This study was approved by the Review Ethics Board of El Cruce Hospital, Buenos Aires, Argentina, according to the
Declaration of Helsinki. All patients were informed of the purpose and possible consequences of this study and signed
an ethical board-approved written informed consent. For this study we selected 6 adult patients with drug-resistant epilepsy candidates to surgery, in whom it was necessary the use of intracerebral electrodes (SEEG) for the studying of the epileptogenic zone. The inclusion criteria were patients in whom we could completely evaluate consciousness during seizures. All patients had a comprehensive evaluation including detailed medical record and neurological examination, neuropsychological testing, routine magnetic resonance image (MRI), scalp EEG and SEEG. SEEG was carried out as part of the patients’ routine clinical care and informed consent was given in the usual way.
2.2 Electrode’s implantation
Depth electrodes (Ad Tech) had: (a) 8 or 10 platinum contacts with 5- or 10-mm inter-contact center to center distance,
contact length of 2.4 mm and 1.1 mm diameter, or (b) 9 platinum contacts with 3 mm distance between the first and the second contact and 6 mm inter-electrode distance from the second to the last. Contact length was 1.57 mm and the electrode diameter was 1.28 mm. Electrodes were identified by a letter of the alphabet. There was no standard labeling for each location. Contacts within an electrode were usually identified with numbers beginning from the deepest (contact number 1, corresponding to the tip) to the base.
2.3 Intracranial electroencephalography recordings
SEEG signals were acquired using the software Cervello 1.04.200, sampled at 2000 Hz with bandpass filtering between
0.7 Hz and 200Hz. The seizure onset was identified by two epileptologists (NC and SK) through independent reviews.
The ictal onset was identified as initial SEEG changes, characterized by sustained rhythmic discharges or repetitive
spike-wave discharges that cannot be explained by state changes and that resulted in habitual seizure symptoms similar to those reported in previous studies. The seizure onset zone was defined as the contacts where the earlier ictal SEEG changes were seen.
2.4 Data Analisis
We obtained our results computing the \({\varPhi }_{AR}\) index for the electrode signals. This index, proposed by Barret et al. in [3], allowed us to obtain an estimation of the integrated information using the empirical covariance matrices and skipping, in this way, the assumption that our data comes from a Gaussian system. The effective information is defined as
$${\phi }_{AR}\left[X;\tau ,\beta \right]=\frac{1}{2}log\left\{\frac{det\varSigma \left(X\right)}{det\varSigma \left({E}^{X}\right)}\right\}-{\sum }_{k=1}^{2}\frac{1}{2}log\left\{\frac{det\varSigma \left({{M}^{k}}^{}\right)}{det\varSigma \left({{E}^{M}}^{k}\right)}\right\}\left(1\right)$$
where X is the data matrix, M is a subset of X (partition), E is the residual in the regression on X, and EM is the residual in the regression on M. \({\varPhi }_{AR}\) is defined as the particularization of the integrated information for the bipartition \(\{{M}^{1},{M}^{2}\}\) that minimizes \({\phi }_{AR}\),
$${\varPhi }_{AR}\left[X;\tau \right]={\phi }_{AR}\left[X;\tau ,{\beta }^{min}\left(\tau \right)\right] \left(2\right)$$
$${\beta }^{min}\left(\tau \right)={arg}_{\beta }min\left\{\frac{\phi \left[X;\tau ,\beta \right]}{L\left(\beta \right)}\right\} \left(3\right)$$
being L a normalization factor defined by,
$$L\left(\{{M}^{1},{M}^{2}\}\right)=\frac{1}{2}log{min}_{k}\left\{{\left(2\pi e\right)}^{\left|{M}^{k}\right|}det\varSigma \left({M}^{k}\right)\right\} \left(4\right)$$
where and \(\beta\)min is the minimum \(\phi\)AR, defined in formula 2, for all {i,j} bi-partitions \(\left\{{M}^{i};{M}^{j}\right\}\), and L(\(\beta\)) is the normalization factor.
In order to compute the \({\varPhi }_{AR}\) index evolution through time, we downsampled the EEG records to 200 Hz taking 1 sample out of 10. We z-scored each signal and then we applied a 50Hz notch filter to remove line noise. We used a bandpass filter to limit the signal's bandwidth between 4 Hz and 20 Hz. We selected 6 different electrodes from brain regions that were classified as epileptogenic (compromised) and 6 electrodes from regions that were classified as non-epileptogenic (non compromised). The selection of these electrodes was based, for each patient, on medical reports. The mean distance between electrodes was calculated and compared for each group of electrodes (epileptogenic vs non-epileptogenic) without finding statistical differences.
In our case we used Barret’s scripts to calculate ΦAR. A 200 samples (1 second) sliding window, with 100 samples
(500 ms) overlapping and \(\tau\) = 50 samples (250ms) was used to generate the data matrices X employed to compute ΦAR.
Finally, we computed ΔΦAR computing the minimum ΦAR inside a 1 second window taken right after the
seizure onset and subtracting a baseline value computed as the average of a 2.5 seconds window located 10 minutes before the seizure onset. We used the same approach to compute the signal power differences (ΔP) between pre ictal and ictal conditions.
It has been shown that integrated information is maximized when a system is functionally integrated and specialized [9], [10]. A reduced level of integration or specialization leads to a reduced value of ΦAR. To understand the observed ΦAR changes in terms of changes in integration and specialization, we analyzed the interaction between pairs of electrodes. We constructed the matrix R, equal to the absolute value of the correlation matrix, computed on the same time windows as ΦAR. For each one of these matrices, we computed graph theory measures over a weight undirected graph with adjacency matrix L = 1 – R. In these graphs, nodes (electrodes) were close if their signals were correlated. We computed two graph-theoretic measures: the mean shortest path length (MSP) and the modularity (Q). The MSP is obtained by finding the minimum distance between each pair of nodes and taking their average. Modularity is defined as the average weight within communities minus the expected average weight for a random graph of equal in-degree and out-degree. Community partitioning was performed with the spectral method of Leich et al [11]. Both measures were computed with the “Brain Connectivity Toolbox”[12].