Blood Pressure Validation Study
In the BP validation study, the smartphone device is compared against an FDA-approved cuff-based device (Omron BP7350). The participant first records a trial measurement using the smartphone to learn how to use the device and practice applying force. The trial measurement is not used for analysis. The cuff-based device is used to measure the participants BP following standard protocols. Immediately afterwards, the participant performs three BP measurements using the smartphone. After completing three BP measurements on the smartphone, the cuff-based device is used to measure the BP again. The full measurement sequence is as follows: cuff, smartphone, smartphone, smartphone, cuff. If the two cuff BP readings were successful, the two BP readings are averaged to provide a ground truth for all three smartphone measurements. If one of the cuff readings failed, the single successful cuff measurement serves as the ground truth.
The participants are also asked to optionally complete a second phase of the data collection involving exercise. The purpose of this exercise phase is to obtain high BP data. The N = 12 consenting participants are asked to perform a wall sit for approximately one minute. During the wall sit, the participants simultaneously measure their BP with the BP cuff device and the smartphone device using contralateral arms. Both BP measurements are initiated approximately ten seconds after the start of the wall sit.
The methods and experimental protocols described here are approved by the UC San Diego Internal Review Board (IRB) under protocol number 804668. The experiments were carried out in accordance with the relevant guidelines and regulations. Informed consent was obtained from all participants.
Blood Pressure Study Participants
A total of N = 30 participants were recruited for the BP proof of concept study. Participant demographic information is available in Table 1. Of the participants recruited, N = 6 participants were excluded from the data analysis. N = 1 participant was unable to perform any valid force measurements; N = 1 participant had low prominence in all measurements; and N = 1 participant had poor gaussian skew fit in all measurements. The other N = 3 excluded participants had a mixture of criteria below.
Participant measurements are excluded based on the following exclusion criteria:
Cuff BP exceeds 155mmHg: If the reference measurement exceeded 160mmHg, the measurement is excluded based on prior research demonstrating that the fingertip and arm BP values differ at extremely high BP values induced from exercise24.
Inconsistent/Undetected Pulse or Excessive Noise: The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the PPG signal between zero and two Hz (frequencies relevant for human pulse) must have a narrow, identifiable peak indicating the pulse rate.
Insufficient Applied Force: The applied force measurement must have a correlation coefficient greater than 0·88. The first 0·5 seconds of the force signal must have a correlation coefficient less than 0·21N. Also, the minimum applied force must be less than six N and the maximum applied force value must be greater than seven N.
Poor Skew Gaussian Fit: The mean absolute error for the normalized Skew Gaussian of best fit must be less than 0·18.
Saturation in PPG signal: If the PPG signal rises above 254 pixel intensity units, the measurement is discarded. This is indicative of the finger being lifted off the smartphone camera during a measurement.
Unchanging in PPG Prominence: The standard deviation of the normalized PPG prominence must be greater than 0·17.
Smartphone Application
For smartphone force estimation and BP studies, we develop a custom application called “VibroBP” to guide users and collect data. The smartphone application, shown in Fig. 1, provides the user with two key visual signifiers. First, the image of the fingertip near the smartphone camera provides an intuitive understanding of how to position the finger. Second, during the force measurement, the smartphone app plots the applied force in real time overlaid with a force guideline. The force guide aids the user to apply the correct amount of force during the measurement.
The application additionally provides the research staff with helpful information during data collection. The PPG signal is plotted in real time before and during the measurement so the research staff can ensure data quality. If the PPG signal is not within the desired range, the research staff can press a button to calibrate the PPG signal before the measurement to ensure the PPG signal is not over- or under- saturated. At the end of the study, the full force and PPG signals are plotted within the application to provide an overview of the data.
Force Dampening Effect Profiling
The proposed smartphone BP measurement method largely depends on accurately estimating force without an attachment. Each smartphone model has its own force dampening effect profile. To characterize the profile, a small-scale data collection is performed on each phone model to capture the vibration modulation at different known forces measured by a force sensitive resistor. This calibration procedure and all studies in the paper are performed on a flat wooden desktop surface.
We conducted this profiling for three different smartphones. With N = 5 participants of various hand sizes, a user applies pressure with their index finger onto a 0·3mm thick force sensor positioned on top of the smartphone front camera. The user applies force with their index finger in the same vertical positioning as the BP measurement. The force sensor, a calibrated, linear force sensor (SingleTact 15mm 4·5N), is placed over the smartphone front camera. The user presses their finger on the force sensor (and smartphone camera) to measure the applied force of the finger and collect smartphone data.
During a measurement, real-time readings from the ground truth force sensor are displayed on a computer screen in front of the user with a force guide. The user is instructed to use real time feedback to follow the force guide in applying a range of pressures. Like the BP measurement, the force guide instructs users to continuously increase the applied force. The study includes three repetitions of a 40 second session of applying a range of forces. These three repetitions are performed by each participant on all three smartphones for a resulting 10 minutes of raw applied force data on each phone (2 minutes per participant).
Vibrometric Force Estimation
For each smartphone, data from the force dampening effect profiling study provides IMU data during a range of applied force values. To estimate force, the IMU profile is used to train a machine learning model for each phone model. The IMU data contains three axis accelerometer data and three axis gyroscope data. Each axis of the IMU data contains high frequency signals from the vibration motor as well as noise at lower frequencies. The applied force from the finger most significantly affects the amplitude of the signal oscillation. To leverage this understanding, the rolling standard deviation of each axis of the accelerometer and gyroscope data serve as features. The features most significantly correlated to the force data are included as model inputs, while other features are excluded. With these IMU data features as inputs, a regression model (multivariate linear regression model or gradient boosting) is trained using a ten percent holdout for validation. This process is repeated for each smartphone such that a distinct force estimation model exists for each smartphone model.
Smartphone Camera PPG
For the oscillometric BP measurement, we leverage the smartphone camera PPG to sense volumetric changes in blood flow at the transverse palmar arch branch of the digital artery. As the volume of blood flowing through the artery near the fingernail bed changes, the reflective properties of the tissue in the region changes. As such, the smartphone camera can record changes in blood volume by measuring the changes in the reflective properties.
In the study, the phone screen is set to a pure white background with maximal brightness and the user is instructed to place their index finger over the camera (as aided by a visual signifier). The bright white screen illuminates the finger and the camera records pixel intensity changes in the red channel as a proxy for blood volume changes. To account for skin tone and lighting variations, the smartphone performs the calibration outlined in Xuan and Barry et. al.21 with the user’s finger over the camera. This calibration protects against under- or over- saturated PPG measurements.
Oscillometry and Blood Pressure Estimation
During the smartphone BP measurement, the smartphone camera records the PPG signal while the user exerts force with the index finger on the camera. Applying force causes changes in the PPG signal to create an oscillogram shape. When the applied force is greater than the diastolic BP, the blood volume during the systolic pulse phase increases and the blood volume in the diastolic phase decreases. The total volume of blood flowing through the artery is approximately the same, but pressure on the artery causes more blood to flow through at the systolic pulse phase and less at the diastolic pulse phase. This increases the prominence of the PPG signal. When the applied force surpasses the mean arterial pressure, the blood volume begins to be limited even during the systolic phase of the pulse. As such, the systolic phase PPG prominence begins to decrease and the blood volume during the diastolic phase approaches zero. The PPG prominence continues to decrease even after the applied force surpasses the systolic BP. As the pressure increases, the signal will decrease to zero (or noise) as the blood flows through the artery during both the systolic and diastolic phase approach zero.
A plot of the pulse prominence through the range of applied forces (from less than diastolic BP to greater than systolic BP) creates a Gaussian or skew Guassian-like shape that we refer to as the oscillogram. The oscillometric method utilized by most FDA approved BP cuffs and numerous prior academic works utilize the oscillogram shape to estimate BP7. Our method of estimating BP relies on the features and findings identified in prior work.
We generate eleven features by focusing on features and concepts previously identified in prior work22 for oscillometric BP measurements. The following features are included in the BP estimation model: the applied force at the maximum prominence value, maximum gradient, minimum gradient, applied force at the maximum gradient, applied force at the minimum gradient, the maximum value of the oscillogram, prominence at the maximum gradient, prominence at the minimum gradient, applied force at the maximal low pass filtered PPG values, and applied force at the maximum gradient of low pass filtered PPG values. The concepts for these key features are visualized in Fig. 3 part A.
These key features of the oscillometric method are the only inputs into our BP prediction model. Note that the attributes related to exercise including heart rate and pulse shape are not included in the features provided to the model. Additionally, indirect measurements of heart rate or pulse are further avoided by interpolating all oscillograms to have the same number of points with the same force values. With the key features, we trained a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression model to predict systolic and diastolic measures of BP23. The model is trained and tested using a hold one participant out validation. In this training scheme, the model is trained on all data excluding the one or more BP measurements from a single participant. The model is then used to predict the BP of the holdout participant. This process is repeated for each participant.