A power analysis was designed to permit the application of statistical tests for the null hypothesis that there is no difference in the dimensional accuracy between the groups. By adopting an alpha level of 0.05, beta level of 0.05 (i.e., power = 95%), and effect size of 0.759 and calculations based on the results of the study by Kalberer et al. [7], the predicted sample size was 30 samples (ten samples/group). Sample size calculation was performed using G*Power, version [8].
In total, 30 maxillary CDBs were used in this study. The CDBs were divided into three groups based on the processing technique and resin composition (n = 10 in each): Group 1 (G1), CAD-CAM milled CDBs; Group 2 (G2), 3-D printed CDBs, and Group 3 (G3), conventional compression molded heat-cured PMMA CDBs.
A ready-made maxillary stone model that was totally edentulous was employed for this study [6, 10]. The reference CAD master stone model's STL file was created by scanning the master stone model with an optical extra-oral 3-D scanner (Germany's Dentsply Sirona inEos X5).
A preview of the 3-D cast model was sent for approval after it had been virtually created using CAD software (ExoCad, Chairside Cad 2.3 Matera, Germany), and the manufacturing of the edentulous metal master cast was approved. The reference CAD model file's scan data was used to create the digital metal cast. The metal cast was created using a CAD-CAM metal milling machine (Redon Hybrid CAD-CAM metal milling machine, Turkey) and a CAD metal disc (Vsmile titanium grade 5 98*25mm universal, China). Burs of three different diameters of 2 mm, 1 mm, and 0.5 mm, respectively, were used in the milling process of the metal model. One set of milling burs were used for milling a single block to maintain the same condition during the milling process [16].
The metal master cast was then finished and polished using standard techniques. An optical extra-oral 3-D scanner was used to scan the reference CAD master metal model, and the resulting data was recorded as an STL file. During scanning procedures, a scanning spray (Telescan spray-white, Germany) was utilized to eliminate out the metal model's reflections [14].
CAD-CAM milled CDBs processing (G1)
Ten CAD-CAM milled CDBs were fabricated as following [14, 18]
The STL file of the scanned metal model was exported to the CAD software. Upon receiving the scan data, the STL file was imported into ExoCad design software, where the anatomical landmarks were automatically detected and indicated.
After approval of the virtual design preview, the designed virtual CDBs were exported to the CAM milling machine (Dentsply Sirona In Lab MC X5 laboratory milling machine, Germany). Pre-polymerized CAD-CAM PMMA acrylic pucks (AvaDent Digital Dental solutions HQ, USA) were then milled into CDBs.
The outline of the CDB was produced using a bur with a maximum diameter of 2.5 mm, while the finer details were made using a bur with a minimum diameter of 1 mm. The manufacturer's recommendations were followed, and the milling operation was set to five-axis machining to accurately produce the small details and was carried out in moist conditions to prevent overheating [15].
3-Dprinted CDBs processing (G2)
Ten 3-D printed CDBs were fabricated based on the previously described virtual design as following [9]
The designed CDBs were exported as STL files to the 3-D printer (WANHAO desktop 3-D printer, China) and printed according to Digital Light Projection (DLP) technology using photo-polymerized 3-D printed liquid (Harz Labs, Russian Federation, Moscow).
Before printing, the HarzLabs liquid was put into the supply chamber of the 3-D printer and shaken for roughly 5 minutes. The CDBs were printed at a layer thickness of 100 µ/layer with a 45° orientation. These layers were cured successively and bonded together to fabricate the desired CDB. The layers bonded to each other due to the inherent property of the material to be self-adherent. To remove any extra material, the finished printed CDBs were twice rinsed in isopropyl alcohol (99% concentration) for 3 minutes and 2 minutes, respectively. After that, for an additional 15 minutes of polymerization, they were placed in an ultraviolet (UV) light-curing box (Anycubic wash and cure light box, Shenzhen, China).
Conventional compression heat-cured CDBs processing (G3)
Ten conventional CDBs were processed using the conventional compression molding technique of heat-cured PMMA acrylic resin (Vertex-Dental BV. Headquarters the Netherlands) as described below [10].
For this group of CDBs, a specially designed stone mold was made using the reference CAD metal model. According to the manufacturer's recommendations, the heat-cured PMMA powder and liquid were mixed in a glass jar at a 3:1 polymer to monomer ratio until the dough stage was reached. The two halves of the dental flask were closed together and placed under hydraulic compression pressure, which was slowly applied on the flask for the resin dough to flow throughout the mold space.
The flask was then immersed in a thermostatic temperature-controlled water bath for curing. The PMMA was cured and polymerized in a long curing cycle according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The curing cycle involved placing the flask in water at 70°C for 9 hours. The flask was removed from the curing bath and cooled slowly for 30 minutes to room temperature. The mold was then opened, and the CDBs were removed, and excess acrylic was trimmed.
After all the CDB specimens of this study were constructed, they were finished using tungsten carbide acrylic burs (Edenta AG; Au; Switzerland) and silicon carbide papers. The specimens were further polished using rubber acrylic burs (Edenta), pumice (Shera; Lemfo ̈rde; Germany), and rouge (Dialux; Lu ̈denscheid; Germany). Only one surface was polished, while the interior surface was kept untouched to simulate the oral surfaces as much as possible [11].
Trueness evaluation
The intaglio surfaces of the thirty CDBs were scanned using an optical extra-oral 3-D scanner (Dentsply Sirona inEos X5, Germany) and stored as STL files to assess the trueness of the CDBs of various groups.
Superimposition evaluation technique was performed as described below [21]:
Surface matching software (Geomagic Control X, 3-D Systems, Canada) was used to superimpose the STL files of the scanned intaglio surfaces of the 30 dentures on the STL file of the scanned reference model with a best-fit alignment to assess the trueness and congruence of the CDs with the model. The vertical distances between the superimpositions were calculated by the software. The findings were shown as color maps, with yellow to red denoting CDB impingement on the cast, blue denoting separation between the CDB and cast, and green denoting contact between the CDB and cast. The closer the value is to 0, the more accurate and adaptive is the fabrication technique.
Precision evaluation
To evaluate the precision of the CDBs of different groups, the master cast surface was also divided in five functionally relevant sections (anterior ridge crest, posterior ridge crest, maxillary tuberosity, palatal vault, and posterior palatal seal) to evaluate the region-specific mismatches.
A thermocycling protocol simulating six months of intraoral use was applied to all specimens. The dentures were immersed alternately in deionized water at 5 and 55°C for 5000 cycles [5]. After thermocycling, the scanning and matching procedures were repeated, following the mentioned protocol.
Data were collected and statistically analyzed using ANOVA test to determine whether significant differences existed between the means of the trueness of the tested groups, also Tukey’s post hoc (TPH) test was used for pair-wise comparisons between groups at the chosen level of probability (P < 0.05). However, the Paired t-test was employed to study the effect of thermocycling on the precision at different sites within the same group at the chosen level of probability (P < 0.05) using Statistical Product and Service Solutions, version 20 (SPSS; Inc.; IBM Corporation; NY; USA) for Windows and Graph Pad Prism, version 8 (Graph Pad Prism Company; USA).