Data generation
All brain specimens were obtained through informed consent and/or brain donation programs at the respective organizations. All procedures and research protocols were approved by the corresponding ethical committees of our collaborating institutions. The autopsy brain specimens originated from brain donation programs at Rush University Medical Center/Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center (RADC) in Chicago, IL and The Mount Sinai Biobank (MSBB) including samples collected from JJ Peters VA Medical Center NIH Brain and Tissue Repository in the Bronx, NY.
Samples were collected at NBTR following similar parameters to MSBB–Mount Sinai NIH Neurobiobank cohort 61. Collected autopsies were selected to represent a full spectrum of cognitive and neuropathological disease severity in the absence of discernible non-AD neuropathology. All neuropsychological, diagnostic and autopsy protocols were approved by the Mount Sinai and JJ Peters VA Medical Center Institutional Review Boards, with neuropathological assessments, cognitive, and medical and neurological status determinations performed according to previously published procedures. Postmortem brain tissue was placed in an ice-cooled insulated box and transported from the site of recovery to the Neurobiobank laboratory. A section of the frontal pole (Brodmann area 10) was dissected in the Neurobiobank laboratory, and rinsed in ice-cold sterile saline, placed in pre-cooled (4°C) MACS tissue storage solution (Miltenyi Biotec, cat.# 130-100-008), and immediately refrigerated (4°C).
Samples were collected at the RADC in Chicago, IL as part of two prospective studies of aging and dementia: the Religious Orders Study (ROS) 62, 63 and the Memory and Aging Project (MAP) 63, 64. At the time of enrollment, were older, without known dementia, and agreed to participate in an annual clinical evaluation and organ donation for research. Participants signed an informed consent and a repository consent and were required to sign an Anatomical Gift Act agreeing to donate their brain and spinal cord at the time of death. Extensive annual neuropsychologic evaluations were collected prior to death, with a structured, quantitative neuropathologic examination conducted at autopsy, described at After autopsy, the collected tissue was weighted, placed in ice-cold MACS tissue storage solution (Miltenyi Biotec, cat.# 130-100-008) and shipped overnight at 4°C with priority shipping
Isolation of microglia from fresh brain specimens
Fresh autopsy tissue specimens from DLPFC (Brodmann Area 10) were placed in tissue preservation buffer (Miltenyi Biotech) and stored at 4˚C for ≤ 48hrs before processing using the Adult Brain Dissociation Kit (Miltenyi Biotech cat.# 130107677), according to the manufacturer's instructions. RNase inhibitors (Takara Bio) were used throughout the cell prep. Following de-myelination (Miltenyi de-myelination kit, Miltenyi Biotech, cat.# 130096733) cells were incubated in antibody (CD45: BD Pharmingen, Clone HI30 and CD11b: BD Pharmingen, Clone ICRF44) at 1:500 for 1 hour in the dark at 4˚C with end-over-end rotation. Prior to fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS), DAPI (Thermoscientific) was added at 1:1000 to facilitate selection of viable cells. Viable (DAPI-) CD45+CD11b+ cells were isolated by FACS using a FACSAria flow cytometer (BD Biosciences). Following FACS, cellular concentration and viability was confirmed using a Countess automated cell counter (Life technologies).
Clinical Measures
Collection and harmonization of clinical, pathological, and demographic metadata
Since the brain tissue specimens were collected from two different sites (MSBB and ROSMAP), the available clinical data varies as a function of source, and we harmonized available clinical, pathological, and demographic metadata (age, sex, and genetic ancestry). Additional information considered in the analyses included technical variables (brain bank, sequencing facility, sequence pooling information, postmortem interval (PMI; measured in minutes), APOE genotype (based on genome-wide genotyping of the samples) to describe each cohort.
Measuring AD neuropathology
For analysis comparing donors with pathologic AD, the following variables were used to measure the severity of AD neuropathology. The CERAD scoring scheme for neuritic plaque estimates was harmonized for consistency across multiple brain banks, where the scores range from 1 to 4, with increasing CERAD number corresponding to an increase in AD burden; 1 = no neuritic plaque (normal brain), 2 = sparse (possible AD), 3 = moderate (probable AD), 4 = frequent (definite AD).
Braak AD-staging score measuring progression of neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) neuropathology (Braak & Braak-score, or BBScore). A quantitative measure of the regional patterns of NFT estimates across the brain, where 0 is normal and asymptotic, 1–2 indicate initial stages where NFT begins to appear in the locus coeruleus and the transentorhinal region, 3–4 indicate progression to limbic regions, such as the hippocampus and amygdala, and 5–6 indicate NFT are widespread, affecting multiple cortical regions.
Clinical Diagnoses
Samples from ROSMAP used consensus summary diagnosis of no cognitive impairment (NCI), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and dementia and its principal cause, Alzheimer’s dementia 65–67. MSBB samples used clinical dementia rating (CDR), which was based on a scale of 0–5; 0 = no dementia,0.5 = questionable dementia (very mild), 1 = mild dementia, 2 = moderate dementia, 3 = severe dementia, 4 = profound dementia, 5 = terminal dementia. After consulting with clinicians, we created a harmonized ordinal variable where dementia is categorized into three levels of cognitive decline, independent of AD diagnosis; 0 = no cognitive impairment, 0.5 = MCI (mild cognitive impairment), and 1 = dementia (including 1–5 from CDR score).
Clinical-pathologic diagnoses of AD
We evaluated a range of AD diagnosis definitions, and focused on two measures: “AD (CERAD)” and “AD (Clinical)”. The former, “AD (CERAD)”, includes cases with CERAD = 2 or 3, and controls with CERAD = 0. A patient was defined as “Other” in the presence of any of the following: a) any diagnosis of psychiatric disorder; b) diagnosis of a neurodegenerative disorder other than AD or FTD (Parkinson’s Disease (PD), etc); c) systemic autoimmune disease such as MS; d) diagnosis of cancer directly affecting brain (i.e. glioblastoma); e) sepsis as an indicated cause of death; f) indicated severe alcoholism.
“AD (Clinical)” was a stricter AD disease definition combining amyloid β/neuritic plaque, NFT, and cognitive impairment measures. AD diagnosis required satisfying all three of the following conditions, allowing for only one missing entry: CERAD > 1, Braak > 2, MCI/Dementia, and no psychiatric or neurodegenerative diagnosis and limited secondary diagnoses (med_con_sum_bl measure < 2, and cogdx_stroke = 0 from ROSMAP, and the “Other” inclusion parameters for “AD (CERAD)”). Control definition required satisfying all three of the following conditions, allowing for only one missing entry: CERAD = 1, Braak = 0–2, no MCI/Dementia, and no psychiatric or neurodegenerative diagnosis, with limited secondary diagnoses. All other patients were defined as “Others”.
Genotyping and PRS calculation
Genomic DNA for genotyping was extracted from frozen brain or buffy coat using the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen), according to manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were genotyped using Infinium Psych Chip Array (Illumina) at the Mt Sinai Sequencing Core, with 571,496 SNPs retained after QC. Genotypes were then phased and imputed on the TOPMed Imputation Server (, retaining variants with an imputation r2 > 0.8. Samples with a mismatch between one's self-reported and genetically inferred sex, suspected sex chromosome aneuploidies, high relatedness as defined by the KING kinship coefficient (KING > 0.0884), and outlier heterozygosity (+/- 3SD from mean) were removed. Additionally, samples with a sample-level missingness > 0.05 were removed, calculated within a subset of high-quality variants (variant-level missingness ≤ 0.02).
The samples of EUR ancestry, as defined by assignment to the EUR superpopulation described by the 1000 Genomes Project 68,69), were isolated using the ellipsoid method. Briefly, sample genotypes were first merged with GRCh38 v2a 1000 Genomes Project data ( 68,69 using BCFtools version 1.9 70. PLINK 2.0 71 was then used to calculate the merged genotypes’ principal components (PCs), following consideration of variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) ≥ 0.01, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) p-value ≥ 1x10− 10, variant-level missingness ≤ 0.01; regions with high linkage disequilibrium (LD) were removed and LD pruning was performed for the remaining SNPs (window size = 1000kb, step size = 10, r2 = 0.2). Finally, the first three PCs of the 1000 Genomes Project EUR superpopulation were used to construct a three-dimensional ellipsoid with a diameter of three standard deviations (calculated from the PCs); samples that fell within this ellipsoid were assigned EUR ancestry.
For the EUR-ancestry samples, identified above, autosomal variants of the sample genotypes with an HWE p-value ≥ 1x10− 6, MAF ≥ 0.01 and missingness ≤ 0.02 were retained, and polygenic risk scores (PRS) were calculated using AD GWAS summary statistics 42. The PRS-CS-auto method 72 was used to apply continuous shrinkage priors to the effect sizes from these summary statistics. A EUR LD reference panel provided by the developers of PRS-CS was utilized (, which draws from UK Biobank data 73. PRS-CS default settings were used for the calculations: parameter a in the γ-γ prior = 1, parameter b in the γ-γ prior = 0.5, MCMC iterations = 1000, number of burn-in iterations = 500, and thinning of the Markov chain factor = 5. The global shrinkage parameter φ was set using a fully Bayesian determination method. Individual-level PRS were calculated using PLINK 2.0 71.
RNA-seq processing
RNA was extracted from aliquots of up to 100,000 FACS sorted microglia using the Arcturus PicoPure RNA isolation kit (Applied Biosystems). RNA-sequencing libraries were generated using the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-seq Kit v2 (Takara Bio USA). Libraries were quantified by Qubit HS DNA kit (Life technologiesWhere available, 100,000 cells were sorted into 1.5 ml low-binding Eppendorf tubes containing Extraction buffer, a component of the PicoPure RNA Extraction kit (Arcturus, cat.# KIT0204), and incubated at 42°C for 30 min while shaking at 850 rpm. Samples were stored at -80°C prior to RNA extraction according to manufacturer’s instructions. This included an RNase-free DNase treatment step (Qiagen, cat.# 79254). Samples were eluted in RNase-free water and stored at -80°C until preparation of RNA-sequencing libraries using the SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-seq Pico Kit v1(Takara Clontech Laboratories, cat.# 635005) or v2, according to manufacturer’s instructions. RNA-seq libraries were quantified by quantitative PCR (KAPA Biosystems, cat.# KK4873) and library fragment sizes estimated using High Sensitivity Tapestation D1000 ScreenTapes (Agilent, cat.# 5067–5584).RNA-seq libraries were subsequently sequenced on NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina) machines yielding 2x50, 2x100, or 2x150 bp paired-end reads) and by quantitative PCR (KAPA Biosystems) before sequencing on the Hi-Seq2500 (Illumina) platform obtaining 2x100 paired-end reads.
The generated RNA-seq libraries were processed by RAPiD, a locally implemented standard pipeline. TRIMMOMATIC was utilized to remove adapters and discard low quality reads. Pair end reads were aligned to the human reference genome GRCh38/hg38 via STAR, implementing WASP module to correct for allelic bias in mapping due to individual patients’ genetic variants for 165 samples with available SNP genotyping data 74. The generated BAM files contained splice junction, and transcript pseudo-mapping was done via Kalisto, starting with 235,227 transcripts for 60,535 unique genes. The number of features retained for further analyses after CPM > 1 in at least 15% of samples were as follows: at gene-level analyses, 22,097, and at transcript-level analyses, 88,749 (from unique 21,856 genes). Quality control metrics were generated via Picard (v2.2.4; Sex identity was validated via expression of XIST (female-specific) versus RPS4Y1 (male-specific) gene. Correct identity of the samples was confirmed by concordance between the genetic variants obtained from RNA-seq with those obtained directly available genotypes, as available.
Differential expression analysis
Starting from 193 samples from autopsy samples (one CD45+CD11b+ prefrontal cortical microglia sample per individual), 182 samples were retained for the final analyses, after filtering 4 outliers > 3SD based on inter-sample correlation between the samples’ expression, and removing 7 samples with age < 45 years. Count matrices with 22,097 genes (CPM > 1 in ≥ 15% of samples) were normalized using the Trimmed Mean of M-values (TMM) method 75, followed by voom transformation 76. Mixed linear modeling utilizing Kenward-Roger approximation via dream function 17 in the variancePartition R package 77 was used for differential expression analyses. Multiple testing correction was performed using the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure 78, and a cutoff of 5% was used to identify differentially expressed genes. Covariates substantially contributing the technically induced variability were identified using a combination of multivariate model selection (extension of Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) approach to multivariate case ( and variance partitioning analysis approaches 77. The selected technical measures in the minimal model included the following technical measures: "MEDIAN_CV_COVERAGE", "PCT_CODING_BASES", "PCT_INTRONIC_BASES", "PCT_UTR_BASES", "PERCENT_DUPLICATION", "MEDIAN_5PRIME_BIAS", "MEDIAN_5PRIME_TO_3PRIME_BIAS", "GC_DROPOUT", "GC_NC_80_100", "SECOND_OF_PAIR_PCT_ADAPTER", "WIDTH_OF_90_PERCENT", "WIDTH_OF_95_PERCENT", "WIDTH_OF_99_PERCENT", as well as biological sex (according to sex-specific expressed genes, XIST and RPS4Y1). Clinical measures were included in the model as required by the specific comparisons: ApoE4 count and Age analyses included both AD (CERAD) and Braak Stage (High vs. Low) in order to evaluate disease independent effect. The biobank contributing the sample (“source_location”) was modeled as a random effect. Differential analyses were performed both with and without the inclusion of biological age at the time of the sample collection.
In order to minimize the multiple testing issues, we utilized meta-analysis approaches in forms of omnibus tests. One such approach is implementation of fixed effect (FE) meta-analyses for correlated test statistics 79 identifying the genes with the concordant pattern of the transcripts associated with tested phenotype. This approach has been extended to a random effect meta-analysis for correlated test statistics that jointly tests deviation of the mean from zero as well as effect size heterogeneity (RE2C) 28,29,80. RE2C can quantify the contribution of effect size heterogeneity to the overall signal and can identify genes for which heterogeneity is the major driver. Both of these methods are incorporated in the remaCor R library (, and we applied both methods testing for both concordant and heterogeneous contribution of multiple transcripts per gene.
Functional annotation
Biological annotation of the generated DEG signatures was ascertained using a enrichment analysis methods including the original camera method 81, it's implementation for mixed linear models, zenith (, and Fisher Exact Test (both at FDR and nominal significance thresholds). Relationship between DEG signatures and disease etiologic genes was evaluated through generalized gene-set analysis of GWAS data via MAGMA (Multi-marker Analysis of GenoMic Annotation) 25 across 143 GWAS studies, of which 18 most pertinent were retained for final analyses and plotting (Supplementary Table 2).
Gene-gene relationship
To conduct an in-silico prediction analyses of a gene’s functional contribution to the difference between the evaluated phenotypic states, we evaluated the changes in the gene’s transcriptional neighborhood between the states. In short, we tested for the interaction between the gene’s expression and the measure of interest, with the similar model as used for DEG analyses, including the standard set of covariates and age using dream R library. For example, for the testing of the change in gene-gene relationships for PTPRG depending on the AD/control status, the formula was:
The relationship between the tested genes was investigated by correlation in the expression data residualized for the same covariates as in the model used for the analyses.
Co-expression network analysis
Functionally coherent structures within the entire microglia transcriptome were identified via hierarchical co-expression networks generated via Multiscale Embedded Gene Co-expression Network Analysis (MEGENA) 39 starting with the same 22,097 genes as utilized for DEG analyses in all 189 high quality samples. The starting expression matrix was residualized for the same covariates as in the DEG modeling, but retaining the coefficients from Age, gender, and AD (CERAD). The resulting network contained 922 significant modules (identified as locally coherent clusters while maintaining a globally optimal partition), where a gene can belong to multiple modules across multiple levels of hierarchical structure. Of these, 306 contained over 50 genes, and were retained for all following analyses. The modules were annotated zenith for both the DEG signatures identified here, and for biological pathways and signatures from MSigDB 82.
To provide a broad functional category annotation for the 306 larger MEGENA modules we applied the following approach: a) grouped GO signatures according to their pattern of module enrichment by applying hierarchical clustering to the 2,032 GO functional categories (from GO biology, GO cellular, and GO molecular signature sets) by the -log10p-values from zenith enrichment across the 306 modules, selecting the k = 21 as the minimal cluster number that produces signature clusters containing no more than 25%, and no fewer than 0.2% of all functional signatures, with the cluster size between 8 and 445 signatures, median size 29 (the parameters were selected to give as broad and even distribution of cluster sizes as possible); b) each cluster was annotated by the name terms of the included signature (treated as bag of words) significantly enriched in each cluster on the background the name terms across name terms across all GO signatures (using Fisher’s Exact Test), with between 1 to 3 terms manually selected to provide a most descriptive and representative label per signature cluster; c) each module was assigned the functional signature cluster containing with the signatures with the most significant enrichment within that module (across all GO signatures), with the numbers of modules per signature cluster ranging between 0 and 50 (one signature cluster did not include the most enriched signature in any of the modules).
Relationship between modules and disease etiologic genes was evaluated through generalized gene-set analysis of GWAS data (MAGMA) 25 across 143 GWAS studies, of which 19 most pertinent were retained for final analyses and plotting. Key drivers for the generated DEG signatures were identified as satisfying the following parameters: a) the gene is present with the tested DEG signatures (BH ≤ 0.05); b) the gene is present within a MEGENA modules significantly enriched for the tested signature, and c) the gene is a key driver of the module as identified by Multiscale Hub Analysis (MHA) within MEGENA pipeline.
Pseudotime analyses
We adopted the pipeline from Mukherjee et al. 40 to apply a pseudotime approach initially created for single-cell analyses, for identifying a trajectory progression across samples in a bulk RNAseq data. The algorithm implements monocle R package 83. Briefly, discriminative dimensionality reduction tree (DDRTree) is a manifold learning algorithm that infers a smooth low-dimensional manifold by reverse graph embedding. The algorithm simultaneously learns a nonlinear projection to a latent space generating a spanning tree, with reverse embedding simultaneously learned from the latent space to the high-dimensional data. Pseudotime score is calculated in the following manner: a) identifying a root point on one of the two ends of the maximum diameter path in the tree. b) the pseudotime of each point is calculated by projecting it to its closest point on the spanning tree and calculating the geodesic distance to the root point. c) assigning samples to branches is done by identifying the branches of the spanning tree followed by assigning samples to the branch on which their projection to the spanning tree lies on.
The original code was obtained from the authors’ github site (, and applied to our data. The gene signature utilized for the trajectory analysis included the top 100 genes up-regulated and top 100 genes down-regulated in the seven phenotypes utilized throughout the study as well as from the comparisons between patients with intermediate Braak stage (3–4) versus patients with high Braak (5–6) or versus low Braak (0–2) scores. The total number of unique genes across these top 100 gene sets was 1089. The starting expression matrix was residualized for the same covariates as in the DEG modeling, but retaining the coefficients from Age, gender, and AD (CERAD).
The identified clusters were annotated with the available clinical measures, AD PRS score, as well as molecular scores representing the transcriptional state representing individual molecular signatures calculated via Gene Set Variance Analysis (GSVA) 43: GSVA scores per comparison were calculated separately using the top 200 UP- and and down-regulated genes, and then a single GSVA score was calculated by subtracting down GSVA signature from UP GSVA signature. We also calculated GSVA scores using different gene inclusion cut-offs (top 100 and top 500 genes), and correlation between GSVA signatures across different cut-offs was > 0.97. To identify transcriptional differences between the identified clusters we applied the differential expression gene analyses pairwise to samples per cluster with the standard covariates including Age, followed by enrichment analyses via zenith method. For functional annotation of pseudotime score, and latent space components DEG analyses were done the above measures as continuous variables.