2.1 Materials
For the tapping tests, Gray Cast Iron GG30, SAE 1045 steel and titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V were used, with Gray Cast Iron being the base material for comparisons and main variations. Due to the geometric characteristics of the materials, the specimens do not have the same dimension from one material to the other, the dimensions of the cast iron specimen were 30 x 32x 32 mm and for the dry test with cast iron the length was 15 mm to prevent premature cut tap failure. The tool used for tests was an HSS-E M10X1.5 cutting tap, without coating, with three flutes, helical tip and four fillets in the conical part.
2.2 Experimental procedure
The tests were carried out in a machining center (power of 15kW and maximum speed of 7500 rpm). The cutting conditions correspond to the range indicated by the manufacturer for Gray Cast Iron and the other materials followed the conditions for comparison. For each evaluated condition, three tests were performed and the taps machined no more than 3 samples. In addition to the material of the specimens, the other variables were cutting speed (10, 30, 50 m/min) and cutting fluid (dry, emulsion and oil). The experiments were carried out with one test and two replicates for each cutting condition tested.
Figure 1 shows the setup for signal acquisition during the tapping test. It is possible to notice a contact pin with the cut tap, the pin is a tap that was cut to make contact with the tool and the extension cable (copper wires) comes out of it to the multimeter and the other extension cable comes out of the workpiece. The insulation of the part was made with a polymer and the tool was isolated through epoxy painting on the morse cone, the insulation serves to avoid external interference in the electromotive force (e.m.f). For the acquisition of e.m.f. and temperature during calibration, a Keysight Technologies Agilent model 34970A acquisition unit and BenchLink Data Logger Pro software were used. The acquisition rate was 14.3 Hz, contemplating the tapping time for a cutting speed of 50m/min, since the cutting time at this speed is approximately 630 milliseconds.
2.3 Tool-workpiece thermocouple calibration
Calibration of the tool-workpiece thermocouple is a critical point in researches that use the tool-workpiece thermocouple method. The calibration of the set with Gray Cast Iron as part material was in a slow transient regime (Fig. 2), it was decided to use an oxyacetylene torch as a heat source and the heat was applied to a transition pin between the tap and the workpiece, made of same material as the part, following the same method as [20] uses in his work. Known Type K thermocouples were used to acquire the temperature simultaneously with the acquisition of the e.m.f generated in the tool-workpiece thermocouple. The K-type thermocouple was placed in contact between the pin (part material) and the tap, thus the temperature values measured during calibration represent the chip-tool interface temperature.
The calibrations of the SAE 1045 steel and the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V were carried out in a steady state (Fig. 3), in a muffle furnace with a maximum temperature of 1200°C. Gray Cast Iron was not calibrated in the furnace, due to the difficulty of producing a long sample (simulating the chip). The calibration method was based on the work of [22] and adapted for threading. Assembly with a long tool was carried out using several identical taps joined together 295 mm of length, a long chip approximately 1000 mm length of SAE 1045 and Ti-6Al-4V have been produced. One end of the tool was joined to one end of the chip and this union was placed inside the furnace and extension wires were connected to the other end of the tool and the chip to connect the tool and the chip to the multimeter. It is important to point out that the tool and the chip are long so that at the end with the extension wire the temperature remains close to the ambient temperature, thus not forming a new thermocouple.
The thermocouple for reading the chip-tool interface temperature, during calibration in the furnace, was welded close to the contact, as shown in Fig. 3. A thermocouple was placed close to the extension wire tool contact, to ensure that the temperature did not undergo considerable changes (± 5°C). The acquisition rate used for calibrations with oxyacetylene flame and in the furnace was 6.6 and 2 Hz respectively, since the calibration time in the transient state is shorter than in the steady state.
Figure 4 shows the gray cast iron calibration curve with its respective coefficient of determination. Remembering that the curve of this material was made in transient regime. The maximum temperature values reached during the calibration, approximately 700°C, ensure representativeness during any cutting condition used in this work. This type of calibration has a major limitation in relation to the maximum temperature, because it is extremely difficult for the heat conducted by the pin to the workpiece-tool contact to cause the temperatures at this point to exceed 700°C, [23] Development of a tool-work thermocouple calibration system and obtained maximum temperatures close to 800°C, but one of the challenges and objective of the work was compensation due to the increase in temperature in the extension wire tool contact.
Figure 5 shows the calibration curve of the Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy with its respective coefficient of determination. Remembering that the curve of this material was made in steady state. Calibration in a furnace does not have the same temperature limitations as calibration with an oxyacetylene flame, but the programmed temperature was 650°C, as the process would not reach higher temperatures. In this type of calibration, the limitations are associated with the type of fixation of the hot joint. and oxidation of the tool material.
Figure 6 shows, respectively, the SAE 1045 steel calibration curve and their respective equations and determination coefficients, with the value close to 1 for both curves. These two curves were obtained through steady state, however, for the SAE 1045 steel there was an anomaly that makes curve fitting difficult. The curve was divided into phases 1 and 2, red line separating the phases, this division was necessary due to the difficulty in performing a single satisfactory curve fit. Due to the anomaly presented by the SAE 1045 steel calibration curve, the furnace tests were repeated in a transient regime, using an oxyacetylene torch as a heat source, and similar results were obtained, which proves that the anomaly is a characteristic of the combination of HSS with SAE 1045 steel.