Sensitivity of soil N2O emissions to N deposition in global forests
We quantified and modeled the sensitivity of soil N2O emissions to N deposition (sN) using data from experimental sites (N2O_exp dataset; Supplementary Materials Data S1) where low rates of N input were applied to mimic the effect of atmospheric N deposition (Supplementary Materials Table S1, Table S2). Using modeled sN, we estimated the global forest soil N2O emission rate. The agreement of estimated and observed soil N2O emission rates (N2O_obs dataset; Supplementary Materials Data S2) indirectly supported the validity of the intermediate parameter sN (Spearman’s ρ = 0.50; Supplementary Materials Fig. S2). Additionally, sN is mechanistically related to N cycling parameters including the sensitivity of total N loss to N deposition (c1), the sensitivity of N leaching to N deposition (c2), and the nitrification and denitrification end-product ratio (c3). Using c1 and c2 quantified from a different set of experimental data (Ncycle_exp dataset; Supplementary Materials Data S3), and c3 modeled by Bai, et al. 37, we calculated sN on the biome scale (Supplementary Materials Text S3). Calculated sN was compared with the biome-mean values of the modeled sN. The good agreement further confirmed the validity of modeled sN values (Pearson’s r = 0.998).
The global mean value of sN was 0.013 kg N2O-N per kg N deposited (kgN2O-N kgN–1). sN generally decreased from low- to high-latitude forests (Fig. 3). The mean sN was significantly different across the biomes (p < 0.01; Fig. 3). Global hotspots of sN include tropical rainforests, forests in East Asia, Western Europe, eastern United States, eastern Siberia, and northwestern Canada. A relatively open N cycle in N-rich tropical rainforests contributes to higher sN38. Also, plants and microbes may not be able to immediately adapt to changed N input, causing increased N loss39; thus, a positive correlation was observed between interannual variation of N deposition and sN (Supplementary Materials Fig. S3). This may be a reason why in temperate forests experiencing relatively high changes in atmospheric N deposition due to human activities (mostly in East Asia, Western Europe, and eastern United States), sN values were also high. Furthermore, the sN of forests in northwestern Canada and eastern Siberia were predicted to be high (Fig. 3), possibly resulting from enhanced N deposition by forest fires and biomass burning40, and increased leakage of N2O from thawing permafrost N pools under a warming climate41,42.
In general, N deposition and soil texture factors dominated the spatial variation in sN. Specifically, N deposition and its annual variation ( explained more than 50% of the variation in sN in temperate forests, supporting that atmospheric N deposition played a more important role in this biome than in tropical and boreal biomes43,44. In addition to environmental factors used for constructing the regression model on sN (temperature, precipitation, N deposition, and soil texture), other factors may as well influence the response of soil N2O emission to N deposition, such as soil chemical variables and forest type 45. Soil chemical variables (e.g., total N, C:N) were not used because they could be changed by N deposition over time, and the temporal coverage of existing spatial datasets could hardly match with the response variable (sN). Although forest type was not used in this study to model sN, the interactions of the considered factors may have accounted for the variation it represents, thus the modeled sN could indicate the difference in N loss pathways in deciduous broadleaf and needleleaf forests (Supplementary Materials Text S4), which was consistent with field observation 46.
Studies have determined N limitation or N saturation of forests worldwide based on indicators such as N leaching rate (Nleach dataset) and plant growth response to N input (NuLi dataset)21. For each site, sN was estimated using our constructed model which had been validated with two independent datasets. Comparing sites with different N saturation status, sN was significantly higher in forests identified as N-saturated in previous studies than in N-limited forests, on both global and geographic-regional scales (p < 0.001; Fig. 4). This was also consistent with the field study47. A possible explanation is that in N-limited forests, plants and microbes utilize N conservatively, so that microbial processes creating reactive N (e.g., mineralization, ammonification, and nitrification) are closely linked to microbial, plant and physicochemical N immobilization processes33,34. On the contrary, in N-saturated forests, excessive N supply leads to more open N cycling processes48, causing a higher fraction of deposited N to be lost in forms such as N2O as compared to N-limited forests.
Additionally, the robustness of the relationship between sN and the N saturation status across geographic regions (Fig. 4) shows that sN is a suitable indicator of forest N saturation, unparalleled in its performance as compared to various other potential indicators (Supplementary Materials Fig. S4).
To determine the N saturation pattern of global forests, we firstly calculated a threshold of sN using bootstrap method49, and distinguished between N-saturated and N-limited forests (Supplementary Materials Fig. S5). Specifically, forests with sN values greater than 0.0143 kgN2O-N kgN–1 were classified to be N-saturated, whereas the others were classified to be N-limited. 76% of the 154 forest sites with field-observed N saturation status information were accurately classified (Fig. 5). In three geographic regions with abundant field observations, Western Europe, East Asia, and North America, the classification accuracies were as well above 70%, showing that the used classification was reliable on global and geographic-regional scales. Therefore, we produced a rasterized global map of N-limited and N-saturated forests that could be applied to research requiring N saturation status information, such as prediction of forest productivity.
Influences of human activities on the N saturation status of forests
The global patterns of forest N saturation using sN as an indicator show that 42.6% of global forests are N-saturated. Exploration of the inter-regional variation of forest N saturation reveals higher N saturation ratios (ratio of N-saturated forest area to total forest area) in tropical and temperate forests (53.2% and 51.1%, respectively) than in boreal forests (23.1%). Geographic regions with high N saturation ratios (South Asia, East Asia, and Western Europe) coincided with those that were highly industrialized and/or intensively used for agriculture (Fig. 6). This implies that socioeconomic development may have played a role in the formation of the N saturation patterns in global forests.
We studied the relationship between economic development and forest N saturation for countries with significant forest areas (Supplementary Materials Fig. S6). In the tropics, economically more prosperous countries, such as Malaysia and Cuba, had lower N saturation ratios. However, the relationship was reversed in the boreal biome, where economically more prosperous countries (e.g., Norway, Finland) had higher forest N saturation ratios. A possible explanation is that deforestation accompanying economic development in the tropics has replaced primary tropical forests (which are naturally in or close to N saturation38,50) with N-limited secondary forests51, thereby lowering the N saturation ratios. Most temperate and boreal forests may naturally be N-limited; increased reactive N emissions from combustion processes and intensive agriculture alongside economic development, however, can enhance atmospheric N deposition and drive forests to reach N saturation52. The resulted positive relationship between economic development and N saturation ratio was more prominent in boreal than in the temperate forests, probably because the opposite effects of deforestation and N deposition on N saturation ratio counterbalance each other in temperate biome.
In addition to land cover change, other anthropogenic global change components, such as CO2 emissions and global warming, can influence N saturation status of global forests. Previous research has shown that increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration from anthropogenic emissions and extended growing season by global warming can enhance the biotic demand for N, lowering the relative N availability in natural ecosystems53 and potentially induce N limitation. But in ecosystems close to densely-populated and more industrialized regions, high N deposition may overwhelm this “background” trend (Supplementary Materials Fig. S7), causing ecosystems to become N-saturated16 at least transiently. To fully capture the spatial and temporal variation of N saturation status of global forests, it will be necessary to comprehensively study the combined effects of multiple global change components and periodically assess the global patterns of N saturation, such as to provide realistic and explicit implications for environmental management.
Implications and potential applications of the global patterns of N-saturated forests
Similar to the sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature54, the sensitivity of soil N2O emissions to N deposition (sN) is also a relatively stable parameter due to resource constraints55 and the functional stability of microbial communities56. The sN of global forests, estimated using data from N addition experiments from the 1980s to the 2010s, indicates forest N saturation status during the time.
The derived patterns of global forest N saturation indicate high spatial variation in N availability. We also estimated the temporal change of N availability using sN as an indicator (Supplementary Materials Fig. S8), which revealed lowering N availability in the two geographic regions, Asia Pacific and Europe, where N addition experiment data were abundant. This is consistent with recent findings about the oligotrophication (declining N availability) trend in natural ecosystems caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and warming 57–59. Considering the spatial variation and temporal change of N availability, different environmental management practices should be adopted in different regions 57,58,60,61. For those where N availability is expected to decrease (e.g., Western Europe and the United States)57 whilst the N saturation ratio is currently high (probably a legacy effect of high N deposition in the past few decades), sustained N pollution regulation and environmental assessment may be helpful62. For those where N saturation ratio is high and N availability may further increase (e.g., China and India)57, effective N pollution regulation and treatment may be needed.
Additionally, we speculate that the derived pattern of N-limited and N-saturated forests will be helpful for quantifying biogeochemical processes and revealing underlying mechanisms across scales. Studies have observed the stimulating or suppressing effect of N deposition on soil methane (CH4) flux at different forest sites, probably resulting from differences in the N saturation status; soil CH4 uptake flux tend to be stimulated by N deposition in N-limited forests, while N deposition may suppress soil CH4 uptake in N-saturated forests 63,64. The N saturation map we produced may allow researchers to quantify the effect of N deposition on soil CH4 flux in forests under different N status, thus improving model structures and reducing uncertainties in global CH4 budgets. Similarly, the global map of N-saturated forests may be applied to reduce uncertainties in predicting forest productivity and soil respiration. Moreover, the map can be used as a reference for forest management, so that conservation efforts could be focused, and N-deposition-induced biodiversity loss could be reduced65.
In this study, we validated sN indirectly with soil N2O emission rates estimated from sN. The N cycling parameters were also used to calculate and validate sN on a biome scale (Supplementary Materials Text S3). Although these two approaches can ensure the reliability of the model for sN, more N addition experiments are required to derive sN and improve the model, especially in boreal forests where the uncertainty of modeled sN is high (Supplementary Materials Fig. S9). In the future when more long-term experimental data become available, researchers can also model the temporal change of sN, predicting the N availability change under future climate and N deposition regime. Besides, more attention should be paid to the N transformation processes (mineralization, nitrification, and denitrification) governing sN66,67. Connecting sN with underlying biochemical processes can help to consolidate the intrinsic correlation between sN and N saturation status from a microbiological perspective.
Controlled experiments and field observations from global sites have provided the foundation for quantifying the sensitivity of ecosystems to various environmental variables, such as temperature, precipitation, N deposition rate, and CO2 concentration. The spatial variation and temporal change in the sensitivities are of high theoretical and realistic importance. For example, N addition experiments revealed that only approximately 1% of the deposited N would leave the ecosystem as N2O. However, the spatial variation in the percentage, equivalent to sN, indicates the N saturation status of global forests. This implies, reasonably coordinated experimental networks and long-term experiments are of enormous value68,69. In addition, standard experimental design and sampling protocols are very important for integrating observations from different sites and revealing ecosystem properties on large scale. The quantified sensitivities of ecosystems may provide new perspectives and parameters for ecosystem models, thus improving the predictions of productivity, biodiversity, and GHG emissions under global change.