4.1 Characteristics of pristine galvanic anodes
Table 1 presents the characteristics of the five GAs used in this study. Anodes A, B, C, D and E have different zinc masses, surface areas, and properties of the encapsulating mortar and tie-wires. The elemental composition of the anode metal indicates that Anodes A and B were made of 100% zinc, whereas Anodes C, D and E were made of 95, 98 and 90% zinc, respectively. It can be inferred that the metals of Anodes A and B were made of pure zinc (100% zinc), whereas Anodes C, D and E were made of zinc with some alloying additions. The iron composition in all anodes was less than 0.001% – conforming to Type II GA specification as per ASTM B418 [27]. Type II GAs are specified to be made of high-grade zinc with an iron content of less than 0.001%. Such a reduced iron content would prevent the intergranular corrosion of the anode metal at temperatures higher than 50°C. The mass of zinc in Anodes A, B, C, D and E was 55 g, 110 g, 75 g, 60 g and 60 g, respectively. For an aqueous environment, the mass of zinc is one of the critical parameters that determines the service life of GAs. However, in cementitious systems, the consumption of the entire zinc may not occur due to the unavailability of a continued corrosive environment for the zinc, which is discussed later in this section. In another long-term monitoring study by the authors, it was found that only 1/4th of the zinc of the GA had been consumed after 12 years of exposure to a near-coastal environment [13]. It was also observed that the oxides of zinc stopped diffusing/migrating away from the zinc, formed an insoluble barrier around the zinc and obstructed the ionic movement for the corrosion to occur. Hence, the mass of zinc may not be a critical parameter for the performance of GAs for concrete systems. The surface area of zinc in Anodes A, B, C, D and E was 40 cm2, 30 cm2, 30 cm2, 30 cm2 and 40 cm2, respectively. The surface area of the zinc has a direct impact on the output current supplied by GAs. The higher the surface area of zinc, the higher the possibility for the formation of anodic sites and the higher the supply of electrons. The surface area of zinc in Anodes A and E is higher than all the other anodes. However, apart from the availability of high surface area, the corrosion of zinc depends on the micro-climate around it and is discussed next.
The micro-climate around the zinc depends on the physico-chemical properties of the encapsulating mortar, such as the pH, activator content and the pore size distribution (pore volume and critical pore size). Table 2 presents the chemical composition of the encapsulating mortar of all anodes. It can be observed that Calcium was present in the encapsulating mortar of all GAs and might be from the calcium oxide present in the cementitious encapsulating mortar. In addition, traces of alkali, such as potassium, were present in Anode A and sodium in Anodes A, C, D and E. The presence of Lithium could not be observed in the EDS analysis because of its low atomic number (atomic number 3). In general, elements with atomic numbers less than Carbon could not be detected in EDS.
The nominal pH of the encapsulating mortar of Anodes A, B, C, D and E was ≈ 12.9, ≈ 10, ≈12.7, ≈ 10 and ≈ 10, respectively. The activator content (expressed as a percentage of LiOH content) of encapsulating mortars of Anodes A, B, C, D and E was ≈ 14, 0, ≈ 45, 0 and 0% bwob, respectively. The activators will enhance the pH buffer capacity of the encapsulating mortar. The calculated pH of Anodes A, B, C, D and E was ≈ 14, 0, ≈ 14, 0, and 0, respectively. The corrosion rate of zinc will be high when the pH of the surrounding electrolyte is more than 12.5, whereas the zinc will tend to passivate when the pH drops below 12 [20–22]. Anodes A and C have a suitable environment (high pH and pH buffer capacity) to achieve a continued corrosive environment for zinc. On the contrary, Anodes B, D and E have a low-pH environment (pH of ≈ 10) at the zinc-encapsulating mortar interface that may not favour the corrosion of zinc. In addition to pH, the pore size distribution of the encapsulating mortar will govern the transport process of the activating chemicals and the zinc oxidation products to maintain a corrosive environment for the zinc, which is explained next.
The encapsulating mortars should be designed in such a way that their pore size distribution should favour the diffusion/migration and accommodation of the zinc corrosion products and expose the fresh zinc metal for continued corrosion. The total pore volume (mm3/g) of the encapsulating mortars of Anodes A, B, C, D, and E was 200, 115, 370, 52, and 92, respectively. The critical pore diameter (µm) of the encapsulating mortars of Anodes A, B, C, D, and E was determined as 4.8, 3.5, 0.5, 2.3, and 1.5, respectively. Anode A has a well-defined porous system with large diameter interconnected pores, sufficient to allow the movement of the activators and zinc oxide products. Anodes B, D and E have low pore volumes with small diameter interconnected pores. Anode C has a high pore volume to accommodate the oxidation products; however, it has a small diameter interconnected pore system that may block the movement of the corrosion products.
In addition, the material of tie-wire can also affect the long-term performance of GAs. For example, mild steel tie-wires can undergo surface corrosion during the transportation and storage of GAs. Also, the rust layer on tie-wires of the GAs may hinder the supply of electrons to the steel rebars as expected. Table 2 presents the chemical composition of the tie-wire of GAs. The tie-wires of Anodes A and C consist of a Chromium content of ~ 37%, indicating the material is stainless steel, which can help prevent the corrosion of tie-wires during transportation, storage and at construction sites. However, the tie-wires of Anodes B, D and E are mild steel, which may undergo surface corrosion during transportation or storage. The overall performance of a GA depends on the synergistic performance of all components mentioned above. The performance of anodes assessed using the GAP test is presented next.
Table 1
Characteristics of pristine galvanic anodes
Zinc (%)
Zinc mass (g)
Zinc surface area (cm2)
≈ 40
≈ 30
≈ 30
≈ 30
≈ 40
Nominal pH
≈ 10
≈ 12.7
≈ 10
≈ 10
WLiOH (% bwob)
≈ 14
≈ 45
Calculated pH
Pore volume (mm3/g)
Critical pore size (µm)
NA – Not applicable
Table 2
Chemical composition of the encapsulating mortar and tie-wire of pristine galvanic anodes
% wt.
Encapsulating mortar
Could not be detected in EDX
4.2 Assessment of performance of galvanic anodes
Figure 4 shows the output current supplied by GAs in the GAP test. It can be observed that all GAs supplied relatively high output currents at the beginning of the testing. After that, stable output currents were observed, followed by a gradual decay and a sudden drop. The experiment was terminated once the measured output current dropped to a value less than 0.1 µA and was defined as the failure of anodes. The area under each curve represents the electrochemical capacity or the total electrical charge transferred by GAs. The performance of GAs can be assessed from two parameters, namely (i) instantaneous output current and (ii) total electrical charge. The capacity of a GA to supply a high instantaneous output current indicates its ability to supply more electrons to suppress/control corrosion immediately after connecting it to corroding metal. In other words, the instantaneous output current can be used as a qualitative parameter to choose/design GA systems suitable for either corrosion prevention (cathodic prevention) or corrosion control (cathodic protection) situations. In a cathodic prevention case, there may not be a need for the supply of high instantaneous output current due to negligible ongoing corrosion. However, in a cathodic protection case, the GAs should supply high instantaneous output currents to suppress the ongoing corrosion. The individual and instantaneous output currents measured from Anode A during the first 100 days were more than 350 µA, whereas Anodes B, C, and D supplied more than 150 µA. Anode E failed within 60 days of testing. From this, it can be inferred that Anode A might be suitable for conditions where the ongoing rate of corrosion is high (Cathodic protection case), provided it can supply an adequate charge in the GAP test, which will be explained next. The ability of Anode A to supply high initial output currents could be due to the high surface area of zinc (40 cm2) compared to Anodes B, C, and D, all with a surface area of 30 cm2.
Secondly, the total charge supplied by GAs was calculated by integrating the output current versus the time plot. The total charge supplied by GAs represents their electrochemical capacity – a parameter that determines the service life of GAs. In general, the electrochemical capacity of GAs depends on the mass of the zinc. However, in cementitious systems, the electrochemical capacity of GAs depends on the micro-climate at the zinc-encapsulating mortar interface, which governs the reaction kinetics. Anode A failed at around 420 days of testing, whereas Anodes B, C, D and E failed at around 160, 230, 130 and 60 days, respectively. At the end of the GAP test, Anode A exhibited better performance, and Anode E showed poor performance. However, it may not always be convenient to assess the performance of GAs based on the total charge supplied; hence, a parameter termed the guaranteed minimum service life was developed, and the same was estimated using Faraday’s law and is presented next.
4.3 Estimation of guaranteed minimum service life of galvanic anodes
The guaranteed minimum service life (SLmin) represents a guaranteed time for a GA to perform in a specific exposure condition. The SLmin of GAs was estimated using Faraday’s law of electrolysis. The input parameters involved in estimating SLmin are (1) total electrical charge transferred by GAs in the GAP test and (2) corrosion current (I) of GAs determined from PSS. The steps involved in estimating SLmin are as follows: Step 1: Estimate the theoretical mass loss (m) of the anode metal as per Eq. (1) using the total electrical charge supplied by the GA in the GAP test, and Step 2: Estimate the SLmin of the GA as per Eq. (2) using the theoretical mass loss (m) calculated from Step 1, and corrosion current (I) determined from potentiostatic scans.
$$m=\frac{Q\times M}{F\times z}$$
$${SL}_{min}=\frac{m\times F\times z}{I\times M}$$
where, Q is the electrical charge supplied (Coulomb), M is the molar mass of zinc (grams/mole), F is the Faraday’s constant (96485 Coulomb/mole), m is the theoretical mass loss (grams), I is the corrosion current (Ampere), z is the valency of the ions.
Figure 5 shows the variation in the OCP of GAs before and after connecting them to a steel rebar. The inset of Fig. 5 shows the zoomed-in region illustrating the jump in the OCP of Anode A when connected to the steel rebar. It can be observed that the OCP of Anode A before coupling (termed as E) was – 1390 mVSCE and after coupling (termed as E') was − 1370 mVSCE. The difference between E and E' represents the overpotential and was determined as 20 mV. Similarly, the overpotential of Anodes B, C, D and E was 20, 25, 20 and 20 mV, respectively. It is important to highlight that the recorded overpotential is not the mixed potential in this case because the reference electrode was not placed in-between the GA and the steel; instead, it was placed away from the steel and touching the GA as detailed in the Estimation of minimum service life of galvanic anodes section. The determined overpotentials were used as the input parameter (as static potential) to determine the corrosion current. In other words, the GAs were anodically polarized to these overpotentials, and the resulting corrosion current density was measured and presented next. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the corrosion current density of GAs upon anodic polarization. It can be observed that current densities were high in the beginning and started to stabilize slowly. A steady-state current density value was chosen for the analysis. Steady-state was defined as the region when the slope of the curve between any two points (say, T and T + 60 s) shall be less than 8 pA/cm2/s. This slope was chosen based on a trial-end error method of selecting values and assessing their effect on the estimated SLmin. The current densities of Anodes A, B, C, D and E were 1.2, 1, 0.8, 1.1 and 0.9 µA/cm2, respectively, from which the corrosion current (I) was calculated by multiplying them with the surface area of the anode metal. It has to be noted that the current densities recommended for designing cathodic prevention and cathodic protection systems are 0.02 to 0.2 and 0.2 to 2 µA/cm2, respectively [5].
Figure 7 shows the estimated SLmin for severe laboratory conditions (relative humidity of 100% and temperature of 25 ± 2 ºC). It is assumed in the analysis that the corrosion rate (corrosion current) of zinc is constant throughout the year. The average SLmin of Anodes A, B, C, D and E are 7, 2, 3, 2.5 and 0.2 years, respectively. It can be inferred that Anode A can perform for a guaranteed duration of seven years in a severe environment (relative humidity of 100%), whereas Anode E can perform only for around three months. This methodology can be used as a tool to assess the performance of GAs for different exposure conditions. In general, Anode A exhibited better performance than all the other anodes. The reasoning for the performance of GAs and their failure mechanisms are presented next.
4.4 Failure mechanisms of galvanic anodes
To understand the failure mechanisms of GAs, the aged GAP specimens were autopsied, and the physico-chemical characteristics of the encapsulating mortar of the aged GAs were determined and compared with that of the pristine GAs. For this, encapsulating mortar samples were collected from the region close (1 to 2 mm) to the zinc core of the aged GAs. Figure 8(a) compares the pH of pristine and aged GAs. It can be observed that the pH dropped from 12.9 to 10 and 12.7 to 11 for Anodes A and C, respectively. For Anodes B, D and E, there is no significant change in the pH (pH of 10) before and after testing. The reason for the failure of Anodes B, D and E might be due to the low pH environment. To understand the failure mechanisms of Anodes A and C, the pore size distribution of the pristine and aged GAs was compared. Figure 8(b) compares the total pore volume and critical pore diameter of the pristine and aged GAs. The analysis showed that pore volume (mm3/g) reduced from 200 to 180 and 370 to 320 for Anodes A and C, respectively. The critical pore diameter (µm) has reduced from 0.5 to 0.4 for Anode C. For Anode A, the critical pore diameter (µm) has increased from 4.8 to 6, which might be due to the formation of cracks in the encapsulating mortar due to the expansive pressure offered by the zinc oxidation products. The critical pore size is the most probable pore size of any porous system. The increase in the critical pore size of Anode A might have helped the diffusion of the corrosion products away from the zinc, favouring the enhanced performance of Anode A.
In general, the pH of the encapsulating mortar has decreased for all the GAs, causing a low pH environment that does not favour the continued corrosion of zinc. The total pore volume has decreased for Anodes A and C, which might have blocked the pores, reduced the ionic conductivity, and led to the failure of GAs. The proposed failure mechanism of GAs in the GAP test is illustrated in Fig. 9. In general, adherent zinc oxidation products were observed to be formed over the fresh zinc and caused the failure of GAs.
Figure 8 Comparison of the properties of the encapsulating mortar of pristine and aged galvanic anodes (a) pH (b) total pore volume and critical pore diameter
Figure 9 Schematic showing the conceptualized failure mechanism of galvanic anodes in the GAP test (a) Pristine galvanic anode and (b) Aged galvanic anode
5 specifications for galvanic anodes
Table 3 presents a set of prescriptive and performance specifications for the selection of GAs, which are explained below:
a. The chemical composition of the anode metal shall conform to the specifications given in ASTM B418-16a with a high-grade zinc content ranging from 90 to 100% [27]. The iron content in the galvanic metal shall be less than 0.001% to prevent intergranular corrosion at temperatures higher than 50 ºC.
b. The open circuit potential (OCP) of the GA (without removing the encapsulating mortar) after immersion in water for 15 minutes shall be more electronegative than 1000 mVCu/CuSO4. This criterion can help eliminate the use of GAs with passivated zinc. The OCP of a GA will tend to shift towards a more electropositive direction upon the passivation of the zinc. In addition, the immersion of GAs in water shall not be more than 15 minutes, which can result in the leaching of the activating chemicals from the encapsulating mortar.
c. The calculated pH of the alkali-activated encapsulating mortar surrounding the anode metal shall be more than 13.6 and is expected to retain till the target service life.
The pore volume of the encapsulating mortar of the GA shall be more than 20% to achieve sufficient
d. porosity for the accommodation and transport of the zinc oxidation products and the two-way transport of the activating chemicals [13].
The material of the tie-wire shall be stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant material to prevent surface corrosion during transportation and storage. The tie-wires shall be die-cast to the zinc core and not welded or screwed. The distance between the tie-wires shall be well-spaced to prevent tie-wire corrosion due to the accumulation of water and oxygen in the gap between the tie-wires [13].
GAP Test – All individual and instantaneous output current measured from the GA during the first 100 days of the GAP test with an applied potential difference of 1 V shall be more than 200 µA.
9GAP test – The cumulative electrical charge passed (i.e., the area under the Output Current Vs Time of Applied Potential Difference curve) during the first 100 days of the GAP test with an applied potential difference of 1 V shall be more than 3000 Coulomb.
Table 3
Specifications for galvanic anodes for concrete applications
Zinc composition of the galvanic metal
(as per ASTM B416 -16a)
90 to 100%
Open circuit potential of the anode metal (without removing the encapsulating mortar) after immersion in water for 15 minutes
< −1000 mV versus Cu/CuSO4 electrode
Calculated pH of the alkali-activated encapsulating mortar surrounding the anode metal until the target service life
> 13.6
Porosity of encapsulating mortar for anodes intended to be used in atmospherically exposed concrete elements (measured as per ASTM D4404-10) [28]. This point is not applicable for anodes intended to be used in submerged conditions.
> 20%
Material of tie-wire
Stainless steel or corrosion-resistant metal
Distance between the tie-wires, where they protrude out of the anode metal
> 0.5 mm
Connection between anode metal and tie-wire(s)
Tie-wires must be die-cast into the anode metal.
Note: Screw connection or welded connections are not allowed.
GAP Test – All individual and instantaneous output current measured from the GA during the first 100 days of the GAP test with an applied potential difference of 1 Volt
> 200 µA
GAP Test – Cumulative electrical charge passed (i.e., area under the Output Current Vs Time of Applied Potential Difference curve) during the first 100 days of GAP test with an applied potential difference of 1 Volt
> 3000 Coulomb