Human colonization of the islands of the Pacific Ocean was followed by the extinction of thousands of endemic species4,37. Most of these declines occurred so rapidly that it has proven intractable to reconstruct their population and distributional collapses at high spatiotemporal resolution with existing approaches. Our advances in process-driven ecological modelling, complemented by extensive paleontological information, provide invaluable insights into the diverse ecology and demography of moa of New Zealand and the different dynamics underpinning their extinctions.
Reconstructions of population decline, range collapse and extinction of six species of moa, informed and validated by the fossil record, revealed substantial specialization among species, with each species occupying < 20% of the total (across-species) volume of ecological and demographic trait space. Megalapteryx didinus was the most ecologically and demographically distinct species, with the least amount of overlap in trait space with any other species. This was driven largely by having a niche with unusually high marginality, resulting from a particular ecological affinity to high-altitude habitats. Divergence of this most basal moa lineage happened ~ 6 million years ago, during a period of rapid mountain uplift38, and its preference for steep, mountainous habitats39 meant that M. didinus populations were the last and least impacted by expanding human populations on the South Island. Pachyornis geranoides also occupied a relatively unique area of moa trait space characterized by very low population growth rates, distinguishing it from its sister species P. elephantopus (Figure S2).
Dinornis novaezealandiae, Euryapteryx curtus curtus and Euryapteryx curtus gravis emerged as having ecological and demographic attributes that were typical of moa more generally. Their attributes clustered around the center of total trait space for moa, with each species exhibiting moderate overlap in trait space with at least one other moa species. Fossil evidence also points to these taxa having been generalists in their ecological preferences40. For example, the wide distributional record of fossils for D. novaezealandiae and E. curtus curtus, suggests that both species were wide ranging on the North Island, living in environments as diverse as forests and coastal dunes. In the case of D. novaezealandiae, fossils have also been found in subalpine herb fields and grasslands in addition to forest and coastal environments 38,41. Coprolites and gizzard content of Euryapteryx curtus gravis (and D. robustus on the South Island) indicate a broad diet that included fruit, twigs and leaves from small herbs and trees39.
Our modelling suggests that the range collapse and extinction of all species of moa resulted from low but sustained harvest rates, which nevertheless exceeded the limited reproductive capacities of these species. While there has been ample speculation on rates of moa decline following colonization of New Zealand by Polynesians19,20,42,43 our process-driven modelling provides the first evidence of substantial interspecific variation in extinction trajectories. We show that it is likely that P. geranoides went extinct within just 100 years of Polynesian colonization, and nearly 100 years before any other moa. Its high vulnerability to extinction reflects its comparatively low population growth rate. Other species, such as M. didinus, went extinct later, because their ecological and demographic attributes made them more resilient to human hunting. These included a high population abundance, medium-to-high growth rate, large area of occupancy and an ecological preference for high-altitude habitats, which were challenging to Polynesian colonists. A low dispersal capacity for E. curtus curtus, matched with potential behavioural adaptations that minimised human contact, is likely to have effectively isolated their final populations from Polynesian colonists, prolonging persistence for approximately 200 years.
While these ecological and demographic differences influenced timings of extinctions of different species following the arrival of Polynesians in New Zealand, they did not alter patterns in range collapse. Overexploitation by expanding Polynesian populations42 was so dominant that it overwhelmed pre-existing spatial patterns in densities and variations in ecological and demographic attributes of moa, causing convergence in patterns of geographic range collapse of the six species of moa that we studied. The final refugia of all species of moa were in suboptimal habitats that were most isolated from the impacts of humans.
These convergent patterns of range collapse seem to contradict earlier assertions by macroecologists that, because abundance tends to be greatest and least variable in the center of a species’ historic distribution44, geographic ranges of declining species should implode, with final populations persisting in the range center45. Subsequent research, however, discovered that empirical patterns were just the opposite, with final populations of most species being located in isolated reaches of their historic ranges — those last and least impacted by the expanding waves of anthropogenic threats24,46. Our fine spatiotemporal resolution reconstructions of the range and extinction dynamics of six species of moa are consistent with these neontological patterns and observations, indicating that range contractions for moa were largely determined by the dynamic geography of Polynesians and their commensals – disappearing first from high quality lowland habitats, then diminishing in abundance more slowly with increasing elevation and distance from the shores25,47,48.
Moa ranges contracted towards the abundance-weighted latitudinal center of their pre-human distributions in response to Polynesian settlement and subsequent harvesting of birds and their eggs in coastal lowlands. Refugial areas on the North Island were in the Ruahine and Kaweka Ranges, while on the South Island, they were increasingly restricted to the Southern Alps. These refugia invariably were in higher elevations with relatively cool and wet climates, making them suboptimal habitats for the moa but, more importantly, not easily accessible, and less intensively exploited by humans. Similar patterns of more recent range collapses have been reported on other islands, including for widespread Hawai’ian Honeycreepers, where remaining species are restricted to high elevation refugia49. This pattern likely reflects the geography of mountainous islands, where the geographic center of a species distribution can fall in sub-optimal, high elevation habitat, even when directly accounting for the distributional pattern of spatial abundance44, as done here.
Our integrative modelling shows how knowledge of the spatial dynamics of ancient extinctions can inform likely pathways of decline for extant species and vice versa. We show that extant flightless birds in New Zealand are retreating to the same final sanctuaries of moa, regardless of their initial and once expansive historic ranges12. Thus, New Zealand’s flightless birds are contracting their ranges to isolated and high elevation refugia as they decline towards extinction, like moa did many centuries ago. Again, this pattern arises not because these sites provide the best habitat, but because they are the most isolated from the effects of European colonists and the mammalian predators that they introduced50.
There are eight remaining flightless endemic birds on the main islands of New Zealand today, seven of these are threatened with extinction. These include a flightless parrot, the kākāpō (Strigops habroptilus), two rails, the takahē (Porphyrio hochstetteri) and the weka (Gallirallus australis), and five species of kiwi (Apteryx spp.). In the 1980’s, before wide-scale conservation-driven translocations51, the kākāpō, takahē, tokoeka (Apteryx haastii) and roroa (Apteryx australis) were confined exclusively to small distributions in mountainous areas where moa last persisted. This is despite having extensive wide-ranging pre-human distributions16. Even the most widespread and least threatened of these flightless birds — the weka and the North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) — were most frequently sighted in mountainous areas close to moa refugia (Figure S7). The North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli) has one population inhabiting lowland habitats of the Northland Peninsula (Figure S7), which are far from the last stronghold of moa on this island. This apparent anomaly reflects early implementation of in situ management programs for flightless birds on the Northland Peninsula and demographic traits that promote resilience to extinction, including a high reproductive capacity52.
Although current-day drivers of decline of New Zealand’s native birds differ from those that drove the collapse and loss of moa, the geographic signatures of these extinction forces are largely similar in that they reflect the spatial dynamics of anthropogenic forces. Habitat conversion by Europeans and their commensals (competitors, predators, pathogens and parasites53) spread from lowland sites of initial introduction and, like the earlier waves of Polynesian expansion, remain least severe in the most isolated, mountainous regions54. Thus, the key factor in the persistence of the remaining endemic species of New Zealand is the preservation of their geographic and ecological isolation.
New Zealand represents just one of many island systems of globally-significant biodiversity and conservation55. The Hawai’ian archipelago lost more species of native birds following human settlement than New Zealand8, as did many other Pacific archipelagos, yet we have little understanding of the spatiotemporal dynamics of biodiversity loss in these unique island ecosystems. Similarly rapid extinction of elephant birds and other megafauna occurred on Madagascar following human arrival56–58, with many other species lost on the neighboring Mascarene Islands59, but their timing and dynamics remain obscure. Applying process-driven statistical-simulation models to these events — informed and validated by fossil, subfossil and archaeological records — holds great promise for untangling the history of forces contributing to the decline of biological diversity across the oceanic realm, providing novel insights for conserving endemic species in the face of current and future threats.