This study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. All individuals in this study were recruited from the Taiwan-ADNI ( or the cognition and aging cohort, both were ongoing, multicenter, hospital-based, longitudinal cohorts with established clinical protocols [26] [27, 28].
Group stratification and diagnosis
Beginning in August 2019, the study subsequently enrolled participants meeting the criteria for three groups: CTL, YOAD, and LOAD. In total, 186 individuals (42 CTL and 144 AD) completed the study. The pilot cohort (15 CTL and 15 AD) included patients from the Chang Gung Memorial Hospitals of Taipei and Linkou. The validation cohort (n:156, 27 CTL, 67 YOAD, and 62 LOAD) included patients from the Chang Gung Memorial Hospitals of Kaohsiung and Feng Shang. The tau image scores were separately rated by two independent raters with 1 = no uptake, 2 = equivocal, 3 = mild uptake, and 4 = moderate to severe uptake[17].
Cognitively unimpaired CTL participants were referred by the neurologists, defined by the absence of cognitive complaints, a clinical dementia rating (CDR) of 0 [29], and a mini-mental state examination (MMSE) score ≥ 24. All the CTL had an amyloid centiloid level < 10.
Both YOAD and LOAD participants fulfilled the NIA-AA 2018 clinical diagnostic criteria[1], a MMSE score < 24 and clinical dementia rating ≥ 0.5, exhibited positive visual read outs of amyloid PET by two independent raters. All the PET images of AD had amyloid centiloid score > 30.
The exclusion criteria included a history of clinical stroke, a modified Hachinski ischemic score of > 4, a degenerative brain disease other than AD, lesions on T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) indicative of severe white matter (WM) diseases, clinically unmanaged diabetes, and diagnoses of major depressive disorder or dysthymic disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision (DSM-IV-TR).
Cognitive assessment
A trained neuropsychologist administered a battery of neurobehavioral tests to assess cognitive function, including the MMSE and cognitive ability screening instrument (CASI). The CASI is divided into nine subdomains, with executive domains comprising attention, verbal fluency, abstract thinking, and mental manipulation [30] and nonexecutive domains comprising orientation, short-term memory (STM), long-term memory, language ability, and visual construction [30].
Data acquisition and image reconstruction
Florzolotau (18F) PET, F18-Florbetapir PET, and 3D T1 weighted MRI scans were obtained from all participants. 3D T1-weighted magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo (MP-RAGE) sequencing was performed using a 3T Siemens machine equipped with a 32-channel phased array head coil. The acquisition parameters were as follows: a repetition time of 2600 ms, an echo time of 3.15 ms, a matrix of 256 × 224, 176 continuous slices in the sagittal plane, and an in-plane spatial resolution of 0.5×0.5×1 mm³. This MP-RAGE scan was used for partial volume correction in PET imaging and enabled volumetric comparisons among biomarker groups.
Both F18-Florbetapir and Florzolotau (18F) were synthesized at the cyclotron facility of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital. PET scans were acquired using a GE Discovery MI PET/CT scanner. For F18-Florbetapir, the acquisition protocol, optimal scanning time, image reconstruction, and amyloid Centiloid scores followed established guidelines [28, 31, 32].
Brain tau PET scans were performed 90 min after injection of 185 ± 74 MBq of Florzolotau (18F). The acquisition window lasted 10 min and comprised two 5-min dynamic frames for motion correction. These PET images underwent motion correction and were then aggregated into a static frame image in their native space. Subsequently, spatial normalization to the Montreal Neurological Institute space was performed using an MRI-based spatial normalization method. The 3D PET images were acquired and reconstructed using an iterative reconstruction algorithm (OSEM, four iterations and 16 subsets) and further processed with a post hoc 5 mm Gaussian filter. For attenuation correction, low-dose CT scans were employed with parameters set at 15 mAs, 120 keV, 512 × 512 matrix, a 2.79-mm slice thickness, 71 slices, 110 mm/s increment, a 0.5-s rotation time, and a pitch of 1.375.
Pilot data: gTS score formula
To identify the AD-specific VOI that retains Florzolotau (18F), we first selected 15 patients with moderate to severe AD (CDR > 1; 70.1 ± 5.7 years; range 58–75 years, 6 males) and 15 CTL (68.2 ± 7.6 years; range 54–84 years, 8 males). Although no significant age differences existed between the CTL and AD groups, the patients with AD had significantly higher amyloid centiloid scores compared with CTL (AD: 129.59 ± 14.3; CTL: −9.41 ± 5.69). Voxel-based morphometry analyses were conducted on Florzolotau (18F) images, with age and estimated total intracranial volume (eTIV) used as nuisance covariates. A height threshold of p < 0.0001 was set, with family-wise error corrections and an extent threshold of 200 voxels. This identified region was used as the AD-specific neocortical VOI for calculating the gTS Centiloid score.
To determine the optimal reference region for SUVr, we evaluated five reference regions. First, in the WM region, the mean value and the parametric estimation of reference signal intensity (PERSI) method were calculated separately. The PERSI method was calculated for each scan by fitting a bimodal Gaussian distribution to the voxel-intensity histogram within an atlas-based WM region. The center and width of the lower-intensity peak were then used to identify the voxel intensities included in the calculation[33]. Additionally, we examined three reference regions from the GAAIN website (; these regions were the whole cerebellum, cerebellar GM, and a combination of the whole cerebellum and brainstem.
We then calculated the AD-specific neocortical VOI values using the SUVr images. We established a zero-anchor point based on the average neocortical VOI values of the 15 CTL participants and defined a 100-anchor point using the average neocortical VOI values of the 15 patients with AD.
The mean SUVr values were converted to Centiloid (CL) values using the following standard equation:
$$\text{CL}=\frac{\text{SUVr}\text{IND}- \text{SUVr}\text{CN-0}}{\text{SUVr}\text{AD-100} - \text{SUVr}\text{CN-0}}\times 100$$
where SUVr IND is an individual’s SUVr VOI value, SUVr CTL−0 is the mean SUVr VOI value of the CTL group, and SUVR AD−100 is the mean SUVr VOI value of the AD group. The CL represents the gTS score in this study.
Hippocampal volume and eTIV
Hippocampal volume was measured using automated segmentation from 3D T1-weighted images, employing the FIRST tool available in the Oxford Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain Software Library (FSL) 5.0 and adhering to the ENIGMA1 protocol [34]. The segmentation process involved reviewing images at key intermediate points, including after registration and following skull stripping, and making manual adjustments when necessary. The eTIV was calculated using the ENIGMA1 protocol for FSL. This process required the linear alignment of each participant’s brain with the Montreal Neurological Institute 152 (MNI152) template. The inverse of the determinant of the affine transformation matrix was then multiplied by the template size to yield a robust eTIV estimate [35]. All affine transformations were visually inspected and adjusted, ensuring their accuracy. In this study, the hippocampal volume ratio (%) was defined as the fraction of the right hippocampal volume relative to the eTIV, formulated as (right hippocampal volume / eTIV) × 100. This choice was motivated by the observation that AD typically manifests symmetric neurodegeneration.
Statistical analysis
Clinical data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. We tested the normality of the data using the Shapiro–Wilk test. Analysis of variance was used for comparisons of continuous variables between the YOAD, LOAD, and CTL groups. Bonferroni corrections were applied for multiple comparisons. Correlation analysis was performed using Spearman’s correlation analysis, and adjustments were made for possible confounders as detailed. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The statistical analyses were performed using R software version 4.2.1.
To compare the performance of the five reference regions for SUVr calculations, we analyzed the coefficient of variance, and the effect sizes of the pilot group differences. The region with the highest effect size was identified as the most suitable reference region. Subsequently, we extracted Braak’s neurofibrillary tangle (NFT) signals of interest in vivo based on this optimal reference region for SUVr [36–38].
For validation, we applied the gTS score formula to another independent cohort. Distributions of gTS scores and the visual read out [17] from two independents raters were compared.
We used receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, using the highest area under curve (AUC) as a metric to detect the cutoff values to diagnose YOAD or LOAD with the CTL as the reference group [39]. The ROC curves were generated to visualize the classification accuracy, wherein sensitivity (y-axis) was plotted against 1 − specificity (x-axis). The optimal cut-points were determined using the Youden index (sensitivity + specificity − 1).
To investigate the predictive power of gTS score on cognitive performance, we conducted forced-entry multiple regression analysis. In these models, the dependent variables were the CASI total score, its executive or nonexecutive domains, or its nine subdomains. The predictor variables in the regression models were the gTS value, amyloid Centiloid score, hippocampal volume, age, education, and gender. Consequently, a total of 24 regression models were computed for the YOAD and LOAD. To account for multiple comparisons, the significance level (α) was corrected using a Bonferroni factor of 24 (α = 0.05/24 = 0.00208). Subsequently, linear and quadratic models were fitted to examine the relationship between tau Centiloid score and cognition in the YOAD and LOAD cohorts. A linear model was selected if the quadratic parameter of a quadratic model was not significant.
To understand whether the gTS score can serve as a direct cognitive marker or whether its relationship with cognition is mediated by another indirect pathway such as hippocampal volume integrity, we further performed mediation analysis [40] where the gTS score served as the predictor, the hippocampal fraction served as the mediator, and the cognitive test scores served as the outcomes. We used bootstrapping tests with 1000 resamples and bias-corrected confidence intervals to establish the mediation model. In our model, the total direct pathway was gTS score → cognition and the indirect pathway was gTS score → hippocampal volume → cognition. For two AD groups, we used the CASI total score, executive, nonexecutive, and STM score as the cognitive outcomes. A significance level of p < 0.05 was established for this analysis.