We showed how female chamois fine-tuned their response to hot summer temperatures by adjusting their habitat use and activity budget in ways that depended on the spatial context, i.e. individual’s within-home range thermal landscape. More specifically, females showed signs of thermoregulatory behaviours in response to heat stress above a threshold temperature of c.a. 18°C. Individuals with access to forest increased their daily time spent foraging there, while individuals with access to northern slopes increased the time spent relocating at the expense of foraging. This thermoregulatory behaviour can be interpreted as a context-dependant response (Mysterud and Ims, 1998) to temperature, as individual responses depend on individual exposure to temperature and opportunities to escape heat. Responses to temperature can hence be complex and even counterintuitive (e.g. an increase in time spent relocating with increasing temperature, see explanations below), when both changes in habitat selection and time allocated to different activities can be modified as mitigation measures. Below, we discuss in detail how individuals’ access to thermal refuge generates inter-individual variability in their behavioural responses to increasing temperatures and how this could impact the energy budget, demography and spatial distribution of this cold-adapted mountain herbivore.
Relocating into thermal refuges under high summer temperatures is a commonly documented behaviour in large herbivores (moose: van Beest et al., 2012; ibex: Semenzato et al., 2021; mouflon: Marchand et al., 2015). In Alpine ibex and Mediterranean mouflon, such a thermoregulatory behaviour has been found to occur above the values of 13–14°C and 15–17°C, respectively (Aublet et al., 2009; Marchand et al., 2015; Semenzato et al., 2021), i.e. threshold temperatures similar to the one reported here for female chamois (Fig. 1A; 18°C). Above this threshold, the capacity of female chamois to dissipate heat was probably reached (heat dissipation limit hypothesis; Terrien et al., 2011) leading animals to adjust their behaviour to avoid the detrimental effects of hyperthermia. In our study, females exhibited behavioural adjustments that enabled them to maintain their surrounding temperature within the thresholds controlling thermoregulation even as the temperature continued to rise beyond this limit (Fig. 1A). This probably illustrates how the marked spatial gradient of temperature in mountains allows animals through limited daily displacements to keep pace with the rate of temperature changes - in contrast to flatter areas where large geographic displacements are required to change temperature appreciably (Hopkins, 1920; Loarie et al., 2009). These behavioural responses may however incur costs in terms of energy acquisition and behavioural budgets, as behavioural thermoregulation often trades-off against foraging (e.g. see Cunningham et al., 2021 for a review in mammals and birds). In cold-adapted ungulate species for example, relocating in thermal refuges may typically provide decreased foraging conditions (e.g. in moose: Alston et al., 2020; Street et al., 2016; van Beest et al., 2012, and in ibex: Mason et al., 2017; Semenzato et al., 2021). Likewise, when possible, chamois decreased their daily time spent in open habitats in favour of thermal refuges, i.e. forest and northern slopes, when daily mean temperatures increased, while forage quality and quantity are up to three times higher in open habitats than in forest or northern slopes (Duparc et al., 2020; see also Methods). Thus, moving into thermal refuges may incur indirect energetic costs due to reduced foraging conditions, if no behavioural adjustments are made by individuals to alleviate the latter.
Chamois showed such behavioural adjustments by increasing their relocating activity and exhibiting a more contrasted response in foraging activity. Importantly, we showed that the availability of thermal refuges in individual home ranges had an important influence on individual responses to high temperatures. Thermal refuges availability indeed first shaped a context-dependant response in habitat use in chamois females. Individuals increased their use of thermal refuges when those were more abundant. Even more importantly, we also showed a context-dependant response in behavioural budget adjustments. Depending on the type and availability of thermal refuges, individuals allocated time differently to each behaviour. The increase in time spent relocating during the cool hours of the day when daytime temperature increased, especially for chamois with access to forest, was unexpected. However, it could be a consequence of the reduced time spent in rich open habitats during daytime. Compensation mechanisms have been observed in other large herbivore species, typically by shifting a part of their daytime activity to night-time (Grignolio et al., 2018; Borowik et al., 2020; Semenzato et al., 2021). Here, increased activity during night-time may correspond to individuals travelling back from thermal refuges to open areas, where they may then spend more time looking for food items inside of patches, i.e. foraging activity, or visiting more food patches during relocating activity, in order to mitigate the opportunity costs (such as missed foraging opportunities linked to decreased forage quantity, Cunningham et al., 2021) of moving into thermal refuges during daytime. Conversely, and in line with the increased use of forest areas for individuals with forests within home ranges (Fig. 2D, E), the increased activity may be related to different food distributions within forests.
Accordingly, in addition to shifting their daytime activity to night-time, it is more likely that individuals did also try to mitigate opportunity costs once they were in thermal refuges during daytime. The reduced quantity of forage in forests for example may explain the increased propensity of chamois to forage when there, which lead individuals to increase their time spent foraging during the hottest days, especially during daytime (Fig. 3). Similarly, chamois in areas with northern slopes showed an increased propensity to relocate during the hottest days, in accordance with the hypothesis that the reduced forage availability and quality in northern slopes (Duparc et al., 2020) requires chamois to spend more time searching for and visiting food patches, and commute between areas in the shade and food patches.
Behavioural thermoregulation may induce direct energetic costs for individuals, as increased time spent relocating towards and within thermal refuges, may lead to increased distances travelled and cumulated elevation change, which in return is likely to yield increased movement costs (Wilson et al., 2020). Previous studies have demonstrated that ungulates respond to the combined influence of risk/disturbance distribution and foodscape in landscapes, in agreement with the classical food acquisition/risk avoidance trade-off (e.g. roe deer: Benoit et al., 2023; chamois: Courbin et al., 2022). For example, Courbin et al. (2022) demonstrated an increased daily displacement of chamois during summer as a response of hiker presence (see also Thel et al., 2023 on activity budget). The highest temperature occurs when (day time) and where (open areas) disturbance is highest, which may have synergetic consequences on mountain ungulate behaviour, and if repeated, cumulative effects affecting fitness. In addition, the return of large carnivores in European mountains (Chapron et al., 2014; Cimatti et al., 2022), which are mostly nocturnal, may alter the compensatory foraging response of animals during the night.
To conclude, we showed in this study that behavioural thermoregulation may incur opportunity costs for chamois during summer, and that these costs may be modulated by the local thermal landscape characteristics experienced by individuals. Importantly, for wildlife management and conservation this means that management plans and policies cannot be applied uniformly across managed areas, but may need to consider the finer scale local spatial context. In a context of more frequent heat waves and droughts due to global warming (IPCC, 2021), it is then most likely that these costs will keep increasing, and this might constitute quite an important issue for the conservation of cold-adapted species. As other capital breeders (Arnold, 2020), chamois rely on fat reserves accumulated during spring and summer to face winter food scarcity and the energetic costs of gestation and lactation (Richard et al., 2017). Changes in foraging efficiency linked to behavioural thermoregulation may then lead to potential changes in energy acquisition and related offspring maternal care (e.g. Scornavacca et al., 2016). Consequently, further work will be needed to determine whether the diverse costs of behavioural thermoregulation (i.e. decreased forage quality and quantity, lost foraging opportunities, increase in costly movements for relocations), may become detrimental for survival individuals and population dynamics, if we aim to assess the vulnerability of chamois population to climate change.