The preGallstep trial is conducted according to the 2013 SPIRIT statement (30). The preGallStep trial is an investigator-initiated, multicentre randomised parallel group, pilot and feasibility clinical trial, with blinded outcome assessment comparing the one-step versus the two-step approach. The preGallstep trial is approved by the Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics in the Capital Region (H-20041609, 4 March 2021) and the Danish Data Protection Agency in the Capital Region (P-2020-1056, 13 November 2020) which among other things ensures adherence to the General Data Protection Regulation (29). Patients not included in the trial or withdrawing their consent will be offered the course of treatment deemed most appropriate by their attending surgeon. The trial was registered on (identification no. NCT04801238) before inclusion of the first participant. The first participant was included and randomised on 22 April 2021 and recruitment is ongoing.
The main objective of this randomised pilot and feasibility clinical trial is to estimate the proportions of participants in each intervention group with post-operative complications according to the Clavien-Dindo classification grade II or more. The aim is for the estimates to be used in a sample size estimation for a future pragmatic randomised clinical trial. Given the sample size of the current trial, any results will be purely hypothesis-generating. Secondary, we want to assess the feasibility of conducting a future larger pragmatic trial, by assessing several feasibility outcomes. Further, we aim to explore the effects of the interventions on a range of clinical outcomes.
Participant timeline
Eligible patients can enter the trial through a variety of ways. While the most frequent in-hospital entry is through the emergency department, a few patients with CBDS will also be referred to the out-patient clinic from other departments or from private practices.
Patients will be offered enrolment into the trial if all inclusion and no exclusion criteria are met (see ‘Criteria for eligibility’). Patients will be informed of the trial by the attending surgeon and offered participation. Written and oral informed consent shall be obtained, and baseline data collected. Central randomisation will be carried out by the trial site investigator. If no immediate complications occur during or after the interventions, the patients will be discharged within 24 hours. Blood samples including serum amylase will be drawn 24 to 36 hours postoperatively. A 90-day follow-up will be performed to assess patient-related outcomes. Radiographic imaging will be performed only if clinically indicated. Registration of lost to follow-up and reasons will also be assessed.
Criteria for eligibility
At inclusion participants must meet the following Inclusion criteria:
- CBDS identified by MRCP;
- age 18 years or older;
- ability to perform both interventions within reasonable time; and
- informed consent.
Furthermore, the participants must meet none of the exclusion criteria:
- Common bile duct cysts;
- pancreatic/biliary/hepatic malignancies;
- prior cholecystectomy or sphincterotomy;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- cholangitis grade 3 according to the Tokyo Guidelines (cholangitis with organ dysfunction) (31);
- previous gastric-bypass surgery or other previous surgery preventing ERC, LC, or LCBDE;
- pregnancy; and
- if the patient is unable to give an informed consent.
Participants will be randomised at the allocation ratio 1:1 performed centrally at the Copenhagen Trial Unit (Copenhagen, Denmark) using a computer-generated allocation sequence with a varying block size concealed from the investigators. The allocation sequence will be stratified by trial site only. Copenhagen Trial Unit will generate the allocation sequence, and participants are enrolled using a web-based system developed by the unit. The designated intervention will be carried out within 24 hours of randomisation or no longer than within twice weekly if local facilities are unable to provide operating facilities within 24 hours of randomisation.
The obvious advantages of the one-step approach compared with the two-step approach are the fewer procedures required for CBDS clearance and removal of the gallbladder and thus, a shorter course of treatment. Due to the nature of the surgical and endoscopic interventions, blinding of patients or surgeon/endoscopist is not possible in this trial. To prevent dropout due to patient preferences, patients are blinded from assigned intervention until up to at most 72 hours prior to surgery. Most of the outcomes are dependent on the physician’s clinical assessment. However, we will engage a blinded adjudication committee of three independent experts who will examine medical charts from randomisation to 90-days after first surgical intervention for outcome assessment. The medical charts presented to the adjudication committee will be blinded for any phrases related to the intervention, and the committee will thereby be blinded to the intervention.
Baseline characteristics
We will present the following baseline characteristics stratified by group:
- Age, sex, weight, height, WHO performance score
- Preoperative diagnose
- Days from MRCP to intervention
- Baseline serum or plasma biochemistry: leucocytes; c-reactive peptide (CRP); alkaline phosphatases (ALP); bilirubin; and amylase
- Number of CBDS on MRCP
- Size of largest stone on MRCP
- Anatomical position of CBDS.
Pilot outcome
The pilot outcome is:
- The proportion of participants in both intervention groups with at least one post-operative complication during the 90 days follow-up, assessed according the Clavien-Dindo score grade II and above.
This outcome will be used to ascertain proportions in each group, and possible difference between the groups will be attributed type-1 error.
Feasibility outcomes
The quantitative feasibility outcomes are:
- Proportion of eligible patients consenting to inclusion.
Eligible participants are to be persons who fulfil all inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria, besides informed consent. If the number of participants randomised out of the number of eligible persons is 150 out of 200, the proportion will be 75%. The 95% confidence interval (CI) will be: 69% to 81 %. A randomisation proportion of 69% or more will be acceptable for a future trial, while a fraction below 69% will impose serious problems of recruitment for a future large pragmatic trial.
The qualitative feasibility outcomes are:
- consumption of manpower;
- difficulties getting the first participant randomised at each clinical site;
- reasons for not being eligible for inclusion;
- reasons for declining participation.
- difficulties during the informed consent procedure;
- difficulties with randomisation;
- difficulties in data management;
- difficulties with blinding patient charts and forms;
- difficulties in maintaining blinding for the outcome assessors.
The qualitative outcomes will be assessed by discussions within the investigator group. The qualitative outcomes will be described in detail and used to assess the feasibility of conducting a later confirmatory trial.
Exploratory clinical outcomes
All clinical outcomes are assessed at 90 days after randomisation:
- Proportion of participants with stone clearance failure, defined as participants in each intervention group with CBDS.
- Mean number of additional ERC needed to obtain safe clearance of CBD.
- Mean length of hospital stay (days).
- Mean procedure time.
- Quality of life assessed with Short-Form 36 (SF-36), total score.
- Postoperative Liver biochemistry:
- leucocytes
- amylase
- bilirubin
- Proportion of participants with any complication, defined as Clavien-Dindo score (0; I; II, III; IV; V) in each group.
Subgroup analysis
We plan on assessing the primary outcome using subgroup analyses with the median stone sizes, number of stones, and grouped by anatomical position of the stones. These analyses will involve adding treatment-by-subgroup interaction terms to the same models as used to analyse the primary outcome and assessing the statistical significance of these interaction terms. If significant interaction is identified, we will carry out analysis for a subset of the data using each of the subgroups.
Sample size
This is a pilot and feasibility trial assessing the possibility of conducting a large-scale, pragmatic randomised clinical trial with the same primary outcome. Thus, no formal sample size estimation has been conducted (32). We pragmatically aim to include 150 participants in total, 75 in each group. With current numbers of procedures performed at each institution per year, the necessary trial inclusion time to include patients is expected to be 18 months.
Central data monitoring
Central data monitoring will be initiated no later than after inclusion of one third of the participants. Every month a central data monitoring report will be sent to the steering committee for review. Overall, the report will include a simplified trial status, missing data overview, and data deviation figures. The steering committee consists of experienced clinicians, statisticians, and trialists; thus, the necessary composition to ensure optimal monitoring (33). The aim of the central data monitoring is to optimise completeness, quality and minimise deviations through blinded evaluation of the data (34).
General analysis principles
Statistical analyses will be handled using the latest available stable version of R (R Core Team, Vienna, Austria) and/or Stata (StataCop LLC, Texas, USA). All randomised participants will be included in all analyses. The baseline characteristics will be presented for each group. The pilot outcomes and all clinical outcomes are exploratory and will be interpreted as such.
Statistical analysis
Analysis of feasibility outcomes
The feasibility outcomes were pragmatically decided based on consensus and agreement between the investigators and were based on clinical expertise (Kirkegaard-Klitbo A, Shabanzadeh DM, Sørensen LT) and trial experience from previous pragmatic and feasibility trials (Lindschou J, Gluud C, and Olsen MH). These are all seen as relevant for carrying out a definitive large-scale trial. The quantitative primary feasibility outcome which are fractions will be presented together with the confidence intervals using a 1-sample proportions test with continuity correction, with an adjusted maximum confidence limit of 100%. The qualitative primary feasibility outcomes will be interpreted primarily by merging and counting comparable feasibility issues and discuss these.
Analysis of pilot outcome and exploratory clinical outcomes
We plan to analyse the exploratory clinical outcomes as we plan to analyse these outcomes in the planned larger pragmatic trial, by choosing the analyses which fulfils the assumptions. The results will be interpreted with caution as this trial is not powered to investigate clinical outcomes, but the signals will help inform which outcomes we might choose for the larger pragmatic trial.
Continuous outcomes
Continuous exploratory clinical outcomes will be presented as means and standard deviations (SD) or 95% confidence interval (CI) for each group, with an annotation in the tables of the percentage of missing data per group. As previously recommended, we will use linear regression analyses adjusted for the baseline value for the continuous exploratory clinical outcomes (32).
Count data outcomes
Count data exploratory clinical outcomes will be presented as medians and interquartile ranges for each group, with an annotation in the tables of the percentage of missing data per group. Count data exploratory clinical outcomes will be analysed using the van Elteren test from Stata or an equivalent in R (33,34). The results will be presented with median differences and Hodges-Lehmann confidence intervals to demonstrate the uncertainty of the results (35).
Dichotomous outcomes
Dichotomous exploratory clinical outcomes will be presented as proportions for each group with an annotation in the tables of the percentage of missing data per group. Dichotomous exploratory clinical outcomes will be analysed using logistic regression. We will estimate the marginal effects to obtain RRs and confidence intervals of the RRs (based on ‘nlcom’ from Stata (StataCorp LLC, Texas, USA)) or by bootstrapping in R.
Handling of missing data
No specific methodology, including multiple imputation, will be used to handle missing data, but missingness will be listed in detail in the tables in the statistical reports (see below) as a tool to adapt the design of a larger pragmatic randomised trial.
Assessments of underlying statistical assumptions
The chosen analyses have few assumptions, with the main assumptions being related to the linear and logistic regressions (35,39). The variables included in the linear regression models will be visually assessed for normal distribution using histograms and quantile-quantile plots of the residuals, and for homogeneity using residuals plotted against covariates and fitted values, with the possibility of a logarithmic transformation or applying robust standard errors to minimise deviations from the model (35). The confidence interval for count outcomes will be derived from the Mann-Whitney U test and if they do not converge with the p-value from the Van Elteren test, we will interpret any significance with caution.
The deviance divided by the degrees of freedom for logistic regression model will be calculated to assess relevant overdispersion. The logistic regression used will be univariable, i.e. with no covariates, and if few or zero events are identified (substantially lower than the rule of thumb of 10 events) the analyses will be carried out using Fisher’s exact test. The robustness of the confidence intervals and p-values might be affected by the small sample size and these will be interpreted with caution [32].
Early stopping
If the sample size of 150 participants is not reached, adjustment of the risk of type-1 should be carried out. In confirmatory trials, the statistical significance level would normally be adjusted according to the Lan-DeMets’ sequential monitoring boundaries based on O'Brien Fleming alpha-spending function (25-28). Since we do not have any set parameters for minimum relevant difference and relative risk reductions, we will adjust the significance level for all analyses to below 0.01. Given the trial is designed as a pilot and feasibility trial, we will interpret signal of significance cautiously.
Statistical reports
After completion of the trial and the final central data monitoring discrepancies are handled, blinded data will be analysed by two independent statisticians blinded to the intervention, where ‘A’ and ‘B’ refers to the two groups. The two statisticians will independently analyse all data and present the results in two independent reports. The coordinating investigator, the two statisticians and the Steering Committee will compare these reports and discrepancies will be discussed. The statistical reports will be published as supplementary material. Based on the final statistical report, two blinded conclusions will be drawn by the Steering Committee: One assuming ‘A’ is the experimental group and ‘B’ is the control group – and one assuming the opposite. These abstracts will utilise the results from the blinded reports, and when the blinding is broken, the ‘correct’ abstract will be chosen and the conclusions in this abstract will not be revised. This described process of analysing data and interpreting data will also be used in the future large randomised clinical trial.