Scope of LCA
The boundary of the LCA is represented in Fig. 5. A more detailed diagram is included in Supplementary Information.
We account for terrestrial (soil and biomass) carbon (C) storage, harvested wood product (HWP) C storage, substitution of materials and fossil fuels, and long-term sequestration of biogenic C via future deployment of Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), over a 100-year period (using the same assumptions as Forster et al.27 and summarised here). Expanded LCA boundaries (Fig. 5) encompassed: (i) forest management change (due to shifts in rotation and/or productivity (ii) land use change due to temperate afforestation on spared agricultural grassland; (iii) forest establishment; (iv) forest growth; (v) forestry operations; (vi) debarking; (vii) sawmilling (including drying, plaining and chemical treatment); (viii) wood panel production; (ix) paper and paperboard production; (x) bioenergy generation, including BECCS; (xi) credits for avoided use of fossil fuels (substituted energy generation and mineral construction material production); (xii) C storage in HWPs related to ‘decay’ (retiral) functions37, and (xiii) recycling and disposal of retired HWPs, including via (x). The production and transport of all material and energy inputs were accounted for, as were the construction or manufacture of infrastructure and capital equipment. Full life cycle inventories are provided in Supplementary Data 1, with an example table for the Hierarchical wood use value chain in Supplementary Table 1. Material flows were derived using UK data from a combination of forest C modelling35, harvest data from over 2,000 ha of commercially managed forests, data form a commercial sawmill that maximises sawn-wood output56, national recycling data57 and timber-use statistics58 – elaborated in Supplementary Data 1. Given the focus of this paper on GHG mitigation, only the global warming potential (GWP100) impact category was evaluated, expressed as kg carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions.
We assess the GWP impact of the following forest management, wood demand and supply variations for a temperate country, relative to business-as-usual management of existing forest in the baseline year of 2023:
changes to existing forest management and expansion of forest area
Increased or reduced rotation length in existing forest
Increased growth rate of existing forest
Afforestation – temperate forest expansion (at a fixed rate of 2000 ha per year), with a varying proportion of (i) new commercial (conifer) forest subsequently harvested for wood production to (ii) new forest of broadleaved tree species characteristic of semi-natural forests, left unharvested throughout the study period). Management of new forest is the same as existing forest
an increase in imports required to meet shortfall in the within-country wood production relative to annual demand, through different options to intensify or expand production in various forest types in other exporting countries:
Old-growth boreal forest (shortening rotation only)
Old-growth boreal forest (shortening rotation, with thinning and removal of tree harvest residues)
Tropical forest (continuation of more intensive conventional logging of natural forest rather than shifting to reduced impact logging)
Afforestation with new plantations in a tropical country
continued reliance on fossil fuel-derived materials – if marginal wood demand is not supplied.
Full definitions of the scenarios modelled are provided in Table 1.
Forest growth model
Forest C modelling is performed using the Carbon Budget Model for the Canadian Forestry Service CBM-CFS335. Note we do not model forest losses due to, e.g., pests, disease, wind and fire. Neither do we model forest albedo effects on global warming or the effects of climate change (i.e. warming) on forest growth. Whilst these are important factors that affect the climate change mitigation efficacy of forests59–64 the risks are highly uncertain and would apply similarly across the study scenarios so would not be expected to significantly alter the study findings.
Further key methodology assumptions are described below.
Forest management
The study ‘reference’ is a 100,000 ha ‘normal’ forest (i.e. comprising an even distribution of annual age classes) of Sitka spruce, yield class (YC) 18, managed with a 50-year clear-fell rotation, with thinning in year 21 (all representative of current forest management of temperate oceanic environments such as those in UK and other countries within its region). All alternative management scenarios modelled start with these ‘reference’ conditions in year 0 of the study period, which is 2023.
The study explores the GWP impact of altering forest rotation length, increasing tree growth rate and expanding forest area. We quantify the GWP impact of modifying forest management (from the reference) in combination with options for expanding forest area. The full range of management and expansion (afforestation) options that are assessed in this study are presented in Table 1.
Altering rotation length:
Since the ‘reference’ forest is already managed close to the optimal (commercial) rotation length for typical temperate plantations, large shifts are unlikely. Therefore, we model shortening and extending rotation length by 10% from the reference scenario, implementing this shift gradually over a 50-year period (i.e. 10% of the forest area is transitioned every 5 years) so as to limit the rate of change to annual harvest volumes (which would be constrained by wood value chain and market capacity) and forest C dynamics.
Increasing productivity:
Harvested trees (at 50 years) are replanted with YC24 Sitka spruce, managed on a 35-year rotation. This equates to a 25% increase in productivity such as could be possible with an enhanced breeding program65, from 17.2 to 21.5 m3/ha/yr.
There is a physical limit to the land available for expansion of forest area through afforestation in temperate countries, and its implementation is further constrained by multiple social, economic and political factors: the timber market, jurisdictional regulation and policy36.
We assume that commercial plantation afforestation is part of a comprehensive strategy to achieve fixed targets for increase in total forest area (as is the case for national policies in many temperate countries, such as the UK32,33. However, such policies in temperate countries typically do not specify the types of forest planted. While commercial wood production interests and rapid achievement of ‘net zero’ targets favour fast-growing conifers27, biodiversity conservation and delivery of other cultural and regulatory ecosystem services may favour establishment of unharvested forests comprising broadleaved tree species typical of semi-natural forests. Therefore, we calculate the consequential impact of varying the proportion (high and low) of commercial conifer to broadleaved species in the afforestation strategy. The ‘high’ afforestation strategy equates to a doubling of the area over 50 years of commercial conifer plantation (with wood harvested at the end of the rotation) and the ‘low’ strategy equates to a 50% increase of commercial conifer plantation area over 50 years, with the balance of the total afforestation area comprising broadleaved species. In relation to the reference forest area, this translates to commercial conifer plantation afforestation rates of 2000 ha/yr and 1000 ha/yr, respectively. In the ‘low’ strategy we calculate the impact of the marginal increase (1000 ha/yr) in broadleaf forest area comprising a mixture of sycamore, silver birch, oak and rowan, with an average growth rate of YC6, that is unharvested during the study period, a typical scenario for the low-productivity land most available for large-scale afforestation (in the UK).
To assess the impact of afforestation duration at these planting rates, on both wood supply and GWP impact, we also model a shorter afforestation duration of 35 years for each afforestation strategy, applying the same annual planting rates of 2000 ha/yr and 1000 ha/yr (so the total new forest area planted is 30% lower than for the standard 50-year afforestation strategies). The full range of management and expansion (afforestation) options that are assessed in this study are presented in Table 1.
Projected wood demand
We use the FAO definition for industrial round wood (IRW)66, which is all round wood except wood fuel. It includes sawlogs, veneer logs, pulpwood and other IRW and, in the case of trade, chips and particles and wood residues. The majority of IRW production is traded in the form of HWPs67, i.e. IRW that has already been processed (normally in the production country), such as sawnwood, wood-based panels, and paper and paperboard. Therefore, in the present study we use the term ‘wood’ to inclusively refer to IRW and/or HWP, unless differentiation is important for clarity.
Low demand projection is based on historic global wood production rates67, which are similar to rates in Europe, both at 1.1% average linear growth per annum over the last 20 years. We assume that future demand growth continues at this linear rate.
We decouple a higher projected demand increase from historic trends to account for growth of the bioeconomy and turn to IAM and FSM projected demand in published studies. However, there is great uncertainty surrounding projected demand for IRW because like it depends on social, political, economic and environmental systems that are ‘non-stationary’, with correlations between variables changing over time68. It is therefore unsurprising that previous studies have reported a wide range of rates of predicted increase in future demand for IRW and typically limit the study period to 30- to 40-year timeframes, rarely projecting far beyond 20502,3,4,5,22. This means that the extended projection of published growth rates to 2122, applied in the high-demand scenario in the present study, is very uncertain.
Increased global IRW demand projections by FAO (using The Global Forest Products Model) range between 27% and 44% for 2020–2050, depending on efficiency of residue use (70% and 30%, respectively); and a further increase of up to 14% is possible if trends for timber construction and man-made cellulosic fibres (MMCF) in textile production increase5, equating to a possible 58% rise globally between 2020? and 2050, or 1.9%? per year on average.
There is, however, significant regional variation in projected change in demand2,3,4,5,22, with the greatest increases predicted in Eastern Asia where it is predicted to expand its leading role, consuming 41% of the world´s primary processed wood products” in 2050. This is an increase in demand of 56% between 2020–2050, equating to linear demand growth of 1.9% between 2020–2050. Coupled with the further potential 14% demand linked to trends for timber construction and MMCF, the average annual demand increases to 2.3% per annum. Other studies project wider variations still. Demand by East Asia and Pacific has been projected to rise by between 2%2 and 4.4% per annum to 20503 for sawnwood and wood panels combined (total IRW demand, not separately reported, can be interpreted to rise at a similar rate since demand for paper and paperboard – the other major traded HWP group – has similar growth projections). Meanwhile, Europe and Central Asia has relatively lower projected sawnwood demand increases of 0.5%2 to 0.6%3 per annum to 2050. National-scale projection for Finland, Sweden, Norway and the temperate region of Germany (Bavaria), project demand increases of 34% (Sweden) to 40% (Norway) between 2020 and 2050 (interpreting growth curves)22. Notably, these countries are important timber production regions, together contributing 29% of Europe’s IRW production67; and they already have high wood consumption per capita, relative to (low production) countries such as the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands69 so the potential for percentage demand increase may be tempered by this.
To account for the wide range of published projections and the great uncertainty of these projections we selected two contrasting scenarios for the rate of increase in future demand for IRW representative of the lower and higher estimates in the range of previous studies, respectively. This is important to assess the sensitivity of net value chain GWP impact to this variation in future demand. We selected annual linear growth of 1.1% to represent a ‘low’ demand projection scenario. It matches historic growth in timber consumption globally and in Europe, according to FAOSTAT67. It also closely matches historic growth in the UK, a temperate developed country with moderate69 per capita timber consumption, over that last 20 years. It equates to a 30% demand increase by 2050, or a 85% increase by 2100. For the ‘high’ demand projection we use 2.3% annual growth, which equates to a 62% demand increase by 2050, or a 177% increase by 2100, which is the highest case regional scenario (for Eastern Asia) derived from FAO modelling. However, at a country level, demand increase could potentially be even higher as there is likely to be further variation within regions.
Harvested wood products impact
We assume a ‘hierarchical’ value chain breakout for wood flows that remains constant throughout the study period. The assumptions and methodology for calculating the GWP impact of processing and use of HWP under this hierarchical value chain are taken from Forster et al.27 (Supplementary Data 1), including the decarbonisation projections and product substitution effects. The current study advances the work by Forster et al.27 by calculating the GWP impact of dynamic annual harvests from both existing and new forest. A HWP GWP impact calculation module (Supplementary Data 2) was developed (from Supplementary Data 1) for this purpose and used in the present study.
The same GWP impact calculation methodology is applied to all HWP, including marginal imports and exports. The volume of marginal imports (or exports) is calculated as the difference between projected demand and supply from commercial plantations within the temperate country (illustrated in Fig. 1).
Marginal imports Forest impact
We assume marginal imports (i.e. import differences vis-a-vis the 2023 baseline year) are supplied from non-temperate forests in order to gauge the range and scale of potential consequential impact if temperate regions cannot increase production sufficiently to meet their own projected demand. For this we have treated boreal forests as a different category from temperate forests, which is particularly appropriate as a major component of wood demand in temperate countries is softwood from conifer trees, and boreal forests represent a major source of this softwood in global trade5.
This calculation has high uncertainty for multiple reasons:
future product breakout (wood use) is uncertain, i.e. how wood will be used in the future due to developments in technology and the bioeconomy37
product breakout from different forest types and regions varies greatly, due to variation in productivity, wood properties and quality, and local uses
there is a wide range of options for increasing harvest volumes across regions (e.g shortening rotations70 or increasing productivity71)
there is great complexity and challenge in accurately modelling C fluxes in different forest management scenarios, and in many cases there are limited available data.
We therefore take a simplified approach to modelling the GWP impact from fluxes in forest C stocks (forest C) of marginal imports, with the intention of estimating the potential scale of impact, rather than attempting a precise dynamic representation of impact.
We calculate the GWP (forest C) impact of the following four selected forest management change scenarios in tonnes of CO2e per marginal m3 of harvested wood. Boreal scenarios (1,2,& 3) account for changes to above- and belowground C. Tropical scenario accounts for change to aboveground C only.
Boreal (1) – boreal, managed on 128-year rotation with no thinning changed to a 68-year rotation with no thinning and no removal of harvesting residues70)
Boreal (2) – boreal, managed on 128-year rotation with no thinning changed to a 68-year rotation with moderate thinning and removal of harvesting stumps and residues for processing70)
Boreal (3) – boreal, managed on 68-year rotation with moderate thinning changed by introduction of removal of harvesting stumps and residues70)
Tropical – continuation of more intensive conventional logging practice in natural tropical forest, instead of changing to low impact logging72. This scenario will maintain a higher rate of supply of tropical hardwood, which has limited potential to substitute for softwood in major markets (assuming historic wood-use trends), but is included in our study as an “outgroup” comparator for the scenarios of intensification of boreal forest harvesting.
To avoid complex temporal C dynamics caused by transitioning from one forest management regime to another, we assume an instant shift from steady state in the initial system to steady state in the new (higher supply) system. We calculate the change in average C stocks and average annual volume of harvested wood for each scenario. Whilst this doesn’t capture important temporal C dynamics, it indicates the potential scale of impact of sourcing marginal IRW from different forest resources and highlights areas where further study is important. See Supplementary Data 3 for calculations.
We equate the change in average C stocks to a per m3 of marginal harvested wood, for each of the four scenarios above (Boreal 1,2&3, and Tropical) and then calculate the ‘Average’ forest impact of each of these scenarios (their sum, divided by four) – this average value is used to calculate ‘Marginal import/export forest’ in Figu. 2 and 3 in the Results. We scale up the ‘Average’ GWP impact of ‘Marginal imports/exports forest’ from tonnes of C (as CO2e) per m3 of marginal harvested wood to the calculated m3 of marginal imports/exports for each modelled scenario to quantify their respective GWP impacts.
Note that we apply the same product breakout assumptions used for the temperate plantations for these four different sources of imported wood, i.e. we do not account for variation in product breakout data for wood from difference sources. This could lead to underestimation of the area of forest required to supply marginal HWP imports – particularly for Boreal (3) where the additional wood removed is not logs but lower quality stumps and residues.
Tropical afforestation
Afforestation is linked to increased timber demand73, so whilst detrimental GWP impacts of increasing harvesting from existing systems are possible, increased demand could also trigger beneficial GWP impact from afforestation (beyond temperate regions). Significant opportunities in the tropics, due to large areas of underutilized land and high potential tree growth rates71, mean tropical afforestation can make a meaningful contribution to IRW supply within the study period, although the high growth rate tree species matched to most tropical environments (such as Eucalyptus spp.) produce hardwood with predominantly different uses and markets than temperate or boreal softwood, but still with an important role in large-volume global wood markets. We therefore estimate the possible impact of afforestation at a scale to deliver the average marginal import volume(s) over the study period. The modelled scenario involves land use change from tropical wet grassland32 to eucalyptus plantation managed on a 10-year rotation75 clear-fell harvest with mean annual increment (MAI) 35 m3/ha/yr75. While reported lower MAI could be used76,77, we made our selection as it provides a conservative estimate of the potential GWP impacts of tropical afforestation (i.e. land use change) since the area of forest required to supply demand is relatively low (given the high MAI and therefore high wood supply rate, and low C storage per ha) and because we account only for CO2 sequestration into aboveground C stocks, not belowground stocks.
We calculate the GWP (net CO2e sequestration) impact of tropical afforestation in tonnes of CO2e per m3/yr of harvested wood and the associated land footprint to facilitate direct comparison with the range of intensified forest management scenarios described above. See Supplementary Data 3 for calculations.
Marginal wood demand not met
The impact of marginal IRW demand not being met is calculated as a loss of the avoided emissions impact of the marginal imported HWP i.e. consequential CO2e emissions from increased use of concrete and prolonged reliance on fossil fuels.
It is calculated as an average impact per 1m3/yr over 100 years, to account for the effects of decarbonisation over the study period. See Supplementary Data 3 for calculations.