This paper focuses on Coverage Path Planning (CPP) methodologies, particularlyin the context of multi-robot missions, to efficiently cover user-defined Regions ofInterest (ROIs) using UAV swarms, while emphasizing on the reduction of energyconsumption and mission duration. Optimizing the efficiency of multi-robot CPPmissions involves addressing critical factors such as path length, the number ofturns, re-visitations, and launch positions. Achieving these goals, particularly incomplex and concave ROIs with No-Go Zones, is a challenging task. This workintroduces a novel approach to address these challenges, emphasizing the selectionof launch points for UAVs. By optimizing launch points, the mission’s energy andtime efficiency are significantly enhanced, leading to more efficient coverage ofthe selected ROIs. To further support our research and foster further exploration on this topic, we provide the open-source implementation of our algorithm andour evaluation mechanisms.