We created a macroplastic emission inventory using a novel methodology to quantify emissions from land-based sources for 50,702 municipality level administrations58 (see Supplementary Information for detailed method). We define plastic emissions as material that has moved from the managed or mismanaged systems (where waste is subject to form of control, however basic), to the unmanaged system (the environment) with no control. For example, open dumpsites, defined here as structures that contain concentrations of (usually formally) collected waste with only basic control to prevent its interaction with the environment, are a form of control, because most of the buried waste is unlikely to undergo further movement into the environment.
Material was mapped through 81 downstream (after-use phase) processes to simulate the flow of land-based macroplastics through globally diverse waste management systems (Fig. 1 and Section S.4). Emissions of debris (physical particles >5 mm) and open burning (combustion in open uncontrolled fires) from municipal solid waste (defined in Section S2) were quantified for flexible and rigid plastics (format). Activity data (the intensity of waste and resources recovery management activity) were obtained from four global59-62 and two national36,63 waste management databases. These were checked for errors, harmonized to a consistent basis, and corrected if necessary, creating the first comprehensively quality controlled city-level solid waste management database with worldwide coverage.
Quantile regression random forest models64 predicted data for remaining global municipalities (those without measured data) using national and sub-national socioeconomic indicators. Waste management, circular economy, and plastic waste emission characteristics, variables which are not commonly measured or reported, were estimated using data from literature or through the creation of novel conceptual models. These newly developed ‘sub-models’ (Sections S.8.2, S.8.3, S.8.3.4, S.8.5, S.8.5.2, S.8.8, S.8.9, S.8.11.1 and S.9.1.2) used data on human behaviour, material value, socio-economic development, population density, and solid waste management performance; creating an explanatory framework through which to estimate unmeasured system characteristics. The use of “process level sub-models” to describe larger systems has recently been advocated for plastic pollution modelling13.
Probabilistic (Monte Carlo simulation) material flow analysis (MFA) mapped flows of municipal solid waste (5,000 iterations) throughout the system (Section S.4), resulting in detailed information on municipal solid waste and plastic waste management for each global municipality. Emissions into the unmanaged system, defined here as uncontained waste which is no longer subject to any form of management or control were estimated for five key sources: (1) uncollected waste; (2) littering; (3) collection system; (4) uncontrolled disposal; and (5) rejects from sorting and reprocessing (Extended Data Fig. 1).
These flows and their associated uncertainty were aggregated to national, regional, and global scale to align with reporting for SDG11.6.124 and create a multi-resolution global plastic emission inventory. This inventory is the first stage prerequisite for a second terrestrial transport model (not discussed further here), collectively named the ‘Spatio-temporal quantification of plastic pollution origins and transportation’ model (SPOT). Whilst we acknowledge that upstream processes during the production, conversion and use-phases result in an array of emissions from plastics, they are outside the scope of our modelling. To improve comprehension of proportionality, results aggregated above municipal scale are reported as mean and numbers in brackets are the range unless otherwise specified. As there are no datasets with which to validate our model outputs, we took the same approach as Lau, et al.9 and carried out global sensitivity analysis to assess the influence of the model inputs and structure on its results (Section S.10).
Methods references
58 GADM. GADM database of global administrative areas. https://gadm.org/ (2012).
59 UN-Habitat. Wastewise cities (WaCT) data portal. https://unh.rwm.global/ (2022).
60 Wasteaware. Wasteaware benchmark indicators. http://wabi.wasteaware.org/ (2022).
61 Kaza, S., Yao, L., Bhada-Tata, P. & Van Woerden, F. What a waste 2.0: a global snapshot of solid waste management to 2050. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/30317/9781464813290.pdf?sequence=12&isAllowed=y (World Bank Publications, Washington, DC, 2018).
62 United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD). UNSD environmental indicators - waste. https://unstats.un.org/unsd/envstats/qindicators (New York, 2020).
63 SIPSN, National waste management information system (Sistem informasi pengelolaan sampah nasional). https://sipsn.menlhk.go.id/sipsn/public/home (2022).
64 Meinshausen, N. Quantile regression forests. J. Machin. Learn. Res. 7, 983-999 (2006).
65 DBPR. Data from: A local-to-global emissions inventory of macroplastic pollution. INSERT DOI when created (Dryad, 2023).