Molten salt microloop
As an alloy for high temperature system, 316L SS was selected for the construction of the molten salt microloop. The loop itself served as the testing materials and no testing coupons were introduced in the loop. The loop was naturally circulated with the hot leg maintained at 620 ℃ while the coldest section stabilized at around 500 ℃ during operation. About 150 g of NaCl-MgCl2 eutectic salt (58.5 mol% NaCl-41.5 mol% MgCl2, melting point: 445 ℃) provided by ORNL was loaded inside the loop and flowed counterclockwise from the hot leg to the cold leg, driven by the temperature gradient as shown in Figure 1(a). As mentioned in the methods section, the Transient Simulation Framework of Reconfigurable Models (TRANSFORM) code, developed at ORNL [24], was utilized in this study to model the natural circulation of the microloop. Using the power to heaters as inputs while the measured temperatures by multiple thermocouples around the loop as outputs, the molten salt flow rate was determined to be about 6.3 cm/s.
Radionuclide generations and distributions
To produce the radionuclides, a small tube section (about 1.5 cm in length) at the mid-section of the hot leg of the microloop was irradiated from the outer surface with a 16 MeV proton beam (Figure 1(b)). Considering the original thickness of the tube (about 890 μm) is too thick for the proton beam to penetrate through and generate radionuclides at the salt/alloy interface, the tube section at the hot leg to be irradiated was thinned down to about 150 μm as shown schematically in Figure 1(c). Figure 1(d) displays the thickness of the thinned section measured at different locations by a Magna-Mike® 8600 magnetic probe. As illustrated in the figure, the tube was thinned down relatively uniformly over the entire thinned section length. It is expected that the radionuclides 51Cr, 52Mn, and 56Co will be produced along the tube thickness. These radionuclides emit characteristic gamma rays through their decay process, which were detected in the post-irradiated tube section and other sections around the loop by a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector, calibrated for energy and efficiency using an Americium-241 check source of known activity. Figure 1(e) shows a representative gamma ray spectrum obtained from the irradiated tube section after irradiation, where the peaks of 51Cr, 52Mn, and 56Co are clearly displayed.
The reaction rates for the formation of radionuclides vary as a function of the degrading energy of the proton beam, resulting in varying concentration of radionuclides along the tube thickness after irradiation. Based on the cross-sections of radionuclides production reaction as a function of proton beam energy [25], the radionuclide activity profile was determined as a function of the position in the sample using equation (1) [26]
where A is the activity in Bq, N represents the number of target atoms per cm3, x is the distance travelled by the incident proton beam in cm, I is the beam current in μAh which was converted to protons/s hitting the target, σ is the reaction cross-section of interest in cm2 which was determined from semi-empirical predictions of the TALYS code [25], λ is the associated decay constant in s-1, and t is the time of exposure in s. As shown in the inset of Figure 2(a), the outer surface of the irradiated tube section was defined as the origin and the inner surface as the thickness of 150 μm. The modeled activity profiles in nCi/µAh are plotted in Figure 2(a) as a function of location in the irradiated 316L SS alloy sample. The results show that the activity of 52Mn and 56Co increase slightly with the tube thickness. On the contrary, the activity of 51Cr sharply decreases with the thickness.
Radionuclides may also diffuse in the alloy due to the high operation temperature and elemental corrosion at the salt/alloy interface, altering the activity profiles described above during the in situ corrosion study. Based on the initial activity profiles as shown in Figure 2(a), the evolution of radionuclides can be modeled over time. Taking 52Mn as an example, a simple diffusion model based on Fick’s law (equation (2)) can be used,
with D the diffusion coefficient of Mn (assumed to be 10-19 m2/s as reported by Smitll et al [27]). Using boundary conditions of no-flux at the tube outer surface and of zero Mn concentration at the salt/alloy interface, the concentration profile (which also represents the activity profile) of 52Mn after 260 hours (i.e., the loop operation time) barely evolved at the hot leg as shown in Figure 2(b) (about 99.7% of the 52Mn activity is still present after 260 hours). Consequently, the activity profile change by diffusion-induced radioisotope corrosion into the salt is likely negligible. Thus, the activity loss observed experimentally should be mainly induced by surface recession rather than by diffusion-induced corrosion. To assess surface recession, the “relative activity” was defined as the activity remaining in the tube after a certain thickness of the tube had recessed, assuming no thermally driven diffusion of radionuclides, divided by the initial radionuclide activity. Based on the calculated activity profile as displayed in Figure 2(a), the relative activity profiles of 51Cr, 52Mn, and 56Co as a function of the recessed layer thickness can be derived as shown in Figure 2(d). Thus, one can theoretically measure the radionuclide activity remaining in the tube during exposure, calculate the relative activity, and derive the tube recession rate in situ. However, this framework relies on the exact relative activity profiles of these radionuclides. To validate these profiles, 12 slices of 316L SS foils with the thickness of 12.5 μm each were stacked together (overall thickness: 150 μm) and irradiated with 16 MeV protons as shown in Figure 2(c). The activity of each 316L SS foil was measured by a HPGe detector. Removing one slice of foil each time from foil #1 to foil #12 is an equivalent process of 12.5 μm of tube thickness being corroded or recessed. Through dividing the activity of the remaining foils after each removal by the total activity of the 12 slices of foils, the relative activity at the recessed depths of 12.5 μm, 25 μm, 37.5 μm, 50μm, 62.5μm, 75 μm, 87.5 μm, 100 μm, 112.5μm, 125 μm, 137.5 μm, and 150 μm were calculated, respectively. Figure 2(d) shows the comparison of the experimental relative activity data points obtained after the foil irradiation experiment with the modelled relative activity profile obtained by equation (1). Both results agree quite well, lending confidence that the relative activity measurements are a reliable indicator of corrosion induced surface recession rate.
In situ corrosion monitoring
The molten salt microloop was naturally circulated for about 260 hours by maintaining the hot leg at 620 ℃ and the coldest section at around 500 ℃, after which, the cold leg temperature reached values below the NaCl-MgCl2 melting point, resulting in loss of natural circulation. The irradiated tube gamma-ray spectra were acquired continuously with a same time interval during the natural circulation process using an Ametek Ortec ICS-P4 HPGe detector. By analyzing the full energy peaks of 51Cr, 52Mn, and 56Co in the obtained gamma-ray spectra, the activity of these three radionuclides was derived as a function of time and results are displayed in Figure 3. Considering the existence of natural decay process of each radionuclide, the measured activity was decay-corrected to the end of bombardment (EOB) when each radionuclide was generated. Specifically, Figure 3(a) shows the decay-corrected activity of 52Mn as a function of exposure time. It is observed that the activity decreases slightly as a function of exposure time, indicating a loss of 52Mn from the tube due to molten salt corrosion. Comparing the activity of 52Mn at the beginning and end of the loop operation, the activity loss of 52Mn in the hot leg is about 2%. This is about an order of magnitude higher than the modeled diffusion-induced activity loss as discussed above, indicating the corrosion of Mn mainly results from surface recession. The relative activity of 52Mn was determined through dividing the activity of 52Mn shown in Figure 3(a) by its activity at EOB. Using Figure 2(d), the recession depth of Mn in 316L SS was extracted based on the determined relative activity and presented in Figure 3(b), and it is found to be about 3.5 μm at the end of loop operation.
The activity variations of 51Cr and 56Co as a function of exposure time are shown in Figure 3(c) and (d), but no obvious activity loss is observed. The activity of 51Cr remains stable during the loop operation process, although Cr is thermodynamically susceptible to corrosion, and typically dissolves into molten salt during molten salt corrosion in the form of chromium divalent or trivalent ions [28]. This lack of Cr activity variation as a function of exposure time is attributed to the much lower concentration of the 51Cr, relative to 52Mn, at the inner diameter of the irradiated tube (see Figure 2(a)). Consequently, any 51Cr activity loss induced by 51Cr dissolution into the salt during the loop operation is beyond the sensitivity of the gamma-ray detector. The activity of 56Co also remains relatively constant during exposure. This is expected since the standard Gibbs free energy of formation of CoCl2/Cl ( =-238 KJ/mol) is much higher than the other main constituent elements of 316L SS such as Cr ( =-277 KJ/mol) and Fe ( =-279 KJ/mol) based on the thermodynamic database collected by HSC Chemistry 6.0 [29]. As a result, Co was less likely to corrode during the operation of the molten salt loop.
Post corrosion material characterization was performed on different parts of the loop after corrosion testing. Figure 4(a) displays the SEM/EDS imaging of the cross section of the post-corroded tube from the hot leg, close to the irradiated section. A severe corrosion attack was observed at the salt/alloy interface with a surface morphology typically observed in flowing molten salt corrosion [30]. Slight dissolutions of Mn and Cr, and to a lesser extent Fe were observed, while Ni is relatively enriched at the interface. In addition, based on the SEM/EDS analyses taken at different locations, it appears that the corrosion occurring at the hot leg is relatively heterogeneous, as already observed in previous study [23]. The surface of the alloy does not recess homogeneously, likely because of heterogeneous dissolution of thermodynamically susceptible elements. Consequently, the surface morphology evolves and the pores, also called wormholes [31], are observed. In addition to the recessed layer, there are also regions exhibiting negligible corrosion. As shown in Figure 4(a), the depth at which pores are observed can be as high as 10 μm in some areas (see the top of the SEM image in Figure 4(a)), while corrosion at other areas was not clearly observed (see the bottom of the SEM image in Figure 4(a)). STEM characterization was further performed on the intense corrosion attack zone and results are shown in Figure 4(b). The results confirm that the corrosion proceeded via the preferential leaching of the thermodynamically unstable elements. Early studies [32,33] proposed that salt can infiltrate into the alloy subsurface regions and further corrode the alloy by dissolving the electrochemical susceptible elements. This is evidenced by the STEM-EDS point scans in this study showing that the Cr and Mn concentrations in the remnants of the alloy were significantly reduced as displayed in Figure 4(c).
With the radionuclide tracing method, another ICS-P4 HPGe detector was utilized to measure the activity variations of radionuclides at three different locations: P1, P2, and P3 around the loop as displayed in Figure 5(a) during the loop operation. This measurement system allowed for the characterization of the transport and possible redeposition of the corrosion products. Figure 5(b) shows the activity variations of 51Cr as function of exposure time at these three different locations. The activity levels of 51Cr at these three locations are decreasing from P1 to P3. This result is likely due to the decrease in radionuclide concentration within the salt, resulting from the deposition of corrosion products along the loop. While the 51Cr activity loss was not detectable in the hot leg, 51Cr activity was detected in the salt. However, it should be noted that the level of the detected 51Cr activity in the salt is much lower than that in the irradiated tube (by about one order of magnitude), which is likely the reason why the activity loss of 51Cr was not statistically detected in the tube, i.e., the activity loss is within the detection noise of the activity in the irradiated tube. Another interesting phenomenon is the lack of 51Cr activity in the salt (and on the tube) at P3, right before entering the hot leg. This means that all the Cr dissolved from the hot leg redeposited along the loop within the same cycle. Basically, there is no recirculation of activated corrosion products in the loop. This is consistent with findings of a previous study that the overall corrosion in the hot section equals to the precipitation in the cold section, over an entire closed loop [34]. This is also evidenced by the increased activity of 51Cr at P2 as a function of exposure time, which results from the deposition of Cr at that location, in addition to the activity from the flowing salt. To further verify the depositions of corrosion products at the cold leg, SEM/EDS analysis was performed on the cross section of a tube section from the cold leg after corrosion testing and the results are shown in Figure 5(c). A deposited layer is clearly visible at the alloy/salt interface. EDS mapping and line scan (Figure 5(d)) illustrate that the deposited layer is rich in Fe, with little Cr. The Cr deposition at the cold leg observed by post-test material characterization is qualitatively consistent with the in situ result obtained by radionuclide tracing.