This study carried out the BST to induce muscle fatigue and performed an ART in response to sudden visual stimulation in people with and without cLBP, and determined the reaction time before and after fatigue. We found that: 1) the TRT and PMT before muscle fatigue were reduced in cLBP group, compared to HC group (P < 0.05); 2) following muscle fatigue, the TRT and PMT were prolonged in cLBP group compared with the before muscle fatigue (P < 0.05), and 3) the degree of MDTRT and MDPMT were positively correlated with both pain perception and fear-avoidance beliefs.
Chronic pain and reaction time
Reaction time is usually measured by limb movement response to target stimulation[30]. reflecting an individual’s ability to cope with the danger on sudden perturbation conditions and relying on the integration of sensorimotor, visuospatial skills, and cognitive psychological function[31]. Certain earlier studies have shown that chronic pain can alter the reaction time through affecting cognitive psychological function[32, 33] and motor sensory integration [34-36]. As an example, one study measured hand and foot reaction time in response to light stimulation among individuals with and without chronic neck pain, the results showed that people with chronic neck pain had slower hand and foot reactions along with poorer hand-eye coordination[37]. In addition, another study investigated the impact of chronic musculoskeletal pain on simple and choice foot reaction time in the elderly, indicated that both pain and light interferences contributed to slower foot reaction time, which hindered physical response and increased vulnerability to falls[30]. Furthermore, in relation to trunk reaction time during slip perturbation, a study manifested no significant difference between individuals afflicted with cLBP and those without such pain[38].
Inconsistent with the above research, a study measured the ankle muscle reaction time after inducing slip perturbations on a treadmill, and found that compared with healthy individuals, cLBP exhibited faster reaction time on the dominant tibialis anterior muscles. This suggests that cLBP patients may adopt a dominance-dependent compensatory strategy to enhance dynamic balance control[39]. Additionally, Tomasz Sipko et al. speculated that cLBP patients exhibited shorter preparation time in the sit-to-stand task due to adopting posture compensation strategy[40]. Furthermore, a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis draw the conclusion that chronic pain patients, including those with fibromyalgia, had faster reaction time toward pain-related information compared to asymptomatic individuals[41]. In view of the above research, it’s reasonable to assume that chronic pain might play an important role in response to sudden postural perturbation, the discrepancy among this research could be attributed to gender and task differences. In the present study, we compared the limb movement responses to sudden postural perturbation in individuals with and without cLBP and found that cLBP had shorter reaction time, which aligns with the findings of prior studies by Sung PS,et al[39] and Sipko T, et al[40], inferring that pain might contribute to hypervigilance or facilitated attention[41]. Besides, we still observed that the shortened reaction time mainly occurred during PMT phase, indicating that this alteration might primarily be influenced by the central components of the neuromuscular response process, specifically the cognitive and psychological dimensions.
Muscle fatigue and reaction time
Patients with cLBP are more prone to experience exercise-induced muscle fatigue[9]. Meanwhile, some previous studies have highlighted that exercise-induced muscle fatigue might serve as a significant factor to alter the postural control as well as prompt the occurrence or recurrence of low back pain. For example, one study performed by Allison GT et al. using bilateral arm raising test to conduct postural perturbation, found that the anticipatory response of external oblique muscle would be facilitated after trunk extensor muscle fatigue, and declared that the activation latency change of the trunk postural muscles caused by fatigue may be related to the occurrence of low back pain[42];
Furthermore, by inducing abdominal muscle fatigue, Allison GT et al. also found that the magnitude of muscle activity during anticipant postural adjustments was decreased about 20% in both rectus abdominis (fatigued muscle) and erector spinae (not fatigued), and they implied this muscle activity might rely on central fatigue effect[43]. In our study, we observed the TRT of cLBP were significantly prolonged after local lumbar back muscle fatigue, especially in PMT phrase. These observations indicated that 1) muscle fatigue caused a negative impact on cLBP to cope with sudden postural perturbation; 2) PMT seemed to carry more weight in the whole reaction time. For this issue, the extension in reaction time could be attributed to the fact that muscle fatigue brings about alterations in cognitive and psychological processes[44, 45]. Hence, we have reason to deem that fatigue is not an independent or limited factor in the central and peripheral system, and the relationship is intricate and mutually influential, aligning with the viewpoint of Morris SL, et al.’s research[43].
Interestingly, the pre-muscle fatigue TRT, PMT and EMD were not significantly different from post-muscle fatigue in HC group. We considered that this could be attributed to the ample neural resource capacity inherent in healthy individuals[46]. Even under conditions of fatigue, they possess adequate neural resources to effectively address abrupt perturbations, negating the need for alterations in reaction time, as also described by Le Mansec Y et al[5]. Additionally, we also noted that both the pre- and post-muscle fatigue EMD remained unaltered in individuals with and without cLBP. Notably, some previous similar studies have yielded different results. For example, Sajjad Abdollah et al.’s[19] study revealed that the EMD of lower limb muscles (gastrocnemius, tibialis anterior, and semitendinosus) in basketball players with cLBP had changed through inducing lower limb muscle fatigue. Furthermore, another study performed intermittent isometric knee flexions at 60% of the maximum voluntary contraction until failure, and demonstrated that fatigue training resulted in shorter EMD of knee muscles (biceps femoris, semitendinosus, etc.) in healthy individuals with higher training status[47]. The reason for the discrepancy between our research and aforementioned study might be attributed to the target observe muscle was different. Specifically, the target muscles in the cited studies were subjected to fatigue load, resulting in altered EMD. Conversely, the deltoid muscle was not undergoing fatigue load in our study, likely contributing to the stability of EMD. In other words, EMD is the time interval between muscle electrical signal excitation and muscle torque signal generation, and is more closely related to local tissue metabolic changes[48], while the deltoid muscle was undistributed by fatigue load in our research, which might be the reason why EMD remained stable.
Pain related fear-avoidance and reaction time
The patients with cLBP often accompany a certain degree of pain-related fear beliefs, and the severity of these beliefs is closely associated with reaction time delay. As an illustration, one previous study, executing a seated rapid arm flexion in self-initiated and cued conditions, found that the delay of postural adjustments time was correlated with fear-avoidance beliefs in cLBP[49]. Similarly, another study focusing on reaction time under dual-task conditions (performing an auditory task while receiving electrical stimulation) demonstrated that the reaction time was prolonged more obviously in cLBP, compared to asymptomatic individuals. Moreover, regression analyses unveiled that high pain-related fear was associated with reaction time delay[50].
As previously stated, the change of reaction time was correlated with pain-related fear beliefs as well as ascribed by muscle fatigue effect. However, it has not been clearly reported whether the changes of reaction time induced by muscle fatigue are related to pain-related fear beliefs. In this study, through observing changes of reaction time before and after muscle fatigue in cLBP and performing correlation analysis with pain and fear-avoidance beliefs, we identified a positive correlation between MDTRT and MDPMT with VAS and FABQ separately. The results suggest that pain and fear-avoidance beliefs might serve as cognitive and psychological mechanism for reaction time delay during the fatigue process. Besides, BST-DT was exhibited no significant differences between cLBP and healthy individuals, and also no correlation with VAS and FABQ. We attributed this phenomenon to the fact that participants in our study were relatively young and often possessed better self-efficacy. They were willing to regard the difficult tasks as a challenge rather a danger to avoid, which is in echo with the perspectives of Vincent HK et al.’s study[51].
This study still has certain limitations. Firstly, we didn’t investigate the muscle fatigue effects of BST on trunk muscles, such as rectus abdominis, oblique muscles, and transversus abdominis, etc. Future research should aim to explore the response time on trunk muscles, which will contribute to a better understanding the potential mechanism of reaction time alteration induced by muscle fatigue. Secondly, the lack of central function assessment of reaction time in our research could be addressed by incorporating brain function devices, such as electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). This integration will further enhance the understanding of neuromuscular processes. Lastly, we only observed simple reaction time and didn’t investigate other types of reaction time such as discrimination reaction time or choice reaction time. Future study would focus on reaction time mentioned above from the perspective of cognitive load, which might be conductive to comprehend the relationship between muscle fatigue and reaction time.