Simple indexes.
An indispensable condition from perspective of ecosystem monitoring is the reliability of the assessment of changes in the population size of target species and in their share in the community. Despite the criticism, simple relative abundance indices continue to be used due to lower research costs or when long-term studies are not possible (McKelvey and Pearson 2001, Gomes et al. 2011; Gentili et al. 2014). The use of simple indices to study biodiversity is possible if the indices correctly reflect the scale of differences in population sizes. We found that estimates of relative abundance obtained over a fairly short period of time (3 days) acceptably corresponded to actual population densities. However, when using these indices to estimate inter-annual population densities, we found that for individual species, significant agreement between actual population densities and indices only emerged from day 7 onwards. Even the simplest catchability index (counter number of captures) from the 7th day correctly reflected the scale of differences, both interspecific and inter-annual, in population density under our trapping protocol. The catch index, which counted number of individuals, is the most alike to catchability under removal trapping. The latter index a bit more accurately reflected population density, but its value notably changed with the longevity of the study, while the index, which counted number of captures, remained almost similar over all time of the observations.
Estimation of a resource flow, mediated by biomass, is a relevant component in some ecosystem studies (Vandewalle et al., 2010; Wilman et al. 2014; Barnes et al. 2016; Suárez-Castro et al. 2022). The possession of a home range is crucial for the survival of small mammals (Fleming 1979; Krebs and Davies 2009). Assaying resource flows in individual habitats we have to know whether population in a plot is local, or represented by animals casually visited an area. We believed that local animals were closely related to the resources of the area where they lived, that is, they had in this territory their home ranges in terms of Burt (1943). Kie et al. (2010) considered “a home range as the area an animal knows and maintains in its memory because the area has some value” (p. 2228). Similar is understanding home range as a “part of an animal’s cognitive map of its environment that it chooses to keep updated” (Powell and Mitchell 2012). Given that the important area requires repeated visits, we could estimate significance of the area by the repeated captures. Using mean interval between the repeated captures we found that most of the observed species could be reliably distinguished as residents under our protocol of trapping. This was the reason to study indexes specifically related to resident animals.
Indexes of both catchability (number of captures) and catch (number of individuals) of residents depend on the number of animals identified as resident, and one could expected that longer observation is required to get indexes corresponded with actual abundance. Interestingly. in our study resident catchability and catch indexes, although they were based on different number of residents detected for a period, hence had different values, significantly corresponded to population density since the 3rd day in the general sample. Nonetheless, the reliability of these indexes increased markedly after 7th day of the study. Similar to the general indexes, significant agreement between the inter-annual population density and resident indices emerged from day 7 onwards.
Note, the value of indexes related to count of individuals, and residents in particular, were critically dependent on the arrangement of traps and the longevity of the study. As a result, the indexes are comparable only when traps of an invariant type are used under the same arrangement in space and with invariant number of trapping days.
Based on the results of this study. we can conclude that the use of simple indices is acceptable in research when it is necessary to monitor changes in population density and community structure in a specific area. Clearly, using of such indexes required application of invariant trapping protocol. However, even in this case the indexes should be used with caution, as it is known that the probability of capture could vary among sites and seasons, thus the indexes may vary irrespectively of invariant protocol (Slade and Blair 2000; Parsons et al. 2023). Our study was conducted at a permanent site during similar seasons for species with roughly similar home range sizes, and we have no idea whether we will find an agreement between interspecific differences in absolute abundance with other species or between different habitats or seasons.
Population density.
Absolute abundance of individuals is commonly estimated as the population density, i.e. a number of individuals permanently living on some unit of area, usually a hectare. This assessment involves counting the animals that permanently lived on the studied plot during the study period. Typically, population density can be estimated using CMR at live trap grids. Establishing of a grid is a time consuming, observations on a grid is also take a large time, and as a result, the study is commonly attached to some constant, relatively small area. All these circumstances limit the ability to directly estimate population density using CMR at a large scale. Arranging traps in a line significantly increases the surveyed area, allows for an integrative assessment of the population in the habitat, and the line can be easily established in a new site. Therefore, we try to find way to estimate population density using line data. There have been suggested two ways of calculation of population density using line data (Kalinin 2012; Shchipanov 2020). In both calculations we based on Calhoun and Casby (1958) model of parametric distribution of spatial activity of animals at their home ranges. The criticism of the model is related to the configuration of the home range area, which is fare from the ideal circle. Indeed, each particular home range has a complex structure and configuration, with a number of foci of various "normal" activities (Kie et al. 2010; Powell and Mitchell 2012). However, when aligned along central coordinates, the distribution of activity of many individuals in space tends to a regular circle. This may be regarded as home range of an average individual of a species. Since the distribution of activity in such a home range could be predicted based on the normal distribution, we could calculate the distance from the line at which the animal can be detected as a resident. It should be emphasized that we used Sd of distances from the central coordinate as a measure of spatial activity of the average individual of a species, but not as an accurate estimate of home range. It is clear that we are not actually observing a distribution of activity that perfectly matches what would be expected from a normal distribution, but if the error is not too large, we might consider the estimate based on Sd of distances from activity center to be appropriate.
In our previous calculations we tried to assess the accurate number of animals lived within some zone encompassed the probability of capture of a resident animal (Kalinin 2012; Shchipanov 2020). There were rather complex and equivocal calculations. Here we tested more simple calculation based on full revealing of residents with correction of the width of observed (along the line) swath in accordance to the current activity of animals. The accuracy of this estimate depends on the correct determination of the number of residents. We verified that virtually all small mammals living on the site could be reliably identified as resident within a 14-day trapping session. Also, the estimate is sensitive to the correctness of calculation Sd of distances from activity center. We suggest to use standard deviations for the set of data accumulated for all the years of a study, the average Sd, for the classes when < 50 distances could be taken for analyses. However, keeping in mind, that home ranges may vary according to the direct and indirect influences of weather, food store, and population density (McNab 1963), we should note that the average Sd may produce larger errors, than Sd calculated for a given year. The best results were obtained when we used the “average” Sd calculated from all data obtained in all study years for the cases with fewer than 50 distances in a sample, and the actual Sd in years when we had more.
As a result of the study, we found that the population density calculated in this way from linear data correlates well with the grid population density; the adjusted R2 of the model turned out to be above 0.9. Although, the error of the estimate made on average a quarter to actual density, this high percentage resulted from relatively small number of animals lived on the grid. As, for example, 25% for 20 animals/ha made 5, i.e. if we found on the grid (0.65 ha) 13, the error will made ± 3 individual.
Therefore, we believe that the density calculated with this way on lines could be used as a rough measure of population density for purposes of estimation the magnitude of resource flow.