Forest litterfall is a critical flux that relates net primary production of a forest to carbon and nutrient cycling as well as litter and soil organic carbon pools (Vogt et al., 1986). Recent literature on litterfall has investigated role of plantation age, vegetation characteristics on total and leaf litterfall and resolved the seasonality of litterfall. Quantification of litter fall fluxes and carbon pools are essential to study the carbon cycle within the forests. In depth understating of carbon sequestration potential of forests and their contributions to net carbon emissions is a pre requisite. A spatial analysis could reveal the districts undergoing changes as well as district with higher potential for sequestration and support action for mitigation. These computations facilitate a better understanding of the productivity within the forest ecosystems. Remote sensing techniques can be coupled with biospheric and ecosphere models and can prove to be a promising method to investigate information at regional, national and global scales.
Recent methodological enhancements use improved geostatistical and machine learning methods on a wider set of geospatial covariates (Shen et al., 2019, Geng et al., 2022, Zhao et al., 2022) and use of remote sensing data in estimating litterfall (Wang et al., 2016, Hu et al., 2019, Shen et al., 2019). Recently there is spurt in studies reporting field measurements and their statistical models (Wen and He, 2016; Shen et al., 2017, You et al., 2017, Jia et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019, Zhang et al., 2018), which however do not address the spatial variation at regional scale. Detailed observation on total and leaf litterfall have been reported on sample plots. Using individual studies, global and regional database of litterfall and associated observations have been compiled such as (a) Global – Bray and Gorham, 1964, Vogt et al., 1986, Zhang et al., 2014, Shen at el., 2019, Li et al., 2019, Holland et al., 2015 (A global data base of litterfall, litter and nutrients contains 1497 data records from 575 locations extracted from 685 publications), etc. and (b) Regional- Chinese forests (Zhao et al., 2022, Jia et al., 2020), European forests (Neumann et al., 2018) etc. Use of global data sets for regional variability and climate-based models & quantification of total litterfall flux have been critical in quantifying litterfall flux for different forest types (Mathews 1997) as well as to develop relation with climatic factors (Meentemeyer et al., 1982).
In the past two decades, there had been an increase in the number of publications on litterfall as well as simultaneous increase in the high-resolution forest datasets with the advancements in remote sensing, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic information system (GIS) technologies in India. Preliminary literature survey for litterfall measurements in India indicated uneven coverage over forest types and regions. A recent global synthesis on litterfall (Holland et al., 2015) also under-reports Indian data. Indian studies as forest-wise summaries are provided by Dadhwal et al., 1997, Chhabra & Dadhwal 2004., and Ahirwal et al., 2021 with environmental correlates. In spite of publications of number of global syntheses, availability of larger set of Indian site-level data (listed in Supplementary Materials as Litterfall Studies in India.pdf) and improvement through multi-parameter use of remote sensing and data-machine learning methods (Fararoda et al., 2021; Mishra et al., 2020; Belgiu and Drăguţ, 2016; Breiman 2001; Srinet et al., 2019; Sreenivas et al., 2014), there have been no further reassessment of litterfall over Indian forests. Hence, there arises a need to revisit and predict the spatial and temporal variability of updated forest litterfall and the distribution maps using the climate data and the advanced geospatial and machine learning techniques. Machine learning has become a powerful tool for studying ecological parameters and modelling litterfall.
Litterfall estimates for Indian forests and their dynamics with respect to changes in forest cover, crown cover density and increase in plantation forests are critical to understand the forest carbon cycle changes. Methodology of meta-analysis of published studies and the spatial assessment using data-driven approach and Remote Sensing (RS)- derived inputs as demonstrated in this study can be adopted for nation-wide multiple time assessment. This study uses published forest type maps, remote sensing (RS), and machine-learning (ML) based techniques to capture the spatial variability in litterfall. Backward linkage of spatially gridded litterfall to forest fraction, and biomass and forward linkage to litter and soil organic pool would be critical in accurate assessment of changing terrestrial carbon cycle and monitoring the progress of India to committed national goals as part of Paris agreement 2015.
For developing a methodology and inter comparison amongst various approaches, study area is confined to the state of Uttarakhand in Central Himalayas as it had the largest concentration of published data on litterfall. Here, the use of RS & ML is explored for 1km resolution spatial mapping of litterfall for a study region of Uttarakhand. Also related to litterfall is observations on litterpool and SOC. Major Objectives of the study were to compare the estimates of annual litterfall for state of Uttarakhand from four methodological approaches (i) Meta-analysis of local litterfall measurements with remote sensing-derived forest type area, (ii) Total Annual Litterfall using four different methods. iii) To model and generate a gridded layer of Litterfall at a spatial resolution of 1km*1km using varying satellite data inputs and to compare them with other existing global models. iv) To apply a new data-driven approach (Random Forest Technique) to estimate the Total Annual Litterfall and generate a spatial map. Comparison of output was performed on both state-level total litterfall and scatter plot of spatial output from geospatial and data-driven approach.
Study area
In India, the largest published studies on litterfall have been conducted over the state of Uttarakhand (Fig. 1). Hence, the study aimed to focus the spatial assessment of litterfall over the Uttarakhand. Forests prove to be an integral part of the socio- economic and cultural life of people in Uttarakhand. The terrain is mostly hilly in this region, except in the regions of Bhabar and Tarai. Thick forest patches of Pine sps., Quercus sps., Shorea robusta, Rhododendron sps., Tectona grandis, Dalbergia sissoo, Cedrus deodara, Adina cordifolia, Acacia catechu and Terminalia bellirica tree species occupy the area at varying latitudes.
Forest type groups identified by Champion and Seth (1968) in Uttarakhand include 44 types, namely, Dry deciduous (DD), Moist Deciduous (MD), Sub tropical Broad leaved (STB), Sub Tropical Conifer (STC), Montane Temperate Broadleaved (MTB), Montane Temperate Conifer (MTC), Sub Alpine Forests (SAF), and Plantations (Pltn). Recent remote sensing-based forest and vegetation mapping studies include Roy et al., (2016) and Reddy et al., (2015). The elevations play an important role in determining the forest type distribution.