2.1 Bioinformatic Analysis of the Relationship between PCZ and Bladder Cancer
The targets of prochlorperazine were retrieved from the databases including Drugbank(https://go.drugbank.com)、BATMAN-TCM(http://bionet.ncpsb.org.cn/batman-tcm)、SwissTargetPrediction(http://swisstargetprediction.ch)and STITCH(http://stitch.embl.de). Meanwhile, the targets of bladder cancer-related molecules were obtained from the two databases named GeneCards(https://www.genecards.org)and DisGeNET(https://www.disgenet.or). The common targets between prochlorperazine and bladder cancer were screened out using the online tool Venny 2.1 (http://bioinfogp.cnb. csic.es/tools/venny/index.html).
Then the common targets obtained were imported into the STRING database (https://www.string-db.org/) to survey their interaction relationship under the defined conditions of organism “Homo sapiens” and high confidence (interaction score > 0.95). After exported, these resulting data was then imported into Cytoscape 3.9.0 to merge and calculate the intersection of PPI network and core genes...
For functional annotation of gene ontology (GO) and analysis of KEGG pathways of these core genes, we performed enrichment analysis using the WEB-based GEne SeT AnaLysis Toolkit (WebGestalt, http://www.webgestalt.org/option.php).
And in order to understand the complex associations among prochlorperazine, the potential targets and bladder cancer, we constructed and analyzed the relationship networks using Cytoscape (https://www.nigms.nih.gov/). It provides a powerful set of data integration, analysis, and visualization functions to analyze the complicated networks.
To understand the possible binding properties between PCZ and the selected targets, molecular docking simulation was analyzed in Autodock vina 1.1.2. This program was used for network pharmacology-based prediction and analysis. It could also illustrate the mechanism of a ligand acting on a complex molecular network by applying high-precision docking simulation and molecular pathway map.
2.2 Cell Culture
Human bladder Cancer cell lines HT1376, T24, EJ and the mouse BC cell line MB49 were purchased from Shanghai FUHENG Biotechnology limited company and cultured in the special media for HT1736 (Procella, Wuhan, China) or PMRI1640 medium (Gibco, invitrogen, USA) supplemented with 10%FBS (SeraPro, Germany) for the other cell lines.
2.3 Drugs and Reagents
Prochlorperazine was purchased from Jiangsu Aikon Biomedical R&D Co., Ltd, Jiangsu, China. CCK8 assay kit was purchased from Beyotime biotech Co. Ltd, Shanghai, China. DCFH-DA was purchased from SigmaAldrich, USA.
Antibodies for MEK1/2/p-MEK1/2, ERK1/2/p-ERK1/2 and Src/p-Src were all purchased from Chengdu Zen-Bioscience Co., Ltd. (“Zen-Bioscience”), Sichuan, China.
2.4 Cell Viability Analysis
Cell viability of BC cells was measured by CCK8 assay kit according to the instruction (Beyotime, Shanghai, China). Cells were plated onto 96well plates in 6 technical replicates at a density of 5000cells/well the day before and treated with 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50µM of Prochlorperazine in media for 24-96hrs. Afterward, cells were incubated with CCK8 regent for another 2hrs and then the absorbance at 450nM was measured. IC50 was calculated on GraphPad (La Jolla, USA) Prism9.0 using non-linear curve fitting model. Viability of control was set to 100% and the viability of treated cells was normalized to control. The assay was repeated for three times.
2.5 Cell Migration Assay
Cell migration assay was conducted with Transwell insert. 5X104cells in FBS free medium were plated on the upper chambers of the transwell inserts and FBS containing medium supplemented with different concentrations of prochlorperazine were added in the lower chambers. Cells migrated onto the outer side of the membrane were fixed in 4% PFA and stained with 0.1% crystal violet. Photos were taken and the number of cells on the filter was counted.
2.6 EdU Staining Assay
EdU staining was done with a staining kit (Beyotime, Shanghai, China) as the instructions. Briefly, Cells were plated into 24well plates in replicate at a density of 2000cells/well the day before treatment and intervened with 0, 2.5, 5, 10µM of Prochlorperazine in media for 48hrs. And then cells were incubated with 10µM 5-ethynyl-2_-deoxyuridine (EdU) working solution for another 2hrs, fixed in 4%PFA, permeablized with 0.3% Trixton-X100, followed by Click reaction with Alexa555-azide under CuSO4-catalyzed condition to visualize the EdU-labeled nuclei.
2.7 ROS Staining Assay
For cellular ROS level detection, cells treated with different concentrations of prochlorperazine were stained with 10µM DCFH-DA (2’, 7’-dichlorofluorescein diacetate) in PBS for 30 min in dark at 37°C, washed and examined under an Olympus microscope equipped with a fluorescence detection module.
2.8 Western Blotting Analysis
After treated with different concentrations of prochlorperazine, cells were lysed by RIPA lysis buffer to extract the cellular proteins and were electrophoresis separated in 12% SDS-PAGE gel and then transferred onto the 0.22µm PVDF (polyvinylidene difluoride) membrane. Primary antibodies were incubated with the membrane overnight at 4°C following blocking with 5% BSA, washed and then hybridized with the HRP (Horseradish peroxidase)-conjugated secondary antibodies, visualized with ECL substrate (Tanon, Shanghai, China). The GAPDH antibody was used as the internal reference control.
2.9 In Vivo Animal Study
Animal studies were conducted following the National Academy of Sciences rules for the care and use of laboratory animals, approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of Nanchang Royo Biotech Co., Ltd. (RYE:2022040301). Female BALB/c athymic nude mice of 4-6 weeks old were purchased from Hangzhou Ziyuan Laboratory Animal Technology Co. LTD.
To establish a tumor xenograft model, 5 × 106-1×107 cells diluted in 200μl PBS were subcutaneously injected into the anterior scapular region of each mouse. Tumor sizes were measured with a caliper twice a week, and the tumor volumes were calculated as follows: tumor volume (mm3) = 0.5 × length × width2. When the tumor volumes reached about 50-100mm3 about 7 days later, the nude mice were randomized with each group containing 5 mice: control, prochlorperazine group (2mg/kg, I.P., daily) and the cisplatin positive control group (5mg/kg, I.P.,once a week). Tumor weights were weighed out using an analytical balance at the end of the experiment after 21 days of treatment.
2.10 Statistics
Data were expressed as mean ± SD from at least three independent experiments. Comparisons between groups were analyzed using the Student’s t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) by GraphPad Prism 9.0 (GraphPad Software Inc., California, USA). P < 0.05 was considered to indicate a statistically significant difference.