Climate change and land use intensification are threatening the capacity of plants to sequester carbon by altering their biogeochemical cycles. Nup and NUE are fundamental processes supporting N cycling, biodiversity, ecosystem productivity, food security, human health, and sequestering carbon in plant biomass and soils1. Hence, comprehensive quantification of Nup and NUE is crucial to understanding and quantifying human impacts on terrestrial ecosystems. Climate, biomass production, and Nup are strongly intertwined, where hotter and wetter environments have the capacity to grow more and therefore absorb more N2,3. Traditionally, total soil N stocks have been used as a proxy of N availability or plant Nup4,5. However, the quantitative responses of Nup and NUE to N inputs (e.g., anthropogenic N deposition) and soil microorganisms (e.g., soil microbes stocks and mycorrhizal associations) remain largely undescribed worldwide. N deposition is the primary source of anthropogenic N in natural ecosystems and a key driver of global change6,7. Its impacts on terrestrial ecosystems are multifaceted, including a decrease in biodiversity8,9, an increase in N leaching an elevated risk of eutrophication10,11, and soil acidification12 at a different scale. It has also been detected as the most important environmental driver in managed European forests13. On the other side, soil microorganisms are the regulators of organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling14,15. These processes, controlled by bacteria and fungi, drive N mineralization and N fixing, which are responsible for introducing and recycling N into the system16,17,18. Therefore, comprehensive quantification of plant Nup and NUE worldwide needs to account for climate, human impact, and soil microorganisms as the main characters.
N regulates the capacity of ecosystems to store C19,20,21,22 and response to climate change drivers23,24,25,26 being the C-N assembly relevant for land surface models (LSM). Eight of the LSM of the TRENDY ensemble27 include representations of the N cycle and plant N uptake. Nonetheless, its parameterization of N cycling is poorly constrained by observations28,29,30. As a consequence, when models are assembled, the result leads to accumulated uncertainty31,32 and therefore divergent predictions of the land sink28,33,34. Furthermore, when accounting for N interactions, LSM do generally not consider the direct effects of microorganisms’ missing out on the role of soil bacteria or mycorrhizae on plant nutrient obtention. Thus, including global calculations of plant Nup and NUE based on empirical data as well as accounting for climate, N deposition, and soil biomass interactions would potentially refine the N accountability in LSM.
Here, we gathered information from 159 plots worldwide that describe woodlands and grasslands across different biomes to calculate plot-based plant Nup and plant NUE using exclusively empirical field data. Our analyses combine N concentration and net primary productivity (NPP) data in different aboveground and belowground plant tissues (i.e., leaves, roots, stem). We used linear models to identify the drivers of Nup and NUE, including N deposition, soil microbes, and climatic factors. We then upscaled those results using the machine-learning models to quantify yearly plant Nup and plant NUE at a global scale in natural terrestrial ecosystems (woodlands and grasslands) and compared these results with simulations from LSM. We hypothesize that the accumulation of N on land due to N deposition over the last decades may have a significant impact on Nup, and soil microorganisms to have a substantial role on NUE. Furthermore, we do not expect a total match of our worldwide predictions since TRENDY simulation outputs may lack empirical validation, especially on N components.
Nitrogen uptake and nitrogen use efficiency
Our findings indicate that N deposition and climate are fundamental factors explaining plant Nup on a global scale (Fig. 1). Further analysis revealed a positive relationship between Nup and accumulated N deposition, mean annual temperature (MAT), and mean annual precipitation (MAP). Thus, regions that are warm and wet, and also experience higher levels of N deposition, exhibit the highest rates of Nup. Our empirical results did not show important relationships between plant Nup and soil microbial interactions nor soil physico-chemical variables including soil N stocks (Fig. 1a). We further tested the univariate relation between Nup and total soil N stocks with no significant relation among them (Fig. S1a).
In contrast, when describing NUE our model selection analysis identified soil biotic and abiotic factors as NUE drivers with little direct control by climatic factors (Fig. 2). Specifically, our results described a negative relation between AM % and NUE but a positive relation between soil pH, soil microbial N stocks and NUE. Thus, when plant species are more colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizae (in contraposition to ectomycorrhizas), are less efficient in its N use to build biomass. In contraposition, basic pH and abundant soil microbial stocks facilitate higher NUE rates. Even though soil variables appear to be important for NUE, soil N stocks remain unrelated to NUE in the model and when tested individually (Fig. S1b).
Global maps of Nup and NUE
Using a machine-learning model, we upscaled Nup and NUE to a global scale. Our XGBoost model not only accounts for non-linear relationships but also automatically handles spatial autocorrelation and collinearity, thereby enhancing predictive power. For methodological consistency, the XGBoost model was trained using the same nine variables as the linear model, identifying temperature, precipitation, and N deposition as the most critical factors for describing Nup (Fig. S2). The variables' importance aligned with those in the linear model, albeit in a slightly different order. Partial dependence plots further corroborated these relationships, showing consistent correlation signs with those observed in the linear models (Fig. S3). The upscaled Nup map showed a total yearly Nup of 842.215 ± 236.11 Tg of N, with a mean coefficient of variation of 26.77% (Fig. S4). The lowest Nup values were on boreal latitudes and mountain ranges such as the Rocky Mountains in the USA, the Andes in South America, the different mountain ridges in Europe, and the Himalayan plateau in Asia. The higher rates of Nup are predicted in temperate latitudes in Europe, the eastern United States, Southeast Asia, East Australia, most of South America and central Africa, with the most intense spot around Congo, where there is the most N deposition, temperature and precipitation combined (Fig. 3a). Therefore, Nup map shows an NPP influence, driven by temperature and precipitation, but added to an N deposition distribution that shades the strictly latitudinal distribution of Nup.
The machine-learning models describing NUE showed the importance of microbial N stocks, altitude, precipitation, soil pH, and AM% as NUE drivers (Fig. S5). These results align with the variable importance shown in the linear models, with the addition of precipitation and altitude. The variables´ relation showed similar general trends as in the linear model (Fig. S6). The average predictions for NUE at a global scale were 110.262 units of C per unit of N with a mean coefficient of variation of 17.89% (Fig. S4). The map distribution showed general low NUE around the Equator, and progressively increasing towards the poles. Nonetheless, some heterogeneous parches alternating high and low NUE can be found between 50 and 60 degrees latitude north (Fig. 3b).
Global-scale Nup comparison with TRENDY models
We further seek to compare our estimates for the total yearly Nup upscaled from field observations with the mean of the Nup provided by the eight models included in TRENDY. When comparing TRENDY Nup with our Nup upscaled projections, we found clear geospatial pattern differences. TRENDY models produce higher Nup in the tropical regions, reaching differences of around 100 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1 in those areas (Fig. 4a) representing more than 100% of the Nup estimated by field observations (Fig. 4b). Other areas like the north and northeast of North America, Southeast Asia, and north of Eurasia also appear to have higher Nup values in TRENDY models than in field observations. In boreal latitudes, the TRENDY models deviation for Nup could even reach 300% of overestimation. On the other hand, areas where the upscaled approach projects higher values than the TRENDY models, are the austral latitudes, the Middle Eastern regions, the Somali peninsula, and the Rocky Mountains (Fig. 4). Overall, TRENDY models estimate higher values of Nup, by 16.61 kg N ha− 1 yr− 1, meaning the 48.54% of the variability. When aggregating the total year Nup, LPX-Bern and CLM5.0 were the models that predicted overall values exceding our range of confidence, assuming a significantly larger Nup (Fig. S7).
Nup global drivers and implications
Linear models and machine learning models are consistent when determining N deposition, temperature, and precipitation as global drivers of Nup. Hotter and wetter environments increase biological activity, leading to more biomass production and therefore more N demand. An increase in N demand with enough N availability is associated with an increase in Nup. The accumulation of N deposition throughout time originating from anthropogenic sources has been increasing the N availability in some areas, generally close to industrial or agroforestry pools. Hence, in a global change context where CO2 fertilization and temperature increase have generated a greening effect35, areas with higher N deposition were able to better supply this increasing N demand. Thus, according to our results, anthropogenic N supply has become a Nup driver as important as climate.
These results are concerning since our data emphasize the far-reaching influence of human-induced nitrogen deposition in shaping global Nup patterns. Some regions such as Europe, the Eastern USA, and the tropics have decreased their N deposition during the last four decades36. Nonetheless, these efforts do not translate yet on low N deposition effects in natural woodlands and grasslands. This sustained entrance of anthropogenic N has been associated with a fertilization effect, enhancing the land C sink by 0.72 Pg C yr− 1 during the 2010s37. Nonetheless, this N fertilization effect showed evidence of saturation in forests and grasslands38,39, where the biomass production and therefore the C sink increase slowed down. Consequently, this input of N not being captured by biomass will enhance the N leaching associated with eutrophication, acidification, loss of biodiversity, and N2O emissions40,41,8 exacerbating environmental problems.
NUE global drivers and implications
Our results indicate soil biotic and abiotic factors drive NUE in natural ecosystems. The main divergence between linear models and machine learning models is the importance of altitude and precipitation, which showed explicit relevancy only in machine learning models. We attribute these differences to the nature of the models, where machine-learning models accommodate correlations without modifying their variable importance. Thus, the important variables in the linear model could also have embedded important latitudinal gradients and therefore altitudinal or precipitation gradients. In that regard, we do not consider environmental variables such as precipitation to be totally detached from NUE relations, since they are somewhat drivers of important biotic variables such as AM %, soil pH, and microbial N stocks.
The response of NUE has been postulated as a method to assess N saturation in plant communities42. A negative relation between N addition and NUE and lower NUE levels would indicate N saturation43. In our study, tropical areas are shown to have the lowest NUE, being the less N limited and matching with previous global upscaling studies using different approaches44,45. According to the soil age hypothesis46, N accumulates in ecosystems through time due to biological processes. Thus, newer formation areas, such as high elevation or lower pH areas are the ones showing higher values of NUE and where N is expected to be more limiting. Our results only show a modest effect of N saturation due to N deposition, so further studies are needed to better assess where and under what circumstances areas are N saturated due to N deposition.
Biological activity, such as the type of mycorrhizal associations and soil microbes N stocks has shown a strong impact in the terrestrial N cycle. Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations are the most abundant in the tropics47 and are theorized to be more efficient in nutrient capture and more abundant in areas with fast N cycling48. Our models show that AM associations have lower NUE, possibly driven by the abundance of N and the high efficiency of AM associations in N obtention. On the other side, N obtention was more efficient in areas with high soil microbes stocks. We hypothesize a potential competition effect between soil microbes and plants for N, but further studies are needed to corroborate this relation. Thus, given the importance of biological activity in fixing and transforming N, it is reasonable that total soil N stocks would not be a good indicator of N availability and plant N uptake.
Divergences between Nup map and TRENDY
TRENDY model ensemble projects substantially higher Nup values than the empirical upscaling. These differences were especially relevant in the tropics in absolute terms and in boreal latitudes in % of deviation. This mismatch could be associated with an overestimation of terrestrial C sink capacity and a misinterpretation of the role of vegetation in N cycling. A possible explanation of this phenomenon would lay on the overestimation of biomass production by LSM when not accounting for growth-limiting factors such as phosphorus, drought, or overall biotic competition. Alternatively, overestimation when accounting for N concentration in tissues could also lead to Nup overestimation, which would necessarily reflect in overall lower NUE values. In our calculations, we embraced the variability of N concentration and net primary productivity among tissues and leaf resorption to generate a truthfully Nup and NUE values. Nonetheless, we acknowledge that calculations based on empirical data can still have biases associated with sampling and the upscaling process. Still, we believe that calibrating and cross-checking models built over mathematical assumptions with field measurements is necessary to better root models to reality.