Identification and characterization of HSF genes in French bean:
The HSF genes are ubiquitous and their numbers varies in organisms. However, number of HSFs in plants outnumbers other organisms. Although from different studies in plants, oftenly it counts from 16 to 82 (16; strawberry and 82; wheat; S3). Cytoplasmic occurrence of PvHSFs are similar to other HSFs like GmHSFs, LpHSFs [9, 11]. The 473 Mb of 587 Mb french bean genome has been sequenced and assembled [12]. This crop is absolutely diploid (2n= 2x=11), much smaller than soybean genome (1115 Mb) and significantly higher than arabidopsis (125 Mb). Subsequently, the number of protein coding genes significantly varies among arabidopsis (25kb), soybean (46.43kb) and french bean (31.64 kb). In above mentioned species, number of HSFs lying very close from 21 to 29 (21; arabidopsis, 26; soybean and 29; french bean) likely to cereal crop rice 25 (genome size: 389 Mb). Howsoever, 29 PvHSFs reported in this study is adjacent to other previous reported leguminoseae members i.e. 24 HSFs in Vigna radiata [3], 20 HSFs in Populous trichofera and 16 HSFs in Medicago truncatula [13]. These results indicate that difference in copies of HSFs among these plant species is independent of genome size or protein coding genes and conserved in plant species of family with moderate evolutionary events like whole genome duplication (WGD) followed by gene loss and purifying selection [14, 15]. Considering the total chromosome number, it can be observed that french bean has moderate number of HSF members being a member of legume family.
Gene features such as exon-intron distribution, gene length and GC content have acute impacts during evolutionary events like WGD. Various studies also indicated that introns are responsible not only for gene expression but also for gene evolution [16]. Similar to this, only one intron gene feature also reported from mung bean[3] and most of the HSF members of rosaceae family [17]. However, number of introns ranged from zero to two in Brassica oleracca [18], and zero to five in Brassica napus [19]. Though, at least one member of class C in Brassica napus and Brassica oleracca, lacks intron. These results indicating that during expansion and divergence of leguminosae HSFs, intron losses escaped and consequently presence of at least one intron and absence of intron lacking are characteristics of leguminoseae HSF gene family.
Invariably, all the plant HSFs have 3 classes in HSF family. Observing the phylogeny tree, french bean has comparatively higher number of members in each class of family except class C. For instance, 17 PvHSFs with respect to 13 VrHSFs while GmHSFs consists 19 members in this class. In other legumes, like Populus and Medicago consisted 15 and 10 members in Class A, respectively [9, 11]. However, 11 members of class B PvHSFs is quite conserved among family which ranged from 6-12 in above discussed legume species. Complete conservation of class C PvHSFs with only one gene is observed likely to Arabidopsis and legumes. This report is presenting the considerable evidence of tightly conserved Class C and moderate conservation of Class B members, however evolutionary events most frequently observed among Class A members. The phylogeny tree and distance matrix indicated that PvHSFs gene family more closely related to the VrHSFs with respect to GmHSFs.
Considering the importance of class A HSF subfamilies with conserved features which were observed to play important role during heat stress and therefore here PvHSFs members from Class A only analyzed through PLANTCARE database for understanding the cis-acting elements (Fig. 5). CAAT-box and MYC were found to be dominant elements present in all members of class A along with an unknown promoter region. MYB, STRE, LTRE, ABRE, DRE, MYC were some abiotic stress cis acting elements, found in class A PvHSFs. The above mentioned regions were reported to be important for heat shock response in plants. For instance, STRE was the first discovered cis acting element to be responsive to stress and provides binding site for HSFA1A in Arabidopsis Thaliana and deletion of STRE (Stress Responsive Elements) highly affects the promoter activity under stress condition. [20, 21]. In mung bean, all the genes were reported for having multiple DREs (Drought Responsive Elements) and ABREs. PvHSFA4A contained DRE1 responsible for dehydration response. DRE combining with DRE binding proteins (DREB 2A) involved in transcriptional regulation of stress in plants such as drought, salt and low temperature responses [22, 23]. LTR was observed in PvHSFA5.2 and PvHSFA9A which illustrates the low temperature response provided under stress condition [24]. Absence of LTRE in maximum members suggests lower response to low temperature in comparison to other plants. HSFa1a was reported before to be the master regulator for thermotolerance in tomato [25]. In Arabidopsis, it was reported that HSFA1a/b are responsible for the induction of class B genes under heat stress condition. [26, 27]. ABA responsive elements are also responsive to ABA and GA responses, via combination with ABRE binding proteins. In PvHSFA1A many ABA responsive elements like MYC and MYB were observed. Besides this, W box and box S, observed among several members responsible for wound responsive elements. Therefore, cis-element analysis of identified PvHSF members presents evidence of these genes for differential gene regulation during abiotic stress mostly thermotolerance and involvement in other regulatory functions like light responsive, wound responsive etc.
Synteny analysis of HSFs was performed between Phaseolus and Arabidopsis for the four different HSFs groups namely A1, A2, A6, and B2. These four HSFs groups showed highly conserved induced expression during heat stress in multiple crops such as rice, wheat, chickpea etc [1, 6, 14, 27]. Further, HSFA1a and HSFA2 was characterized as master regulator of basal and acquired thermotolerance, respectively in Arabidopsis, rice, tomato and other members of class A (A2 and A6) along with B2 functions as synergistic co activator. Therefore, considering their importance during heat stress response [9], a detailed analysis was conducted only for the members of these four HSFs groups (HSFA1, A2, A6 and B2) in our analysis. The synteny analysis (Fig.7) revealed that Arabidopsis HSFs and its orthologs in Phaseolus (PvHSFA2B, PvHSFA6A, PvHSFB2D) were in synteny and showed high degree of sequence conservation.
Specifically, perfect synteny was observed between Arabidopsis B2D and PvHSFB2D. However, PvHSFA2A and A6B showed synteny for the distance of 100kb-110kb and 85kb-185kb, respectively between Arabidopsis and Phaseolus. Besides, least synteny was observed for the HSFs namely PvHSFA1B/E, in which the regions from AtHSFA1E (70kb-130kb) was distributed over 110 kb region (20kb-190kb). Further, PvHSFB2C, the widely distributed genes present in AtHSFB2B were conserved in 85kb to 100kb. These findings in Phaseolus suggested that, during the course of evolution PvHSFA2B, PvHSFA6A and PvHSFB2D had conserved their gene structure in comparison with Arabidopsis indicating that the diversification might have took place due to speciation or duplication event. However, PvHSFB2C showed highly conserved synteny with 15 kn region. Additionaly, maximum members of Phaseolus HSFs showed microsynteny which can be correlated to the whole-genome duplication, gene loss or mutation [18, 20, 28].
Expressions of PvHSF genes under abiotic stress (drought) condition and tissue specific expression were illustrated with the objective of validation of putatively identified genes. The digital expression data (RPKM) from GEO datasets were retrieved and expressed in heatmap (Fig. 8a). This analysis shows that both class A and B family is directly involved in signaling pathways during abiotic stress. Also it may be inferred from this dataset that B4 group (a, b, c and d) of class B and A1 group (b and d), A3, A5.1 and A8 of class A alongwith PvHSFC1were upregulated during drought stress with wide variation. Likely to this class A and B family members played key role during heat stress driven experiments for instance, LpHSFA1 was reported to be the master regulator for thermotolerance in tomato [25]. Also two soybean HSFs from class A2 (GmHSF12, GmHSF 28) and 3 from class B (GmHSF 34, GmHSF 35 and GmHSF 47) were upregulated during stress condition [11]. Therefore, class A and B family members activation in signaling pathway during abiotic stress is established for PvHSF genes also. Ubiquitous expression of PvHSFB2A in all plant organs and highest even downregulated expression during abiotic stress stipulated its prime importance among all identified PvHSFs (Fig. 8b). However PvHSFB2D, B4C and D, PvHSFA6A and B had no expression in 1 to 4 organelles which is likely to PbHSFA6C of Chinese white pear where nil expression observed during its four developmental stages [17]. In french bean, PvHSFC1 has showed considerable expression in many samples and slight upreguation during drought stress showed its functional importance, but information is still incomplete.