Physical setting during BoBBLE field expedition
The sampling stations were along 8◦ N, extending from 85.3◦ E (hereafter referred to as TSW) to 89◦ E (hereafter referred to as TSE), with three additional stations in between, referred to as Z1, Z2, and Z3. The transects from TSW to Z3 were sampled between 24 July to 3 July, and the TSE was sampled on the 4th of July. Thereafter, time series observations were carried out at the TSE (8° N and 89° E) between the 4th and 15th of July 2016. The TSW station was located within the SLD (Fig. 1). Sea level anomalies (SLAs) from the region highlight the evolution of the SLD and are represented by negative SLAs (Supplementary Fig. 1). Z1 is on the outer edge of the SMC to the west, and station TSE is east of the SMC. Stations Z2 and Z3 were sampled within the core of the SMC (Fig. 1). The transect runs across the productive regions of the SLD and SMC and is further detailed in 31 Thushara and et al., 2019.
Biogeochemical analysis
A factory-calibrated SeaBird Electronics (SBE) 9/11 + Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler (CTD) was used to measure the vertical profiles and collected water samples at all the points marked in Fig. 1. Nominally, the casts were collected to a depth of 1000 m. A total of 138 CTD casts were taken, including from a time series station (TSE) 5, 30. In addition, hydrographic samples were collected at discrete depths to measure various biogeochemical parameters and to compute air-sea O2 fluxes41. For this purpose, the CTD was attached to a rosette frame with 12 Niskin sampler bottles (10 L each) and sampled at fixed depths. Water samples for chemical measurements were collected from the Niskin bottles using Tygon tubing connected to the spout. Analysis of dissolved O2 (DO) at a precision of ± 0.03 µM was based on the Carpenter (1965) modification of the traditional Winkler titration. These O2 data sets were used to calibrate the CTD O2 with the Winkler DO and CTD O2 data, which yielded a coefficient of determination of 0.99 (n = 306, p < 0.01). The mixed layer depth (MLD) is calculated as the depth at which the density is equal to the sea surface density plus an increase in density equivalent to 0.8°C 30. The isothermal layer is defined as the depth where the temperature is 0.8°C less than the SST, and the barrier layer is the layer between the base of the isothermal layer and the base of the mixed layer (BL). Apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) was calculated using the calibrated CTD data and the solubility equations of 42, 43 Garcia and Gordon (1992) and coefficients of Benson and Krause (1984).
Calculation of the relative increase in dissolved O2 that can occur within the BoB OMZ and ASHSW due to mixing
An attempt is made to understand the magnitude of O2, which can be supplied to the BoB OMZ due to observed deep mixing events within the SLD and BL erosion within the SMC. The ventilation rate of the mixed layer/equibriation time can be calculated by dividing the mixed layer thickness by the gas transfer velocity, as further detailed in 41 Roy et al., 2021. For this purpose, we considered the water mass within the SLD as a parcel of water with a width (W) of 100 km that contains the BoB surface waters and OMZ waters below. Therefore, this mass of water can be written as
Mparcel (1) = W× H × U × Δt × ρ, (1)
where W (denotes the approximate width of the parcel within the SLD assumed here to be 100 km), H is the vertical extent of the deep mixing (in this case, 50 m as observed), U is the lateral speed of the parcel taken as ~ 0.5 m s− 1 15 within the SLD, Δt is the approximate time line of mixing, taken here as 1 day, and ρ is the density of the parcel of water (taken as 1022 kg m− 3). This gives Mparcel (1) as = 2.20 × 1014 kg. The additional oxygen added from the surface mixed layer to the OMZ due to the mixing event can be written as the product of the excess oxygen observed (38 µmol kg− 1) multiplied by Mparcel (1), which equates to 8.36 × 1015 µmol. However, the actual increase will depend on how much this parcel of water is redistributed. For a grid area between 7°N and 8°N and between 85°E and 86°E and a mixing depth of 50 m with a ρ of 1022 kg m− 3, Mparcel (2) equals 6.29 × 1014 kg. Our calculations suggest that the relative increase in the oxygen concentration will reach ~ 0.34 µmol for one mixing event until 50 m within the SLD.
Similarly, we calculated how much O2 can be supplied to the low-oxygen waters below due to BL erosion within the SMC. For this purpose, we used an excess O2 of 72 µmol kg− 1, W (as 100 km), H (as 70 m), U (as 0.5 ms− 1), Δt (as 4 days), and ρ (1022 kg m− 3). This gives Mparcel (3) as = 1.23 × 1015 kg. However, the additional oxygen added due to BL erosion to OMZ waters below can be written as the product of the excess oxygen observed (72 µmol kg− 1) multiplied by Mparcel (1), which equates to 88.56 × 1015 µmol. As above, the increase in oxygen concentrations will depend on the volume over which it is redistributed; if redistributed over a 7°N to 8°N and 87°E to 88°E and mixing depth of 70 m with a ρ of 1022 kg m− 3, Mparcel(4) equals 8.81 × 1014 kg. Therefore, the actual increase in the oxygen content due to BL erosion considering a 4-day event within an SMC within a 1° × 1° grid was found to be ~ 100 µmol.
Fluxes of O 2 due to upwelling/deep mixing events and erosion of the barrier layer (BL) during the BoBBLE campaign
The net air-sea flux of O2 is directly proportional to the partial pressure difference across the air-sea interface or its corresponding concentration anomaly. Therefore, Δ O2 = [O2]m – [O2]s, where [O2]m represents the measured concentration of O2 in µmol kg− 1 and [O2]s represents the saturated concentration of O2; these values can be deduced as a product of the solubility coefficient (SA) and partial pressure of O2 in the atmosphere (pA), where the units of the solubility coefficient are in mmol m− 3 atm− 1.
The solubility coefficients are calculated based on the in situ temperature and salinity at a given depth. Therefore, areal fluxes (µmol m− 2 sec− 1) across the water–atmosphere boundary can be calculated according to the expression:
F = Kw Δ O2 (1)
where ‘Kw’ is the gas transfer velocity (cm hr− 1) and Δ O2 is the difference between the measured O2 and its solubility. The gas transfer velocity ‘kw’ (cm hr− 1) was calculated according to the equation given by Wanninkhof (1992), which depends on the wind speed measured at a height of 10 m (u10) and Schmidt number (Sc) and is shown in Eq. 2 below.
Kw = 0.31.U2. (Sc/600)−0.5 (2)
Sc is the kinematic viscosity of water divided by the diffusion coefficient of O2. The coefficients for calculating the Schmidt number (below Eq. 3), which is a function of temperature and salinity (35 psu) for O2, were taken from 44 Sarmiento and Gruber (2006), and the equation for gas transfer velocity from 45 Wanninkhof (1992) was used to estimate the fluxes during barrier layer erosion (deep mixing events).
Sc = A - BT- CT2 - DT3 (3)
where the in situ temperature (T) is in °C. The surface wind speed during the first half of the BoBBLE observation period was on the order of 8–12 ms− 1. These wind speeds are typical for the southern BoB during the summer monsoon 5. A positive value of flux in (1) means outgassing O2, whereas a negative flux denotes ingassing. Based on the wind speed, the estimated gas transfer velocity (KW) ranged between 37.42 and 44.53 cm h− 1 for oxygen.