The Sentinel-2 satellite image product level is still raw data with level 1C so it still requires geometric correction to reach MSI level-2A. Geometric correction is the placement of pixel values in such a way that the results can be seen by objects on the earth's surface that are recorded by the sensor. In this research, to improve the geolocation accuracy of geometric correction and atmospheric correction using the Sentinel Application Platform, namely SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) developed by ESA (European Space Agency).
NDWI is a wettability index developed to describe bodies of water from satellite imagery. The NDWI wettability index is a satellite derived index from the Near-Infrared (NIR) and Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) channels which are very closely related to the water content in vegetation. NDWI is used to achieve the goal of isolating water and non-water features (water content) in the Pasee-Peusangan WS. NDWI is presented in the form of maps and tables so that it displays information about the spatial distribution of vegetation water pressure and its temporal changes over a period of time.
This study uses one image data, namely the MSI Sentinel-2 Satellite Image on June 13, 2022 in WS Pasee-Peusangan. The results of the NDWI analysis in this study are shown in Fig. 2.
The NDWI value in this study was based on Mc Feeters, S. K. (1996) which is between − 1 to 1. The designation is 0.2–1- surface water, 0.0–0.2 – Flood, humidity, -0.3–0 .0 38 – Moderate dryness, non-aqueous surface, -1 – -0.3 – Dryness, non-aqueous surface (McFeeters, 1996).
The total area of the research area based on the overlay area is 553,749 hectares, inputted from the Pasee-Peusangan watershed digitized data (shapefile). Based on the results of the NDWI classification process carried out with ArcGis 10.1, it can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3
Classification of NDWI in Pasee-Peusangan watershed
No | Category | Range | Wide (Ha) | Percentage (%) |
1 | Low Wetness, Non-Aqueous Surface | -1 until − 0.3 | 478.089 | 86,34 |
2 | Moderate wetness, Non-Waterless Surface | -0.3 to 0.000001 | 62.926 | 11,36 |
3 | humidity, flooding | 0.000001 to 0.200001 | 6.989 | 1,26 |
4 | Water surface | 0.2 to 1.000001 | 5.745 | 1,04 |
| | Total | 553.749 | 100 |
Most of the Pasee-Peusangan watershed is in the category of low and moderate wetness, meaning that this area is at risk of drought. Meanwhile, a small portion of Pasee-Peusangan watershed is in the category of flood humidity which has a risk of flooding. This is in accordance with the results of research conducted by Ramadhini and Sukojo (2017), regarding the analysis of deforestation rates in North Aceh District, which is one of the areas in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed, 2000, 2003 and 2015. The results of his research indicate that the protected forest area of Aceh District In the north, there is illegal logging and land clearing, causing land cover conversion. the effect of this conversion is the destruction of tens of thousands of hectares of forest which has an impact on the water system in this area. After obtaining visual information on water bodies using the NDWI method, the next step is the process using the NDTI method.
NDTI is a normalized turbidity difference index which is a method that has been adapted to assess turbidity with multi-spectral remote sensing (Bid and Siddique, 2019). NDTI estimates water turbidity and is grouped into 3 categories namely low, medium and high based on the average and standard deviation of the NDTI values obtained using Satellite Imagery with the help of ArcGIS software.
The NDTI values on the map are distinguished by color, green for low sediment turbidity levels, yellow for medium turbidity levels and red for high turbidity levels. This sediment content is indicated based on the level of difference in the soil silt content at the study site. The greater the NDTI level, the greater the concentration of silt soil material in the area. The classification of NDTI values in the Pasee-Peusangan watershed can be seen in Fig. 3.
NDTI has an important role to identify and measure sediment characteristics (Bid and Siddique, 2019). NDTI was originally intended to describe water turbidity (Mondal and Bandyopadhyay, 2014). The form of turbidity can be in the form of clay soil, silt deposits, organic materials and non-organic materials (Aziz et al, 2015). Therefore, the material that causes turbidity on land is also closely related to clay or sediment matters, in Fig. 3 it can be seen that the NDTI classification in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed shows that several areas that have high silt content are in accordance with the characteristics of this area which are in lowland with the shape of a basin, and flooding often occurs in this area.
At several other points in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed, the area has characteristics with hilly topography and sandy loam soil types. The results showed that there was an indication of silt content with medium and high classifications. A number of river and lake networks are identified in green, which means that the level of turbidity or sediment content is at a low level.
Most of the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed, the NDTI classification is in the low turbidity range with a percentage of 80.30% of the area of the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed. The turbidity condition in this area is low from the threat of landslides and inundation. The area with clay, silt and sediment makes the area prone to landslides and flood inundation. Meanwhile, in several other areas within the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed, most of them are vulnerable to landslide threats and some points are vulnerable to flood inundation. According to Hossain (2020), there is a relationship between residue coverage and NDTI can identify agricultural land processing practices. Higher residual values are due to unmanaged agricultural practices. The NDTI range values in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4
NDTI range values in Pasee-Peusangan watershed
No | Catagory | Range | Wide (Ha) | Percentage (%) |
1 | Low | -0,0212 until − 0,0379 | 440.050,79 | 80,30 |
2 | Moderate | -0.0379 sampai 0,0697 | 94.750,99 | 17,29 |
3 | High | 0.0697 sampai 0,1952 | 13.227,51 | 2,41 |
| Total | 548.029,30 | 100 |
The NDTI value and turbidity level are positively correlated, the turbidity level describes the concentration level in units of mg/l (Bid and Siddique, 2019). One of the factors causing changes in turbidity level characteristics is reduced forest area and agricultural practices without regard to conservation techniques (Aziz et al, 2015).
Remote sensing is capable of monitoring and assessing water bodies on land by extracting water spectral information and converting it into several water quality parameters such as total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity (Saberioon et al., 2023). In the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed, the TSS content of water bodies can be seen in Fig. 4.
From Fig. 4 it shows that several areas with high TSS content are in North Aceh District. It can be seen that the characteristics of the area are residential areas with sloping basins that are prone to flooding, so this makes a lot of sediment content there. So that the results of the research data also provide information regarding the potential and vulnerability of the soil structure contained therein. In accordance with the results of the study by Chang et al (2021) which stated that topography and land conversion variables were associated with an increase in TSS values. TSS distribution using an algorithm can provide estimated results for turbidity for the 2015 and 2019 periods from Landsat satellite imagery (Ichwana, et al., 2022). The results of the analysis of estimated TSS content in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5
The results of the analysis of estimated TSS content in the Pasee-Peusangan Watershed
No | Concentration (mg/l) | Wide (Ha) | Percentage (%) |
1 | 0 to 0.000537 | 533.868,41 | 98,1 |
2 | 0.00161 to 0.002147 | 1.249,06 | 0,2 |
3 | 0.002147 to 8.781607 | 5.268,17 | 1,0 |
4 | 17.563214 to 26.344821 | 365,81 | 0,1 |
5 | 26.344821 to 35.126428 | 2.703,97 | 0,5 |
6 | 35.126428 to 43.908035 | 481,58 | 0,1 |
| | 543.936,99 | 100 |
To assess the performance of the algorithm obtained at Sentinel-2, it is necessary to validate the TSS content of the image processing to confirm that the field data was taken at several points in the area. Data from field measurements are presented in Table 6 below.
Table 6
Results of TSS measurements in the field
No. | Location | Coordinate | TSS Value (mg/l) |
X | Y |
1 | Tengoh Seulemak village, Matang Kuli (hulu) sub-district | 97,2356917 | 5,01402500 | 32 |
2 | Jembatan Besi Parang Sikareung village, Matang Kuli sub-district | 97,2672333 | 5,03526667 | 30 |
3 | Jembatan Besi Keude Lhoksukon, Lhoksukon sub-district | 97,0774833 | 5,14360000 | 31 |
4 | Desa Meunasah Asan, Lhoksukon sub-district | 97,2096361 | 5,11752778 | 51 |
5 | Jembatan Gantung Trieng Pantang village, Lhoksukon (hilir) sub-district | 97,2946222 | 5,09946944 | 49 |
6 | Bendungan/Intake PDAM Desa Beunyot, Juli Bireuen sub-district | 96,7020806 | 5,11524444 | 22 |
7 | Jembatan Besi Desa Kubu Peusangan Bireuen sub-district | 96,8043583 | 5,18344167 | 26 |
8 | Tiengkem Manyang village. Kuta Blang (Hilir) Bireuen sub-district | 96,8281556 | 5,21072222 | 26,5 |
The results of image processing at each location coordinate are the same as field sampling can be seen in Table 7. The TSS value obtained between the sentinel-2 image processing results and the allgorima is not much different from the measurement results from field samples. Only a few points where there is a large difference in the measurement data obtained.
Table 7
TSS measurement results based on image processing
No. | Location | TSS value from imagery (mg/L) |
1 | Tengoh Seulemak village, Matang Kuli (hulu) sub-district | 31,4 |
2 | Jembatan Besi village Parang Sikareung, Matang Kulu sub-district | 31,6 |
3 | Jembatan Besi Keude Lhoksukon, Lhoksukon sub-district | 35,2 |
4 | Meunasah Asan village, Lhoksukon sub-district | 46,6 |
5 | Jembatan Gantung Gampong Trieng Pantang, Lhoksukon (hilir) sub-district | 50,3 |
6 | Bendungan/Intake PDAM Beunyot village, Juli Bireuen sub-district | 22,6 |
7 | Jembatan Besi Kubu village. Peusangan Bireuen sub-district | 25,3 |
8 | Tiengkem Manyang village, Kuta Blang (Hilir) Bireuen sub-district | 26,7 |
The results of the validation test between field measurement data and Sentinel-2 Image data are presented in Table 8.
Table 8
Table of Calculation of RMSE, RE and R2 Values
Imagery data | 31,4 | 31,6 | 35,2 | 46,6 | 50,3 | 22,6 | 25,3 | 26,7 |
Field data | 32 | 30 | 31 | 51 | 49 | 22 | 26 | 26,5 |
RMSE | 0,21 | | |
RE (%) | 9,97 | | |
\({\varvec{R}}^{2}\) | 0,94 | | |
RMSE provides information on the concentration of water quality parameters. RE is related to satellite-derived distribution. \({R}^{2}\) is the relationship between in situ measurements and estimated measurements and estimates of water quality parameters from TSS concentrations from Sentinel-2 Imagery. The RMSE value of 0.21 indicates that the accuracy of image data with field data is in a reasonable predictive category. The RE value (%) is 9.97 in the acceptable category. The \({R}^{2}\)value of 0.94 means it is in the very good category.
The water quality in the river appears to vary at the observation point, this depends on anthropogenic activities that are the source of pollution. Illegal gold mining and C minerals like sand and stone excavation activities can increase water pollution (Rahmatillah et al., 2021). Apart from that, erosion that occurs due to land use change can also increase total suspended sediment (Muntazar et. Al, 2021). Spatial water quality compared with field test results can be a consideration in managing water pollution with the right strategy. The use of sentinel-2 imagery in monitoring water quality can be considered because it can provide high suitability and accuracy (Sharma et al. 2018).