A foam cortical shell femur (Model SKU 1103, Sawbones, Vashon, WA, USA) was scanned using a LightSpeed VCT GE Medical Systems CT Scanner with a slice thickness of 0.625 mm and 80 kVp. The CT scan was segmented using Synopsys Simpleware ScanIP ® software (Version 2022, Sunnyvale, CA, USA), creating a 3D femur model. To represent the necrotic lesion, a virtual lesion was positioned in the head of the 3D femur model, which was based on previously described lesions in the literature.2, 11, 12
Drill Guide Fabrication
The vastus ridge was selected as the site for the attachment of the drill guide because of its limited number of muscle attachments and its proximity to the conventional CD drill location. The device was constructed in our 3D modeling software by initially positioning a cylindrical geometry with dimensions of 30 mm in diameter and 30 mm in height near the vastus ridge. The final design of the drill guide was assembled by Boolean adding and Boolean subtracting geometries. A second cylinder measuring 30 mm in diameter by 5 mm in height was positioned over the anterior intertrochanteric crest and added to the main body to improve the attachment to the femur. To create a custom-fit device, portions of the device that intersected with the femur were subtracted and extraneous portions along the lateral shaft of the femur that would interfere with the attachment of the vastus lateralis were removed. A cone was added to support the guidewire. Spikes were added in the distal portion of the guide to perforate through the vastus lateralis and contact the lateral femur, ensuring the guide rested firmly along the lateral shaft of the femur.
Subsequently, the drill trajectory was integrated into the device by subtracting a cylinder with dimensions of a conventional CD guidewire from the device. The cylindrical geometry with a diameter of 5 mm and length of 230 mm (based on the open-tip 8 ga x 230 mm delivery cannula, 7 mm IntraOsseous BioPlasty ® decompression device, Arthrex, Naples, FL) was inserted into the model and positioned to traverse the femur and device with one face of the geometry centered in the lesion and the other exiting the precision cone of the guide. The final drill guide (Fig. 1) was 3D printed using the Form3B 3D Printer with Grey V4 resin (FormLabs, Somerville, MA, USA). Once printed, the drill guide was post-processed according to manufacturer guidelines.
To control for guide wire depth, a tube with an inner diameter of 2.6 mm, an outer diameter of 4.2 mm, and a length of 150 mm was printed to be placed over the distal end of the wire to prevent the guide wire from perforating the femoral head.
Testing the Accuracy of the 3D-Printed Drill Guides
Three 3D printed drill guides were fixed to three foam cortical shell femurs. A fellowship-trained orthopedic surgeon drilled 4.1 mm diameter, 230 mm long Jamshidi needles into each of the foam femurs using a wire driver power system (Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI, USA). To confirm the accurate trajectory of the guidewire, post-drilling CT scans were obtained for the foam femurs.
Comparison of Drilled Sawbones with Simulation Guide Wires
The foam femur CT scans were rendered as 3D model masks using ScanIP image processing software. The 3D model masks from the accuracy tests were individually overlaid on the original modeled femur with the ideal drill trajectory (Fig. 2). The ScanIP measurement tool was used to find the positional deviation and angular deviation between theoretical and experimental drill trajectories. Positional deviation was determined by measuring the difference in drill tip location between the ideal drill trajectory and the test drill trajectories. Angular deviation was determined by measuring the angle between the guidewire and the ideal drill trajectory from the cortical entry point. Descriptive statistics (mean and range) were collected for the angle deviation and needle tip deviation.