The dataset contained data from a national cross-sectional serological survey conducted from November 2011 to April 2012 and from October 2012 to May 2013 in 56 cities or villages (Fig 1). The protocol of sampling has been previously described [4,18]. In each of the 56 sites, 30 adults were randomly chosen and sampled on a voluntary basis (Fig 1). Socio-professional categories (butcher, farmer, health worker, teacher, student, administrative worker, retired), worker in contact with water or forest and contact with poultry were documented through a dedicated questionnaire.
The protocol was approved by the Malagasy competent authorities, the Malagasy Ethic National Committee (authorization N°066/MSAMP/CE, 26th July 2011). After reading of the informed consent letter, written and oral consent was obtained from volunteering individuals. Participants were sampled by qualified investigators and the data were analyzed anonymously.
Figure 1: Sampling sites and IgG serological results.
Assuming that (1) WNV is likely to be endemic in Madagascar island [14,16,19] and (2) the introduction risk of WNV by migratory birds is low [16], we considered only covariates potentially involved in the amplification cycle of WNV and not those involved in the introduction events. The following covariates were selected according to their putative influences on mosquitoes’ and wild birds’ density, their population dynamics, and risk of contact with human:
- Surface covered by water bodies and landscape categories (e.g. rural/urban area, agricultural area, forest, shrubland). Density and population dynamics of vectors and presence of reservoir birds are influenced by environmental factors such as climate, presence of water bodies and other landscape features [16,20]. Culex mosquito genus is considered as the principal mosquito vector responsible for the transmission of WNV [21]. The presence of this genus is associated with a large variety of temporary and permanent water bodies, including rice fields, [16,19,22–24];
- Rainfall, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and temperatures. The WNV infection risk has been shown to vary according to rainfall, NDVI and temperatures [25,26];
- Poultry contact and density. WNV is known to circulate amongst poultry [27,28];
- Human related factors: habitat, gender, profession (working environment, contacts with live poultry) and socio-economic status (SES) are potential risk factors for WNV infection in human [29–31].
Human related factors. Age of the individuals was categorized in 4 groups: [18 to 26], [27 to 37], [38 to 46] and more than 47 years old. Sampling sites were divided as urban, sub-urban and rural sites according the work of Andriamandimby et al. [18] (Fig 1). Working environments were characterized by household, indoor and outdoor environments. Daily or weekly work in rice field was considered as a frequent contact with rice field. As well, daily or weekly work in forest was considered as a frequent contact with forest environment. Contact with poultry was categorized according the number of poultry owned by household. We considered that a frequent contact occurs when household owned 11 or more poultry. The SES of each individuals were previously categorized by Andriamandimby et al. using principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis [18]. Three cluster were used to describe SES : low socio economical level described by wooden combustion use, roof made in plants, light of the petroleum lamp, dirt floor in the bedroom and not equipped with toilet; intermediated socio-economical level described by wood charcoal combustion, sheet roof, electricity light, TV and cement floor and high socio-economical level described by computer owning, flash toilet owning, internet access, car and refrigerator owning.
Poultry density. For each of the 1,578 Malagasy communes, poultry density was estimated using the global distribution maps for poultry produced by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [32]. Poultry density of the related communes was classified in 4 categories: below 15.6, [15.6 to 37.2], [37.3 to 75.9] and 76 and more.
Environmental variables. As environmental variables, we used data previously published and characterizing Malagasy environment through an integrated analysis [4]. In this study dedicated to RVF, the environment of the 1,578 Malagasy communes were characterized through a Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) using climatic variables (the annual means of day and night LST, the annual mean and seasonality of precipitation) and landscape variables (the percentage of the surface of the commune covered by each landscape category and the annual mean and seasonality of NDVI). The value of each factor was computed for each of the Malagasy communes. Four MFA factors were described [4]:
- Factor 1 opposed dry environments in south-west to wet environments in the east of Madagascar;
- Factor 2 opposed cold environments in the highlands to warmer environments in the north-west and south of the island;
- Factor 3 opposed areas with high rainfall in the middle-west to areas with low rainfall in the south-west of Madagascar;
- Factor 4 opposed humid areas situated in the north-western part and eastern coast to dry environment in the center and south of the island.
Laboratory analysis
Due to potential cross-reactivity with other viruses from the Flaviviridae family, the samples were tested for the presence of both WNV and dengue virus antibodies.
Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) analysis. The serum samples were first tested for IgG antibody using ELISA as previously described [33]. Serum samples diluted at 1/100 were incubated on plates coated the day before with crude antigens (cellular antigens, donation from the Institut Pasteur of Laos). Conjugate anti-human IgG peroxydase-marked (Jackson Immunoresearch Europe LTD) was used to detect IgG. On each plate, a positive control was tested, as well as three negative controls.
Hemagglutination Inhibition (HI) analysis. HI tests were performed according to Clarke and Casals protocol [34]. Antigens for WNV and the four serotypes of dengue virus were produced at IPM, according to the sucrose-acetone extraction method [35]. Titers of antigen were checked at each experiment and titers obtained were corrected according to it.
Discrimination of positive samples. Positive sample on ELISA against WNV (Optical Density (OD) >0.02) were tested using HI assays. In addition, due to potential cross-reactivity with other viruses from the Flaviviridae family, positive samples on ELISA against Dengue virus (OD >0.08) were also tested for WNV using HI. A sample was considered positive for WNV if its titer in HI was at least of 1:80. To overcome cross-reactivity, if a sample had titers against the four Dengue virus serotypes higher than for WNV, then this sample was considered as positive for Dengue virus and consequently, negative for WNV. That corresponded to an implicit hypothesis that the seropositivity for the 5 viruses was deemed improbable, given the estimated low probability of these 5 co-infections.
Statistical analysis
As a first step, univariate analyses of association between suspected risk factors and human WNV serological status were undertaken using Chi square tests for categorical factors and generalized linear models for quantitative factors. Risk factors with significance level ≤0.20 were then included as explanatory variables in generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), with human individual serological status as response. To account for interdependency of serological status of individuals sampled in the same locality, the commune administrative unit were included in the models as a random effect. In the models, it was assumed that the relationships between serological prevalence and quantitative factors were linear on the logit scale. Multicollinearity among variables was assessed using Variance Inflation Factors (VIF), we assumed that a VIF under 10 did not reveal any multicollinearity [36]. Collinear variables were not included in a same model. The selection of the best models was based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). A multi-model inference approach was used to estimate Model-Averaged Fixed Effects (MAFE; full average) and the weight of each explanatory variable [37]. Within the set of models tested, only those with an AIC within 2 units difference from the best model were considered [37]. Internal validity of sets of models was evaluated using the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve method [38].
Data analyses were performed using R software package version 3.0.1 [39–44].