In this study we show that hourly bird abundance near an offshore wind farm can strongly fluctuate and is affected by daylight availability (operationalized by sun azimuth) and time of the year (operationalized by week in breeding season), but not by astronomic tide. The results support our expectation that observed patterns of offshore bird abundance reflect both diurnal and seasonal processes throughout the breeding season.
We expect the most abundant species near Luchterduinen are central place foragers (namely lesser black-backed gull, herring gull, and great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Online Resource 1) and our results support our expectation that these birds mainly undertake their foraging bouts after sunrise when daylight can aid them in their foraging. The drop in bird abundance throughout the day might indicate some birds return to their colony earlier than others. Indeed offshore foraging trip duration of several seabird species common in the breeding season varies greatly: lesser black-backed gull 8.0 ± 6.3 h (Garthe et al. 2016) and 8.3 ± 10.2h/6.9 ± 11.9h (long trips for males/females, Camphuysen et al. 2015), Sandwich tern 2.3 ± 1.1 h (Fijn et al. 2017). If most birds fly out from their colony around sunrise to undertake foraging bouts of several hours at sea, a steady decrease in their abundance throughout the day would be expected. The slight peak in abundance before sunset might be caused by an increase in the flux of birds returning to the coast from farther at sea, or more likely by birds also foraging in the evening which is supported by Schwemmer and Garthe (2005) who found a higher proportion of foraging lesser black-backed gull over the North Sea both in the morning and evening hours. Though we considered the breeding birds on the Dutch coast to be diurnal, with peaks in offshore activity during the day, there was activity recorded during the night as well. Several gull species such as the lesser black-backed gull and herring gull are known to be out at sea during the night (Camphuysen et al. 2015) and forage on fishery discards during the night (Garthe and Hüppop 1996; Garthe et al. 2016). We note that these studies are species specific, whereas our results depict a general trend in bird abundance, reflecting a combined activity pattern for all species observed in the study area.
In some species breeding stage can affect foraging behaviour (e.g. Sandwich tern (Fijn et al. 2017), and lesser black-backed gulls (Thaxter et al. 2015)). However, whether these changes affect the overall distribution of birds offshore has not been confirmed by observations and remained unclear. Our results show that after a period of relatively low hourly abundance in May, offshore bird abundance increases from the end of May to the end of June (Fig. 4B). This aligns with our expectations that offshore bird abundance increases throughout the breeding season, based on the assumption that coastal seabirds breeding in the region shift to a more marine diet during the chick rearing period (Spaans 1971; Annett and Pierotti 1989), which for lesser black-backed gulls begins around the end of May (Camphuysen and Gronert 2010; Cottaar et al. 2018, 2020). We expected offshore bird abundance to increase further throughout July, yet we observed a decrease in abundance from the end of June (Fig. 4B). The decrease sets in before we would expect to see an effect from the first fledglings in nearby colonies, which starts in the second week of July (Camphuysen and Gronert 2010). It is possible there is a decrease in foraging effort within colonies as more breeding pairs experience breeding failure. In the lesser black-backed gull colony on Texel on average 70.3% of eggs hatch per season while only 23.7% of the hatchlings fledge (Camphuysen and Gronert, 2010, updated to 2020 (unpublished data, Online Resource 1)), and failed breeders might spend less time foraging due to a decrease in energy demands. An alternative explanation for the seasonal patterns observed in this study may be a seasonal fluctuation in offshore food availability. Herring gulls and lesser black backed gulls in the region forage on fishery discards during the breeding season (Camphuysen 1995; Tyson et al. 2015; van Donk et al. 2017) and temporal and spatial fluctuations in fishery activity may influence bird abundance at sea. In lesser black-backed gulls on a colony in Texel, foraging trips differ between the period of incubation of the eggs, and chick rearing (Camphuysen et al. 2015): foraging trip duration decreased during chick rearing compared to egg incubation, while the trip range increased as well as proportion of time spent at sea. The increase in abundance modelled in this study roughly aligns with the median hatching date of lesser black-backed gulls recorded on Texel (Camphuysen and Gronert 2010; Camphuysen et al. 2015) and might be caused by this shift in behaviour.
Opposed to our expectation, we found no effect on tide on offshore bird abundance. We expected bird abundance to be highest between low and high tide, when the tidal current might cause increased turbulent mixing in the wake of the wind park (Schultze et al. 2020) and provide temporary foraging opportunities. Our results indicate that if this effect is present, it did not affect foraging opportunities enough to significantly affect bird abundance, nor was there any other effect of tidal water height found.
The bird observations used in this study were captured by a radar system installed near the Dutch West coast. Compared to the size of the North Sea, the sampling area for the dataset was small (Fig. 1), and thus our findings may also be limited to a specific area on the North Sea. The foraging range of coastal seabirds can differ between (Thaxter et al. 2012) and within species (Redfern and Bevan 2014), and spatial preference can even differ per year within the same colony, as seen in Sandwich terns (Fijn et al. 2017). Therefore, temporal patterns in bird abundance offshore may differ spatially in relation to distance to nearby breeding colonies, the foraging strategies prevalent within those colonies, and per year. The difference in the average seasonal abundance between the years 2019 and 2020 was large (97 birds h− 1 in 2019 and 126 birds h− 1 in 2020), though the effect of year as a random effect (0.5%) in the model was small. Additionally, gaps in the data can cause increased uncertainty in the model if data is unavailable for one or both years. As the gaps occur randomly, additional years of data will decrease the influence of these gaps, since it is more likely the full range of environmental conditions of interest will be covered. To separate yearly variability from repeating seasonal patterns and cover the full study period despite the gapped data, multiple years of continuous monitoring are required to illuminate underlying patterns and mechanisms in bird distribution offshore. This shows long-term monitoring is vital to understanding the variability in bird abundance offshore, as has been noted before for tracking studies (Thaxter et al. 2015). Additionally, the question remains whether the findings in this study reflect patterns and processes in other parts of the North Sea. The inclusion of abundance data from different regions of the North Sea might reveal spatial components affecting the temporal patterns of birds offshore and further reveal the underlying processes that lead to observed patterns. For example, central foragers have a foraging range around their colony (Camphuysen et al. 2015; Garthe et al. 2016), and we suspect the daily observed abundance will differ with distance to shore and/or distance to nearest seabird colonies. Ideally these data should cover long periods of time, and bird radars could fulfil a role here to acquire year-round abundance patterns in multiple locations. Finally, the integration of the measured abundance from bird radar with the intricate biological information which can be gained from bio-logging data would strengthen our capacity to understand the underlying processes influencing bird flight behaviour and distributions offshore (Bauer et al. 2019), also in relation to solving potential conflicts including wind energy and aviation safety (Shamoun-Baranes et al. 2018), and merits future exploration.
The radar used in this study dynamically applies a filter over its observed area to prevent clutter (caused by e.g. rainfall or high waves) from contaminating bird measurements, and therefore birds flying in range of the radar might be filtered out during periods of high filter activity. In our study period, 33% of all hours could not be studied because filtering activity was estimated to be too high to yield accurate results (Table 1, additional elaboration in Online Resource 3). In general these filters become increasingly active as sea state increases or precipitation occurs, thus our results do not reflect bird abundance when sea state is high and during precipitation. Even when filter activity is low, some birds could still be filtered out by the radar software and cause an underestimation of observed bird abundance. However, there was no indication this underestimation was influenced by the variables of the model or had an effect on the model outcome.
Understanding temporal variation in bird abundance at sea can have important implications for wildlife management and estimating the impact of anthropogenic development in an area such as wind farm development, and can improve species distribution estimations at sea. On the DCS the Dutch government plans to produce 11.5GW of offshore wind energy by the end of 2030 (Rijksoverheid 2019) and the cumulative effect of this development on offshore birdlife is difficult to predict. A commonly used method to analyse the impact of wind farms is to determine collision risk through modelling (Masden and Cook 2016). These models incorporate turbine measurements, weather conditions, bird morphometrics, flight speed and altitude, and bird abundance estimations to calculate collision risk for a specific wind farm. The specific methods these models employ can differ, but the majority assumes a linear relationship between bird abundance and collision risk. As we have shown, bird abundance can fluctuate greatly on both an hourly and seasonal scale, and this knowledge can improve the temporal accuracy of collision risk models to better inform policy makers. For example, predictions of collision risk can be used to initiate temporary shutdown of turbine during periods of high bird abundance and with better temporal bird abundance estimations wind farm uptime can be maximized without endangering large numbers of birds.
This study shows that two of the three predictable external factors evaluated in this study, daylight availability and time of the year, affect bird abundance on the North Sea during the breeding season. The third factor, astronomic tide, appears to have no effect. The diurnal pattern in bird abundance shows a distinctive peak in the morning another lower peak later in the afternoon before sunset while it is constantly low during night. The pattern over the breeding season shows an increasing trend until the end of June, after which bird abundance decreases. Due to its capability to monitor bird movements in an area for extended periods of time, bird radar monitoring allows us to discover general patterns in bird movement and, when accounting for its limits, bird radar can continue to play a role in improving our knowledge of the spatial and temporal distribution of birds offshore.