- Virus preparations & Pup injections
Adeno-associated virus (AAV)-Anc80 and AAV-PhP.eB were chosen as the viral vectors due to their high specificity for spiral ganglion neurons following intra-cochlear injection in neonates. The pAAV-hSyn1-ChR2(H134R)-EYFP (Addgene plasmid #26973) was packed as an Anc80 AAV by the Vector and Genome Engineering Facility, Children’s Medical Research Institute (New South Wales, Australia) and prepared in phosphate buffered saline (PBS; pH7.4) supplemented with 50 mM NaCl and 0.001% pluronic F-68. AAV-PhP.eB with a hSyn1-driven ChIEF-EYFP fusion or ChR2(C128A)-EYFP fusion gene and Woodchuck hepatitis virus post-transcriptional regulatory element (WPRE) plasmids were prepared by VectorBuilder and prepared in PBS supplemented with 200 mM NaCl and 0.001% pluronic F-68. Viral titre was estimated at 1.76e12 vg/mL for AAV-Anc80-hSyn1-ChR2(H134R-EYFP), 1.10e13 vg/mL for AAV-PhP.eB-hSyn1-ChIEF-EYFP, and 6.38e13 vg/mL for AAV-PhP.eB-hSyn1-ChR2(C128A). Under hypothermic anesthesia, the left cochlea of C57BL/6 neonates aged P2-4 days was exposed via a post-auricular incision and blunt dissection of the soft tissues to access the bulla, which was opened using a sharp needle and microscissors. One microlitre of the vector was then delivered through the round window into the cochlear perilymph via rapid injection using a Hamilton syringe positioned using a micropositioner. Tissues were replaced to their original position and the skin layer was sutured. Pups were warmed until breathing returned, rubbed with nesting material, and returned to the mother. Experimenters could not be blinded to which virus the mice received due to litter naming conventions perpetuated throughout each stage of the experiments.
- Deafening and CAP recordings
Electrophysiology recordings of auditory nerve compound action potentials (CAPs) were made in mice (n = 5; 2 female, 3 male; 81.6 ± 12.6 days old). Prior to the recordings, mice were unilaterally deafened with neomycin using a similar technique to that described in 5. In summary, mice were anesthetised (0.25-3% gaseous isoflurane), and analgesia (lignocaine hydrochloride; 0.1 mL 1% V/V, or bupivicaine; 0.1 mL 0.5% V/V) was applied subcutaneously at the site of incision. An incision was made ~1 mm caudal to the pinna, and soft tissues dissected to expose the bulla. A bullostomy was performed to expose the round window and the mid-apical turn of the cochlea. A fenestration in the mid-apical turn was hand-drilled using a sharp probe and the round window membrane was pierced with a ⌀ 0.22 mm steel wire. 10-15 µL of 10% neomycin sulfate (w/V) in 9% saline solution (w/V) was perfused through the round window while gentle aspiration was applied to the mid-apical fenestration over 20-30 minutes.
Approximately 30 minutes after the deafening procedure, and still under anesthesia, the mice underwent compound action recordings of the auditory nerve. The mice were placed in a stereotaxic frame and rotated for better lateral access to the exposed cochlea. Stimulating equipment was then inserted into the cochlea. Electrical stimulation was delivered via two 50 µm platinum wires (PTFE insulated; tips exposed), one positioned ~1 mm into the mid-apical fenestration used in the deafening procedure and one placed ~1 mm into the round window. Optical stimulation was delivered using an optical fibre (105 µm core, NA 0.22) attached to the round window platinum wire. Amber light was delivered using an optical fibre (200 µm core, NA 0.22) placed against the cochlea wall.
Recording electrodes comprised a platinum wire placed on the cochlea wall between the stapedial artery and the round window and a steel needle inserted subcutaneously at the back of the neck.
- Brain recordings
Craniotomy for IC recordings
Adult mice (n = 21; 10 female, 11 male; 63.3 ± 2.8 days old) were used for multiunit recordings of the inferior colliculus. The mice were placed under gaseous isoflurane anesthesia and unilaterally deafened on the left side as described above for CAP recordings. Mice were then placed in a stereotaxic frame and analgesia applied (lignocaine hydrochloride; 0.1 mL 1% V/V, or bupivacaine hydrochloride; 0.1 mL 0.5% V/V; subcutaneous) to the surgical site before an incision was made along the midline of the scalp. A diamond dental drill was used to perform a craniotomy over the right inferior colliculus. The dura over the inferior colliculus was carefully removed using a 30g needle. A saline soaked cotton ball was placed over the exposed brain until the recording electrode was inserted.
Craniotomy for auditory nerve recordings
Mice that underwent inferior colliculus recordings also underwent simultaneous auditory nerve recordings. Prior to the craniotomy over the inferior colliculus, the ear canals were exposed and cut close to the skull using sharp microscissors, and ear bars inserted. The muscles overlying the parietal and interparietal bones on the left side of the skull were dissected using sharp forceps. The inferior colliculus of the right side was exposed, as described above. Similarly, a small drill was used to expose the brain under the left interparietal bone, and the dura removed using a 30g needle. A saline soaked cotton ball was placed over the exposed brain until the recording electrode was inserted.
Simulation and recording
Following the craniotomies, the stimulating equipment was inserted into the exposed cochlea as described above for CAP recordings.
A tungsten electrode (TM33B20, World Precision Instruments, USA; impedance ~2 MΩ) was inserted through the left hemisphere towards the auditory nerve using a microdriver (David Kopf Instruments, USA) while electrical stimulation was applied to the cochlea. Similarly, a single shank 32-channel array with 50 µm spacing (NeuroNexus Technologies, USA) was inserted into the inferior colliculus. To provide recording stability, a 1% (w/V) agar solution was applied over the exposed brain and inserted shank electrode.
Recording ground electrodes in the form of steel needles were inserted into the right axillary region and between the eyes on the scalp for shank and tungsten electrode recordings, respectively.
- Stimulating waveforms
Light stimuli were delivered using a custom 452 nm laser (OptoTech, Australia) coupled to an optical fibre (105 µm core, NA 0.22) by an FC connector and/or a 595 nm LED (M595F2, Thorlabs, USA) coupled to an optical fibre (205 µm core, NA 0.22) via an SMA connector. Light was presented at 0.25-60 ms pulses at 0-14.5 mW intensities for blue light, and 1-300 ms pulses at 3.7 mW for amber light. The lasers were calibrated using a photodiode (PDA36A2, Thorlabs, USA) coupled via an optical fibre. Electrical stimuli were delivered by a custom-built stimulator connected to the platinum wires. Biphasic current pulses with a phase of 25 µs (interphase gap of 8 µs) were delivered over a range of current levels (CL), where CL in µA is calculated as: . For combined stimulation trials, the electrical stimuli were delayed such that they finished with the end of the laser pulse.
- Histology
Following acute electrophysiology experiments, mice were euthanised (cervical dislocation under gaseous isoflurane anesthesia) the left cochlea was dissected and processed for cryo-sectioning. Cochleae were immediately fixed following dissection in 10% (V/V) neutral buffered formalin for 2-16 hours and then rinsed in PBS before 2-3 days of decalcification in 0.12M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Processed cochleae were embedded in optimum cutting temperature compound (OCT, Tissue-Tek, Saruka, Japan) and snap-frozen for cryo-sectioning serial sections at 12 µm. Mid-modiolar sections were immunostained using mouse anti-HuD (1:1000, Santa Cruz Biotechnology, SC-48421) or anti-Tuj1 (1:500, Biolegend, 801201) for spiral ganglion neurons, and mounted with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) to visualise nuclei. The Rosenthal’s canal in three turns of each cochlea were imaged using a fluorescent microscope and processed using ImageJ (National Institute of Health, USA). Opsin-positive spiral ganglion neurons were identified as EYFP positive cells and counted as a percentage of all spiral ganglion cells (HuD positive cells).
- Analysis/Statistical methods
Auditory nerve thresholds were identified as the minimum level at which a response could be confidently identified. Inferior colliculus threshold was identified as the power level that produced activity at 33% of the maximum evoked activity. Spatial tuning curves were fitted for the 33% level at each recording electrode. Activation widths at any level were calculated using the crossings of the spatial tuning curve.
The first response in the burst was always discarded due to a large and variable onset response. Burst recordings with at least two additional responses (i.e., two responses after the first discarded response) were required for inclusion in the analysis of fidelity. Recordings with fidelity of at least 50% were required for the analysis of stability and temporal spread. Individual responses were identified as having a P1-N2 size greater than the quiet period following the burst, and a P1 occurring within 1-2.5 ms following stimulation.
Numerical results stated are average ± standard error mean, except for burst stimulation fidelity, temporal spread, and stability, which state median ± interquartile range.
Optogenetic activation: Statistical tests for optogenetic activation thresholds and dynamic range used Student’s t-test. Normality was confirmed using the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Burst measures: Statistical tests for fidelity, temporal spread, and stability used Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test, as Shapiro-Wilk test showed data was not normally distributed.
Histology: Statistical tests for expression differences between turns used repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA), and differences between cohorts used the Kruskal-Wallis test, as variances were not consistently equal according to the Levene’s test.