Training on experimentally identified regulatory elements improves predictive accuracy of silencers models
Due to lack of broad sets of experimentally identified silencers, the computational models for silencers developed by Huang and Ovcharenko (13) were trained on sets of putative silencers that were defined based on their epigenomic profile rather than on experimentally detected silencer elements. The recent ATAC-STARR-Seq study by Hansen et al. provides extensive sets of identified enhancer and silencer elements in the lymphoblastoid cell line GM12878 (5). Therefore, first, we wished to compare the performance of silencer models trained on putative silencers that were defined based on epigenomic marks to the performance of models trained on experimentally identified silencers.
Following the epigenetic criteria used by Huang and Ovcharenko, we defined as the set of putative silencers in GM12878 all H3K27me3 peaks not overlapping either H3K27ac, H3K4me1 or H3K4me3 peaks in this cell line. In parallel, we defined a set of putative enhancers that are active in GM12878 as the regions of ATAC-seq peaks overlapping H3K27ac, but not H3K27me3 peaks in this cell line. We also defined a background set of regulatory elements that are non-functional in GM12878 as regions of ATAC-seq and H3K27me3 peaks randomly chosen from five other cell types that were not detected in GM12878. Overall, this epigenetic approach defined 41,548 enhancers, 24,554 silencers and 396,612 nonfunctional peaks. We applied the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method introduced by Huang and Ovcharenko on the GM12878 training set using 1kb sequence as the only feature, and evaluated how accurately it classified the experimentally identified elements detected by ATAC-STARR-Seq in this cell line (22,336 enhancers, 19,289 silencers and 175,088 nonfunctional ATAC-seq peaks; Methods). The CNN model achieved for enhancers 0.3 AUPRC, and for silencers 0.06 AUPRC (Supplementary Figure 1).
Next, we applied the same CNN method, but now trained the model using the sequences identified experimentally as regulatory elements by ATAC-STARR-Seq (Hansen et al.) Chromosomes 1-5, 9-22 and X constituted the training set. Chromosome 6 was used as a validation set for tuning the model's hyper-parameters. The test set used for evaluation of the model’s performance included chromosomes 7 and 8.
The predictive performance of enhancer models trained on the experimentally identified enhancers was 0.37 AUPRC, a bit higher than the performance obtained by the enhancer models trained on putative enhancers defined based on epigenomic marks (0.3 AUPRC). In contrast, for silencers, the performance of the models trained on experimentally identified silencers was 0.77 AUPRC, dramatically higher than that obtained by the silencer model trained on REs defined by epigenomic marks (0.06 AUPRC) (Supplementary Figure 1). This result reflects the much better knowledge we currently have on epigenomic marks defining active enhancers compared to those that mark active silencers. Furthermore, as extensive sets of experimentally identified enhancers and silencers are available for only a limited number of cell lines, our result indicates that the availability of epigenomic profiles for canonical marks in various cell lines is sufficient for reasonable prediction of enhancers in these cells, but it does not allow accurate prediction of the landscape of active silencers.
Improved deep-learning model for prediction of enhancer and silencer elements
Next, we aimed to build a DL model for regulatory elements with improved accuracy. We reasoned that a DL model can utilize the quantitative output measured by STARR-Seq for the effect of the probed genomic intervals on transcriptional activity, rather than using discrete classes (Enhancer/Silencer/Non-functional categories) in the model learning phase. Therefore, we implemented a two-steps model as follows: Step 1 implements a regression model that predicts, in a single-nucleotide resolution, activation and repression effects in the trained cell type. Step 2 is a 3-class classification model built upon the trained regression model (Fig. 1a). The input to our model are 1kb sequences of ATAC-seq peaks together with epigenetic signals of DNA methylation, H3K27ac, and H3K4me1 in that interval (Fig. 1b; see next section for how we selected the epigenetic marks).
The regression model was built using activation and repression profiles measured for GM12878 ATAC-Seq peaks by STARR-Seq in 50-bp windows (5) (Methods). These windows were computationally merged to 21,125 silencers and 30,078 enhancers. We also generated an exploratory set composed of 70,937 GM12878 ATAC-seq peaks that did not overlap any silencer or enhancer identified by ATAC-STARR-Seq in this cell line. These peaks were excluded from the training phase and used in downstream analyses. We tested three different DL architectures previously used in genomic analyses: deepTACT (14), CNN (13) and ResNet (15). We also tested a simple linear regression as a baseline model. In each DL architecture, we replaced the last layer by a new dense layer that outputs 1,000 regression scores, one per position in the input sequence (Fig. 1a; Methods). Models were compared based on their classification performance in the second step.
In Step 2 we implemented a 3-category classification model by appending two dense layers to the regression network, to account for dependency between adjacent nucleotides' activation and repression levels. The first layer consists of 300 outputs, and the second, final layer, has three outputs, corresponding to the classes to be predicted: enhancer, silencer and nonfunctional. The predicted class is the one receiving the highest probability.
For the classification task, input 1kb sequences were labeled using the following scheme: (1) we scored each sequence by summing over the activation and repression levels at every nucleotide, (2) we divided the sequences into two sets: those with positive and negative sums, (3) in the positive set, the top 25th percentile were labeled as enhancers, (4) in the negative set, sequences at the bottom 25th percentile were labeled as a silencer, (5) all other sequences were labeled as nonfunctional. Overall, the 85% and 76% of the silencers and enhancers called by the original ATAC-STARR-Seq matched the labels they got by this scheme.
We again used enhancers and silencers from chromosomes 1-5, 9-22 and X for the training set. Elements from chromosome 6 were used as a validation set, and the test set included he elements from chromosomes 7 and 8. The three DL architectures had similar performance (Fig. 1c), and all performed better than the simple linear regression model. All DL models performed quite well in predicting silencers (AUPRC 0.81-0.86), and much better than the sequence based model of Huang and Ovcharenko (13) (AUPRC 0.77; Supplementary Figure 1). Performance of the DL models in predicting enhancers were much lower (AUPRC 0.51-0.55). This might be attributed to the fact that the observed activation levels of enhancers are not clearly distinguishable from the nonfunctional levels (Fig. 2). Overall, the deepTACT model performed best in predicting both enhancers and silencers. Thus, we used this model in downstream analyses.
Epigenetic markers improve prediction performance
The silencers prediction models developed by Huang and Ovcharenko used only sequence information as input. Our DL model utilizes also epigenetic data. Therefore, next, we examined whether the addition of epigenetic information improves the prediction performance. To this end, we trained the deepTACT model on sequences alone or on sequences together with combinations of additional epigenetic markers. Indeed, our result shows that adding the epigenetic data, and specifically H3K27ac and H3K4me1 signals, improved the prediction performance of our model, with more prominent improvement obtained for enhancers (AUPRC improves from 0.29 to 0.54 for enhancers and from 0.76 to 0.85 for silences) (Supplementary Table 1).
When plotting the average signal across sequences of predicted classes, we found that our model captures epigenetic signals that were not part of the input training data and are relevant to the activity of enhancers and silencers (Fig. 2). For example, high signal for the transcriptional co-activator P300 (EP300), a histone acetyltransferase known to bind active enhancers, was obtained within predicted enhancers but was markedly depleted within silencers. On the other hand, in flanking nucleosomes of predicted silencers we observed high signals for the enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2), which is part of the PRC2 complex, and for H3K27me3. In addition, predicted silencers seem to be more methylated compared to the other two classes. EZH2 can also serve as an activator (16), which could explain the high signals it obtained at the center of the predicted enhancers in the test set (Fig. 2).
Overall, silencers predicted by our model tend to be more methylated and more strongly marked by H3K27me3 than enhancers (Fig. 2). On the other hand, as expected, predicted enhancers tend to be marked by H3K27ac and H3K4me1 and bound by EP300.
Next, we set to determine which features contributed the most to the classification. For this task, we used the integrated gradients (IG) approach (17) (Methods), which calculates feature importance scores per input sample given their labels. The sign of these scores indicate a positive or negative correlation between the feature signal and the classification score. The magnitude of these scores indicates the contribution of the feature to the classification score. We applied this approach to input sequences in the test set given their labels. We found that enhancer classification scores were most positively correlated with H3K4me1 and H3K27ac levels followed by the DNA bases C and G, and DNA methylation features (Fig. 3a). The contribution of both H3K27ac and methylation is in agreement with previous findings of their bivalent role in enhancers (18). In addition, methylation is associated with GC-rich regions, and, as expected enhancers tend to be GC-rich. Interestingly, the G and C features were the only major contributors to silencer classification, with little contribution from the epigenetic marks. This could be attributed to the fact that silencers tend to be closer to TSSs compared to enhancers (mean distance: 18,782 bp vs. 52,324 bp; Supplementary Figure 2). Regions closer to TSSs, e.g., promoters, are highly GC-rich (19). Both enhancer and silencer classification scores were negatively correlated with A and T features. In contrary to enhancer and silencer classifications, classification scores for nonfunctional elements were most positively correlated with A and T features. Chromatin in AT-rich regions is more compacted than in GC-rich regions (20), which could explain why nonfunctional regions are AT-rich. Nonfunctional classification scores were strongly negatively correlated with H3K4me1 levels, as this marker is mostly associated with enhancer regions.
Next, we used the feature importance scores to find enriched motifs in the sequences using TF-MoDISco (21) (Methods). We identified one motif within silencers in the test set. This motif matched the binding motif of SP2 and SP3 TFs (using TomTom (22)) (Fig. 3b), which bind GC-rich elements. A richer set of 8 motifs was found within enhancers in the test set. Among the motifs, one matched Myocyte enhancer factor (MEF) TFs (Fig. 3c), and others matched known B-cell TFs such as: PRDM6, BCL11A, and IRF3 (Supplementary Table 2).
deepTACT predicts novel enhancers and silencers in GM12878
We applied the trained deepTACT model on the ATAC-seq peaks in the exploratory set (containing the set of 70,937 ATAC-seq peaks in GM12878 that were not detected by the ATAC-STARR-Seq assay as having an effect on transcription) in order to find novel enhancers and silencers in GM12878 which were missed by the ATAC-STARR-seq experiment (Methods). The model predicted 3,752 novel enhancers and 518 novel silencers. The epigenetic marks on these predicted elements are similar to those obtained on the experimentally identified enhancers and silencers (Fig. 2; Supplementary Figure 3).
To provide further support for the functionality of these novel predictions, we examined their enrichment for eQTLs and GWAS variants. We used eQTL data from Lymphoblastoid cell lines downloaded from the GEUVADIS database (; Methods). Using logistic regression and accounting for the potential confounding effect of distance to nearest TSS (Methods), we found that the set of novel enhancers predicted by our model is significantly enriched for eQTLs (P<3.1E-24; compared to ATAC-seq peaks not predicted as enhancers/silencers). We observed no eQTL enrichment in the set of predicted silencers, possibly due to their low number (n=518). On the other hand, the sets of experimentally identified enhancers and silencers were both enriched for eQTL signal (P<8.0E-27 and P<6.7E-45, respectively).
Next, we used GWAS summary statistics for 50 diseases and traits from Groenewoud et al. (23). In each one, we kept the SNPs with p-value < 10-7. When performing enrichment analysis of the SNPs in each predicted class, we found that the set of experimentally identified enhancers was enriched for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) risk SNPs (Q<5.2E-5; Supplementary Fig. 4a), an autoimmune disease involving B-cells, as well as for schizophrenia (SCZ) risk SNPs (Q<5.4E-7), in line with a study that implicated increased levels of B-cell cytokines and autoantibodies in SCZ (24). The silencers were also enriched for some diseases albeit at lower statistical significance (Supplementary Fig. 4b). Reassuringly, the set of novel enhancers predicted by our model was also enriched for SLE (Fig. 4a; Q<1.5E-5) and schizophrenia risk SNPs (Q<1.2E-3). No enrichment for GWAS risk SNPs was found within the set of predicted silencers.
Among the SLE risk SNPs in the novel enhancers is rs8052690, located within an enhancer that interacts, according to C-HiC analysis, with the promoter of the IRF8 gene (25) (Fig. 4b). As an another example, the SLE risk SNP rs13240595, which has ~2.5-fold enhancing effect as measured using MPRA (26), is located within a novel enhancer, which is predicted (by FOCS (27) and GeneHancer (25) enhancer-promoter maps) to interact with the promoter of the TNPO3 gene. TNPO3 was previously shown to be associated with SLE (Supplementary Fig. 5) (28).
Predicted novel enhancers and silencers are enriched for binding motifs of known transcriptional activators and repressors
To further support the functionality of the novel enhancers and silencers predicted by our model for GM12878 in the exploratory set, we performed motif enrichment analyses (Methods). Using very stringent cutoffs of q-value=1E-40 and 1.5 fold-enrichment, 54 motifs were found within the novel enhancers, including some well-established B-cell TFs: PAX5, IRF8, BCL11A and SPIB (Supplementary Fig. 6a). 42 (78%) of these motifs were also found among the 93 enriched TFs detected in the set of experimentally identified enhancers. Within the novel predicted silencers, we detected four enriched TFs (Supplementary Fig. 6b). Among them, ZBTB17 and PATZ1 were implicated as transcriptional repressors (29). These four enriched TFs were also found among the 146 enriched TF motifs detected in the set of experimentally identified silencers.
In addition to motif analysis, we also examined enrichment for physical TF binding sites in GM12878. To this goal, we downloaded all 154 available GM12878 ChIP-seq experiments from ENCODE project and analyzed their enrichment within the predicted and experimentally identified sets of enhancers and silencers. For the novel silencers, using stringent cutoffs of q-value=1E-20 and at least 10 fold-enrichment, we found four enriched proteins (Fig. 5a), SUZ12, HDAC6, EZH2 and NRF1. Notably, SUZ12 and EZH2 are members of the PRC2 complex, which represses transcription (30). HDAC6 is a histone deacetylate and marks epigenetic repression (31). The experimentally identified silencers were enriched for binding of 35 proteins (Supplementary Fig. 7a)
The predicted enhancers were enriched for 26 proteins (Fig. 5b), including MAX and MYC, which when in complex act as activators in B-cells (32), and IRF3, which is known to be involved in B-cell functions (33). 18 out of 26 enriched proteins (~69%) were also enriched within the experimentally identified enhancers (Supplementary Fig. 7b).