of zero for assuming instantaneous neural reactions to the event. GLM2 was identical to the first, except that photographs phrase and counting’s end were associated with a parametric modulator of the key frequency to skip and dots number, respectively. GLM3 was identical to GLM2 except the parametric modulator associated with counting’s end was replaced by counting error. A standard hemodynamic response function was used for the GLMs.
To reveal neural couplings in photographs phrase and counting’s end, we conducted four psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses [33]. The PPI1 and PPI2 investigated dlPFC couplings differences during photographs phrase and the counting’s end, respectively. The PPI1 used individual’s dlPFC sub-peak closest to the group peak from the skipped > not-skipped contrast and compared dlPFC’s couplings between skipped and not-skipped photograph trials. The PPI2 also adopted individual’s closest dlPFC sub-peaks from the wrong > correct contrast and compared dlPFC’s couplings between wrong and correct counting trials. The PPI3 and PP4 were identical to PPI1 and PPI2, respectively, except involving corresponding insula peaks as the seed.
For whole brain analysis, we used FDR-corrected q < 0.05 as the threshold. For the small volume correction, we used a FWE cluster-corrected threshold of PFWE−SVM < 0.05 under an uncorrected p-value of 0.005. All ROIs were defined as spherical with a 6-mm radium.
Predefined ROIs. This study predefined two bilateral insular ROIs and two bilateral amygdala ROIs in search of brain regions processing negative emotions. The two insular ROIs came from an insular meta-analysis study [30], centering at the peaks of reported anterior-basal insula processing emotions (left insular ROI: x = -31, y = 24, z = -4; right insula ROI: x = 42, y = 15, z = -3; both with a 6-mm radium, MNI coordinates). The two amygdala ROIs came from a meta-analysis linking amygdala and emotions [29], and adopted the center of bilateral amygdala peaks (left amygdala ROI: x = -21, y = -5, z = -16; right amygdala ROI: x = 22, y = -4, z = -15; both with a 6-mm radium, MNI coordinates).