RNA interference is a powerful tool to explore gene functions and networks. While this method has been used for more than a decade, it still requires a meticulous plan of action to be optimally applied on a given model and target genes. In the present study, we aimed at investigating non-invasive dsRNA delivery methods efficiency, their potential side effects and the most suitable target genes to knockdown. Overall, this comparative study provides new insights for the optimization of RNA interference applications on the Asian tiger mosquito. It particularly shade light on the different levels of efficiency between delivery methods, the potential side effects of these methods, the main molecular characteristics involved in target gene knockdown and finally the importance of primer design to estimate gene silencing.
4.1. Efficiency variations between delivery methods
We showed that while being non-invasive, each of our selected methods can produce an efficient knock-down to at least one of the four targeted mosquito gene. Among those, soaking has been by far the most extensively used technique for treating mosquito larvae [45, 48, 49]. Previous studies have claimed that soaking efficiency reaches similar silencing levels than microinjection (i.e. the gold standard invasive approach) [50]. However, our results suggest that efficiency strongly varies among different targeted genes. Rehydration was the only method that consistently induced silencing for the two genes that could be silenced (i.e. kynurenine 3-monooxygenase-like and the venom serine protease-like genes), albeit silencing was higher for the venom serine protease-like gene with the soaking method. The exact mechanism involved in the efficiency of rehydration has not been elucidated yet, however it is highly probable that it relies on the rapid shift in transmembrane flux that may facilitate the dsRNA internalization due to rapid changes in the osmotic pressure [51]. Furthermore, dsRNA stability is positively influenced by Na + concentrations [52] and residual presence of NaCl salts in the insect tissues and cavities may increase the molecule maintenance.
A major factor involved in RNAi efficiency is the ability to translocate dsRNA within cells. Presence of RNAses and digestive enzymes degrading dsRNA in the insect gut lumen was often pointed out as a major bottleneck affecting the translocation efficiency (reviewed by [53]). Combining RNAse inhibitors with an optimal delivery method is a promising alternative to improve dsRNA delivery efficiency. However, RNAses are not likely to be the major limiting factor to knock down gene expression since, in comparison with other insects, mosquito RNAses display relatively low activities [54]. Our results confirm that soaking and rehydration can also be very efficient in gene silencing in the absence of RNAse inhibitors. Therefore, the use of RNAse inhibitors does not seem mandatory for Ae. albopictus gene silencing. Nevertheless, delivery of dsRNA in Ae. aegypti have been shown to be more stable when simultaneously combined with delivery of dsRNA targeting the insect dsRNAses [55]. To increase the dsRNA stability and uptake, vehicles such as chitosan nanoparticles was often considered as being more favorable [34–37]. However, in the experiment we have conducted, nanoparticles-coupled dsRNA only succeeded to silence KYN and with lower efficiency compared with other methods. Factors that still need to be deciphered (such as differences in dsRNA translocation pathway) may have led to this observable difference in dsRNA delivery efficiency.
Two main pathways have been described in insects for dsRNA uptake, either via transmembrane channel or via clathrin-mediated endocytose [4]. Recent results suggested that the latter is favored for naked dsRNA uptake in Ae. aegypti [56] as well as for chitosan nanoparticles coupled with dsRNA [57]. Therefore, the lack of efficiency in this study could be due either to a dysfunctional RNAi pathway activation (after nanoparticle internalization) or the importance alternative translocation pathways for dsRNA in Ae. albopictus that are less prompt to be activated by nanoparticles (such as transmembrane channels). For instance, Drosophila cells present SID-1 transmembrane proteins which have been identified as a passive channel specific for dsRNA [58]. Such system enables cell to directly intake dsRNA, thus facilitating activation of the RNAi machinery. Ae. albopictus possesses a sid-1 orthologous gene, which could explain the better silencing efficiency when using naked dsRNA uptake in comparison with vehicle binding.
In our study, rehydration appears as the most efficient non-invasive delivery method, meanwhile, on top of its side effect on gene expression, chitosan-nanoparticles appear to be the less efficient delivery method. In a context of field applications, the rehydration is the most inconvenient approach that would need to induce an osmotic stress to larvae before delivering dsRNA into breeding sites. At the opposite, the two easier methods for field delivery of insecticide dsRNA seem less efficient to knockdown gene expression. More investigations are necessary to confirm those observations, for instance tests in mesocosms and with dsRNA targeting genes that influence the mosquito survival would help to dig further the influence of delivery method in a context of vector control. However, if those results were to be confirmed RNAi would not be very suitable for mosquito control in the field.
4.2. Provisioning method can collaterally impact gene expression
Ensuring the absence of any collateral effects due to both the dsRNA uptake itself and recruiting the RNAi machinery is an important part of the proper validation of RNAi-mediated knock-down. To that end, we assessed unspecific variations in the expression levels of the different genes tested in this study in response to the provisioning of dsRNA targeting an exogenic gene that is absent from the mosquito genome (i.e. gfp). No side effects were reported for the soaking and rehydration. However, when dsGFP were bound to chitosan nanoparticles, the expression of YEL and VEN genes was enhanced. The chitosan concentration used in this study had no impact on mosquito larva survival, but chitosan nanoparticle itself (with no dsRNA) was shown to be lethal for several insects [59] including mosquito larvae [60]. Moreover, chitosan presents antimicrobial, antitumoral and antioxidant activities [61] and has been shown to alter cells innate immunity when coupled with siRNA [62]. It could consequently alter the insect transcriptome and lead to unpredicted phenotypes. In our study, we showed differential gene expression between free nanoparticles and dsRNA-bound nanoparticles. Although dsGFP are supposed to be neutral to Ae. albopictus, presence of dsRNA can nonspecifically affect gene expression in the host organism as already observed for honeybees [63], Drosophila [64] or parasitoid wasps [65]. This effect could simply be related to the recruitment of RNAi pathways and their collateral influence on other interconnected pathways [66, 67]. Surprisingly, no differences were observed when considering the other delivery methods, that is to say this is the combination of nanoparticles and dsRNA that triggers this non-specific response. Use of nanoparticles should then be considered cautiously for gene function characterization. Although it was successfully used for dsRNA insecticide-based approaches in mosquitoes and other insects [68–71], their nonspecific impact on untargeted species should then be regarded when evaluating the efficiency of such method.
4.3. Implication of gene copy number, GC content and transcript size on RNAi efficiency
In agreement with other studies, we showed that RNAi gene silencing efficiency was strongly gene-specific. Indeed, KYN and VEN were successfully silenced using several methods while the collagenase-like and yellow-like genes could not be silenced by any of the tested approaches. As we reported only few direct side effects of the delivery methods used in this study, we explored the potential gene features that could be correlated with RNAi efficiency. For instance, a negative correlation was previously reported in HeLa S3 cells between the amount of transcripts and RNAi silencing efficiency due to the dilution effect [72]. However, we failed to evidence any correlation between gene expression level and gene silencing for mosquitoes in this current study. The presence of off-target is supposed to interfere with RNAi efficiency. Indeed, siRNA resulting from dsRNA degradation can sometimes interact with untargeted transcripts and alter host transcriptome. To the extent of our knowledge, this has never been studied on mosquitoes while off-target effects have been documented for potential nuisance in RNAi experiments in other models [28, 73, 74]. In this study, we did not provide evidence supporting that the number of off-targets compete with the efficiency of target genes knock-down. A panel involving supplemental genes could help us to catch more variability in gene off target and copy number to strengthen the preliminary results we have obtained.
The targeted genes also show differences in other factors that could be of importance to explain RNAi efficiency such as their copy number, GC content and transcript size. A strong negative correlation between RNAi efficiency and gene copy number was found for rehydration delivery. This result is particularly surprising since gene copy number has been shown to be positively correlated with an engineered RNAi machinery in yeast [75]. Indeed, one of the major roles of the RNAi machinery is to control virus infection but also transposable elements (TEs) that are selfish multicopy genetic elements that can spread within genomes. Therefore, we would expect that RNAi activation should have evolved to be higher for multicopy expressed sequences but our results contradict this prediction. Around 50% of the Asian tiger mosquito genome is composed of TEs while other mosquitoes such as Culex spp. contains less than 20% of TEs [76, 77]. We therefore suggest that a low RNAi control of multicopy sequences may have favored the permissiveness of Ae. albopictus towards TEs. However, further longitudinal investigation of RNAi – gene copy correlations along the mosquito phylogeny would help us to dig further this point. Although, the impact of TEs directly on insect traits remains very unclear [78], several examples of plant phenotypic alterations due to TEs have been reported [79, 80]. As we previously reported, the Asian tiger mosquito is one of the most invasive species. Its invasive success has been mainly attributed to its phenotypic plasticity that enables it to invade temperate areas [81]. We genuinely believe that it should be interesting to investigate further a potential link between TEs permissiveness and phenotypic plasticity in Ae. albopictus.
We showed that gene silencing was negatively correlated with the proportion of GC nucleotides in mRNA for two delivery approaches. High GC content of mRNAs was previously reported as a potential factor limiting RNAi efficiency due to potential limitation for siRNA accessibility and low rates of decay of mRNAs [82]. As an example in human cells, miRNA were shown to be more efficient to knock down low GC content mRNA [83].
Finally, the gene transcript size was shown to be positively correlated with gene silencing. Such correlation may be attributed to a snowball RNAi self-amplifying effect that are due to a higher synthesis of secondary siRNA that accentuate the gene silencing when longer mRNA are degraded [86–88]. In other terms, longer mRNA targeted fragments produce more siRNA that in turn increase the gene silencing. This was previously observed on plants and nematodes where an amplification of silencing was shown after mRNA degradation due to RNA dependent RNA Polymerases (RdRPs) generating new endogenous dsRNA matrix for siRNA pathway [89, 90]. For a long time, nematodes have been assumed to be the only animal that could trigger this mechanism [91]. Based on predicted proteomes, the authors showed that most insects are probably lacking RdRPs in their machinery except few Diptera. Although the existence of such mechanism in Diptera still have to be demonstrated, our results are currently giving some credit to this hypothesis.
4.4. Primers amplifying the targeted gene region underestimates gene silencing
To estimate gene silencing via RT-qPCR, we designed two types of primers: either within or outside the dsRNA hybridizing site. We showed that primers designed to hybridize within the dsRNA targeted site exhibited lower performance to quantify gene knockdown compared to primers hybridizing outside the targeted region. These findings are consistent with previous reports [92–94]. This phenomenon is probably due to remnant dsRNA fragments that can accidentally be quantified leading to silencing underestimation. Moreover, Onchuru et al. pointed out that knockdown is commonly underestimated in the case of lowly expressed genes. Here, the tested genes present different expression level as previously discussed. The primers within the dsRNA site detected gene silencing only for the gene with intermediate expression (KYN) but not for a gene with low expression level (VEN). Therefore, our results confirm that caution should be taken when designing primers to quantify RNAi efficiency in Ae. albopictus.