Mainstream economic theories of rational decision-making assume that preferences are consistent and context-independent. Consistency implies that the relative preferences among two options should not be reversed if a third alternative is added to the choice set. Similarly, context independence imposes that the evaluation of an option should not be affected by the presence of an inferior, irrelevant, or unobtainable alternative (for a review, see Rieskamp et al., 2006). Whatever their merits as a normative model of rational choice, these economic axioms failed the empirical test. Decision makers' preferences are sensitive to the context and change according to the quantity and quality of the available alternatives (Lichtenstein & Slovic, 2006). Context effects prove that manipulating the choice set by adding irrelevant alternatives shifts the preference order and changes the attribution of subjective values (Pettibone & Wedell, 2000; Prelec et al., 1997).
One of the most studied context effects is the attraction effect (AE; Huber et al., 1982; also known as the decoy effect or asymmetric dominance effect). It shows that adding to a binary choice set a new alternative (decoy), that is built to be clearly inferior to one of the pre-existing options, increases the relative choice share of the dominating alternative (target), at the expense of the other option (competitor; Huber et al., 1982). For example, the probability of choosing a print-and-web subscription to a journal that costs 125$ compared to the online subscription at 59$ is higher when the choice set also includes the only print subscription at 125$, a clearly irrelevant and inferior option (Ariely, 2008). To elicit AE, alternatives are usually described on at least two attribute dimensions (i.e., quality and price), thus eliciting so-called “multiattribute decision making”; moreover, the target alternative must clearly dominate the decoy option, which in turn must not be clearly dominated by the competitor option. Most of the previous literature employed decoys built to be equally rewarding on one dimension (i.e., quality) but evidently disadvantageous on the other attribute (i.e., price) compared to the dominant target option (“asymmetrically dominated decoys” - AD; Lichters et al. 2015).
To date, context effects have been repeatedly observed in humans, both in laboratory studies and real-life scenarios, across various domains. To mention a few: political elections (Herne, 1997), risky and intertemporal decisions (Marini & Paglieri, 2019), consumer choices (Huber et al., 1982), medical and legal judgments (Schwartz & Chapman, 1999; Kelman et al., 1996), dating preferences (Ariely, 2008), and many others. Importantly, in recent years, context effects have also been demonstrated in merely perceptual tasks (Trueblood et al., 2013; Liao et al., 2021), where decisions require a simple perceptual discrimination (i.e., choosing between stimuli based on their physical characteristics, namely width or height), in contrast with preferential-based decisions, that are instead managed by high-level cognitive processes (Busemeyer et al., 2019). Since perceptual choice tasks entail quick and intuitive decisions that do not need deliberation or justifications, it is reasonable to assume that context effects would have emerged early in ontogenetic and phylogenetic development (Zhen & Yu, 2016). Integrated models of the role of context effects on, respectively, perceptual and value-based choices have also been proposed: for instance, a recent process tracing study suggests that context effects may, at first, be elicited by perceptual cues of the choice set (i.e., attribute salience), before being strengthened by higher cognitive operations (such as value integration and attribute-wise comparative processes; Marini et al., 2020; 2022).
Interestingly, another, markedly different, type of decoys can also affect the decision-making process: unavailable (phantom) decoys (PDs; Pettibone & Wedell, 2007). A phantom decoy is an option inserted into the choice set that can be compared with the others and evaluated against them, yet it remains unavailable for actual selection. Contrary to AD decoys, PD alternatives dominate the target option. Despite its unavailability, the unobtainable option increases preferences for the dominated target. This means that the asymmetrically dominated option A gains a significant share when a superior unavailable option P is added to the choice set (Pettibone & Wedell, 2007). Phantom superior unobtainable decoys, firstly introduced by Pratkanis & Farquhar (1992) in opposition to real decoys (available inferior options), have been subsequently divided into known and unknown phantoms (Scarpi & Pizzi, 2013). Known PDs are clearly labeled as unavailable (i.e., sold-out products) from the stimulus onset, while unknown PDs seem to be authentic available options until the decision maker tries to select them. Whereas known PDs usually strengthen target preferences, unknown PDs trigger a reactance process that leads to higher competitor selections (Scarpi & Pizzi, 2013).
Several explanations of these context effects have been proposed. With respect to ADs, available theories include weight-based explanations (Huber et al., 1982), prospect theory (Kahneman, 1979), high-level cognitive explanations (Simonson, 1989; Hedgcock & Rao, 2009), perceptual explanations (Dimara et al., 2017), and salience-driven processes (Bordalo et al., 2013). As regards PDs, the two main theories that have been used to explain its elicitation are the relative advantage model (Tversky & Simonson, 1993) and the similarity-substitution hypothesis (Pettibone & Wedell, 2000). Tversky and Simonson (1993) suggested that the phantom option serves as the reference point during decision-making, with only the relative advantages and disadvantages of the alternatives being considered. In contrast, Pettibone and Wedell (2000) suggest that decision-makers, using a heuristic strategy, tend to select the option most similar to the unavailable one without reordering their preferences. However, given the pervasiveness of context effects in our everyday decisions, scholars recently shifted their attention towards models aimed at accounting for the underlying cognitive mechanisms responsible for multiple decoy effects – that is, capable of explaining both ADs and PDs within the same theoretical framework. For example, sequential sampling models (SSMs), such as the drift-diffusion model (Krajbich & Rangel, 2011), the linear ballistic accumulator model (Trueblood et al., 2014), and the multialternative decision field theory (Roe et al., 2001), assume that the decision maker accumulates evidence for the alternatives using options' attributes as input of a comparative process. These comparative processes affect the allocation of subjective values and are translated into choice once a certain threshold is reached (Noguchi & Stewart, 2014). Indeed, the most plausible reason a non-chosen irrelevant alternative can affect a decision maker's preference order is that the preferred alternative is previously compared with other options (Choplin & Hummel, 2005). From a theoretical point of view, SSMs explain the elicitation of context effects both in value-based and perceptual choices (Busemeyer et al., 2019) and recently showed a good fit to empirical data (see Turner et al., 2018 for a comparison of the most influential models).
As mentioned above, recent findings on the merely perceptual nature of context effects suggest that they could be rooted in our evolutionary history and may have played an adaptive role in shaping our decisional mechanisms. Indeed, context effects appear to be widespread in non-human animals (Parrish et al., 2015), possibly pointing at an interspecific use of some comparative evaluation mechanisms, which results in systematic violations of basic rationality axioms. ADs have been reported to affect choice in many non-human species, such as slime molds (Latty & Beekman, 2011), starlings and hummingbirds (Bateson et al., 2002; Morgan et al., 2012), honeybees (Shafir et al., 2002) and dogs (Jackson & Roberts, 2021). As regards PDs, there is only preliminary evidence supporting their effectiveness in shifting preferences in non-human animals. Tan and colleagues (2015) proved that empty food feeders affected honeybees' choices. Scarpi (2011) reported a preference change in cats choosing between different food options in which one alternative was unreachable. Lea & Ryan (2015) documented an influence of an unavailable decoy in mate choices of túngara frogs. In all three studies, adding a phantom alternative increased the selection of the most similar dominated alternative.
Regarding primates, existing evidence on ADs is more controversial and inconclusive. A first perceptual task by Parrish and colleagues (2015) found an attraction effect in macaques choosing among geometric figures. However, the following value-based study with the same species failed to replicate the effect (Parrish et al., 2018). Similar negative results have been reported in comparable studies on other primate species, such as capuchins monkeys (Cohen & Santos, 2017) or great apes (Sanchez-Amaro et al., 2019), choosing between different food options. Despite this corpus of negative evidence, two recent studies on capuchin monkeys made a methodological improvement directly measuring monkeys' preferences at baseline levels, which lead to observe significant preference shifts towards the target option using ADs (Watzek & Brosnan, 2020; Marini et al., 2023). Human literature recently clarified that the context effect is muted when decision makers already have a strong preference among alternatives, prior to the introduction of the AD decoy (Huber et al., 2014; Farmer et al., 2016; Gaudeul & Crosetto, 2019). In Watzek and Brosnan’s (2020) and Marini and colleagues (2023) studies, ternary choice sets that included a decoy were built after assessing the order of preference for the two foods involved and estimating the indifference point between the less favorite and the most favorite food for each animal. These studies represented the first observations of the decoy effect in primates in a value-based task.
Moreover, in Marini and colleagues (2023) study, capuchin monkeys seemed to be sensitive to the distance between the decoy and the target in the attribute space. More specifically, building the dominated decoys by halving the target amount and employing a fixed amount of the favorite food (2 units) and different amounts of the non-favorite food (up to 8 units) led Marini and colleagues to employ decoys with a different degree of similarity with the target options. In doing so, they reported a violation of context independence in two opposite directions. Capuchin monkeys exhibited a strong attraction effect when the decoy was very similar to the target (in the favorite food condition) and a consistent repulsion effect (i.e., an increase in competitor preferences) when the irrelevant option was farther from the dominant alternative (in the less favorite food condition). This result is not new in the human literature (Spektor et al., 2018; Evans et al., 2021), and it is coherent with a recent study that examined the impact of the distance of the decoy in the attribute space (Liao et al., 2021). Unfortunately, Marini and colleagues’ study (2023) does not allow to discriminate whether the elicitation of the repulsion effect was due either to the different distance of the decoy from the target alternative, or to the type of food (more or less preferred) being targeted.
Whereas evidence of Ads in non-human primates is mixed, it appears to be entirely non-existent with respect to PDs: to the best of our knowledge, no study has yet investigated the phantom decoy effect in non-human primates. Thus, the present study intends to fill this gap by exploring the elicitation of context effects in capuchin monkeys, using an experimental protocol in which capuchins were presented with choices including, across different trials, both Ads and PDs.
As in previous studies, we first estimated capuchins' preferences in binary choices, to later administer ternary trials in which target and competitor options were near the subjective indifference points. We had three different decoy conditions, depending on the type of decoy being included: (a) a real asymmetric decoy dominated by the favorite or the non-favorite food option to verify if the elicitation of the attraction effect is sensitive to the food type (Marini et al., 2023); (b) an unavailable (phantom) version of the same asymmetric decoy dominated by the favorite or the non-favorite food, to assess the influence of irrelevant unavailable decoys on capuchins' preferences; (c) a standard phantom decoy that dominated the favorite or the non-favorite food option, to investigate the influence of potentially relevant yet unavailable options on subjects’ preferences.
This paradigm was developed to test the following hypotheses:
H 1 ) We hypothesized that adding an asymmetrically dominated decoy would have affected capuchins’ preferences, increasing target selections regardless of the decoy direction (favorite or non-favorite food). In short, we expected the elicitation of the attraction effect in both real AD conditions. We supposed that previous findings on the repulsion effect were, therefore, due to an asymmetric location of the decoy in the attribute space (Liao et al., 2021; Marini et al., 2023).
H 2 ) Since previous literature confirmed that non-human animals are able to recognize the dominance relationship within the choice set (target-decoy), choosing decoy alternatives in a negligible number of trials, we assumed that making the dominated alternative unavailable would not interfere with AE elicitation. Coherently with SSMs, we hypothesized that also the PD would be able to play its comparative role and thus increase target selections, despite its unavailability.
H 3 ) Lastly, regarding the PD condition, we assumed an impact of the unavailable superior option in both the decoy directions. Since the only way for the unavailable option (PD) to affect capuchins' preferences is to be compared with other options in the choice set, this result would represent further evidence supporting SSMs and comparative models.