Cortical neuronal differentiation and culturing
In this study neuronal cells differentiated from hiPSC line UTA.04511.WTs were used50. The hiPSCs were acquired from voluntary subject who had given written and informed consent. The project has supportive statement from Ethics Committee of the Expert Responsibility area of Tampere University Hospital to use the named hPSC line in neuronal research (R20159). hiPSCs were expanded and differentiated into cortical neurons in a feeder-free culture, as previously described42,51. The cells were cultured using neural maintenance medium (NMM) as a basal medium consisting of 1:1 DMEM/F12 with Glutamax and Neurobasal, 0.5% N2, 1% B27 with retinoic acid, 0.5 mM GlutaMAX, 0.5% NEAA, 50 µM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.1% penicillin/streptomycin (all from Thermo Fisher Scientific) and 2.5 µg/ml insulin (Sigma). During the neural induction stage (days 1–12 of differentiation, Supplementary Fig. 1), the NMM was supplemented with the small molecules 100 nM LDN193189 (Sigma) and 10 µM SB431542 (Sigma). For neural proliferation (days 13–25, Supplementary Fig. 1), the NMM was supplemented with 20 ng/ml fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2, Thermo Fisher Scientific). For the final maturation (days 26–32, Supplementary Fig. 1), the cells were cultured in NMM containing with 20 ng/ml brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF, R&D Systems), 10 ng/ml glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF, R&D Systems), 500 µM dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (db-cAMP, Sigma) and 200 µM L-Ascorbic acid (AA, Sigma). At day 32 (hereafter referred as DIV 0, Supplementary Fig. 1), the cells were plated for experiments a density of 19,000 to 50,000 cells/cm2 on Ø 13 mm coverslips, 1×106 cells/cm2 on Axion well-plate MEAs (Axion BioSystems, Atlanta, GA, USA) or 286,000–333,000 cells/cm2 on microfluidics devices27,29 in NMM supplemented with 10µM ROCK inhibitor (Sigma). Coverslips were coated with 12µg/cm2 poly-L-ornithine (PLO, Sigma) and 15µg/mL LN521 (Biolamina). Microfluidics devices and MEAs were coated with 0.1% poly-ethylenimine (PEI, Sigma) and 50 µg/ml LN521. Prior to coating and cell plating, the microfluidics devices were treated with oxygen plasma in a Pico plasma system (4 min at 50 W; Diener electronic GmbH + Co. KG, Ebhausen, Germany) for sterilization and to make them hydrophilic. The next day (DIV1), NMM was replaced with BrainPhys™ Neuronal Medium (Stemcell Technologies) for the rest of the experiment supplemented with 0.5% N2, 1% B27 and 0.1% Penicillin-Streptomycin. The samples were cultured under standard incubator conditions (+ 37°C, 5% CO2) and the medium was changed three times per week.
Engineered neuronal cultures
An engineered cortical model was created with two designs: axonal elongation27 (Fig. 2a) and circular tripartite29 (Fig. 2c). Both designs have tunnel architecture with the same width and height between cell compartments (Fig. 2a and c), providing a more accurate in vitro cortical model for α–s propagation by isolating the somatic compartments and enabling spatial separation of treatment regions. The network architecture and chip dimensions are shown in Fig. 2a and c. Here, the axonal elongation design was used for testing and optimizing PFF seeding protocols after DIV 14 (Supplementary Fig. 1b), whereas the circular tripartite design was used for functional experiments after DIV 49/56 (Supplementary Fig. 1a).
In the axonal elongation design, neurons were seeded to the side compartments, and axons from these populations extended toward the middle compartment from opposite ends (Fig. 2a). Thus, in one chip, one side compartment was used for PFF treatment and the other as a PBS control. α–s propagation was tracked from corresponding locations in the middle compartment.
In the circular tripartite design, neurons were seeded into all three compartments, forming an intranetwork freely as well as an intercompartmental network via microtunnels, thus establishing a circular network with three separate subpopulations (Fig. 2c). In this design, one compartment was exposed to aggregated α-s during the treatment (proximal), and two distal networks were vulnerable to pathological strains only via structural connections with the proximal network (Fig. 2c). MEAs are also embedded in a circular tripartite design to collect functional readouts during the process.
The circular tripartite design was utilized for the main functional analysis to follow neuronal activity. n = 32 MEA chips with the circular tripartite design were utilized throughout the study. The number of chips was decreased after each endpoint recording, which was performed at 3, 6 and 13 dpt. The details of the number of chips used are provided in Supplementary Table 2.
Immunocytochemical stainings
The expression of neuronal markers and soluble and aggregated forms of endogenous α-s were investigated with ICC. The neuronal samples on Ø 13 mm glass coverslips were stained with similar protocol as described previously52. The neuronal samples in the circular tripartite and axonal elongation devices were stained utilizing the same staining protocol with some modifications as described previously27. Primary antibodies consisted of βIIItubulin (chicken, 1:200 for conventional cultures and 1:50 for cultures on microfluidics, Abcam, ab41489), βIII-tubulin (mouse, 1:1000 for conventional cultures and 1:500 for cultures on microfluidics, Sigma, T8660), MAP-2 (chicken, 1:4000 for conventional cultures and 1:2000 for the cultures on microfluidics, Novus, NB300-213), SYNAP is a cocktail of Synaptophysin and Synapsin 1 as they are used followingly: Synaptophysin (mouse, 1:500 for both conventional cultures and cultures on microfluidics, Abcam, ab8049), Synapsin 1 (mouse, 1:500 for both conventional cultures and cultures on microfluidics, Invitrogen, MA5-31919). Alpha-synuclein (rabbit, 1:2000 for conventional cultures, Abcam, ab138501), Phospho-α-Synuclein (pS129, D1R1R) (rabbit, 1:1000–2000, for conventional cultures and 1:1000 for cultures on microfluidics, Cell Signalling Technology, 23706S), vGlut1 (rabbit, 1:2000 for conventional cultures, Synaptic Systems, 135303) and PSD-95 (mouse, 1:50 for conventional cultures, Abcam, ab2723). Secondary antibodies consisted of Alexa Fluor 488 (1:400), Alexa Fluor 568 (1:400) or Alexa Fluor 647 (1:200) dyes (all Thermo Fisher Scientific). Secondary antibodies were used at higher concentration for microfluidics Alexa Fluor 488 (1:200), Alexa Fluor 568 (1:200) and Alexa Fluor 647 (1:125). The cells were imaged using an Olympus IX51 microscope with an Olympus DP30BW camera (Olympus Corporation, Hamburg, Germany), an LSM780 laser scanning confocal microscope with a Quasar spectral GaAsP detector (all from Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany).
Western blots
Endogenously expressed α-s in hiPSC-derived neurons was examined during DIV 14 to 28. Neurons were lysed 14 and 28 days after plated in 6-well plates with Triton X supplemented with 1% protease and phosphatase inhibitors (all from Lysates were centrifuged for 30 min at 14000 rpm at 4°C to eliminate cell debris and supernatant fractions were collected. Protein concentration was determined by using Pierce 660 nm Protein Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific). 9 µg of protein and page ruler (Thermo Fisher Scientific) were loaded on an 8–16% SDS-polyacrylamide gel and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane (all from BioRad). Electrophoresis was run for 10–15 min at 80 V and then for 45 min at 120 V. After the membranes were blocked for 1 h with 4% bovine serum albumin (Sigma), they were incubated with primary antibodies α-s (rabbit, 1:2000, Abcam, ab138501) and β-actin (mouse, 1:2000, Santa Cruz Technologies, sc-47778) overnight at 4°C, and then the membranes were washed and incubated with secondary antibodies (rabbit, 1:10000, Li-Cor, 32213 and mouse, 1:10000, Li-Cor, 32212) for an hour at room temperature. Images are acquired via Image Studio v5.2 (Li-Cor Biosciences) and quantified in ImageJ.
S129A α–s PFF seeding
Human recombinant α-s PFFs that were used in this work consisted of S129A-mutant α-s. Since pathological α-s aggregates are primarily phosphorylated at S1292, we utilized fibrils of mutant α-s that cannot be phosphorylated at this site. This ensured labeling of merely endogenously phosphorylated α-s while avoiding the externally added S129A PFFs. PFFs were produced at Aarhus University. The generation, validation and usage information of PFFs was previously described in several studies30–33.
After thawing the PFFs (stock concentration was 2 mg/mL in PBS), they were diluted in cell culture medium (NMM or BrainPhys™ Neuronal Medium) to obtain the working concentration. The prepared PFF solution was sonicated with a Vibra Cell Sonicator (Sonics & Materials Inc., Newtown, USA) with a 100 ms pulse on and off and 20% amplitude for 1–1.5 minutes to ensure homogeneity and the size of the PFFs prior to addition to cell cultures.
For the conventional cultures, the application of PFF and PBS vehicle solutions was conducted at DIV 49 or 56 by removing the culture media and applying 150 µl or 200 µl of the treatment solution on 48-well plates and 24-well plates, respectively. After 24 hours, 350 µl or 800 µl of cell culture media was added on top of the treatment solution for a total final volume of 500 µl or 1 ml, respectively. For testing and optimizing α-s aggregation and propagation via axonal transport, 100 µl of PFF solution was added to one of the side compartments of the axonal elongation model at DIV14 at a final concentration of 5, 10 or 15 µg/ml. Before PFF addition, all the media from the top medium reservoirs27,29 and 10 µl from the bottom cell chambers were removed. For the other side compartment, PBS in NMM solution was added with the same protocol as a vehicle control. After 24 hours of treatment, the PFF and PBS solutions were washed by removing the solutions from the top medium reservoirs and adding 150 µl of NMM. For functional studies, PFF treatment on circular tripartite networks was applied to one compartment at DIV 49 or 56 to obtain a final concentration of 10 µg/ml. This was conducted by removing all the media from the top medium reservoirs27,29 and only 25 µl of the media from the bottom cell chambers (one third of the cell chamber media) and subsequently applying 50 µl of PFF with a concentration of 15 µg/ml to not disturb the cells (final concentration was 10 µg/ml). Control cultures were treated similarly but with PBS vehicle solution. After 24 hours of treatment, the PFF and PBS solutions were washed by removing the solutions from the media reservoirs and adding 100 µl of BrainPhys medium. Thereafter, the media for all the cultures were changed regularly three times per week. The timeline of the PFF treatment and subsequent functional assessments are presented in Supplementary Fig. 1.
Image acquisition for quantification of α–s aggregation and presynaptic protein content
Image acquisition and quantification of α-s aggregation was performed on the cultures fixed at 3, 6 and 13 dpt. Acquisition was performed semisupervised by initially choosing a starting region with optimal axonal identification and assemblies labeled by pS129 and then applying automated tile scanning surrounding the starting region (tile size was 0.118 × 0.118 mm) by LSM780 laser scanning confocal microscopy. This approach minimized the user bias during image acquisition while including several tiles without any labeled α–s assemblies in the analysis. The number of tiles obtained for different sample groups were prepared for quantification as follows: 3 dpt control, 6 regions n = 34 tiles; 3 dpt PFF treated, 6 regions n = 36 tiles; 6 dpt control, 5 regions n = 31 tiles; 6 dpt PFF treated, 6 regions n = 24 tiles; 13 dpt control, 5 regions n = 29 tiles; 13 dpt PFF treated, 6 regions n = 29 tiles, and 3 additional regions, n = 19, were also acquired for presynaptic protein quantification for 6 dpt PFF. Details for tile information for each sample group are given in Supplementary Table 3.
Prior to quantification, deconvolution was performed on confocal tile images with Huygens Essential v23.04 (Scientific Volume Imaging, The Netherlands, with standard settings. 3D reconstruction and quantification were achieved with the Imaris v9.5 (Oxford Instruments, surface detection tool on the images. α–s assemblies were detected and automatically reconstructed with the Surface tool. In summary, the foreground intensity levels were initially set to values greater than 5 (ranging from 0 to 255). Surfaces were reconstructed, and volumes outside the range of 1 µm³ to 100 µm³ were excluded from further analysis. The Intensity Mean, representing the average intensity within each voxel of a detected surface, was set to 22, and the Intensity Center, indicating the intensity of the voxel at the center of a detected surface, was set to 100. These parameter settings were chosen to emphasize serpentine-like aggregates with high fluorescence intensities. The number of aggregates and their total size per tile were calculated. The tiles that did not present any aggregation were shown as zero in the analysis.
The quantification of presynaptic proteins involved modeling synapses to point-like structures and constructing 3D axonal volumes. For this purpose, Imaris Spots and Surface objects were utilized. Constructed volumes for axons smaller than 1 µm³ were excluded to mitigate the influence of imaging artifacts. The sizes of the spots were set to 0.5 µm in diameter on the x and y axes and 1.0 µm on the z axis. Finally, the presynaptic protein content was calculated by dividing the number of presynaptic proteins by the surface area of the constructed axons in each region to produce more comparable values regardless of the alterations in axonal morphology during the experiment. The images that did not have sufficient quality to construct the presynaptic Spots were discarded from the analysis. The final number of tiles analyzed for different sample groups was as follows: 3 dpt control, n = 27 tiles; 3 dpt PFF-treated, n = 30 tiles; 6 dpt control, n = 31 tiles; 6 dpt PFF-treated n = 33 tiles; 13 dpt control, n = 27 tiles; and 13 dpt PFF-treated, n = 23 tiles.
Cytotoxicity analyses
The LIVE/DEAD viability kit for mammalian cells (Thermo Fisher Scientific) was used to study the cytotoxic effect of PFF during the experiments. The viability test was performed for cultures 3, 6 and 13 dpt following the PFF exposure. The live cells were visualized with 0.1 mM Calcein-AM (emission at 488 nm) and dead cells with 0.5 mM ethidium homodimer-1 (EthD-1, emission at 568 nm, both from Thermo Fisher Scientific). After the treatment, cultures were incubated for 30 min at + 37°C and imaged immediately with Leica Dmi8 Widefield Fluorescence Microscope (Leica, Germany). Cell aggregation is commonly seen in hiPSCs-derived neuronal cultures with the aging53, making quantification of live cells challenging. EthD-1 positive death cells were still separately detectable and more reliable for cell viability quantification. Thus, areas of the dead cells as well as number of the dead cells were quantified with CellProfiler software (v.3.1.8)54.
Mitochondrial analysis
Mitochondrial imaging was performed by tracking red fluorescent dye that stained active mitochondria in neurons (MitoTracker Red CMXRos, M7512 Invitrogen). Cultures were loaded with 25 nM MitoTracker for 45 min following an immediate PBS wash. Sequential images were acquired every 90 s for 30 min by using an EVOS FL Auto imaging system (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
For motility analysis, Imaris (Oxford Instruments) software was used to detect motile mitochondria as spots and axonal paths as tracks. Background subtraction was performed. The radius of the spots to be detected was set above 0.2 µm to avoid misdetection due to artifacts. Track straightness was also considered to ensure the detection of straight movements of mitochondria and was calculated as the ratio of track displacement and track length. Track straightness was set above 0.33. Motility was represented by displacement delta length, which indicated the length of the position difference of each detected mitochondrion to its previous position every 90 s. Mitochondrial density was also estimated by dividing the number of mitochondria detected by the total number of detected axonal tracks.
Calcium imaging
Calcium imaging was performed on hiPSC-derived cortical neurons 3, 6 and 13 dpt. Before imaging, the cells were washed with 4 µM Fluo-4-AM (Abcam, ab241082) in extracellular solution (ECS, 137 mM NaCl, 20 nM HEPES, 5 nM KCl, 5 mM D-glucose, 2 mM NaHCO3, 2 mM CaCl2, 1.2 mM MgCl2, 1 mM Na-pyruvate, and 0.44 mM KH2PO4) for 30 min at + 37°C. After Fluo-4-AM loading, the cells were washed twice with ECS, first with a quick wash followed by a 30 min wash at + 37°C. One-minute time-lapse recordings with 0.28 sec intervals were acquired with a Leica Dmi8 Widefield Fluorescence Microscope using 15 ms excitation and 10% laser power. A total of 14–16 recordings from 2 experiments were gathered, and calcium oscillations were further quantified using ImageJ v1.53t ( and MATLAB R2019a v.9.6.0 (The MathWorks Inc., Massachusetts, United States) software.
Image stacks were analyzed using ImageJ. An additional plugin, Time Series Analyzer V3 (TSA) (, was also used to facilitate data gathering. In ImageJ, all the neuronal soma in each imaged region were semiautomatically detected from one frame of the image stack: the image gray level was estimated by setting the threshold to less than 50 (ranging from 0 to 255) for the default threshold function. Regions of interest (ROIs) representing every neuronal soma were automatically placed at each of the locations using the Analyze Particles function of ImageJ. Here, the size of active locations was further filtered to a minimum value of 20–30 square pixels to prevent misdetection of smaller particles other than neurons. Another ROI was added manually from a region without any fluorescence signal from biological components to measure the background intensity in the images. After this, the Get Average function of TSA was used to export data from each location of the whole image stack.
The obtained data were processed for statistical analysis using a custom MATLAB code. First, the background signal was subtracted from the raw data, and after this, the signal was filtered with a 10-point moving average filter to remove fast frequency noise. Then, ΔF/F0 was calculated, where the signal intensity change ΔF was divided by the base fluorescence level F0, and F0 was approximated to be the mean of the lowest 20% of the signal. Next, a normalization with a linear regression of the signal was performed to account for overall down- or upward trends in the signal intensity across the imaged duration56. Peaks from the signal were found with the findpeaks MATLAB function using a peak prominence threshold of 0.05 units. The average peak heights and prominences as well as the duration of peaks, distance of peaks from each other, and peak count were stored for analysis. Neurons that had less than 3 detected peaks during the recording were discarded. MATLAB code for the analysis is available at
Microelectrode array measurements and data analysis
Extracellular recordings were obtained in two different MEA systems: for conventional MEAs Axion Maestro (Axion Biosystems, Atlanta, GA, USA) was used and for circular tripartite MEAs MEA 2100 (MCS, Multichannel Systems GmBH) was used. The Axion Maestro system is controlled by AxIS software with a 12.5 kHz sampling rate. Cells were plated either conventionally on CytoView MEA 48 (Axion Biosystems) or custom-made circular tripartite MEAs29. CytoView MEA 48 plates contained 16 electrodes (⌀ 50 µm) per well, and custom circular tripartite MEAs contained 24 (⌀ 30 µm) electrodes per compartment. Recordings were performed under 37°C temperature control, and a 5% CO2 atmosphere was provided during measurements exceeding 10 min. Spontaneous activity was measured twice a week for 10 min for a total of 49–56 days before the PFF treatment and after that up to 13 dpt.
For pharmacological stimulations, 10 min of baseline activity was measured, followed by a 10 min treatment follow-up. Pharmacological experiments were performed at 3, 6 and 13 dpt. The pharmacological reagents were prepared in BrainPhys media at higher concentrations and added in 30 or 100 µl volumes to the proximal compartment of circular tripartite devices after removing 30 µl from the media reservoir or emptying the entire media reservoir, respectively, and 100 µl volumes were added to Axion MEA wells directly to obtain the desired final concentrations. Instantaneous washing between different pharmacological stimulation steps includes emptying the entire media reservoir in circular tripartite devices.
Electrodes that present tonic spiking, artifacts or noise are removed from analysis for the recordings. Spike detection was performed according to the stationary wavelet transform-based Teager energy operator (SWTTEO) algorithm57. The mean firing rate was calculated by the R package after discarding the electrodes showing less than 10 spikes per minute for Axion MEAs and 1 spike per minute for custom-made circular tripartite MEAs. The algorithm was implemented in a custom-made MATLAB (MathWorks) script58 (
Pharmacological stimulations and multiparametric approach
A series of pharmacological stimulations were employed to modulate glutamatergic receptors in the conventional networks or proximal compartments of the circular tripartite networks. For each pharmacological stimulation (input), recordings that were considered separate responses (output) of the neuronal population were obtained. To assess the data, a multiparametric approach was used, in which these responses were treated as distinct features in the feature vector based on their input/output relationships. The values of features were calculated as a percent change from the previously calculated activity to observe the conditional effect. The procedure was as follows:
- Baseline recording 1 (10 min)
- Application of 50 µM N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA, M3262, Sigma) + 100 µM glycine (G8898, Sigma) and recording (10 min)
Feature 1: % change in mean neuronal firing with NMDA + glycine compared to baseline 1.
- An instantaneous wash was performed by emptying the entire media reservoir before the next step.
- Application of 50 µM D-(-)-2-amino-5-phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5, 0106, Tocris) and recording (10 min)
Feature 2: % change in mean neuronal firing with D-AP5 compared to NMDA and glycine.
- Washing and incubating for 60–90 min
- Baseline recording 2 (10 min)
- Application of 50 µM S-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA, 0254, Tocris) and recording (10 min)
Feature 3: % change in mean neuronal firing with AMPA compared to baseline 2.
- An instantaneous wash was performed by emptying the entire media reservoir before the next step.
- Application of 50 µM 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione disodium (CNQX, 1045, Tocris) and recording (10 min)
Feature 4: % change in mean neuronal firing with CNQX compared to AMPA.
Separate assessment of neuronal populations in proximal and distal compartments of the circular tripartite network provided 8 additional features by tripling the feature space dimension to 12 (4 features for proximal and 8 features for two separate distal compartments). For visualization, the first three components of principal component analysis (PCA) are presented. The data were prepared by applying mean padding for missing values and standardizing it, ensuring a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 using GraphPad Prism v.9.0 (GraphPad Software, Boston, Massachusetts USA). This process removed any potential bias or scale discrepancies by also keeping the integrity of the dataset's statistical properties.
The data were visualized by using an inhouse MATLAB script that included the creation of 3D scatter plots for the control and treatment groups based on three principal component (PC) values. Different colors were assigned to each class of data points. Two surfaces were generated based on the data points of each class using the meshgrid function of MATLAB, and color coding was performed based on their respective classes. The degree of overlap between the two groups was quantified in a 2D projection by calculating the percentage of the smaller surface to the intersection.
qRT-PCR analysis
RNA samples were collected from 2 to 3 wells pooled together for both control and PFF treated neuronal cultures at the 3, 6 and 13 dpt. RNA was isolated with a NucleoSpin RNA kit (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany) according to manufacturer’s protocol. The concentration and purity of RNA were quantified with a NanoDrop 1000 (Thermo Fisher Scientific). RNA was converted to cDNA using a High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific). The expression levels of NMDAR, AMPAR and KAR subunits were analyzed (Supplementary Table 1) with TaqMan assays using an Quantstudio FLexreal-time PCR system (Thermo Fisher Scientific) (Supplementary Table 1). Each 12 µl reaction contained 10 ng cDNA, 0.5 µl 20 × TaqMan Gene Expression Assay and 5 µl 2 × TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix. The data were analyzed by calculating the method using Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as an endogenous control and all samples were normalized to 3 dpt control sample. All the samples were run in triplicate, and data are presented with their average.
Statistical analysis
All statistical analysis were performed with SPSS software v.28.01.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NewYork, USA) using nonparametric tests, due to the non-Gaussian distribution of the data. Tampere University statistician Heini Huhtala was consulted for the statistical tests. Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparing independent data from control and PFF treated cultures at same time points. Wilcoxon Signed Ranked test were used for analyzing repeated samples including MEA firing rate changes according to baseline. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare mean ranks of aggregation quantities in PFF group and control group at 3, 6 and 13 dpt as well as from 3 to13 dpt in the PFF group. Dunn’s post-hoc test was performed with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons after Kruskal-Wallis test.