Ethical approval
Ethical approval was received by the Clinical Research Ethical Review Board of the Royal Veterinary College (URN.2019.1942-3, URN 2016 1515, URN 2015-1378), the study followed all relevant guidelines and regulations. The study is reported in adherence to ARRIVE ( guidelines.
Study population
Cats were recruited into the study following routine or invited echocardiographic screening for heart disease or following post-mortem examination conducted at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). Of the cats included in the study (total n = 72), 2 HCM cats in the Birman cohort and 11 HCM cats in the Across-breeds cohort were diagnosed at necropsy. All other cats were diagnosed via echocardiography. Cats without evidence of HCM or other cardiac disease (confirmed via echocardiography) and above the age of 9 years old were used as controls. Cats of any age with a confirmed HCM phenotype were used as cases. Among the Birman cohort 2 control cats were littermates, 2 control cats shared the same dam, and 2 HCM cats shared the same dam.
Our work included two studies: i) An Across-breeds cat study, totalling 44 phenotyped cats (controls = 23, HCM = 21) representing 21 non-pedigree cats (DSH) and pedigree breeds (4 Bengal, 8 British shorthair, 1 British longhair, 6 NFC, 3 Ragdoll, and 1 Maine coon). Among the HCM cases we included a Ragdoll cat confirmed homozygous for the HCM-associated MYBPC3 variant (R820W); ii) A Birman pedigree cat study, totalling 28 phenotyped Birman cats (controls = 14, cases = 17, including 8 cats with HCM, and 6 cats with RCM).
The cardiac phenotype was defined by echocardiography and/or gross pathology and histopathology with owner consent. Echocardiography was performed by a board-certified veterinary cardiologist, or by a cardiology resident under the supervision of a board-certified veterinary cardiologist, using a Vivid E9 or Vivid I ultrasound machine (GE Systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK) with a 7.5 or 12 MHz phased-array transducer. Standard echocardiographic views were acquired, and video loops recorded9. All studies were measured off-line using dedicated echocardiographic software (EchoPac, GE Systems, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK).
On echocardiography, the thickness of the left ventricular free wall (LVFW) and interventricular septum (IVS) was measured by a leading edge to leading edge technique from a 2D right parasternal long-axis (RPLA) 4- or 5-chambered view and a short-axis view at the papillary muscle level (RPSA). The thickest end-diastolic segment was averaged over 3 different cardiac cycles in each view (RPLA and RPSA). End-diastolic frames were defined as the first frame after mitral valve closure in RPLA and as the time point in the cardiac cycle of greatest left ventricular internal diameter in RPSA9. The greatest end-diastolic wall thickness of these measured views (RPLA septal, RPLA free wall, RPSA septal, RPSA free wall) was defined as LVWT and used for data analysis. Left atrial linear dimensions were measured as left atrial to aortic ratio (LA/Ao ratio) and left atrial diameter (LAD). The LA/Ao was measured as the ratio of the left atrium to aorta measured in 2D from a RPSA view at the heart base, in the frame after aortic valve closure51. The LAD was measured as the cranial-caudal LA dimension from a RPLA 4-chambered view, in the frame before mitral valve opening52. Left ventricular (LVFS%) fractional shortening was measured by M-Mode from a right parasternal short-axis at the papillary muscle. Systolic anterior motion of the mitral valve (SAM) was assessed on colour Doppler and 2D echo from a right parasternal long-axis 5 chamber view.
HCM was defined as LVWT ³5.5 mm at end-diastole. Cases with concurrent disease that could contribute to LVH were excluded from the study. These conditions included systemic hypertension (systolic blood pressure >160mmHg)53, aortic stenosis or hyperthyroidism54. Healthy cats (control group) were defined as having a LVWT <5.5 mm and aged ³9 years old to minimise inclusion of cats with late onset HCM. Necropsy examinations were performed by a single trained observer, and HCM was defined as a hypertrophied LV in the presence of myofiber disarray and interstitial/replacement fibrosis on histopathology55.
In the Birman cat cohort, in addition to HCM cases we also included RCM cases, defined as the presence of left or biatrial enlargement (left and/or right atrial diameter in RPLA view>16 mm), LVWT £5.5 mm and normal left ventricular systolic function (LVFS%>30%).
Blood and tissue collection and DNA extraction
Myocardial samples collected at necropsy were received from Birman breeders following death with suspicion of heart disease. For the Across-breeds cats, liver samples were obtained following routine necropsy examinations at the RVC. Residual blood (derived from clinical testing) was used for this project from blood collected by either a qualified veterinarian or veterinary nurse following echocardiography (using the same equipment and expert for each diagnosis) to exclude systemic diseases that can affect the heart and to measure cardiac biomarkers. DNA was extracted from whole blood/liver/myocardial samples using two commercial kits: DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen®) and GeneJet Whole Blood Genomic DNA Purification Mini Kit (Thermo Scientific®) according to the manufacturers’ instructions. DNA quality and quantity were assessed using Denovix DS-11 Series spectrophotometer and Invitrogen Qubit 4 Fluorometer, respectively.
Feline HCM gene panel and Targeted Next Generation Sequencing (tNGS)
We developed a gene panel for feline HCM and RCM based on candidate genes previously implicated in human cardiomyopathies (Table 3). This feline panel was equivalent to the Illumina TruSight Cardio Panel56 which is applied in suspected cases of human cardiomyopathy. In the first study (Across-breeds cohort) we included a panel of 18 candidate genes (Table 3). The same panel was used in the second study (Birman cohort) with the exclusion of two metabolic genes. These two genes were excluded due to limited variation, with no exonic variation being identified in these genes from the first study.
Targeted Next Generation Sequencing Analysis
The raw sequencing data (FASTQ files) were assessed for quality control using FASTQC (v10.1)57 and trimmed to exclude adapter sequencing using Trimmomatic (v0.36)58 prior to mapping the reads on Felis Catus v9.0 genome assembly59 using the BWA aligner60. The matching variant file for the Felis Catus v9.0 genome assembly (Ensembl release version 95)61 was sorted against the reference dictionary to obtain known variant sites using Picard toolkit (v2.21.7)62. The reads were indexed, and duplicates removed using SAMTOOLS (v1.3)63. Base recalibration and variant calling to detect SNVs and indel variants were performed with the GATK (v.3.8) software64 using HaplotypeCaller65. Joint VCF files were created for cases and controls (for each study separately). Two separate VCF files for the Birman cases were created: one including both HCM and RCM cases and another only HCM. We ran a grouped analysis for cats with HCM and RCM phenotypes, as RCM has been suggested to be part of the HCM spectrum, i.e., these two phenotypes might represent diverse expressions of the same disease45,46,66,67. The SNV locations were obtained from Felis Catus v9.0 genome assembly using the Ensembl genome browser release version 9568. SNV annotation was performed using the Ensembl variant effect predictor (VEP) tool69.
The data from each study were analysed separately. Allelic and genotypic frequencies of genetic (SNV and Indel) variants with a predicted high, moderate, or modifier functional impact according to VEP were compared between cases and controls to assess if there are statistically significant differences between the two groups. The Chi-squared test (χ2), with a significance level set at P£0.05 was used in this respect. A correction for multiple testing (0.05 divided by number of genes tested) was also applied.
To identify if any of the SNVs of interest in 3’UTR and other non-coding regions were located within a putative regulatory region we further interrogated these SNVs using Softberry software70. Specifically, to identify potential functional roles of our SNVs of interest we used BEDTools71 to extract SNV sequences 1500bp either side of our SNV and ran comparisons against the corresponding 3000bp sequence extracted from our sample containing the reference allele. These 3000bp sequences were inputted into Softberry tools FPROM promotor predictor to look for predicted promotor regions in our significant 3’UTR SNVs and the NSITE tool to search for regulatory motifs in our 3’UTR and intronic regions72.
Genomic association studies
A bed genotypic file was generated from the VCF file for cases and controls using the PLINK software (v1.90)73–75. Each of the datasets was subjected to quality control (qc) measures using the following thresholds: call rate <90%, minor allele frequency <0.05 and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium P<10-6. A genomic relationship matrix was created for all animals using the GEMMA (v0.98.1) algorithm76. GEMMA was used to run the genomic association analyses for HCM susceptibility using a mixed model where the genomic relationship matrix was added as a random effect to account for possible population stratification and age, sex, and breed as fixed effects in the first study (Across-breeds cat cohort), and lambda correction applied to the P-values. The same model with the exclusion of breed as a fixed effect was used in the second study (Birman cat cohort). The significance level was set at P£0.05 and a Bonferroni correction for multiple testing was applied. Python377 in Jupyter notebook78 (for Mac OS) was used to create Manhattan plots to present the genomic analyses results.
Feline and Human Comparisons
To investigate whether the SNVs of interest identified for feline HCM susceptibility were equivalent or close to previously identified variants in humans, a relevant comparison was performed. Initially, a region comparison approach was used to compare the cat (Felis Catus v9.0) and human (GRCh38.p13) assembly by inputting the cat SNV position into Ensembl’s region comparison tool68. The output of this analysis provides the predicted equivalent coordinate in the human assembly per feline SNV.
Moreover, a protein orthologue approach was applied by extracting the relevant amino acid sequence alignments for Felis Catus v9.0 and Human GRCh38.p13 genome assemblies using the Ensembl ortholog comparison tool68 in ClustalW format for missense SNVs of interest. The equivalent human protein position for each missense SNV was identified through these sequence comparisons before identifying the correct international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) coding. After the equivalent human genome position was identified, ClinVar database79 was used to search for human SNVs that have been previously reported close to the equivalent feline SNVs of interest.