Nb1: NbWO5.5
A series of amorphous “NbWO” precursors with Nb/W ratios of 1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 were prepared by coprecipitation of NbCl5 and WCl6 from an ethanol solution, while constant stirring in a closed vessel under pressure and microwave irradiation, the latter resulting in local, instantaneous, and uniform heating of the sample. The samples were then calcined at various temperatures to monitor the crystallisation process. All the precursors had similar morphologies and crystallized at similar temperatures, and thus to analyse this in more detail, we first focus on Nb1.
Variable temperature (VT) PXRD was performed on Nb1 precursor to identify the optimal temperature for crystalline NbWO formation, a crystalline phase emerging at 800–900°C, the structure remaining unaltered upon cooling to room temperature (Fig. 1c). The NbWO precursor particles exhibit spherical morphology with diameters ranging from 1 to 5 µm (Fig. 1d,e). During crystallization, the NbWO retains its spherical shape while forming secondary agglomerates composed of nano-sized primary particles (Fig. 1f,g). SEM-EDS elemental mapping images (Fig. S2) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy reveal a homogeneous distribution of niobium, and tungsten, within each spherical particle, and an Nb:W ratio that is essentially identical to the quantities of Nb and W salts utilized during synthesis (Table S1).
All reflections observed in the PXRD pattern of Nb1 were successfully indexed to a unit cell with cell parameters a1 = b1 = 12.2223 Å, c = 3.9381 Å, and space group P4/mbm, which corresponds to a simple TTB structure. A joint time of flight (TOF) neutron and X-ray diffraction Rietveld refinement was then performed using the structure of the lead tungsten bronze (Pb0.26WO3) 20 as a model (Fig. 2a,b). The Nb and W cations were initially equally distributed between two octahedral (2c (0, 0.5, 0.5) and 8j (x, y, 0.5)) and one pentagonal (4h (x, 0.5 + x, 0.5)) cation site (Fig. 2c). In addition to the existing oxygen positions in the Pb0.26WO3 structural model, an additional oxygen atom (4g (x, 0.5 + x, 0)) was placed below the cation in the pentagonal cation site to form a 7 coordinated pentagonal bipyramidal (PB) site. The cation positions and their occupancies were refined to investigate any preferential occupancy by Nb and W of the octahedral and PB cation sites, the final refined structure (Fig. 2c) indicating that the Nb and W ions were distributed across all octahedral sites, with a slight preference for W in the 2c site. The PB site displayed a low occupancy that could only be accounted for with a partial (1/3) occupancy of this site by Nb only, to maintain the overall Nb:W ratio of 1, with the additional 4g oxygen site being associated with a similarly low occupancy. All the atoms were then refined together and the refined atomic coordinates and their occupancies are given in Table S2.
Diffraction studies provide long-range ordering information for the crystal structure of Nb1 but provide limited insight into the local structure, including cation ordering and atomic scale defects. STEM helps to overcome these limitations and complements the X-ray and neutron diffraction study of the order-disorder phenomena. The layer thickness of the metal oxide polyhedra is 3.9 Å, which corresponds to the c parameter (Fig. 2c). Atomic-resolution, STEM-HAADF imaging of the a-b plane captures the -M-O-M-O- tunnels in this plane (Fig. 2d) and the overlay with the structure model (one unit cell) indicates the atomic positions of Nb and W. A relatively large area STEM-HAADF image of a Nb1 crystal along the c-axis and the corresponding FFT is shown in Fig. S3(a,d). The FFT-derived lattice parameter (a ~ 13 Å) closely matches the value obtained from PXRD data. The intensity of atomic columns in the STEM-HAADF image is associated with the -M-O-M-O- strings throughout the sample thickness. An analysis of the PCs across the HAADF image in Fig. S4a indicates that most PCs show weak contrast (intensity), while the PCs showing contrast also exhibit different intensities (Fig. S4b, highlighted in green and pink circles). The contrast from HAADF images depends on the Z number of the atomic columns. The observed variance in the contrast from the PCs can be due to different cation occupancies, or different cation species. The cationic columns were then manually color-coded, revealing the random occupation of PCs by cations, resulting in the formation of a simple tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) structure as depicted in Fig. S4. Based on an analysis of 255 unit cells (15×15) containing a total of 900 PCs (Table S3), 350 PCs are either fully or partially occupied, resulting in approximately one-third of the PCs being filled similar to the occupancy observed in the Rietveld refinement. The varying intensity of the atomic columns in a HAADF image can be attributed to variations in the occupancy of a single element in the lattice position and/or different elements occupying the same lattice position.21 Recent advancements in aberration-corrected (S)TEM combined with EDS have enabled atomic-resolution elemental mapping of a crystal structure, 22 and we use this method here to confirm the preferential occupancy of Nb and W on the octahedral and PB sites obtained from the XRD refinements. High-resolution STEM-HAADF images and the corresponding EDS elemental maps of Nb1 along the c-axis are shown in Fig. 2(d-g). In the atomic resolution EDS map, the bright spots highlighted by cyan circles correspond to the 2c octahedral site, which, on the basis of the XRD refinements, is preferentially occupied by W atoms. The spots indicated by the yellow circles correspond to the octahedral site 8j that is partially filled by W atoms, suggesting a shared occupancy of W and Nb atoms. The magenta circles correspond to the PB site 4h, which appears bright in the Nb-map but is missing in the W-map, confirming that the site is occupied only by Nb atoms. This observation is further supported by the overlay EDS map in Fig. 2g.
Exploration of the Nb-rich NbWO phases
NbWOs were synthesised with Nb:W ratios of 2, 3, 4, and 5 using identical synthesis procedures to that used for Nb1 and were calcined at 800°C. All the materials (Nb2-Nb5) exhibited PXRD reflections similar to Nb1, the Nb-rich phases Nb4 and Nb5 (Fig. S5), displaying additional reflections corresponding to the low temperature bronze-like phase T-Nb2O5.23 This suggests that NbWO phases with Nb:W ≥ 4 synthesized at 800°C are unstable as TTBs, and the excess Nb crystallizes as Nb2O5. To investigate this further, the simple TTB phases (Nb1), Nb2 and Nb3, were analysed using high-resolution synchrotron XRD and NPD (Fig. 3). While the major reflections in the PXRD pattern of Nb2 and Nb3 could be indexed to the Nb1 simple TTB unit cell, a new set of reflections marked ‘#’ was seen, which grew sharper with an increase in the Nb:W ratio from 2 to 3 and could be indexed (hk0, h + k = odd) to a larger tetragonal cell (space group P4) with lattice parameters a = b = 17.3787 Å, c = 3.9437 Å, representing a supercell (√2a˳×√2a˳) of the Nb1 cell (Fig. 3b). The hk0 family of reflections, which undergo a change due to the supercell formation, are shaded in green, their intensity increasing with increasing the Nb:W ratio, while those marked in pink indicate reflections whose intensity diminishes.
To further validate the formation of a supercell, we examined the TOF neutron diffraction data of Nb1, Nb2, and Nb3 (Fig. 3c). The reflections at approximately 3.9 Å (c-parameter) in all three diffraction patterns correspond to the 001 reflection in both cells. The patterns of Nb2 and Nb3 displayed at peak at 17.57 Å which is absent in Nb1 and is assigned to the 010 reflection corresponding to the a parameter of the supercell. The 010 peak in the pattern of Nb3 was sharper than that of Nb2, suggesting the formation of larger domains of the supercell structure with increasing Nb concentration in the lattice. The formation of the supercell was also evident from the position of the 210 reflections at 5.53 Å and 7.83 Å in the diffraction patterns of simple (Nb1) TTB and the supercell (Nb2 and Nb3) structure, respectively.
Crystal structure of Nb2
The crystal structure of Nb2 was refined with PXRD data using the √2a˳×√2a˳ TTB superstructure reported by Li and co-workers for Na3Nb12O31F as a model.24 To fix the atoms in special positions 4j and 4k with z = 0 and 0.5 respectively, a higher symmetry space group P 4/m instead of P4 was chosen. In addition, two extra oxygen atoms were placed above the cations in the two sets of PCs (purple and orange circles within the green unit cell in Fig. 3b) to create PB sites in the model structure. The Nb and W ions were initially distributed equally among the five octahedral and two PB sites. Refining the occupancies and position parameters of the cation revealed that the two sets of octahedral sites in the centre of the unit cell (cyan in Fig. 4c) exhibited high electron density and were thus filled with W, while the other octahedral sites (magenta in Fig. 4c) were occupied by Nb. The occupancy of the cations in the four PB sites surrounding the central octahedral site (purple rings in Fig. 3b) refined to a negligible value. Therefore, the PB cation and the corresponding oxygen sites were left unoccupied, and the other PB site was filled with Nb to maintain the stoichiometry determined by EDS and XRF measurements (Table S1). The positions of the O atoms were refined through a combined PXRD and NPD refinement (Fig. 4a,b) to obtain the final structure of Nb2 (Fig. 4c). The resulting structural parameters are reported in Table S4. Since the experimental data exhibited broader supercell reflections (hk0, h + k = odd) compared to the calculated pattern (Fig. S6a), selective broadening was incorporated to this class of reflections resulting in a significant improvement of the fit (Fig. S6b). In comparison to the Nb1 phase, the Nb2 phase exhibited an ordered arrangement of the empty and filled PCs.
Antiphase boundaries (APB) and structural evolutions of the bronzes
The observation of selective broadening in a PXRD pattern often indicates the presence of lattice defects resulting from the formation of a supercell. The HR(S)TEM image of Nb2 in Fig. S6c reveals the presence of antiphase boundaries (APBs), marked by a green dashed line that separates the two ordered domains. A schematic model in Fig. S6d shows how they originate from disorder with 21 screw along the a-axis. The unit cell shaded in red transposes with the yellow-shaded unit cell during the 21 screw dislocation at the APB. These boundaries introduce a discontinuity in the ordering of vacant PCs along the [100] and [010] directions thereby broadening the supercell reflections corresponding the 120, 230 and 140 planes (Fig. S6d). To examine the cation ordering along the -M-O-M-O- channels in the ordered and APB regions, STEM-HAADF images and EDS maps were captured along the c-axis (Fig. 4d-g). The image also features an overlay of the structure model (one-unit cell) illustrating the atomic positions of Nb and W. The FFT analysis (Fig. S3e) of a relatively large-area STEM-HAADF image (Fig. S3b) yielded a lattice parameter of a ~ 18 Å, which closely matched the diffraction result (17.4 Å).
The XRD, neutron, and TEM results unequivocally establish Nb2 as a supercell of Nb1. In the Nb1 phase, the O:M ratio is 2.75, and approximately one-third of the PB sites are randomly occupied (Fig. S4d). As the Nb content increases, the O:M ratio decreases, and the excess Nb ions progressively occupy the vacant PB cation sites. In the Nb2 phase, the O/M reduces to 2.37, and half of the PB sites are now filled. To avoid cation repulsion, four out of the eight PCs surrounding the 2x2 central block of WO6 octahedra remain unoccupied. This ordering of the occupied (purple squares, Fig. S18b) and vacant PCs (yellow squares, Fig. S18b) results in the formation of the supercell, as discussed in more detail in the SI.
Crystal structure of Nb3
The PXRD pattern of Nb3 closely resembles that of Nb2, exhibiting sharper supercell reflections and a few additional weak reflections (indicated by red asterisks in Fig. S7). While most of these reflections can be attributed to the supercell with lattice parameters a3 = b3 = 17.4166 Å and c3 = 3.9454 Å, two of them remain unindexed (highlighted by blue arrows in Fig. S7 and listed in Table S5) suggesting the presence of impurities in the sample. These unindexed peaks do not correspond to any of the known NbWO phases. Moreover, the additional reflections observed in the PXRD pattern of Nb3 are poorly fit using the structure model obtained for the Nb2 structure, even when accounting for the change in Nb:W ratio to 3. The FFT (Fig. S3f) analysis of the STEM-HAADF image (Fig. S3c) of Nb3 along the c-axis exhibits similarities to Nb2 rather than Nb1, and the measured a lattice parameter is ~ 18 Å which is comparable to Nb2. The combined findings from diffraction and STEM suggest that an increase in the Nb content from Nb1 to Nb2 leads to the formation of a supercell, and the supercell structure is retained even with a further increase in Nb content from Nb2 to Nb3. The sharper supercell reflections observed in the diffraction pattern of Nb3 as compared to Nb2 (Fig. 3a,c) indicate a lower occurrence of defects in Nb3.
Thermodynamic Stability
To investigate the thermodynamic stability, the newly synthesized NbWOs were recalcined at 800°C for 30 days and their PXRD patterns are shown in Fig. S8. Interestingly, the Nb1 phase remained unchanged during the prolonged heating, indicating its thermodynamic stability. However, in the case of Nb2, Rietveld refinement revealed that ~ 71.5% of the material retained its structure while the remaining portion decomposed into the known bronze phase α−Nb2WO8. In Nb3, only 7.6% of the material retained its structure while the majority decomposed into Nb14W3O44 (33%) and α−Nb2WO8 (59.4%). The phase composition of the decomposed products also correlated with the observed morphological changes: Nb1 maintained its spherical morphology with an increase in the size of the primary particles (Fig. S9), while Nb2 only partially retained its spherical morphology, with the remaining portion crystallizing as micron-sized rods, consistent with typical NbWO bronze and block phases. (Fig. S10). Nb3 was completely converted into micron-sized particles (Fig. S11).
The stability of the Nb1 phase was observed up to 1000°C, decomposing into Nb12W11O63, Nb8W9O47 and Nb14W3O44 phases when calcined at 1200°C for 12 h (Fig. S12). The decomposition was accompanied by a transformation into rod-like structures as seen by SEM (Fig. S13). The spherical secondary particles were only observed at temperatures below 900°C, and the transformation to rod-like structures was always accompanied by decomposition.
W-rich NbWO phases
Finally, to explore the W-rich phases, various NbWOs with Nb/W ratios of less than 1 were synthesized. Samples W2, W3, W4 and W5, with Nb:W ratios of 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5, were precipitated and calcined at 800°C following the procedure identical to that used for Nb1. The PXRD patterns of all W-rich phases exhibit reflections corresponding to the Nb1 phase, the excess W crystallizing as WO3 (Fig. S14), the concentration of WO3 progressively increasing from W2 to W5. STEM-HAADF images of the W-rich phases reveal TTB lattices similar to the Nb1 phase with domains of cubic close-packed cations. Additionally, within the lattice, the excess W atoms form domains that crystallize in the ReO3-type structure (Fig. S15).
Electrochemical performance of the low temperature phases
The electrochemical performance of the NbWO bronzes was evaluated in half cells to access their potential as energy storage materials. The cells were cycled within a specific potential range of 3–1.3 V (Fig. 5a-c). These materials demonstrated remarkable high-rate capabilities, with a reversible capacity of 160, 155 and 110 mAh/g at the end of 1000 cycles at high rates (10C), for Nb3, Nb2, and Nb1, respectively (Fig. 5d-f). Although both Nb2 and Nb3 phases possessed a supercell TTB structure, the Nb3 phase demonstrated a higher capacity compared to Nb2 largely due to its lower molar mass.
The gravimetric capacity of all the three bronzes reported here are higher than the low capacity of 80 mAh/g reported for the α-Nb2WO8 with a mass loading of ~ 0.8 mg cm− 2 cycling at 3 A/g (a rate that is lower than 10 C).25 The increase in capacity of the new bronzes can be attributed to the presence of interconnected vacant pentagonal channels that run across the particle helping in the Li ion transport and storage (see SI for further discussion).
Focused ion beam (FIB) cross-section of the microspheres (Fig. S16) show primary particles interconnected by NbWO bridges forming porous structure which likely contributes to the excellent rate performance. FFT analysis show that the primary particles are crystalline (Fig. S17b and d), while the NbWO bridges linking them are amorphous (Fig. S17c).