Our twin analyses revealed that the twin heritabilities of reading, mathematics and language ability independent of g (SCA.g) are significant and substantial (average 40%), although lower that SCA uncorrected for g (average 53%). In our previous meta-analytic review of SCA and SCA.g, the average heritability estimates were more similar: 53% for SCA.g and 56% for SCA (4). We hypothesise that our current estimates of the heritability of SCA.g are more accurate, because they are based on an extensive battery of tests of g, reading, mathematics and language. The meta-analytic average heritability of SCA.g was instead based on the previous literature on SCA.g which consists of only three studies. One study examined academic performance, rather than cognitive ability, at age 16 (51), and the other two each investigated a single domain of ability – mathematics (52) and spatial ability (53). Regardless, the average twin heritability of the SCA.g investigated here is substantial and the differences in heritability between the respective g-corrected and uncorrected SCA is non-significant.
We also observed significant and substantial SNP heritabilities for the three SCA.g. As with the twin heritability estimates, we found that SNP heritability estimates for SCA.g were about 75% of the SNP heritabilities for SCA (26% vs 35%).
The drop in heritability from SCA to SCA.g is more pronounced in our multi-PGS prediction analyses (Fig. 3). The average variance explained by multi-PGS was 11.1% for SCA and 4.4% for SCA.g. The likely reason is that the most powerful and predictive PGS in all the multi-PGS analyses are from GWA studies of the highly general traits of educational attainment (EA4) (22), cognitive performance (20), and intelligence (IQ3) (50). These PGS are highly g-loaded, so their predictive power would be expected to diminish for g-corrected SCA. Our multi-PGS analyses also included PGS from GWA studies of more specific measures of SCA, which added some significant independent prediction of SCA corrected and uncorrected for g in our elastic net analyses. For instance, the PGS for executive function (54) was the second most predictive PGS for mathematics corrected and uncorrected for g. Therefore, although the predictive power is modest for most of the SCA-related PGS included in our analyses, they add to the overall variance explained in our multi-PGS analyses. Importantly, these SCA-related PGS were derived from GWA studies with substantially smaller sample sizes than the most predictive PGS.
We hope these findings encourage more GWA studies of SCA and, in particular, SCA.g. Our twin and SNP heritability estimates indicate that SCA, both corrected and uncorrected for g, are good targets for genomic prediction. In addition, the multi-PGS approaches indicate that existing PGS of SCA add to the prediction of both SCA and SCA.g – even in models that include powerful predictors from general traits.
The average results for SCA mask some interesting findings for the individual SCA. For example, reading is significantly less g-loaded compared to mathematical and language ability. Despite the limitations of the extant PGS used in our multi-PGS analyses, they predicted a substantial proportion of the variance for SCA.g for reading (6.9%), but less so for mathematics (3.6%) and language ability (2.5%). The twin heritability results support these PGS findings. Mathematics and language ability have a greater drop in twin heritability (from 50.6–34.9%, and from 42.5–23.6%, respectively) as compared to a drop from 67.0–62.1% for reading. Although these results suggest that reading is less g-dependent than mathematics and language, caution is warranted because a common pathways twin model-fitting analysis of these data reported that the genetic correlation between latent factors representing language and g is 0.88, similar to the genetic correlations of 0.86 for mathematics and 0.91 for language (27).
In summary, these results provide further evidence for the substantial heritability of SCA.g and provide the first multi-PGS prediction of cognitive abilities independent of g. The results hopefully mark the beginning towards creating PGS for SCA.g that can be used to create genomic profiles of strengths and weaknesses of abilities without the influence of g. This would allow for a more targeted educational system. For example, if genomic strengths of a child were identified for a cognitive skill, interventions can be developed to nurture the skill from an early age because polygenic scores do not change across development. Similarly, if genomic weaknesses were identified, interventions can be implemented before problems emerge in school. However, in order to create SCA.g PGS with sufficient power to be practically useful, GWA studies of SCA.g with samples in the hundreds of thousands are required.
It is daunting to think about creating GWA studies with these sample sizes that include test data for multiple SCA as well as g, which would be needed to investigate SCA.g. Cognitive assessments are time consuming and costly to administer, especially with the sample sizes required to create powerful predictors of SCA.g. However, a cost-effective solution is to create brief but psychometrically valid measures of SCA that can be administered to the millions of people participating in ongoing biobanks for whom genomic data are available. For example, a gamified 15-minute test has been created to assess verbal ability, non-verbal ability, and g (55). This approach could be extended to assess other SCA and SCA.g. In the meantime, it is possible to use summary statistics from separate GWA studies of SCA and of g using GWAS-by-subtraction to isolate genetic effects on each SCA independent of g (56). We are currently conducting GWAS-by-subtraction analyses using extant GWA summary statistics from large GWA samples (17, 19) to create PGS for SCA and SCA.g.
Another option is to create PGS from GWA studies of self-reported measures of SCA and g. Because cognitive tests are usually time consuming and costly, self-report measures could be a viable alternative (57). For example, a large GWA analysis of self-reported math ability (n = 564,698) and the highest math class taken (n = 430,445) was conducted with participants from 23andMe (20). The derived PGS predicted an average of 6.2% of the variance of math GPA in an independent sample. Unfortunately, due to the proprietary restrictions of 23andMe, we could only include the top 10,000 SNPs in our PGS derived from the GWA analysis of self-reported highest math class taken (20). This could be why the PGS for the highest math class taken was not a strong independent predictor in our multi-PGS models for mathematics uncorrected and corrected for g.
The usual limitations of the twin method apply here (3), as well as the typical limitations of PGS and GCTA analyses such as issues related to conducting genomic analyses limited to additive effects of the common SNPs genotyped on SNP arrays.
Although our sample is representative of the UK population for family socio-economic status and ethnicity, the generalizability of our results may be limited to similar populations (26). In addition, because the TEDS sample is predominantly white, only participants of white ethnic origin were genotyped and therefore included in our analyses. This means that our findings are largely only generalisable to other white populations. GWA analyses using participants from other ancestral populations are needed.