Clinical Evaluation of Patients.
Research participants were consented to NIH-approved IRB protocols (15-D-0051, NCT00001390) prior to any study procedure. All participants were evaluated and classified according to 2016 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) classification criteria9. Comparator tissues included subjects (nonSjD) who were otherwise healthy, but did not meet 2016 ACR-EULAR criteria. All subjects were screened for evidence of systemic autoimmunity and received comprehensive oral, salivary, rheumatological, and ophthalmological investigations36. Clinical investigations were conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki principles.
In vitro immune cell stimulation and flow cytometry.
Blood was collected in EDTA tubes and PBMCs were isolated by Ficoll-Paque density centrifugation (GE Life Sciences). Minor salivary glands were minced using a GentleMACS Tissue Dissociator (Miltenyi Biotec) and were enzymatically digested in a shaker incubator at 37°C for 40 min in RPMI medium containing 1 mg/ml Collagenase D, 1 mg/ml hyaluronidase and 50 U/ml DNase I (Sigma Aldrich). Cell suspensions were then passed through a 100 μm cell strainer and enriched for lymphocytes using a 40% Percoll density gradient centrifugation (GE Life Sciences). Cells were stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate and ionomycin (ThermoFisher) at 37°C for 4 hours in the presence of anti-CD107a (BioLegend), brefeldin A, and monensin (ThermoFisher) in Complete RPMI media containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), 1% Sodium pyruvate, 25 mM Hepes, and 2 mM l-glutamate (ThermoFisher). Cells were stained with various combinations of fluorochrome-labeled antibodies and Fixable Viability Dye eFluor 780 (purchased from BioLegend or ThermoFisher) in PBS containing 1% FCS and 1X Brilliant Stain Buffer (BD Biosciences) for 20 min at 4°C. After fixation and permeabilization using Foxp3/Transcription Factor Staining Kit (ThermoFisher), intracellular cytokine staining was performed in PBS containing 1% FCS, 1X Brilliant Stain Buffer, and 1X Permeabilization buffer for 1 hour at 4°C. Samples were acquired using a FACSymphony cytometer (BD Biosciences) and analyzed using FlowJo software (FlowJo, LLC).
Cell type analysis and further annotation.
Analysis of the single-cell RNA-sequencing was done in Python 3.9.4 using numpy 1.21.237, scipy 1.6.338, statsmodels 0.12.239, scikit-learn 0.24.240, pandas 1.2.441, anndata 0.8.0 and scanpy 1.7.242. Figures were made using matplotlib 3.4.243 and seaborn 0.11.144. Cells were gated on 15% mitochondrial reads, 50% ribosomal reads, 5% hemoglobin gene reads and a minimum of 10 genes and 100 counts. Nearest neighbors were identified using the BBKNN algorithm45 followed by UMAP manifold representation46 and Leiden clustering47. Leiden clusters were named by gene expression using known markers as well as scanpy’s rank_genes_groups tool. In multiple cases a single Leiden cluster corresponded to multiple known cell types - when that occurred, clusters were divided based on gene expression and UMAP embeddings to generate new annotation classes. When multiple clusters corresponded to a single previously-known cell type annotation, individual pairwise calls to rank_genes_groups were used to identify genes discriminating between these clusters. Differentially expressed genes were identified using a rank_genes_groups call between two clinical features.
Proportion changes.
To test changes in cell type proportions between clinical features the crosstab function from pandas was used to get a per-patient proportion for each cell annotation. T-tests between clinical features produced q-values after Benjamini-Hochberg multiple test correction, and q-values below 0.05 were deemed statistically significant.
Calculating Index S-scores.
A comprehensive set of gene indices including KEGG terms48,49, GO terms50,51, Reactome Pathways52, mSigDB Hallmark Pathways53–55, four pathways that represent senescence-associated secretory phenotypes56, a previously-published pathway of ECM factors involved in Sjögren's fibrosis34 and a set of genes regulated by interferon was used to transform from a gene expression space to an index S-score space. Expression data from each gene were converted to Z-scores and this Z-scores matrix was multiplied by an encoding matrix representing the relationships between genes and indices. The new matrix has a S-score for each index which is a sum of the Z-scores of the genes that make up that index. These S-scores were then treated as if new gene expression data and a new UMAP was generated and Leiden clustering was performed. The relationship between the new and old clustering methods was quantified using the pandas crosstab function.
Trajectory analysis and differentiation.
Trajectory analysis in the single-cell was performed using the Wishbone algorithm on the subset of epithelial tissues. The initial cell was set as the cell with the highest MKI67 expression, a marker of stemness, which happened to be in the Ductal Progenitor population. All of the epithelial cells were arranged by Wishbone distance from the initial cell and the expression of key markers of epithelial identity were plotted after normalization with a 1000-cell cosine rolling window.
Spatial RNA-sequencing analysis.
The spatial RNA-sequencing data was analyzed in Python 3.9.7 using numpy 1.21.5, scipy 1.8.0, statsmodels 0.13.2, pandas 1.4.1, networkx 2.7.157 and scanpy 1.8.2 and figures were made using matplotlib 3.5.1 and seaborn 0.11.2. Cells were gated identically to the single-cell data. A cell2location model58 was trained using the previous scRNAseq data and applied to the spRNAseq data followed by normalization to proportions. The geojson package (2.5.0) was used to import manual annotations. Within- and next-spot correlations were calculated as well as a within-spot co-occurrence score C, which was quantified as:
$$C\left({\kappa }_{1},{\kappa }_{2}\right)=\frac{\left({\kappa }_{1}+{\kappa }_{2}\right){e}^{-3\left|{\kappa }_{1}-{\kappa }_{2}\right|}}{2}$$
where \({\kappa }_{1}\) is the proportion of the first cell type and \({\kappa }_{2}\) the proportion of the second cell type within a spot. This score increases as the proportions increase and is higher if the proportions are close to the \({\kappa }_{1}\) = \({\kappa }_{2}\) axis.
Multiplex proteomics (Phenocycler Fusion).
The multiplex was performed using 5 µm FFPE sections mounted on SuperFrost plus (ThermoFisher MA, USA), which underwent deparaffinization and rehydration. Slides were soaked in a Coplin jar with 1:20 AR9 buffer (Akoya Biosciences, MA – USA). The jar was seated in a pressure cook for 15 minutes at low pressure. Samples went to tabletop cooling for 30 min, followed by 30 seconds in deionized water and 100% EtOH for 3min. All slides went through pre-staining procedures by immersing the slides in the Hydration Buffer for 2 minutes and staining buffer for 20 minutes (Akoya Biosciences, MA – USA). The antibody cocktail for primary incubation was prepared using 4 blockers (G, S, J, and N), including 9.5 microliters of each in 362 µL of staining buffers. For each slide, we aliquoted 150ml and included 1 microliter of each of the antibodies (list below). The slides were removed from the staining buffer and accommodated in a humidity chamber (StainStray, Sigma-Aldrich, MO – USA), and primary incubation was done overnight on 4°C refrigerator. After incubation, the slides were followed by a post-staining fixing solution for 10 minutes. After fixation, sequential 1-minute PBS washes were performed, followed by an immersion in ice-cold MeOH for 5 minutes. The sections were treated with a 200 µL of final fixative solution for 20 minutes. Additional washes were performed to remove the final fixative solution. Slides were dried and mounted with the Akoya flow using a press that seals the flow cell/coverslip on the slides for 30 seconds.
The slides were removed from the press and soaked in a 1X PCF buffer (Akoya Biosciences, MA – USA). To prepare the PCF reporter wells, a 15 mL Falcon tube was initially covered with aluminum foil. Subsequently, into this Falcon tube, we introduced 6.1 mL of nuclease-free water, along with 675 µL of 10X PCF buffer, 450 µL of PCF assay reagent, and 4.5 µL of a concentrated DAPI solution that we had prepared in-house. This DAPI addition resulted in a final DAPI concentration of 1:1000. The reporter stock solution was then pipetted into 18 amber vials, for each slide, with each vial containing 235 µL of the solution. To each vial, we added 5 µL of reporter per cycle. The total volume per vial was either 245 µL for a cycle involving 2 reporters or 250 µL for a cycle with 3 reporters (see Supplemental Methods Table 2.).
A specific criterion was established for each cycle, allowing for a maximum of 3 reporters. These reporters were chosen from a pool of Atto550, AlexaFluor 647, and AlexaFluor 750, as deemed appropriate based on the experimental requirements (specific reporter FluorChannels and antibody barcodes in the list below).
Distinct pipette tips were employed to transfer the contents of each amber vial into a 96-well plate. Vials containing DAPI were pipetted into wells within the H-row, while vials containing reporters were distributed into wells in other rows of the 96-well plate.
After completing the well-filling process, the wells were securely sealed using adhesive aluminum foil (Akoya Biosciences, MA – USA). Subsequent imaging procedures were conducted using a PhenoImager Fusion system, which was connected to a PhenoCycler (specifically, the PhenoCycler Fusion system from Akoya BioSciences). The imaging was performed with a 20X objective lens from Olympus.
The necessary solutions for instrument operation included ACS-grade DMSO from Fisher Chemical, nuclease-free water, and 1X PCF buffer with the addition of a buffer additive. This latter solution was prepared by mixing 100 mL of 10X PCF buffer and 100 mL of buffer additive with 800 mL of nuclease-free water.
Image acquisition and Segmentation.
A multi-step procedure was employed to analyze the protein multiplex images following image acquisition using Qupath60. The whole slide images were analyzed using the 16-bit image directly provided as the raw file from PhenoImager. Individual slides were evaluated by a trained pathologist (BM) for each of the 40 antibody markers to set manual thresholds and use as a comparison point for the computational assignment described in the next session. The images underwent segmentation using a pre-trained model based on Cellpose 2.061. Segmentation was refined iteratively, utilizing 80 fluorescent images sourced from post-mortem biopsies. The model underwent multiple training iterations until precise delineation of cell expansion was achieved in both the acinar cells and ducts. Each of the minor salivary gland biopsies were segmented separately. Following nuclei-based cell segmentation, raw data was exported, and the number of pixel value units per cell and channel was quantified based on the threshold.
Multiplex Proteomics Image Analysis: Preparing cell type signature matrix.
The matrix has cell type markers in rows and cell types of interest in columns. An element of this matrix has a value 1 for every cell type marker considered to be highly expressed in the given cell type (i.e., column) and 0 otherwise. Markers distinguishing deeper levels of cell granularity (e.g., CD4 for Helper T cells which are a subclass of T cells, or CD8 for Cytotoxic T cells which are another subclass of T cells) assume values corresponding to their cell granularity level in the signature matrix (e.g., 2 for hierarchy level 2).
Cell type annotation using TACIT.
The TACIT algorithm takes two main inputs: a matrix consisting of z-normalized marker intensities for each cell, and the cell type signature matrix described above. To start, the two matrices are multiplied to derive the Cell Type Relevance scores (CTR) for all cell types in all cells. The CTR score becomes a linear combination of the intensities of markers defining the specific cell type in the cell. The higher the CTR score, the stronger the evidence that the cell is representing a given cell type. As next, TACIT examines the distribution of the CTR scores across all cells and conducts primary cell type assignments in multiple steps: (1) Using the z-normalized marker intensities, cells are first grouped into a large number of seed clusters, each of which averages 0.5% of total cells and represents a small but tight community of cells with highly similar overall marker profiles; (2) For each cell type, the distribution of the cluster median CTR scores across all seed clusters is plotted in ascending order; (3) Piecewise regression is then employed to identify breakpoints that separate data (here, clusters) into different linear trends over different data regions (here, cluster ranks). The piecewise regression model is fit to the data allowing for up to three breakpoints, and the model that best represents the data is chosen based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) score; (4) Once breakpoints are determined, clusters are categorized into the “low relevance group (LRG)” and “high relevance group (HRG)”, with the former encompassing all clusters ranking below the lowest breakpoint, and the latter group encompassing clusters ranking above the highest breakpoint; (5) CTR value that minimizes classification error between LRG and HRG is determined and used as a cutoff to assign primary cell type. Steps (1) to (5) are performed on each considered cell type individually. A binary cell type matrix (CTM) is formed, where cells (in rows) are assigned 1 for all plausible cell types (in columns) whose CTR scores pass the cutoffs determined in step (5).
Mixed cell type deconvolution.
CTM columns representing lower granularity cell types (columns for T-helper cells or cytotoxic T cells) are updated in accordance with the individual marker positivity (CD4 or CD8, respectively, using the cited example) and an AND logical gate. The individual marker positivity (0 if below or 1 is above the cutoff) is derived as it was the case of CTR score described in step 5 above, except that this time CTR score is a single marker (not a linear combination of multiple markers). The updated binary CTM matrix will contain a fraction of cells uniquely defined (rows for which only once a value of 1 has been registered across the columns), with the remaining cells exhibiting multiple cell type assignments (multiple columns have a value of 1 in a row, indicating the assignment of various cell types to the cell in that row). To resolve the conflict, clean cells from each cell type involved in the mixture group together with the ambiguous cells will be projected onto the feature space composed of relevant markers only (i.e., those that define considered cell types). A cell with mixed identities is reassigned to the cell type exhibited by the majority of its k nearest clean cell neighbors using KNN classification approach. The cells with mixed identities are then reassigned to the most similar cell type of their closest neighbors using KNN classification approach. Uniform Manifold Approximation Projection (UMAP) is used for visualization and verification of the cell type assignment results.
Cell-cell interactions and neighborhood analysis.
PhenoCycler data from each individual tissue was processed with Squidpy (version 1.3.1)62 that describes cellular interactions as graphs with nodes representing individual cells and edges potential cellular interactions as determined by Delaunay triangulation. A 99th percentile distance threshold for each tissue was set to remove edges representing improbably long cell-to-cell distances. Non-deconvoluted cells (classified under “Unknown” cell types) were excluded from the analysis before performing Delaunay triangulation. An interaction matrix was constructed, with an element ai,j representing the number of edges shared between the cell type i and cell type j. Healthy interaction matrix is an aggregate of connections in healthy tissues, while disease interaction matrix is derived from all diseased tissues. The matrices were column-normalized and used for comparative analysis of cellular interactions between healthy and diseased tissues. The elements of the diseased interaction matrix was divided by the elements of the healthy interaction matrix, and the resultant fold-change interaction matrix was examined for differences in cell type interactions between the two conditions, with FC values above 1 indicating more pronounced interactions in diseased tissues, and FC values below 1 suggesting more interactions in healthy tissues. To visually represent these differences, a hierarchically clustered heatmap with Euclidean distance was used.
Cell Lines and Cell Culture.
THP1-Lucia ISG and IFN-α/β Reporter HEK 293 Cells were purchased (Invivogen, San Diego, CA, USA); the NS-SV-TTAC Acinar Cells (aka: AC cells) were provided by Dr. Jay Chiorini. THP1 and 293 cells were cultured as previously reported in RPMI (Corning Cellgro, Corning, NY, USA, #15-040-CV) and DMEM (Gibco, New York, USA, #10313-021), respectively, supplemented with 10% FBS (Gibco, #A47668-01) and penicillin/streptomycin 100 U/mL, 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 ug/mL Normocin. The NS-SV-TTAC cell line was cultured in Defined K-SFM (ThermoFisher, #10744019), supplemented with Defined Keratinocyte-SFM Growth Supplement. All cell lines were maintained in a humidified 37° C incubator with 5% CO2, and cell lines were tested and confirmed negative for mycoplasma, validated with MycoStrip (InvivoGen, San Diego, CA, USA, #rep-mys-50).
IRF Pathway Activation.
THP1 ISG Lucia cells were cultured according to manufacturer’s guidelines and used to measure the activation of the IRF Pathway. Briefly, cells were differentiated into macrophages using 150 nM Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA; Invivogen, San Diego, CA, USA) for 24 hrs. After differentiation, PMA-media was removed and replaced with basal growth media. After 72 hrs, the media was replaced with OPTIMEM (Gibco, New York, USA, #31985-070) prior to transfection. Cells were transfected with XFect Protein Transfection Reagent (TakaRa, Shiga, Japan, #631324). Cells were pre-treated, for 30 min with the 10 uM of caspase inhibitor, Q-VD-OPH (Sigma-Aldrich, Burlington, MA, USA, #SML0063), as indicated and transfected with either recombinant human Granzyme K (Sino Biological, #19732-H08H), recombinant human Granzyme B (Sino Biological, #10345-H08H) at indicated concentrations in OPTIMEM media for 3 hours. OPTIMEM was replaced with growth media and luciferin (a direct readout of IRF pathway) was collected from the cellular supernatant and measured at 24 and 48 hours post transfection using QUANTI-Luc: Luciferase Detection Reagent (Invivogen, San Diego, CA, USA, #rep-qlc4lg1).
IFN-α/β Pathway Activation.
IFNα/β Reporter HEK 293 cells were cultured according to the manufacturer's guidelines to detect Type I interferons. Cells were transfected with XFect Protein Transfection Reagent (TakaRa, Shiga, Japan, #631324) with a caspase inhibitor, 10 uM Q-VD-OPH (Sigma-Aldrich, Burlington, MA, USA, #SML0063). Cells were transfected with either recombinant human Granzyme K (Sino Biological, #19732-H08H) or Granzyme B (Sino Biological, #10345-H08H) in OPTIMEM. STAT1/2-inducible secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase (SEAP), was quantified utilizing the manufacturer's guidelines at 24 and 48 hours transfection using QUANTI-Blue Solution (Invivogen, San Diego, CA, USA, #rep-qbs).
Immunofluorescence microscopy and analysis.
THP1 Macrophages and NS-SV-TTAC Acinar Cells were plated on an 8-well Lab-Tek II Chamber Slide (Thermo Scientific, 154534). After indicated treatment, cells were loaded with Quant-iT PicoGreen Reagent (1:50) (Invitrogen, #P7589A) and MitoTracker Red CMXRos (Invitrogen, #M7512) (1:10000) and incubated for 45 minutes at 37°C. The cells were fixed for 20 minutes at room temperature in 4% PFA. The cells were blocked in 3% BSA diluted in 1X PBS for 1 hour. Cells were washed with 1X PBS and then stained with primary antibodies overnight and then stained by secondary antibodies for 1 hour at room temperature (Supplemental Table 2). Images were acquired on Nikon A1 HD (Nikon) confocal microscope and processed with CellProfiler in ImageJ (Broad Institute).
Primary salivary gland epithelial cell (pSGEC) generation and culture.
pSGEC were generated according to methods published by Jang et al (2015)63. The pSGEC cell lines were not authenticated. pSGECs were plated on collagen-coated 8-well chamber slides and transfected as indicated. Cells were washed with 1X PBS and immediately fixed with 4% PFA for 30 minutes at 37°C. The reaction was quenched via the addition of glycine (100 mM) for 20 minutes at room temperature. Cells were washed with 1X PBS and permeabilized with 1% TritonX-100 for 12 minutes at room temperature. The cells were blocked in 5% nonfat dry milk in PBS-T (blocking buffer) for 1 hour at room temperature. Cells were washed with PBS-T and then incubated with primary antibodies in blocking buffer and washed three times with PBS-T (10 min each) before incubated with the secondary antibodies (in blocking buffer) for 1 hour each at room temperature (Supplemental Table 2). After washing, cells were mounted with Fluoro-Gel II with DAPI (EMS) and images were acquired on an Olympus (FV1200 MP) confocal microscope and processed with CellProfiler in ImageJ.
AnnexinV Staining.
The potential for apoptosis induced by Granzyme K or B was measured using the flow-cytometry-based Dead Cell Apoptosis Kit with Annexin V Alexa Fluor 488 and Propidium Iodide (Invitrogen) following the manufacturer’s protocol on a FACS Symphony flow cytometer.
Western Immunoblot:
Extracted total protein was resolved using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE) (4% stacking, 12% resolving, Invitrogen) and transferred onto Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) membranes. Membranes were incubated with primary and secondary antibodies (online Supplemental Methods Table 2). The signal was detected by ChemiDocMP Imaging System (BIO-RAD), and the density of the bands was analyzed using Fiji.
Supplemental Table 2: Reagents and Dilutions
Immunofluorescence Confocal Microscopy
Figure 5
Quant-iT PicoGreen Reagent
MitoTracker Red CMXRos
6-His Tag Antibody (A190-113A) Goat Polyclonal
Figure 5
Phospho-IRF-3 (Ser396) (4D4G) Rabbit mAb
Cell Signaling Technology
Granzyme K Antibody (PA5-50980) Rabbit Polyclonal
Western Blots
HRP-conjugated anti β-actin Mouse mAb
Phospho-IRF-3 (Ser396) (4D4G) Rabbit mAb
Cell Signaling Technology
IRF-3 (D83B9) Rabbit mAb
Cell Signaling Technology
Granzyme K Antibody (PA5-50980) Rabbit Polyclonal
Granzyme B Antibody (MA1-80734) Mouse mAb
RDye® 800CW Donkey anti Rabbit IgG (H + L)
LI-COR Biosciences
IRDye® 680RD Donkey anti-Mouse IgG (H + L)
LI-COR Biosciences
SuperSignalTM West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate
Thermo Scientific
HiPlex RNAscope In Situ Hybridization.
12-plex RNAscope fluorescent in situ was performed on 5 µm-thick FFPE sections, using the RNAscope HiPlex12 Reagents Kit (Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Newark, CA, USA), according to the manufacturer’s protocols. The protocol was modified to incorporate antibody-based immunofluorescence. The following modifications were introduced: the slides were baked in a dry air oven for 30 min at 60°C. After rehydration the slides were processed for target retrieval using 1X Co-Detection Target Retrieval, during 20 min. The slides were quickly rinsed in water and then washed in PBS-T (PBS 1X, 0.1% Tween-20, pH 7.2). A hydrophobic barrier was created using ImmEdge pen and primaries antibodies were added to detect pCTK (Novus Bio, NBP2-29429, dilution 1:200 in Co-detection Antibody Diluent from ACD), ACTA2 (, #AB2445, dilution 1:300 in Co-detection Antibody Diluent from ACD) and CD45 proteins (NB100-77417SS, dilution 1:300 in Co-detection Antibody Diluent from ACD) and incubated at 4°C overnight. The next day primary antibodies were washed in PBS-T, three times for 2 min at room temperature. Tissues and primary antibodies were post-fixed in 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin (NBF) for 30 min at room temperature and washed in PBS-T thrice for 2 min. Tissues were then digested using RNAscope Protease III during 30 min at 40°C. Immediately continuing with the HiPlex assay according with standard protocol. The following RNAscope HiPlex probes were used: Hs-CST3(T1), Hs-PIP(T2), Hs-WFDC2 (T3), Hs-BPIFB2 (T4), Hs-CFTR(T5), Hs-B2M(T6), Hs-ZG16B(T7), Hs-ISG15(T8), Hs-PRR4(T9), Hs-AMY1A(T10), Hs-MUC7(T11), Hs-MUC5B(T12). All tissues were first run with positive and negative control probes (species-specific) to ensure tissue and RNA quality for RNAscope ISH.
Recursive Image Acquisition.
After each round of HiPlex RNAscope hybridization, fluorescent images were acquired on Axio Scan-Z1 (Zeiss) fluorescent slide scanner. Whole slide images were collected with a 40x/0.95 objective, with a 0.5 µm step size. Images for each individual in the study were collected from at least 2–4 salivary glands. After each round of imaging for HiPlex RNAscope, coverslips were removed by submerging the slides in SSC 5X buffer until coverslips fall off the slide. Subsequently, fluorophores were cleaved, autofluorescence quenched, and then new fluorophores were added (Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Newark, CA, USA). Immediately after imaging was repeated on the same tissue slices using the additional ISH probes. We performed this for three rounds of RNAscope, after final ISH imaging step, fluorophores were cleaved, autofluorescence quenched and the following secondary antibodies were added: donkey-antiMouseAF488, donkey-antiRabbitAF446 and donkey-antiRat647, Jackson Immunoresearch, all in dilution 1:300 in Co-detection Antibody Diluent from ACD. Finally, antibodies were washed in PBS-T and mounted in prolong-Diamond antifade with DAPI. A final round of imaging was performed to detect the signal of the secondary antibodies.
Image Processing: Registration, Segmentation, Quantification of RNAscope Puncta.
After collecting the images, the following process was used to register the individual fluorescent images: First the set of whole slide images to analyze was defined as a QuPath project. The project was then opened in Fiji, and the registration was performed using both elastix64, and a semi-automated approach using BigWarp to interactively improve the results of the automated registration. The transformations were retrieved and applied in QuPath to produce on-the-fly transformed images that correspond to superimposition of all four rounds of images per slide. Once the overlayed images were produced in QuPath, new OME-tiff files were exported, the new 19-channel images were used to create a new Qupath project. Cells were segmented using CellPose developing our own model65,66. Once the cells were segmented, we quantify the number of dots per cell using the subcellular detection in QuPath.
HiPlex ISH analysis.
The matrix of counts of dots per cell obtained from Qupath was cleaned and parsed in R. MUC7 mRNA positive cells were subset to identify SMACs subtypes. Log2-transformed gene expression of WFDC2, CST3, PRR4, ZG16B, MUC7, and MUC5B were used as inputs UMAPS were obtained using the uwot package in R, the clusters were classified based on the expression of WFDC2, CST3, PRR4, ZG16B, MUC7, and MUC5B, and their similarity to reference cell types identified in scRNAseq. With this set of cell type identification, we ran a co-occurrence test using SPIAT67. After reclassification, cell type proportions were calculated for each of the patients in the study and the cell proportions were compared between nonSjD and SjD using a mixed model logistic regression on the package lme468.
General statistical methods.
All non-high throughput data (e.g., analysis of biological assays) were analyzed using Prism 9. Appropriate statistical tests were selected based on data type and are described throughout the text. Figures were constructed using Prism 9 when not otherwise described elsewhere.