Soil classification and soil evolution in Iceland
Iceland is built of volcanic rocks, which are predominantly (80–85%) of basaltic composition, the remainder being intermediate and silicic volcanics and clastic sediments that are mostly of basaltic composition 56. The oldest exposed rocks are about 15 Myr 57. Iceland was fully covered with glaciers at the Last Glacial Maximum (~ 20 kyr BP). The ice sheet retreated close to the present coastline around 10.3 kyr BP, and at about 8.0 kyr BP Icelandic glaciers were of similar, or little lesser extent, than at the present 58. Hence, all Icelandic soils are of Holocene age younger than ~ 10 kyr BP 28.
Andosols are the dominant soils in Iceland, Vitrisols are present in desert areas and organic-rich Histosols are found in some wetland areas 28. Andosols are not common in Europe, but they are widespread in the active volcanic areas of the world 28. Two main factors are commonly used to classify Icelandic soils: deposition of aeolian (volcanic) material and drainage 23. Aeolian material mostly originates from the sandy desert areas located near active volcanic zones or from glaciofluvial outwash plains. After the settlement in Iceland, around 1076 year BP, the extent of barren areas that are a source for aeolian material significantly increased 27,59. Andosols are often found in the wetland areas of Iceland where substantial aeolian input is present, lowering the relative organic content, or where some drainage is present. Whereas organic-rich Histosols are found in wetlands with little aeolian input. The progression of soil types with improving drainage conditions from wet to dry follows: Histosols (> 20% C), Histic Andosols (12–20% C), Gleyic Andosols (< 12% C, poorly drained), and Brown Andosols (< 12% C, freely drained) 28. This order also reflects the decreasing distance from the volcanic zones and the source of aeolian materials. The transition between these soil types is fluent, and changes in drainage or aeolian input can lead to a change of the soil type. It is postulated that in absence of the volcanic influences, Icelandic wetland soils would largely be organic Histosols, typical of the arctic environments 22,28. This suggests that applying EW and the addition of basaltic dust to an organic-rich Histosol can lead to its transition to a more mineral-rich soil such as an Andosol, as found in our study area.
Histosols or peatlands are classified further as ombrotrophic or minerotrophic, based on the origin and mineral content of the waters feeding them 60. While minerotrophic soils receive mostly ground water that has interacted with the bedrock upstream leading to an enrichment of the mineral content in the water, ombrotrophic soils are dominantly fed by rainwater, and are therefore nearly free of rock derived dissolved constituents 60. Our studied field site receives mostly rainwater. Therefore, all dissolved constituents in our soil water are assumed to originate from the interaction of rainwater with the embedded dust of our soil, and the decay of organic matter. Based on this assumption, we compare our data (see Fig. 3) with data from other sites reported in the literature as mostly ombrotrophic, implying limited interaction with the underlying bedrocks.
Detailed field site description
The field site is located above the source of the Rauðalækur (“Red creek”) river at 63°53'42.5"N 20°21'15.9"W, 7 km north of the town of Hella, South Iceland. This field site has not been used for agriculture or fertilized for at least the past 10 years prior to this study, limited anthropogenic contamination is therefore expected. Based on data from the Icelandic Meteorological Office, the average soil temperature is ~ 7°C during the summer 61. At 100 cm soil depth, the annual maximum temperature is 9°C and the annual minimum temperature is 1°C. The soil can, however, temporarily freeze down to a depth of 50 cm 61. The annual rainfall in this area is 1250 ± 200 mm. The average storm yields an average of 15 mm of rain with a maximum duration of 20 hours ( The surface of the studied soil is hummocky, and the vegetation is characterized by graminoids with a clear predominance of Poaceae. The direction of the groundwater flow, estimated based on the surrounding drainage channels, is towards S/SE. Based on field observations, the groundwater table fluctuates near a depth of 50 cm.
The field site is adjacent to a natural escarpment allowing for the characterization of the subsurface soil profile. Several tephra layers were identified within a cleared vertical face of the escarpment. Layers of organic-rich soil admixed with air-borne basaltic dust separate the tephra layers. The dust in these layers is finer grained than the basalt in the tephra layers. The tephra layers can be assigned to specific volcanic eruptions, as each volcanic eruption in Iceland has its own chemical fingerprint 59,62. These allow determination of the soil accumulation rates. As can be seen in Fig. 2b, over the last 3,300 years about 220 cm of soil has accumulated, averaging to a soil thickening rate of 0.067 cm yr− 1. The ‘Settlement layer’, a tephra layer from an eruption of the Vatnaöldur volcanic system at 1079 ± 2 BP 62, which approximately coincides with the initial settlement (Landnám) of Iceland, was barely discernible in the soil profile. Although the exact depth of this Settlement tephra at around 96 cm depth is somewhat uncertain, its location suggests an average soil accumulation rate of 0.086 cm yr− 1 during the last 1120 years. This is consistent with Gísladóttir et al. (2011) who reported that the dust flux over South-Central Iceland increased following the emplacement of the Settlement layer 63. A detailed description of the soil profile is provided in Table SI1 of the Supplementary Information following the guidelines provided in Schoeneberger et al. (2012) 64.
Details of field sampling
In-situ soil waters were sampled 10 m North from the escarpment in the field with suction cup samplers obtained from Prenart, Denmark. Four suction cup samplers were installed into holes drilled at an angle of 60° at depths of 76, 121, 173, 260 cm on November 8th, 2017, following the method of Sigfusson et al. (2006) 65. The samplers were left in the field over the winter to allow settling of the soil around the samplers and tubing. The first samples from these suction cup samplers were collected during May 2018 and the last were collected 21 November 2018. The suction cup samplers, which are 95 mm long and 21 mm in outer diameter, consist of a 48/52% mixture of Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) and quartz with an average pore size of 2 µm. These samplers were connected by 1.8 mm inner diameter Teflon (Fluorinated ethylene propylene) tubing to the surface. Sixty ml syringes located at the surface were connected via 3-way valves and 100 cm long connection polyethylene tubing to the Teflon tubing of the subsurface samplers. The first 30–50 ml of extracted soil water during any sampling was discarded to avoid contamination. It took about 6–8 hours to fill the 60 ml sampling syringes. During the sampling the syringes were kept in a closed cooling box to prevent heating and exposure to sunlight. This approach was adapted to avoid any degassing of the soil solutions and oxidation of the samples. No color change of the soil solutions due to iron oxidation was observed during the sampling.
Initial sample analysis was performed in the field including sample pH, temperature and Eh measurements, conductivity determination and H2S titration. Subsamples for major and trace element analysis via ICP-OES and ICP-MS as well as for ion chromatography to determine Fe2+/Fe3+, DOC analysis and alkalinity titration were collected and stabilized on site and analyzed later in the lab.
Analytical Methods
The redox potentials (Emeas) of the collected fluids were measured directly in the sample syringes in the field using a Microelectrodes Inc MI-800 Micro-ORP Ag/AgCl micro combination redox electrode with a ± 10 mV uncertainty. These values were converted to equivalent potentials for a standard hydrogen electrode (ESHE) using a + 199 mV reference potential, E°, for the Ag/AgCl electrode 66. This calculation was performed using the Nernst equation,
ESHE = Emeas + ln(10) • (R•T)/F • pH + E°Ag/AgCl
where R refers to the gas constant, F designates the Faraday’s constant, and T symbolizes the temperature T in kelvin. Subsequently, ~ 5 ml of each sampled fluid was transferred into 10 ml polypropylene vials for pH temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity measurement. The pH was measured using a Eutech pH 6 + electrode with an uncertainty of ± 0.01 pH units. The dissolved oxygen and conductivity of the samples were measured using a Micro electrodes MI-730 Micro-Oxygen Electrode with an uncertainty of ± 0.5% and a Eutech COND 6 + with an uncertainty of ± 10 µS, respectively. For major and trace element analysis, 10 ml of each fluid sample was first filtered through 0.2 µm cellulose acetate in-line filters then transferred into acid washed polypropylene bottles. A small quantity of 65% Merck suprapure HNO3 was added to acidify these samples to 0.5% HNO3. Samples for iron speciation measurement were first filtered through 0.2 µm cellulose acetate in-line filters then placed into acid cleaned polypropylene bottles. Merck HCl was added to these samples to attain a final acid concentration of 0.5%. Samples for dissolved organic carbon analysis were collected in acid washed polycarbonate bottles and acidified with 0.5 M suprapure, Merck HCl to a final acid concentration of 3.3%.
Dissolved hydrogen sulfide, H2S, was determined in the field by precipitation titration immediately after sampling with an uncertainty of ± 0.7 µmol kg− 1, using mercury acetate solution Hg(CH3COO)2 of a known concentration as described by Arnórsson (2000) 67. Alkalinity titrations were performed immediately after returning the samples to the laboratory. For each titration, ~ 5 ml of fluid was transferred in a 10 ml vial and titrated to pH 3.3 by addition of 0.1 M HCl while constantly stirring the fluid. The pH of the fluid was recorded using a glass pH electrode together with a pH 110, Eutech instruments millivolt meter. The alkalinity was calculated by the Gran method using the inflection points 68. The final measured alkalinity values are given in meq kg− 1 with an uncertainty of ±5% or less.
Elemental Analysis
Major element compositions of all fluid samples were determined using a Ciros Vision, Spectro Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer (ICP-OES). The instrument was calibrated using the SEL-11 in-house standard, which was referenced to the SPEX CertiPrep commercial standard material. All standards and measured samples were acidified to 0.5% using suprapure HNO3 prior to analysis. All measurements were run in duplicate. Blank solutions were measured after every 5 samples and uncertainties were below ±5% for each element.
Iron species were determined using a Dionex 3000 ion chromatography system equipped with a Variable Wavelength Detector using the method described by Kaasalainen et al. (2016) 69. This method separates Fe2+ and Fe3+ using pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (PDCA) as a chelating agent. It detects the distinct Fe cations by post-column derivatization using 4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol with a peak absorbance at 530 nm, a detection limit of ~ 2 µg l− 1 and an uncertainty of ±2% or less for Fe2+ and ±10% for Fe3+ for 200–1000 µl samples.
Dissolved organic carbon concentrations were determined by size exclusion chromatography using a Liquid Chromatography – Organic Carbon Detection system (LC-OCD) obtained from DOC Labor in Karlsruhe, Germany, following the method of Huber et al. (2011) 70. The system was calibrated for the molecular masses of humic and fulvic acids using standard material from the Suwannee River, provided by the International Humic Substances Society (IHSS). All DOC measurements have an uncertainty of 5% or less.
Calculation of alkalinity creation and export in our studied soil
Alkalinity export in our field site was determined by multiplying the mass of water passing through the soil by the alkalinity generated in the soil, taking account the loss of alkalinity as the soil solution interacted with the atmosphere. Any effect of eventual changes in this alkalinity after the fluids arrive in the oceans is not taken into account. The alkalinity of the soil solution after its equilibration with the atmosphere was calculated using the PHREEQC software version 3.4.0 38together with the minteq.v4 thermodynamic database 71,72. This alkalinity was determined from the average of all measured major element concentrations, pH and alkalinity in the deepest soil water samplers (see Tab. ES2). This fluid was equilibrated with atmospheric O2 concentration. Ferrihydrite is allowed to precipitate at local equilibrium as the fluid oxidized. The resulting fluid was then equilibrated with the 400 ppm CO2 concentration of the atmosphere to account for fluid degassing.
The mass of fluid passing through the soil was estimated to be equal to the difference between the mean precipitation for the field site minus the evapotranspiration and the direct runoff. The mean precipitation is equal to 1250 ± 200 mm yr− 1, based on the records from the measurement station in Hella located ~ 7 km away from the field site operated by the Icelandic Metrological Office Veðurstofa Íslands ( The evapotranspiration at the field site was estimated based on Jóhannesson et al. (2007) 73 to be equal to 16% of the precipitation corresponding to 200 mm yr− 1. The direct surface runoff is estimated to be 10%, based on data published by Sigurðsson et al. (2004) 74. After subtracting the evapotranspiration and direct surface runoff, approximately 925 ± 150 kg m− 2 yr− 1 of water are estimated to pass through the studied soil annually.
The soil water alkalinity in the deep soil was 2.59 ± 0.34 meq kg− 1 based on the average of the measurements at 260 cm depth. The average alkalinity for the surface waters after oxidation and the precipitation of ferrihydrite calculated with PHREEQC is 1.53 ± 0.2 meq kg− 1. Multiplying this value by the estimated annual water flux through the soil yields an annual alkalinity export via surface waters of 1.45 ± 0.3 eq m− 2 yr− 1. Multiplying this number by the atomic weight of carbon yields an annual carbon flux of 17 ± 3.6 g m− 2 yr− 1 or 0.17 ± 3.6 t ha− 1 yr− 1 of C. Note the long-term fate of this captured carbon may evolve once the river water transporting this carbon arrives in the oceans.
To extrapolate the annual mass of carbon drawdown to the gigaton scale, we divided one gigaton of CO2, which is equal to 2.73x108 tons of C by the 0.17 t ha− 1 yr− 1 of C drawdown in rivers provoked by the addition of basaltic dust to our field site. This yielded a surface area of 1.6x109 ha. This surface area is equal to 1.6x107 km2. This is larger than the surface area of the United States, which is equal to 9.8x106 km2. The mass of dust needed to be added to 1.6x107 km2 annually to attain the same 500–800 g m− 2 yr− 1 of dust added to our study site is obtained by multiplying this flux and surface area. This calculation yields 8 to 13x109 t yr− 1, which equals 8 to 13 Gt yr− 1.
Estimated organic carbon storage within the studied soil
The mass of organic carbon in our studied soil was estimated by considering it is comprised of two parts, an upper part formed after the settlement (1076 year BP) and a lower part formed from 1076 down to 3,300 year BP (Fig. 1). This separation is based on the report of an increase in dust flux after this time 55. These parts are divided based on the position of tephra layers that allow the direct determination of the net rates of soil accumulation, including the effects of soil erosion, over time. The upper part is a Gleyic Andosol containing < 12% C by dry weight extending down to ~ 90 cm, while the lower part is a Histic Andosol containing 12–20% C by dry weight from ~ 90 to 22 cm. These maximum soil carbon values of 12 and 20% were multiplied by the height of each soil section, assuming a porosity between 50 and 75% 39,40 to estimate the total carbon present in the studied soil. This calculation led to an estimated total mass of organic carbon equal to 86 to 172 kgC m− 2 for a 75% and 50% soil porosity respectively. Further details of this calculation are provided in Table SI4. Dividing this mass by the 3,300-year age of the soil column yields an average organic carbon production rate of 26–52 gC m− 2 yr− 1. Note that the mass of carbon in organic material, reported in units of mass of C can be converted to the equivalent mass CO2 by multiplying the former by the ratios of their respective molar masses: 44/12.