The BG-Counter uses infrared light emitting diodes and light detectors to discriminate mosquitoes from other objects [16]. The signal detected by the light sensors is dependent on size and wingbeat frequency of the insects. Additionally, the BG-Counter is fitted with sensors for temperature, relative humidity, and ambient light. By using a 4G cellular communication module and a SIM card, it can transmit all data to an online server every 15 minutes. Thereby, the BG-Counter can also be controlled remotely, i.e. the fan can be switched on or off and the CO2 outlet can be opened or closed.
Two different traps were used with the BG-Counter (Fig. 1). The standard version, as suggested in the BG-Counter user manual, consisting of the BG-Pro, BG-Counter 2 and BG-Trap Station (CO2-Pro) and a second version converting the standard version into a combination of a CO2 and gravid trap (CO2-Pro-gravid). For the gravid version, the entire trap was turned 180°. Beneath the gravid trap, a water container (2.6 l) is placed with approximately 60 g of hay pellets and a tablet containing toxins of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Culinex Tab plus, Becker GmbH, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany), preventing the development of mosquitoes. For the CO2-Pro-gravid version, the fabric trap body is not attached since the catch bag otherwise would be squashed by its weight (Fig. 1). Both, the standard and CO2-Pro-gravid version, were used with the adjustable pressure regulator set to 1.5 kg/day. As a technical note, the BG-Counter cannot simply be turned around, since the sensor openings would be exposed to rain allowing the entry of moisture (Additional file 1: Fig. S1). The entering funnel has to be replaced by a thread adapter enabling the connection of the BG-Counter to the BG-Pro trap in upside down position. For this purpose, new holes were drilled into the thread adapter and countersunk since the screw heads would prevent the mounting to the trap.
In 2021, mosquitoes were collected at 19 different sampling sites in Germany (Fig. 2). A total of 27 traps were deployed, comprising of ten CO2-Pro traps and 17 CO2-Pro-gravid traps. Eight sampling sites were equipped with both trap versions, nine sites were exclusively equipped with the CO2-Pro-gravid version and two sites were equipped with the CO2-Pro trap version only. During each sampling event, the traps were running for approximately 24 hours. A unique label was placed in the capturing net and preserved at -20°C until further analysis. The sampling took place from April until October, and was mainly conducted in private gardens in cooperation with volunteers. Six sampling sites were sampled as often as possible (nearly daily), five sampling sites were sampled weekly and eight on a biweekly basis. The distance between the two trap versions was not standardised but chosen regarding the available space, access to electrical sockets and the convenience of the voluntary helpers. It ranged between 5 and 20 m. At one site, the distance was shorter but the traps were separated by a garden shed. Thus, an interaction between the traps at the sampling sites for the trap comparison cannot be completely excluded. A 12V portable freezer (Dometic CFX3 55, Dometic, Solna, Sweden) was used to maintain the cold chain during transport to the laboratory. All female mosquitoes were identified by morphological analysis, using a taxonomic key [17]. Additionally, the blood-fed status of the caught mosquitoes was assessed using the Sella score [18], categorizing mosquitoes as unfed (Sella score 1) or as blood-fed from freshly engorged to gravid (Sella score 2–7).
The BG-Counter data were downloaded as CSV file and the same unique ID was generated as used for the capturing nets. The unique ID was then used to align the identification data with the BG-Counter data. All counted and identified mosquitoes were summarized per sampling event. Additionally, the counting accuracy was calculated using the formulas published by Day et al. [15]. In the case the counter undercounted the mosquitoes, the formula was the automatic count divided by the manual count times 100. In case the BG-Counter overcounted the actual number of mosquitoes, the formula was the manual count divided by the automatic count times 100. In order to assess if the BG-Counters transmitted data successfully, we compared the amount of morphologically identified trap days with the trap days delivered by the BG-Counter. To analyse the differences in the trapping efficiency and counting accuracy between CO2-Pro and CO2-gravid traps, only the nine sampling sites equipped with both trap versions were considered and only the trap days with corresponding data of both trap versions. Additionally, the mean accuracy, the mean number of caught mosquitoes and the mean number of mosquitoes caught with a Sella score above 1 was calculated and compared between the two trap versions. For each sampling event, the Shannon diversity index was calculated and statistically compared between the two trap versions using a Kruskal-Wallis tests. This statistical analysis only considered specimens that were identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible [17]. Only for sampling sites with more than ten sampling events per season, spearman correlation coefficients and linear models were calculated for each trap and sampling site to statistically analyse the relationship between the manually identified and automatically counted mosquitoes. A categorical factor was generated, dividing all sample sizes in small (0–10 mosquitoes/24 hours) and large (> 10 mosquitoes/24 hours), since higher accuracies were observed during times of higher mosquito abundance. A linear model with all available data points was fitted with the identified mosquitoes as response and BG-Counter counts as predictor to evaluate the general correlation between both. To resolve the cause of differences in accuracies a binomial generalized linear model was fitted with the accuracy as response and the number of identified mosquitoes and the used trap version as predictors. A second binomial generalized linear model was performed using the accuracy as predictor and the month of capture as response. All computational analysis was performed in R (Version: 4.2.2) using the R-Studio IDE (Version:2022.12.0) [19]. Additionally, functions from the following packages were used for data preparation, visualization and analysis: rstatix [20], dplyr [21], terra [22], sp [23], ggmap [24], ggspatial [25], ggplot2 [26], ggdist [27], ggpubr [28], lubridate [29], tidyr [30], vegan [31] and scales [32].