Within a MEA CO2 electrolyzer, CO and other products are produced within the liquid-immersed catalyst layer. These products can then either diffuse across a gas-liquid interface and through the gas diffusion layer (GDL) into the gas channel, or in the case of CO they can further be reduced on the catalyst (Supplementary Fig. 1). To better understand the statistical amount of time that products reside within the liquid layer, we performed residence time distribution experiments of an ex-situ CO2 electrolysis cell.
As illustrated in Fig. 1, a non-reactive tracer gas of 5% CO and 95% He is injected into an assembled electrolyzer, and a time-resolved output signal of CO is measured by a mass spectrometer (See Supplementary Fig. 2). By using defined input profiles of the tracer gas such as a pulse or negative tracers, the profile and delay of the output signal, known as a residence time distribution (RTD) curve, will give us information about the convective and diffusive properties of the MEA electrolyzer. Inside a CO2 electrolyzer employing a gas diffusion electrode, however, contributions from the gas flow channel, the GDE and the liquid filled catalyst layer all affect the RTD and the dominant transport factor needs to be determined.
In this regard, previous studies from fuel cells have shown that pulse RTD tests predominantly show the gas flow field channel characteristics as gases pass through the system components (see Fig. 1a center)30–32. In contrast, a negative tracer test saturates the entirety of the system for longer periods of time and provides information on the time required for gases to leave all parts of the cell33. A negative tracer then gives a good perspective of products that are formed in the liquid phase leaving as the gas channel partial pressure is decreased34. Here, the eventual release of the tracer is then maximized at the tail.
We began our non-electrochemical RTD tests by first examining the importance of the liquid layer in an MEA system as liquid diffusion and liquid-to-gas diffusion of CO are expected to be the largest transport barriers. For the experiments we used the most common flow field pattern (FFP), a serpentine channel which has a single fluid flow path from the inlet to outlet, creating a significant pressure drop in the reactor. There are then two scenarios in Fig. 1b. For the non-wetted case, we assembled the MEA cell as usual but without applying a potential, which means that no water wets the anion exchange membrane or is present on the cathode GDL. For the wetted case, we used a porous Zirfon membrane which is wetted by the anolyte flow. When we compare a 30 s pulse RTD test for the two cases, we see a stark difference in the RTD curves (Fig. 1c). For the non-wetted case, we see a CO RTD profile almost identical to the pulse input with a mean residence time of 28 s, whereas the wetted case shows a substantially longer mean residence time of 118 s. This control experiment confirms the impact of the water layer on transport properties and confirms its importance in future tests.
We then performed pulse and negative RTD measurements on the Zirfon wetted system for varied inlet flow rates (Fig. 2a, 2b). Here a clear difference is observed between a 10 sccm flow (representative of a high CO2 conversion scenario) and 50 sccm (a low CO2 conversion scenario). Consequently, the mean residence time for the tracer at 10 sccm was 118 s, higher than at 50 sccm (110 s). If we relate this finding to a CO2 electrolyzer in operation, it indicates that a CO molecule in either the liquid layer or the gas channel will on average reside there for 8 s longer at 10 sccm than 50 sccm.
To contrast these non-electrochemical RTD measurements with electrochemical data, we performed CO2 electrolysis experiments in an MEA cell using a Ni foam anode, Cu sputtered carbon GDE (5 cm2) and humidified CO2 as the reactant. The measurement techniques and instrumentation are shown in Supplementary Figure S8. For our tests we used a fixed geometric current density of 200 mA/cm2 with CO2 fed at various flowrates ranging from low to high CO2 conversion conditions.
As shown in Fig. 2b and 2c, we find that the product distribution varies as CO2 flowrates decrease from 50 sccm to 5 sccm. Notably, we see a decrease in the Faradaic efficiency (FE) of CO from 12.6% at 50 sccm to just 3% at 10 sccm. In contrast, the FE of ethanol increases substantially from 20.3% at 50 sccm to 30.8% at 10 sccm. The shift is even more stark when observing the oxygenate (ethanol + acetate) trend in Fig. 2c. In particular, the product spectrum where oxygenates outcompete ethylene FE is more indicative of ECOR on copper than that of ECO2R35,36. When coupled to the non-electrochemical RTD data it implies that the production rate of CO in both the 10 and 50 sccm cases may actually be similar, but the CO produced in the 10 sccm case remains longer in the gas channel and liquid layer such that it is further reduced, providing a more oxygenated product spectrum. Interestingly, rates of ethylene production remain unchanged (FE ~ 40%) across all flow rates, implying that any decrease in CO(aq) predominantly contributed to ethanol product pathways (Equation S38 in Supplementary Notes).37 When flowrates were further decreased (5 sccm), competing HER took over (FEH2 of 40%) due to mass transport limitations of CO2 reaching the entire 5 cm2 Cu GDE (Fig. 2c). Here, however, the oxygenate to ethylene trend continues.
A single pass conversion efficiency of 24% (Fig. 2d) and a maximum C2+ selectivity of 84% (jC2+ of 168 mA/cm2) are then achieved at 10 sccm, due to the higher residence time of CO in the reactor. A higher residence time ensures that there is sufficient time for dimerization of two *CO molecules, thereby achieving a CO utilization of 87.6% for C2+ production at 10 sccm (See Equations S28-S30 in Supplementary Notes and Supplementary Table 2). Notably then we can say that the highest combined Faradaic efficiency and single-pass conversion at a fixed current density both occur at low flow rates for a serpentine channel. At a higher flowrate of 50 sccm however, the C2+ selectivity drops to 65% with a single-pass conversion of only 4%. Additionally, a very low stoichiometric CO2 excess of 1.13 (See Supplementary Table 2) is obtained at 10 sccm, which is beneficial for achieving product rich gas streams and reducing downstream gas separation costs as shown in a recent study38.
Lastly, for the serpentine results, we found during our experiments that we lost less CO2 to OH− interactions than expected at 10 and 20 sccm. In particular, only 75% of OH− ions generated at the cathode are converted to CO32−/HCO3− due to buffer reactions with CO2 at 10 sccm, whereas all OH− is reacted above 30 sccm (Fig. 2e). Assuming that these 75% of OH− ions reacting with CO2 are converted to CO32− ions at these higher reaction rates (local pH > 12), this would mean that the ions transported across the AEM (towards the anode) is a mixture of CO32 and OH− ions. Typically, we would expect such a result only in CO2 depleted cases where high H2 FE’s are seen. However, the total ECO2R FE are 9 % and H2 FE is only %. This finding implies that we have regions in the reactor where reactions can proceed to C2+ products without parasitic reactions of CO2 and OH− ions. We then conclude that regions of our 5 cm2 electrode are CO2 depleted but not CO depleted.
Using the above findings, we can then predict the dominant electrochemical reaction occurring along the flow channel length for low, moderate, and high CO2 conversion cases (Fig. 3a). In green regions the primary reactant is CO2, whereas in purple regions, CO is more in abundance than CO2. As discussed elsewhere39, the maximum CO2 utilization efficiency to ethylene and ethanol products for the green region is 25% (Fig. 3b). However, the purple region performing primarily ECOR has no such limitation as there may not be enough CO2 present to react with the formed OH− (Fig. 3c). Indeed when we calculate the CO2 utilization efficiency across various flow rates, we reach a value of 31% (Fig. 3d), breaking the limit of 25% obtained for pure C2+ product formation when CO32− ions act as the sole charge carrier.
To further test the above conclusion regarding CO residence times, we performed further RTD and electrochemical tests on parallel flow fields. In contrast to serpentine channels, a parallel FFP has channels divided into parallel paths with a very low pressure drop between the inlet and outlet40. Mass transport through the GDE is then dominated predominantly by diffusion. Due to fundamental differences in GDE transport between FFP’s, we performed negative tracer RTD measurements to compare the release of gases from each system (Fig. 4a and Supplementary Figure S6). Again, all components of our standard electrochemical MEA cell were assembled except with a pretreated Zirfon membrane pressed against the carbon GDL to mimic the wetted catalyst in real ECO2R conditions (See Supplementary Information for details).
Observing the normalized RTD curves in (Fig. 4a), the negative tracer experiments show a large difference in the serpentine and parallel FFP curves at 50 sccm. Despite being at identical flow rates, there is 16.7 s delay for the tracer to exit the reactor using a parallel FFP in comparison to the serpentine FFP, illustrating an increased residence time of the tracer gas inside the reactor. The higher residence time shows that the use of a parallel FFP creates the likelihood of higher reactant pooling in the wetted regions of the GDL surface. These results can be anticipated as the parallel flow field has lower channel velocities than the serpentine channel (Supplementary Table 4 ), which impacts concentration gradients between the gas channel and liquid layer, thus slowing gas removal from the liquid.
By combining the flow rate and flow field RTD data together we can compose the qualitative graph in Fig. 4b. Here we see that the serpentine channel can have long or short residence times depending on the flow rate inputted. Conversely, the parallel channel has a lower sensitivity to flow rate as the fluid velocity is always at a substantially lower value than the serpentine channel at equivalent volumetric rates. These conclusions then lead to a representative image of CO pooling during electrochemical CO2 reduction for each of the different cases as shown in Fig. 4c.
We then performed ECO2R using varied gas flow field patterns (FFP) at the cathode Fig. 4d shows the product distribution using all three different FFP’s at 200 mA/cm2 and a CO2 inlet flowrate of 10 sccm. While all three FFPs show a similar selectivity of CO (3–4%), there were differences in the individual C2+ product distribution. For both the serpentine and interdigitated FFPs, FE of ethylene (40%) and oxygenates (40%) remain quite similar, achieving a C2+ selectivity of 82–84% with a low CH4 (FE ~ 1%) and H2 (FE ~ 8%). However, when a parallel FFP is used at the cathode, the FE of acetate doubles to 16% and CH4 increases to 9%. This comes at the expense of decreased ethylene (FE ~ 32%) and ethanol (FE ~ 22%), leading to a drop in total C2+ selectivity of 72% (Fig. 3b). The selectivity switch from ethylene/ethanol to acetate for the parallel FFP suggests that a higher local alkalinity around the catalyst is more likely, due to CO2 depletion within the GDE41.
The higher CH4 production also shows that an increased *H coverage (from *H2O) occurs within the catalyst layer due to depleted CO2 in some parts of the catalyst layer. An increased *H coverage is plausible since CH4 formation is well known to occur through a surface recombination of *CO and *H via a Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism42. Overall, the use of a parallel FFP at the cathode at 10 sccm results in decreased CO2 access at some portions of the Cu catalyst layer and a subsequent increase in local alkalinity, producing higher CH4 and acetate respectively. Previous studies on CO reduction on Cu have also attributed the increased acetate production to the abundance of OH− ions, which leads to a higher local pH around the catalyst surface43,44.
Further, this depletion in CO2 access for a parallel FFP, suggests that a significant portion of catalyst surface is predominantly used for electrolysis of CO (produced from CO2) to C1 (methane) and C2+ products. Supporting this hypothesis are the results from our empirical numerical transport model which shows that about 18% of GDE has no CO2 access when a parallel FFP is used at the cathode (Supplementary Fig. 12). The total C2+ selectivity is however lower (72%) for the parallel FFP due to depleted CO2 and increased *H coverage as is evident from the increased CH4 selectivity. This would then imply that, if excess CO2 is fed into the system to ensure no mass transport limitations, the parallel FFP should maximize C2+ production due to the increased residence time of CO within the GDE as shown earlier (Fig. 4a).
To assess some of the above statements, we operated the serpentine and parallel FFPs at 200 mA/cm2 and at an excess CO2 flowrate of 50 sccm to ensure sufficient CO2 is available for both the cases to prevent CO2-deplete regions. Interestingly, we find a switch in the product distribution, with a significantly higher C2+ selectivity for the parallel FFP (75.2%), compared to the serpentine case (68%). As shown in Fig. 4e, the FE of CO was then more than twice lower (5%) for the parallel FFP compared to the serpentine case (FE 12.6%). This increased CO utilization to C2+ products for the parallel FFP shows the benefit of an increased residence time within the GDE for dimerization of two CO molecules.
The calculated CO utilization rate towards C2+ products then reached 83.6% for the parallel FFP (See Supplementary Table 2) at 50 sccm, significantly higher than 65% obtained for the serpentine case. Operating electrolyzers using a parallel FFP is then beneficial at higher flowrates, but comes at a cost of lower single pass conversion of CO2 fed into the reactor. Recent studies have however shown that operating at lower single pass conversion efficiencies (5–10%) are sufficient since the energy required for gas separation is 100 times lower than the actual electrolyzer energy requirements45. Considering this aspect, a parallel FFP might be beneficial at higher and a broader range of flowrates due to its inherent ability to increase reactant residence time inside the liquid filled catalyst layer. In addition, a parallel FFP also benefits from a very low pressure drop in the reactor (Supplementary Table 4), which might be beneficial as CO2 electrolyzers are scaled to larger areas (> 100 cm2).
ECOR experiments
While much of the work here showcased the influence of residence time of CO on C2+ production, the Faradaic efficiency results of individual C2 products (ethylene, ethanol and acetate) also showed distinct trends. For instance, the use of a parallel FFP at the cathode produced the highest acetate (FE 15–16%) at both 10 and 50 sccm inlet flowrates, which was twice higher than the serpentine and interdigitated FFPs. We hypothesized that the local catalyst microenvironment, specifically the local alkalinity as a result of differences in CO2 availability might be altered due to the FFP used, which may explain selectivity differences. We then performed CO electrolysis at 200 mA/cm2.
Figure 5a shows the product distribution obtained from electrochemical CO reduction (ECOR) for the three FFPs. As the reactant feed is switched from CO2 to CO, we see a clear selectivity switch from ethylene/ethanol to acetate for all the three FFP. Acetate production in these conditions is similar to existing ECOR literature but it is interesting that the differences we observed in ECO2R have mostly been removed here. When we consider that most of the ECO2R differences for serpentine vs parallel channels are explained to be a result of CO pooling and tandem reactions, it then makes sense that we do not see a stark serpentine-parallel difference for CO electrolysis in Fig. 5a where no products can be further reduced.
The higher acetate production observed during this reactant switch from CO2 to CO for all FFPs also suggests a stronger dependence of product distribution on local alkalinity around the catalyst layer. The concentration of local OH− ions during ECOR are more than one order of magnitude higher than for ECO2R41, where neutralization by buffering reactions with CO2 occurs. It has been shown before that these abundant hydroxide ions react with the CH2CO intermediates (Equation S40 in Supplementary Notes) relevant for ethylene and ethanol, leading to a switch in product towards acetate.46,47 A moderate interfacial pH, observed during ECO2R (pH < 12–13)48 is then beneficial to avoid this switch from ethylene/ethanol to acetate. However, modulating interfacial pH in these catholyte free MEA cells at higher current densities is quite challenging, as this would require modifications either in the type of the ion exchange membrane used or ionomers49 within the catalyst coated GDL.
This interplay of product formation rates highlight important implications for CO electrolysis in zero gap MEA electrolyzers. Although ECOR is beneficial due to the absence of carbonate crossover and lower full cell voltages (Fig. 5b), the findings here show that these advantages comes at the expense of lower ethylene and ethanol formation rates. In addition, the calculated full cell energy efficiency (Supplementary Table 7) for a combined ethylene and ethanol production from ECOR is similar (23.4%) to CO2 ER (29%), highlighting the main benefit of CO ER lies in the long term operational stability, due to absence of carbonate formation at the cathode. Overall, this shows that CO2 electrolysis still has potential for producing high rates of ethylene and ethanol which have greater demand for replacement from current fossil fuel based production routes than acetic acid.
Finally, the major challenge that hinders commercialization of CO2 electrolyzers using Cu based catalysts lies in the inability to selectively produce ethylene or ethanol with high selectivity (> 70%). Most studies have however shown that a combined 70–80% selectivity towards ethylene and ethanol can be obtained at industrially relevant current densities. While these branching pathways towards ethylene and ethanol cannot be well controlled as shown in a recent study50, we posit here that researchers must look into a combined ethylene + ethanol selectivity as a performance metric. This is because, ethanol as a liquid product can be separated from the MEA reactor and further be used as a starting material to produce ethylene through catalytic dehydration reaction51.
Importantly, the energy requirements for this ethanol dehydration reaction to ethylene (45 kJ/mol of ethylene) are two orders of magnitude lower than a CO2 electrolyzer producing ethylene (2900 KJ/mol of CO2 )52. We then argue here that the research community should look into integrating catalytic dehydration of ethanol to ethylene as an additional process step to CO2 electrolysis in order to make it energy efficient and industrially viable.