Physical activity and active living
"Physical activity targeted children with limited sporting experience": Focus on playing and having fun, rather than competition. Focusing on including families/children not usually involved in civil society sports organizations. Already exists in 40 municipalities (Jump4Fun and Danish Gymnastics Association)
- Sedentary behaviour
+ Physical literacy
"Training community for children 9–11 years and their families": Focus on activity and community rather than competition. Can help socially disadvantaged and severely obese children out of bullying, loneliness, and unhappiness. Increases physical, social and mental health (and more equality in health). FitforKids offers teams in all municipalities. Free participation.
- Sedentary behaviour
"Ensure access and inclusion for all to recreational activities": Require that no civil society organizations can reject children. Initiatives to ensure children from vulnerable families can be part of association activities. Initiative already exists but can be expanded. Require that civil society sports organizations can't have elite teams without having inclusive teams where everyone can join. Require that all civil society organizations have a socially inclusive track.
+ Increase in civil society organisations
"All 1st grade classes are by default a member in a local civil society sports organization". This could be handled by the municipal leisure time care facility at school; pupils will have the possibility to opt out. Existing local civil society sports organization must set up satellite teams at relevant municipal leisure time care facilities at schools. In this local initiative, the municipality must help with the structure, establishment, and premises. The local associations must be ready in the early afternoon hours and see the teams as an introduction team. Will require finances for coordination and salary for instructor.
+ Participation in civil society organisations A
"Movement Buddies": Volunteer mentors for children who help children get involved in sports association, e.g., by introducing them to organizations in the local community, help with transport etc.
+ Physical courage
+ Network around the child
"Overview of leisure-time activities": could make it easy to get an overview of the possibilities of activities in civil society sports organizations and association activities
+ Participation in civil society organisations
School children in 7th − 9th grade should not be allowed to leave school during school time (to prevent shopping unhealthy food and sweets)
Funds for activities for the schools in "Generation Healthy Kids" (GHK): Funds could be used on activities that support GHK in the schools. The point is that the schools themselves decide and it is easy. In this way, ownership can be increased to work with the agenda og GHK.
Car-free zone around the schools - maybe 1 km around the school
+ Environment promoting physical activity
"Education in voluntariness in secondary school". Propose 8.-9. grades that they can use the optional subject to become a trainer/volunteer and strengthen their skills for association activities and in civil society organizations
+ Competences of volunteers in association activities
School design to promote physical activity and the opportunity for outdoor learning
+ Environment promoting physical activity
+ Sedentary behaviour
Extra staff in the municipal leisure time care facility at school dedicated to the task of helping families in need with children’s participation in leisure activities
+ Physical activity at school
"Family mentor": A volunteer mentor who helps vulnerable families with everyday challenges, e.g., help children with homework or transport to leisure time activities, budgeting and planning of everyday life, in order to support vulnerable families in everyday life.
+ Economic resources in the family
"Job & education mentor": Includes a range of initiatives for parents who contribute to parents' education and family life. The Danish Red Cross has nationwide support for supporting parents in vulnerable positions, e.g., helping with adherence to education and job seeking. Parents are assigned a volunteer mentor from the Red Cross. A bridge can be built to this existing intervention.
+ Economic resources in the family
"Family friend": Helping vulnerable families by meeting then without prejudice and understanding their point of view. We must look at how we help the families to take action instead of finger pointing. Some know what is healthy/unhealthy, right/wrong, but need to be shown the way instead of getting prescribed a certain way of living.
+ Economic resources in the family
"Creating communities": Supporting the child's and family’s social network by building a bridge to the Danish Red Cross' existing family network, which could alleviate loneliness.
+ Togetherness and presence in the family
"Parent training": Pedagogical training of parents. Giving parents qualifications and skills to navigate modern life and a culture of perfection
+ Parents education
Diet and dietary habits
"Food school for families". Invite family and other relations to school, where they are told/shown what food the children eat (and perhaps help prepare) at school. Download any inspiration from KBH's food schools and their commitment to Copenhagen Cooking 2022, Kalvebod Fælled Skole
+ Meal habits in the family
+ Food literacy
"Improving regulations for pricing and product placement of unhealthy foods in supermarkets"
- Accessibility of unhealthy products in retail
- Access to candy and sugar-sweetened beverages for children
"Regulation of ultra-processed food products" - regulation of content and promotion of healthy 'ready meals'
- Portion size of pre-produced foods and fast-food
"Cooking healthy meals together". Event or courses for children and their parents where they cook healthy meals together to improve food literacy in families
+ Food literacy
+ Health literacy in the family
"Better regulation of marketing of unhealthy foods and sweets to children", e.g., no toys in in Kinder Surprise
- Accessibility of unhealthy products in retail
"Mandatory warning labels on unhealthy foods". Labelling of unhealthy foods: Foods with salt, sugar or fat above a threshold must have warning labels (in line with tobacco).
+ Communication of official dietary guidelines
Competencies of professionals
"Implementation and sustainability of health promotion and developing health literacy skills among decision-makers in the municipality" (school leaders, politicians, etc.)
+ Qualification of decision-makers
"Political action is necessary at several levels". Politicians must take children's health seriously. Locally, we must strive to motivate local politicians to work for children's health and well-being. We must work for political/structural initiatives at all levels, e.g., a national Public Health Act. We should also use the Children's Convention actively in the dialogue with politicians and use the leading stakeholders to pave the way.
+ Qualifications of decision-makers
"Use professionals in new contexts": Scout leader in sports, Nutrition advisor in association activities, kitchen worker in social studies, experiences from day care for school. Focus on professional competences - where can we learn from each other and get a better result together.
+ Qualifications of decision-makers
"Physical gaming for particularly vulnerable people who are at risk of obesity".
- Social media
"Digital strategy: easy-to-remember rules for healthy screen use"
+ Screen habits
"Use of digital tools for parents who want to include children in the kitchen". Investigate how GoCook's current cookery school app for iPad and smartphone can be further developed for younger school children and investigate values and digital tools to involve children in the kitchen.
+ Food literacy
Mental health and well-being
"Buddy system in school": where a child gets paired with another older child, could provide security, community, role models and responsibility (in primary school)
+ Availability of communities
"Reduction of bullying on social media by increasing information on consequences of weight stigma"
- Bullying
- Stress