Although iPBS is an efficient and rapid novel molecular marker technique, there have been no reports to date on its application in the identification of Vanda varieties and analysis of genetic diversity. In this study, six primers were selected from 83 iPBS primers for their clarity in amplification bands, high polymorphism, and good reproducibility. These primers were used to amplify 38 germplasm resources, resulting in 210 detected bands, all of which were polymorphic, giving a polymorphism rate of 100%. Compared to RAPD (Lim et al. 1999; Tanee et al. 2012) and SPAR (Manners et al. 2013) molecular markers, these primers demonstrated greater efficiency, with a single primer capable of differentiating all the native Vanda species. The results of the study clearly demonstrate that the iPBS marker is a simple, efficient molecular marker with good amplification polymorphism. Its application in the identification of Vanda germplasm resources, as well as in studies of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships, is feasible.
The dendrogram constructed from the band patterns can distinctly differentiate between strap-leaved and terete-leaved plants within the Vanda genus. Previous studies (Lim et al. 1999; Tanee et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2013) have all confirmed that V. teres should be classified into a separate genus, namely Papilionanthe. The clustering results obtained in this study also support this classification.
The cluster analysis diagram shows that the second major group within the genus Vanda (Vanda s.l.) was originally classified under the genus Ascocentrum. Multifaceted research findings (Lim et al. 1999; Zou et al. 2015) indicate a close relationship between the Ascocentrum and Vanda genera, and many fertile intergeneric hybrids, Ascocenda, have been produced between them. This study supports the notion of classifying Ascocentrum as a subgenus within the genus Vanda s.l..
Within the third major group, V. cristata and V. pumila are both classified under the subgenus Trudelia of the genus Vanda. Both species exhibit typical characteristics of Trudelia, with a saccate base of the labellum.
In the first and second sub-branches of the fourth major group, the germplasm, due to similar morphological features and their clustering together, aligns with the morphological and molecular classifications presented in Gardiner et al. (2013) and Zou et al. (2015). The cluster diagram shows that within the first sub-branch, the germplasms of V. concolor, V. fuscoviridis, and V. subconcolor have a closer phylogenetic relationship to each other. And the germplasms of V. bensonii, V. bicolor, V. brunnea, and V. denisoniana within this branch also exhibit a more intimate phylogenetic relationship. In the morphological classification study of Vanda by Gardiner et al. (2013), V. concolor, V. fuscoviridis, and V. subconcolor were classified under the Vanda group, while V. bensonii, V. bicolor, V. brunnea, and V. denisoniana were classified under the Obtusiloba group, and V. coerulea and V. coerulescens under the Longicalcarata group. This classification aligns with the clustering results obtained using iPBS molecular markers.
V. vietnamica was originally classified in the monotypic genus Christensonia Haager and was described as ‘a yellow A. flabellata’ (Haager 1993). In the clustering results, A. flabellata and V. vietnamica exhibited a close phylogenetic relationship and were both clustered within the genus Vanda s.l..Researchers such as Garay (1972), Seidenfaden (1973), and Christenson (1986) have advocated from a morphological perspective for the classification of A. flabellata within the genus Vanda s.l., due to its characteristic short spur and broad lip. Additionally, studies by Gardiner et al. (2013), Zhang et al. (2013), Topik et al. (2012), and the clustering results of this research consistently indicate that A. flabellata and V. vietnamica belong to the genus Vanda s.l..
In 1914, Rudolf Schlechter classified Vanda sanderiana as Euanthe, naming it Euanthe sanderiana. Only a few scholars recognized this classification, but subsequent molecular studies (Lim et al. 1999; Gardiner et al. 2013), cytological research (Tanaka & Kamemoto 1961), and results from hybrid breeding all indicate a closer phylogenetic relationship of V. sanderiana with the genus Vanda s.l.. Moreover, V. lamellata and V. sanderiana both belong to the La-mellaria section. The results of this study strongly support the classification of V. sanderiana within the genus Vanda s.l..
Although Vanda falcata was initially classified into the Vanda s.l. as the first species of the genus Neofinetia, it did not cluster within the genus Vanda s.l. in the dendrogram. Moreover, according to certain molecular studies (Fan et al. 2009; Gardiner et al. 2013; Topik et al. 2012), the clustering results indicate that the genus Neofinetia and Vanda s.l. are sister genera. Some researchers believe that V. falcata can be included in the genus Vanda s.l., adopting a broader concept of the Vanda s.l. genus to simplify the classification. This study suggests that further molecular and morphological research is needed to substantiate the classification of V. falcata within the genus Vanda s.l..
In the study results, it was found that the majority of species from the same geographical origins clustered together into a group. For example, in the first major group, species with the same geographical origin formed the Indonesian, Philippine clade, or ‘South-East Asian archipelago’ clade. This indicates that geographical factors have a significant influence on the classification of the Vanda genus.Kocyan et al. (2008) found that different species from the same geographical origin could cluster together within a sub-branch, indicating that at the sub-branch level within a genus, the geographical origin of a species seems to be more important than morphological characteristics. In addition, the classification of Vanda shows certain correlations with plant morphological traits, flowering period, flower color, and flower shape. However, some species did not exhibit a completely consistent relationship in this regard.
The classification results of this study for Vanda are mostly consistent with the findings of Lim et al. (1999), Gardiner et al. (2013), Zou et al. (2015), and Kasutjianingati & Firgiyanto (2018). However, there are some discrepancies in the classification of certain species. These differences could be attributed to the use of different research techniques and subjectivity in reading band numbers. Therefore, a unified approach to the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of Vanda germplasm resources should integrate evidence from molecular systematics, morphogeography, micromorphology, and other diverse studies. Currently, relying solely on a single method is insufficient to fully represent the genetic diversity of Vanda.
DNA fingerprinting is a technique that involves the amplification of specific DNA fragments from designated regions in DNA samples using particular molecular markers, resulting in a map that reflects the genetic differences between individual samples. This map can be used for individual identification, with each locus on the map having its unique significance. As DNA is less affected by external environmental factors and exhibits high polymorphism, molecular marker techniques that use DNA as a template for PCR amplification have become an effective method for the identification of Orchidaceae plant varieties. By constructing a genetic map of the genus Vanda, a foundation can be provided for the conservation, breeding, and efficient, rational utilization of its germplasm resources. There have been reports on the construction of DNA fingerprint maps for various orchids using iPBS primers. For instance, Cui et al. (2021) used two iPBS primers to construct fingerprint maps, successfully distinguishing 48 Dendrobium samples under test. Zhao et al. (2023) used two selected iPBS primers, with each primer independently capable of constructing DNA fingerprint maps. These maps successfully differentiated all 35 tested germplasm samples of Dendrobium nobile. Zeng et al. (2022) also successfully applied iPBS primers for constructing DNA fingerprint maps of Cymbidium goeringii. Until now, there have been no reports on constructing DNA fingerprint maps for the genus Vanda using this method. The six primers selected in this study all exhibited 100% polymorphism, making any one of them suitable for amplifying bands to construct fingerprint maps and identify the test materials. This study is the first to explore the genetic diversity of Vanda germplasm resources using the iPBS molecular marker method. The results indicate that iPBS molecular markers display abundant genetic diversity in 36 Vanda and 2 Aerides germplasm, providing a theoretical basis for the classification and optimization of Vanda germplasm resources. This study also introduces a new method for molecular marking in Vanda.