The present study is the first systematic analysis of global economic costs of invasive crayfish species and other aquatic crustaceans. Analysis of several cost descriptors helped identify key trends and knowledge gaps across spatial, taxonomic and temporal scales. Most reported crayfish costs were obtained from peer-reviewed literature and thus deemed “highly reliable”, however, the vast majority were based on predictions or extrapolations arising from relatively few studies. As a result, there was a substantial difference between realized and predicted/expected costs of ICS. We identified four key costly species, P. clarkii, F. rusticus, F. limosus and P. leniusculus, with the latter representing the highest costs, while other damaging ICS were absent from the database. The analysis also includes comparison of ICS costs with other invasive crustaceans, namely crabs, amphipods and lobsters.
Spatial biases and persisting knowledge gaps
Documented costs of ICS were found to be dominated by European countries, with comparatively few costs reported in North America, and Asia (Japan), and no costs reported for all other geographic regions, despite the global extent of crayfish invasions (Lodge et al. 2012; Ribeiro 2020). The absence of reported costs for Africa is noteworthy, as continental Africa and associated island nations are recipients of nine crayfish species (Madzivanzira et al. 2020).
Several prominent ICS have long introduction-histories in Europe (Holdich et al. 2009; Kouba et al. 2014). Dedicated research in recent years has enabled inclusion of several crayfish in the list of invasive species of EU concern, the Union list (European Commission 2016). As such, efforts to estimate and report costs in Europe might reflect a proactive stance on behalf of the European Union (European Commission 2014) in trying to understand the costs of ICS and limit their spread. Reported costs for ICS in Europe indicate that Sweden has been affected significantly. On the other hand, information on costs of ICS from South America, Africa, Oceania and Asia (except a few costs in Japan) were entirely absent, but can be expected in the future given the ongoing spread of ICS and targeted research in these regions (Horwitz and Knott 1995; Nunes et al. 2017; Madzivanzira et al. 2020; Oficialdegui et al. 2020b; Haubrock et al. in review). For instance, considering the growing production trends of P. clarkii in China in the last few years (global leading production country of crayfish, exceeding one million tonnes per year recently according to FAO 2020a), it is obvious that such a production cannot be reached without side effects. Indeed, this has become recognised as a national food security issue in the country, given that larger areas of agricultural land are permanently flooded, leaving less space for other crops including rice (Ho 2020), but environmental consequences are also indisputable. The lack of reported costs from diverse regions in InvaCost may be attributed to a number of reasons, which may span from the comparably shorter introduction histories, limited attention to aquatic environments, anecdotal reporting, low research effort on this topic and limited available funding, or limited accessibility to relevant cost information. However, this geographical bias is not unique to costs from invaded aquatic environments or ICS (see Early et al. 2016; Cuthbert et al. in review).
Taxonomic biases
Whilst overall costs of ICS were found to be substantial, the underlying cost quantification presented covers only a small subset of species from a few regions. For instance, P. leniusculus accounted for the largest share of the total cost, however, these were inferred only from northern European countries where targeted Plan Actions were developed to prevent reduction of native noble crayfish Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758) stocks (Bohman and Edsman 2011). The second most costly crayfish invader in Europe, P. clarkii, was reported primarily in southern parts of the continent, where the majority of invaded habitats are found. These burgeoning costs of P. clarkii (US$ 13.01 million) were estimated on the basis of 76 observations. The fact that this species is particularly widespread in Europe (Kouba et al. 2014), and already present in 40 countries of four continents with the potential for further spread (Oficialdegui et al. 2020b), highlights the knowledge gap in costs at a broader spatial but also temporal scale. Other high-profile ICS that are also listed by the EU as prominent invaders (European Commission 2016) but with no invasion costs reported, include F. virilis and the parthenogenetic marbled crayfish P. virginalis Lyko, 2017. The latter has a high spread potential (Hossain et al. 2018) and can be expected to cause considerable damage in the near future (Feria and Faulkes 2011). Additionally, cost data for some members of the Parastacidae family are lacking, despite their ubiquitous presence in substantial pathways such as aquaculture and pet trade (e.g. yabby C. destructor (Clark, 1936) and redclaw C. quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868); Souty-Grosset et al. 2006; Madzivanzira et al. 2020; Haubrock et al. in review).
Given these knowledge gaps, the presented costs in our study are mostly driven by P. leniusculus, inferred from damage-losses and control actions. The vast majority of these costs were the result of extrapolations, possibly indicating a lack of empirical reporting effort and monitoring. This bias is noteworthy and worrisome, as applied management efforts are seemingly not dedicated to several high-risk species, e.g. P. clarkii (Gherardi et al. 2011; Souty-Grosset et al. 2016) or other emerging invasive ones (e.g. C. quadricarinatus and P. virginalis). For instance, dense burrowing has been signalled as especially problematic, affecting irrigation ditches and causing water leakages, but management is only scarcely conducted and is inherently challenging in cryptic aquatic ecosystems (Kouba et al. 2016; Haubrock et al. 2019b). Further, ICS cause significant damages to hydraulic and irrigation systems, but information about the associated costs are largely missing (Tricarico et al. 2018; Madzivanzira et al. 2020). This could suggest a lack of management efforts on widely established ICS, and especially among Southern European countries. Note though that insufficient management could be attributed to the limited capacity to implement widespread management actions when ICS are so diffused (see management section below), and/or possibly a lack of adequate funding for such interventions.
The overall cost (categorized as damage-losses) impacted various sectors such as “Fisheries”, “Environment” and “Public and social welfare”. Only two recorded costs are reported for crayfish plague, specifically in Norway (US$ 72.8 million: diverse/unspecified; US$ 2 million). Costs associated with this pathogen are therefore heavily underestimated, as exemplified by numerous rapid population extinctions of native crayfish across Europe (Svoboda et al. 2017). Occurrence of chronically infected European native crayfish populations is a relatively rare and poorly understood phenomenon (Svoboda et al. 2017; Mojžišová et al 2020; Ungureanu et al. 2020). The pathogen is currently also known from further regions harbouring equally susceptible native crayfish in: South America (Peiró et al. 2016), Indonesia (Putra et al. 2018), and Japan (Martin-Torrijos et al. 2018; Mrugała et al. 2017), posing a threat to their remaining populations. Recent research efforts have focused on, the role of crabs (Schrimpf et al. 2014; Svoboda et al. 2014b; Tilmans et al. 2014) and shrimp (Mrugała et al. 2019; Putra et al. 2018; Svoboda et al. 2014a) as alternative hosts of this pathogen.
Temporal biases
Considering temporal trends, a complete lack of costs reported prior to 2000 indicates a large knowledge gap in how ICS have historically impacted human well-being and ecosystems. This is despite the long history of freshwater crayfish introductions worldwide and more than 150 years of crayfish plague outbreaks in Europe (Holdich et al. 2009; Kouba et al. 2014). In the case of P. clarkii, which is a costly and prominent invader especially in Southern Europe, most studies concerning its impact were not published until the end of 1990s, albeit being introduced in the 1970s (Oficialdegui et al. 2020b). This lag in bringing crayfish invasions to the attention of the scientific community and managers raises questions about ICS awareness, policies, perceptions and funding available for research prior to 2000. Given current invasion rates globally (Seebens et al. 2017) and future projections (Seebens et al. 2020), the high likelihood that known costs are broadly underestimated and poorly monetized along with trends over the past two decades, we expect that future research may shed more light on the true costs of ICS.
Data deficiencies in invaded regions as a whole can have knock-on effects, especially on cost reporting and estimation of potential costs. For example, the Upper Zambezi catchment has been invaded by C. quadricarinatus through multiple introductions since 2001 (Madzivanzira et al. 2020). There are known impacts of this invasion upon fisheries conferred through scavenging behaviours (Weyl et al. 2017; Madzivanzira et al. 2020) as well as consumptive effects on juvenile fish affecting recruitment (Madzivanzira et al. in review). The challenge can be attributed to poor or outdated assessments of the impacted fisheries which limits an understanding of their values and therefore the costs triggered by the invasion. This conundrum likely applies to other species and countries, such as P. clarkii in Kenya (Lowery and Mendes 1977), C. quadricarinatus in Mozambique (Chivambo et al. 2019), and P. virginalis in Madagascar (Andriantsoa et al. 2019). Indicatively, the 30% gill net catch reduction attributed to invasive crayfish in Zambian floodplains results in an estimated deficit of US$ 128.33 per household which needs to be compensated for by increased fishing effort over time (Turpie et al. 1999). This cost, however, can be seen as a lower-bound estimate and highlights the challenges involved in valuing with confidence through time the damages caused by invasions. Even larger challenges apply to quantifying and valuing the loss in ecosystem services and the many forms of damage that occur indirectly (Pejchar and Mooney 2009; Spangenberg and Settele 2010; Schröter et al. 2014; Temel et al. 2018).
Costs of other aquatic crustaceans
Based on the reported costs of ICS, and considering that this taxonomic group remains largely understudied, it is not unreasonable to assume that costs for other related taxonomic groups such as invasive crabs or amphipods are also greatly underestimated. Having identified only five invasive crabs and one invasive amphipod species with reported costs (plus only two entries associated with invasive lobsters) indicates that there likely remain substantial knowledge gaps.
In comparison to other invasive crustaceans, ICS and invasive crabs dominated in terms of reported costs (being several magnitudes higher), although the number of reported costs was also several magnitudes higher in ICS than for invasive crabs. Indeed, costs of crabs were similar in magnitude, amidst originating from merely six unexpanded database entries (in contrast to the 114 unexpanded crayfish entries in InvaCost). This bias is noteworthy, because (a) commercial fisheries in marine environments are typically of much larger scale and commercial value compared to freshwater commercial fisheries and the same applies to commercial fisheries for marine vs. freshwater crustaceans (FAO 2020b) and (b) crab species recorded in InvaCost affect mainly the marine fishery sector. Invasion costs were not reported for many notorious and widespread invasive crabs, such as the C. maenas, Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan 1853) and the Harris mud crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841), which have marked economic and ecological impacts via predation on shellfish resources, spatially overlapping and causing costs to other commercial fisheries (Grosholz et al. 2000; Lohrer 2001; Zaitsev and Öztürk 2001; Boyle et al. 2010). Also, impacts of invasive crabs in poorly explored aquatic ecosystems such Arctic marine waters remain challenging due to limited understanding of baseline values and therefore costs of expanding crab invasions (Kourantidou et al. 2015; Kaiser and Kourantidou, in review). The snow crab Chionoecetes opilio (O. Fabricius, 1788) in the Barents Sea is one such prominent example which continues to grow at the cost of several benthic species (Kaiser et al. 2018). Commercial interest in harvesting this species may also hinder progress towards understanding their costs (Kourantidou and Kaiser 2019a). The red king crab Paralithodes camtschaticus is yet another example of high-impact invasion in Arctic waters which owing to its high commercial value is primarily managed as a commercial fishery rather than an invasion in Norway and exclusively as a commercial fishery in Russia, with ecosystem damages often downplayed (Kourantidou and Kaiser 2019b). Similarly, to other species, the present InvaCost database does not sufficiently cover the multiple costs associated to bycatches in spatially overlapping fisheries, predation and degradation upon native species (Skonhoft and Kourantidou, in review) or costs spent for baseline and restoration research (Kourantidou and Kaiser, in review). InvaCost is a living database that continues to be improved as reported costs become available.
Reposted costs of invasive amphipods were attributed exclusively to D. villosus. This notorious Ponto-Caspian invader has been shown to have marked impacts on a diverse range of prey types, including crayfish eggs/juveniles and fish eggs/larvae, with a greater feeding efficiency than native analogues towards vertebrates and invertebrates (Bollache et al. 2008; Taylor and Dunn 2017; Roje et al. 2021). Invasions by D. villosus can result in the extirpation of native species from freshwaters (Gergs and Rothhaupt 2015), and once established, populations can dominate native communities in terms of biomass and abundance (Josens et al. 2005; van Riel et al. 2006). Globally, only 27 alien species of gammarids have been reported, and these principally originate from the Ponto-Caspian region (Cuthbert et al. 2020b), with 96% of recognised gammarid invaders, thus lacking costs, as exemplified by the ‘demon shrimp’ D. haemobaphes (Eichwald 1841) having similar ecological effects as D. villosus (Constable and Birkby 2016).
Invasion perception and management implications
Despite their significance for socio-economic well-being and their susceptibility to change, aquatic invasions have overall received less attention (MacIsaac et al. 2011; Lynch et al. 2020; Cuthbert et al. in review). Often, both invaders and their impacts are challenging to monitor, which can lead to a series of knock-on effect time delays between impact reporting and management interventions (Beric and MacIsaac 2015), thus reducing the efficacy of preventative biosecurity measures (Coughlan et al. 2020), and hampering the understanding of their costs (Hanley and Roberts 2019). Crustaceans, however, have received comparatively substantial public attention, perhaps because of their prominent role in aquatic ecosystems or their popularity as food items (Kawai et al. 2015). The introduction of alien crustaceans, however, has not only induced a considerable native to alien species turnover (Kouba et al. 2014), but has also led to the loss of cultural heritages and traditions (Edsman 2004; Swahn 2004; Kataria 2007).
Public perceptions are of special consideration in the context of management responses (Höbart et al. 2020) and directly affect reporting of costs from invasions. Similar to other invasions, aquatic invasions may bring benefits (King et al. 2006; Christie et al. 2019), despite their harmful properties. Commercial and recreational fisheries for introduced crustaceans also contribute to a higher perceived value of these invasive species (Kourantidou and Kaiser 2019a). In low-income areas, they are often valued as a cheap source of protein or may contribute to regional economies (Andriantsoa et al. 2020; Haubrock et al. in review), resulting in limited recognition of costs (especially indirect ones) and possibly limited interest to understand impacts and identify related costs (Kourantidou and Kaiser 2019b). In Sweden, for example, the native crayfish A. astacus was largely extirpated by competition with the invasive P. leniusculus and transmission of the crayfish plague pathogen (Bohman and Edsman 2011), which itself has caused considerable monetary impact. As a result, the original source of income was largely replaced by P. leniusculus having a lower market price. The Swedish example, however, highlights how the almost complete loss of a native species (i.e. a considerable environmental and cultural damage-loss), along with costly spread control, created additional management costs. Similar substitutions towards the consumption of the introduced P. virginalis were also reported in Madagascar (Andriantsoa et al. 2019; 2020). Stakeholder interests at odds for certain species with perceived benefits may trigger conflicts in resource management (Zengeya et al. 2017; Oficialdegui et al. 2020a; Kourantidou and Kaiser 2019a; 2019b).
Reporting of invasion costs (foremost management and research related) relies on managers and stakeholders to have reached the end of a pathway which eventually leads to management interventions (Latombe et al. 2017). Pathways which lead up to applied management can vary but ultimately, they involve a risk assessment (e.g. Hawkins et al. 2015; Bacher et al. 2018), a classification of invasion status (e.g. Blackburn et al. 2011) and a choice of appropriate management intervention (see Robertson et al. 2020). However, formal risk assessments, specifically for crayfish species, are lacking (but see Roy et al. 2019; Yonvitner et al. 2020; Haubrock et al. in review). This could be due to either a data deficiency in evidence for crayfish impact assessments (such as in South Africa; Weyl et al. 2020) and/or due to the intensive nature of compiling contextually relevant impact assessments. Nevertheless, recent national horizon scanning exercises have ranked invasive crayfishes, crabs and amphipods as among the top ten risky species across all habitat types (Lucy et al. 2020).
Management intervention or cost reporting may be hindered in some cases due to public perceptions, stakeholder interests at odds and backlash, or lack of perceived necessity for management. Further, it is generally well-established in the literature that investment into control and management can lower damage-losses (Leung et al. 2002). In this study, total damages and resource losses were found to be an order of magnitude higher than control or management costs, suggesting the need for more proactive rather than reactive responses. However, management costs were dominant when considering empirically observed costs alone for ICS. Nonetheless, management attempts have largely failed at developing tools to hinder the spread or successfully eradicate widely established populations of invasive aquatic crustaceans (Gherardi et al. 2011; Stebbing et al. 2014; Haubrock et al. 2018). Indeed, feasible eradications are only possible under a narrow range of specific conditions (rather small, isolated localities) and with the use of drastic measures like long-term dewatering or application of non-selective biocides which may negatively affect the entire aquatic biota (Lidova et al. 2019; Manfrin et al. 2019; Peay et al. 2019; Chadwick et al. 2020). Therefore, effective management interventions may be impractical in many e.g. African or Asian systems because of their broad geographical expanse, besides their high costs. This is further underlined by the high cost and scale-specific methods used to control aquatic IAS in the USA or Europe (i.e. the use of rotenone, dewatering and draw-down methods). Furthermore, some management or control interventions may have unexpected adverse outcomes (Závorka et al. 2020; Loureiro et al. 2018). Developing effective means of introduction and spread prevention is therefore of key importance as crustacean invaders can lead to long-term persisting and growing invasion costs (Krieg and Zenker 2020).