Figure 1(a) shows the degree centrality (DC) of each grid from a complex network (CN) generated using event synchronization (ES) technique (methods) between onsets of droughts on land grids. Here, the DC of any grid in CN measures the number of grids on which a 12-month drought (measured by SPI-12 from ERA-5 data, hereafter called SPI, see methods for details) can occur within a lag (or lead time) of up to 6 months. Hence, drought onsets between any two grids can be synchronized in either direction (up to six months, see methods for details), leading to an undirected link between each grid pair. While computing DC, we consider only those links of the network on which ES was found statistically significant at 95% confidence. Hence, computed DC gives a robust estimate of the degree of connectivity of each grid. Drought onsets in a few land regions – namely Sahel, South Africa, the Middle East, western North America, South America, and northern Australia – have a very high DC (Fig. 1(a)). A higher DC of a region indicates that the drought onsets in the region are connected to many drought onsets across the globe. Hence, these regions might be experiencing simultaneous droughts or might serve as an intermediary in drought propagation. Using various CN metrics on the synchronized grids across the globe, these regions are declared as ‘drought hubs’ in the literature42 which are argued to be hotspots of global teleconnections of droughts.
The DC estimated in this study has been corrected against error caused by the projection system (see methods), a vital correction that is missing in many previous studies using CN on spatial datasets39–42, 45. Polar regions have significantly more nodes per unit area than the equator. Hence, we get an increasing number of links for the same physical area as we move from the equator to the poles, which can lead to an overestimation of network measures and misleading inferences, as shown in supplementary figure S1 (also in literature42). Figure S1(a) shows DC generated using sc-PDSI on land-only grids as done in the literature42, while figure S1(b) shows the same plot after correcting for the projection system. It can be clearly seen that applying correction (methods) reduces the estimated degree of extratropics. The amount of overestimation of the degree will be directly proportional to the resolution of the data. A higher resolution data will have a higher number of nodes to penalize as we move away from the equator. Hence, we used the corrected plots of DC for further analysis.
We have also generated Fig. 1(a) using SPI and sc-PDSI indices from the CRU dataset (methods), and DC from these datasets is shown in supplementary Figure S1(b, c). We observe similar regions of high DC using multiple datasets and drought metrics, though they differ slightly in the estimates of DC of these regions. Results from all the datasets point towards similar highly connected drought regions over land and are also similar to that reported in the previous studies42.
Drought hubs in ocean
Droughts on land are primarily driven by ocean-atmosphere interaction54. This leads to a hypothesis that droughts on the ocean can also be synchronized with land droughts. Since many land regions are far from each other (especially in the southern hemisphere), the propagation of droughts from one land region to another can contain the ocean regions as intermediaries or confounders (one ocean region being a simultaneous driver of droughts in two land regions). Hence, the oceans can also be hotspot regions for drought propagation or regions that drive global land droughts simultaneously. To address this issue, we generate the CN by including drought onsets over the oceans, and the updated DC is shown in Fig. 1(b). In Fig. 1(b), oceanic regions in the tropics have higher DC than land regions. While the regions with high connectivity remain apparent on land (Fig. 1(b)), the DC on the ocean surface – primarily the Indo-Pacific warm pool (IPWP) in the Maritime continent, the central Pacific, and the Atlantic Ocean – is manifold higher than the DC of land regions. These regions of extremely high connectivity in the ocean might contain more predictive information for droughts on land than the land drought hubs from Fig. 1(a).
From Fig. 1, we can see that the inclusion of the ocean region reveals teleconnection hotpots in equatorial oceans. The betweenness centrality (BC), which indicates the importance of a node as an intermediary for the propagation of information, is shown in supplementary Figure S2. We observe the highest BC in the Pacific Ocean and the IPWP followed by the Atlantic Ocean, Western Indian Ocean, and some parts of the Middle East and South Africa. These regions can play a role in drought propagation across the globe. It should be noted here that we haven’t corrected BC for the errors due to the projection system, and this correction is out of the scope of the current study. The regions in the equatorial ocean regions with high DC and BC than land regions indicate the presence of manifold bigger drought hubs in the ocean than on land. This result is also intuitively related to the dependence of all major droughts on ocean-atmosphere dynamics43.
To investigate further, we plot the spatial extent of synchronization of drought onsets in the two most major ocean hubs observed in Fig. 1(b) – the IPWP and the Pacific Ocean. The results are shown in supplementary Figure S3 (a) and (b), respectively. We observe that the droughts in IPWP (spatial extent considered marked in Figure S3(a)) have synchronization with South Asia, South Africa, South America, and Australia, whereas the Pacific Ocean is connected to the Middle East, East Africa and Western North America in addition to various oceanic regions. The occurrence of the largest connected drought hubs over these regions shouldn’t come as a surprise because, El-Nino southern oscillation in the Pacific Ocean, which changes the precipitation pattern over the IPWP, is known to alter global precipitation patterns by atmospheric and oceanic teleconnections55,56. Hence, the connections between land regions might be an impression of lagged associations of these regions to a common driver in the ocean with no relation to drought propagation at all.
To demonstrate this, we show the connections of drought onsets on land regions using CNs with and without considering ocean regions in supplementary Figure S4. Figure S4 (a-d) shows connections of land drought hubs without considering ocean regions, and Figure S4 (e-h) shows the connections of the same regions after considering ocean grids as nodes in CN analysis. Drought onsets in western North America and the Middle East are connected to each other in land-only analysis (Figure S4 a, b); however when oceans are included (Figure S4 e, f), we observe that both are synchronized with the central Pacific Ocean. This pattern is due to the dependence of droughts in the Middle East and Southwest Asia on ENSO57,58. Similarly, drought onsets over South Africa and Australia are linked to each other and are also connected to the IPWP (Figure S4(c,g)), as both are driven by ENSO59,60. Sahel region (Figure S4(d)) shows some connections with drought onsets in south Asia and shows very limited synchronization with the IPWP region. These results prove that the existence and role of global land drought hubs are overestimated in literature due to the CN model artifact of not considering oceanic regions. The global hubs that drive global drought onsets and, potentially, drought propagation are in ocean regions instead of land regions.
Revisiting the Rich Club Phenomenon of drought hubs
To quantify the spatial extent of teleconnections of droughts hubs found in the ocean, we compute the mean synchronization distance (MSD, methods) of each node in CN. For every node, MSD measures the average spatial distance of all nodes which are connected to it. If the connectivity of a node or its spatial scale of synchronization is assumed to be its wealth in a network, the existence of a small fraction of nodes with a large degree of connectivity or MSD is analogous to a ‘rich club’ and has been argued to be a prominent topological characteristic of networks42. Figure 2 and supplementary figure S5 show MSD computed using links that were found statistically significant at 90% and 95% confidence, respectively. Since nearby grids are expected to be highly connected, we generate MSD considering links with distances more than 1000km (Fig. 2(a), Figure S5(a)) and 10000km (Fig. 2(b), Figure S5(b)).
We find that with a threshold of 1000 km (Fig. 2(a), S5(a)), extratropical regions (30N-60N and 30S-60S) have higher MSD than the equatorial regions with an exception in the equatorial Indian Ocean, northern South America and the Atlantic Ocean, which also have high MSDs. Among land regions, the Middle East, northern South America, South Africa, western North America, and Australia are the regions with the farthest connectivity. IPWP and the central Pacific Ocean have low MSD values, reflecting a high number of local connections. All the grids in the Pacific Ocean interact with each other increasing the number of links at around a distance of 1000–5000 km, leading to a reduction in the mean value.
The Zonal Mean of MSD, shown on the right panel of Fig. 2(a), decreases from the north to the south, with a dip at the equator, when oceanic regions are considered. On the contrary, Mondal et al. 202342 from their analysis, excluding the oceanic regions, reported an increasing MSD of land regions from the northern to the southern hemisphere, concluding that drought hubs in the southern hemisphere constitute a ‘rich club’ in the CN. We performed the CN analysis with land-only grids without any threshold of distance to reproduce the results of Mondal et al. 202342 in supplementary figure S6(a). The right panel (Figure S6(a)) shows the latitude variation of average MSD (blue) and percentage land area (red). It is clearly visible that the variation in MSD with latitude is opposite to the variation in the percentage of land with latitude. The southern hemisphere has fewer land areas, which are far from each other. Many of these land regions can also be connected to a common oceanic source, leading to overestimating MSD in the southern hemisphere. After considering the ocean regions in CN, the steep north-to-south increase in the average MSD of land regions vanishes, and we observe a slight increase in the MSD of land regions (Figure S6(b), showing only land regions from a CN which includes nodes on oceans as well) from north to south. Hence, we conclude that the tagging of the southern hemisphere as a “rich club” in the previous study42 resulted from a statistical artifact due to the asymmetrical distribution of land in both hemispheres and the non-inclusion of oceans in the analysis.
Since MSD in Fig. 2(a) can be influenced by a high number of local connections, we increase the threshold to 10000 km (Fig. 2(b) and Figure S6(b)) to reveal average spatial scales of only distant teleconnections. We observe a significant increase in the MSD of the equatorial region, with the IPWP emerging as the biggest hub with the farthest teleconnections. Apart from the IPWP, eastern portions of the Atlantic and the Indian oceans also have high MSD values. The importance of the above-mentioned oceanic regions in facilitating drought propagations is also supported by high BC values (Figure S3). High DC with high BC indicates that these nodes are important for information propagation between all other nodes. Combined with the high MSD found in Fig. 2 (b), we conclude that the ‘rich club’ of global drought hubs lies in the equatorial region, with the IPWP in the Maritime Continent being the most significant among them, having farthest teleconnections. Supplementary figures S7 (a) and (b) show the distribution of MSD from each land drought hub along with regions in the Atlantic Ocean, maritime continent, and the Pacific Ocean (all regions shown in Fig. 4(f)) considering thresholds of 1000km and 1000km respectively. Figure S7 shows that the fat-tailed nature of MSD becomes prominent after considering a threshold of 10000 km, with the region in the Maritime continent (IPWP) containing the heaviest tail followed by the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and the Middle East. The fat-tailed distributions of ocean regions support the hypothesis that ocean regions are the drivers of most of the drought onsets on land regions.
Drought hubs in the ocean confound drought hubs on land
The above-mentioned results demand further investigation into the possibility of land drought hubs being statistical artifacts induced by the ocean-atmosphere processes, like ENSO, acting as a confounder. Figure 3 shows the annual precipitation anomaly of major drought hubs along with the state of ENSO. El Nino and La Nina years are marked as red and blue circles at the end of each bar. The right panel shows the correlation of the annual rainfall anomaly with the Oceanic Nino Index (ONI). The Middle East and western North America have a statistically significant (p < 0.05) positive correlation with ONI and Australia, and South America has a statistically significant (p < 0.05) negative correlation with ONI. The Sahel and South Africa had a negative correlation; however, it was not statistically significant. These results indicate that the interannual variability in precipitation of all the drought hubs is significantly driven by ENSO, which clearly indicates that multiple regions can experience simultaneous or lagged droughts based on the ENSO state and their time scales of interaction with ENSO. Figure S8 shows the precipitation anomaly across the globe during El Nino and La Nina years for the summer (June, July, August (JJA)), and winter seasons (October, November, December (OND)) of the northern hemisphere. During El Nino years, the composite of summer precipitation (Figure S8(a)) shows a simultaneous reduction of precipitation over IPWP, South Asia, East Africa, Some parts of Australia, and northern South America. Hence, drought onsets in these regions can potentially be synchronized. During La Nina years, JJA precipitation (Figure S8(c)) shows opposite behavior where the above-mentioned regions receive surplus rainfall with small deficits in southern South America and northern North America, which are synchronized mainly with the reduced precipitation of central Pacific. Similarly, for winter months, during El Nino years (Figure S8(b)), the reduction in precipitation in IPWP is synchronized with South Africa, Australia, and South America. During La Nina years, OND months receive a simultaneous reduction in precipitation in East Africa, the Middle east, North America, and Southern South America, which are synchronized with a reduction in precipitation in the central Pacific. The above results show that ocean sources are the confounders of drought onsets on land. For example, in Fig. 1(a), links originating from regions South Africa or South America might not be because of drought propagation to other regions but because droughts in these regions are simultaneously modulated by teleconnections from the IPWP as shown in Figure S8(b).
ES cannot separate a direct causal association from a confounding effect. Any two drought regions on land, if modulated by the same ocean source, will be delineated as synchronized unless the influence of oceanic confounder is removed. Hence, to test for the confounding behavior of oceans, we apply a causal network learning algorithm – PCMCI – to delineate causal graphs from the monthly time series of SPI on land and ocean regions. The results are shown in Fig. 4. Nodes are various land drought hubs (regions shown in Fig. 4(f)), and their links indicate a causal connection between monthly SPI at different nodes. A link is only shown if found statistically significant at a 95% confidence level. Link labels, if present, indicate the lag at which the connection was found on a monthly scale; else, the absence of link labels means that the link was found at zero lag. Figure 4(a) contains connections between land regions when no ocean regions are considered. Figure 4 (b) adds SPI from the Atlantic Ocean (AO) to the network, Fig. 4(c) adds the Maritime Continent (MC) in addition to the AO, which is followed by Fig. 4(d), which adds a region from the central Pacific Ocean (PO). The incremental addition is done to add more ocean regions to the conditioning set one by one and observe the linkages between the land drought hubs, which are kept constant throughout the experiments. If the included ocean regions are common drivers of these drought regions, their inclusion in the conditioning set should reduce the links between land drought hubs.
Figure 4 (e) shows the number of links observed between land variables after the consecutive addition of ocean sources. We observe a continuous reduction in the number of links between land drought hubs as more ocean sources are added to the network, which conclusively validates our hypothesis that oceans are co-founders of droughts over different land regions. When no ocean sources are present (Fig. 4(a)), we observe 4 links between land variables showing the Middle East as the most connected node with an incoming connection from western North America and Australia, and an outgoing link to South America. In addition, we also get a link from Australia to South Africa. When we add the Atlantic Ocean, all the links get conditioned on an ocean source which leads to the removal of the link between the Middle East and South America and a reversal of the link between the Middle East and Australia. On adding the Maritime continent as a node (Fig. 4(b)), the link between the Middle East and Australia vanishes, and we see observe links from the Maritime continent to both Australia and the Middle East which demonstrates the confounding behavior of Ocean. Further, on adding the Pacific Ocean as a node, we don’t get a reduction in the number of links, and we observe a link towards the Pacific Ocean from the Maritime continent. This experiment conclusively identifies the confounding behavior of the oceans in modulating droughts on land regions and indicates that the ‘drought hubs’ on land reported in the literature can merely reflect large-scale drought hubs located in the oceans.