The OME³JIM trial was conducted from November 2013 to February 2015 in three districts of Jimma Zone in southwest Ethiopia. Subsistence farming is the main form of livelihood in the study districts, and staple crops in the area are very low in n-3 LCPs. Mother-infant pairs with singleton infants of age 6–12 months were enrolled in the main trial if the infant was breastfeeding and not acutely malnourished (weight-for-length z score ≥-2 SD and no bilateral pitting edema), and the mother had no plan to leave the study area for more than one month during the study period and was willing to participate in the trial. Mother-child pairs were excluded from the trial when the mother or child had a known chronic illness, was taking other nutritional supplements, when the child had a congenital abnormality or severe anemia (hemoglobin < 7.0 g/dL) at enrolment or during study follow-up.
Details of the main OME3JIM trial have previously been published (19, 20). In brief, from a total of 413 mother-infant pairs screened, 360 eligible pairs were enrolled in the main trial (Fig. 1). Study mothers were randomly assigned to either an intervention group that received fish-oil capsules (FO, n = 180) or a control group that received placebo corn-oil capsules (CO, n = 180). A random subsample of 168 mother-infant pairs from both study arms was selected for the HM sub-study. HM samples at baseline were available from 154 mothers (n: CO = 82; FO = 72), who were finally considered for this study.
Both the fish-oil and corn-oil capsules were produced as identical airtight soft-gel capsules (Biover NV, Belgium). A daily dose of two intervention fish-oil capsules provided 500 mg/d n-3 LCPs (215 mg DHA + 285 mg EPA) whereas the control corn-oil capsules contained no n-3 LCPs. Each capsule additionally contained 5 mg of the antioxidant d-α-tocopherol. The intervention was provided for 12 months, with supplements distributed on a monthly schedule and compliance monitored through weekly counts of remaining capsules.
In addition to the maternal intervention, infants aged 6–12 months of the same mothers were individually randomized to either an intervention group that received a food supplement fortified with fish-oil (n = 181) or a control group that received the same food supplement without fish-oil (n = 179) during the same period. The intervention food supplement contained a daily dose of 500 mg n-3 LCPs (169 mg DHA + 331 mg EPA), whereas the control food supplement contained no n-3 LCPs.
Sample Collection And Lcp Analysis
HM and child capillary blood samples were collected at baseline, midline (after 6 months) and endline (after 12 months) of the intervention to determine DHA and EPA concentrations. The concentration of AA was additionally considered to evaluate any potential influence of n-3 LCP supplementation on n-6 LCP levels. Before collecting HM samples, mothers were asked to breastfeed their child for a few minutes to establish breastfeeding. Then, study nurses expressed breast milk samples (10–15 mL) manually or by using manual breast pumps into sterile plastic containers with lids. An aliquot of 9 mL homogenized milk sample was pipetted into a 10 mL cryovial containing 1 mL of an 0.01% BHT (2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) acetone solution for storage, so that to limit lipolytic and oxidative degradation of milk lipids before extraction. Child blood samples were collected using dried blood spot cards. Prior to sample collection, blood spot cards (TFN, Munktell) were impregnated with BHT (2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) to minimize the oxidation of LCPs as previously described by Ichihara et al. (21). A large drop of blood from a finger prick was collected on preprinted circles on the spot cards and then, dried overnight at room temperature, and, once dry, inserted into aluminum-coated airtight envelopes with dry desiccants before storage. HM samples and dried blood spot cards were collected in the field in the morning up to noon (between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM), and transported in cold-chain using cooled bags before storage at -80 °C in a central laboratory at Jimma University. Samples were later air-shipped on dry ice to a laboratory in Belgium and stored at -80 °C upon arrival until analyses.
A total lipids extract was prepared from each HM sample using an aliquot of 50 µL homogenized HM according to the Bligh-Dyer method (22), and from each child whole blood sample using a disc of 8 mm diameter punched from the blood spot cards (corresponding to ± 21.8 µL blood) (23) according to the method detailed by Bailey-Hall et al. (24). A prior lipid extraction step was performed to guarantee the extraction of all lipids from the filter paper. We performed saponification with NaOH and methylation into FA methyl esters with BF3 in methanol. Then, FA methyl esters were separated by gas chromatography with cold-on column injection (0.1 µL, GC-FID 6890N, Agilent Technologies) and a FA methyl ester column (CP-Sil 88, 60 m length, 0.25 mm ID, 0.20 µm film thickness, Agilent Technologies). We used helium as carrier gas (BIP Plus-X50S, Air Products) and applied a programmed temperature gradient (hold at 50 °C for 4 min, increase temperature by 25 °C/min to 225 °C, hold at 225 °C for 25 min). Retention times were compared to the standard (GLC-68 D, Nu-Chek-Prep), and FAs were quantified relative to the 19:0 FA internal standard.
Statistical analysis
For this sub-study, a sample size of 144 participants (72 participants/group) was sufficient to detect an effect size of ≥ 0.44 SDs on HM LCP concentrations between study arms using a statistical power of 80%, a type I error of 5%, an anticipated attrition of 20%, and assuming a ρ = 0.50 for the correlation between the midline and endline measurements. Data were entered in duplicate using EpiData version (EpiData Association) and consistency checks and statistical analysis were conducted using Stata version 14.1 (StataCorp LLC, Texas, USA). The FA data are presented in mg/L HM or blood as the overall fat content of HM and capillary blood samples could not be determined. Data were checked for normality by visual inspection of histograms and Q-Q plots, confirmed by the Shapiro-Wilk test, and log transformed when necessary. Participant characteristics were compared between the HM sub-study sample and the main study sample, and between the FO and CO groups within the HM sub-study sample, using independent-samples t-test for the continuous and Pearson’s chi-square test for the nominal variables.
Differences between study groups in HM LCP concentrations at midline and endline measurements was estimated using mixed-effects linear regression models with the study mother as random intercept to account for clustering of repeated measurements at midline and endline. A similar mixed-effects model was used to assess the relationship between the changes in maternal milk and child capillary blood (DHA + EPA)/AA ratios from baseline to midline and endline measurements. For the later analysis, data were analyzed separately for mother-child pairs where children received a FO-fortified complementary food supplement as part of the child intervention of the OME3JIM trial (n = 81), and pairs where children received a placebo complementary food supplement (n = 72). The difference in slope between the two groups by child intervention arms was compared by adding interaction terms between child intervention group and HM ratios. Models were adjusted for baseline HM LCP concentrations and additional covariates, including household wealth, child age and sex, frequency of breastfeeding, maternal age, height, parity and the occurrence of pregnancy during study follow-up. For the log transformed outcomes, the antilog of coefficients and CIs were used to express group difference as percent of the control group value. A two-sided P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Analyses were conducted using a modified intention-to-treat analysis which included all randomly selected mothers for the HM sub-study from whom breastmilk sample was available at baseline. For this purpose, a multiple imputations procedure under the missing at random assumption was employed using chained equations of 50 imputations for the lost to follow-up cases at midline and endline. Predictor variables in the imputation models included baseline LCP concentration, duration of breastfeeding, time of measurement (midline/endline), maternal age and body mass index, and child age and sex.