Study Site and Vegetation
Our longitudinal study of vegetation was conducted in Kibale National Park, Uganda spanning the period from the first assessment of forest composition conducted in December 1978 to the resampling of the same plots completed in May 2019 – 40 years and 5 months apart. The 795 km2 park is in western Uganda (0° 13' - 0° 41' N and 30° 19' - 30° 32' E) near the foothills of the Rwenzori Mountains (Struhsaker 1997; Chapman and Lambert 2000). Kibale is dominated by mid-altitude (920 - 1590 m), moist-evergreen forest that receives a mean annual rainfall of 1655 mm (1970 – 2020).
Rainfall data were collected immediately adjacent to the study area. The daily rainfall data were summarized per month. The collection of these meteorological data was maintained through rebel intrusions into the park and the COVID19 pandemic and data for only 8 of a total 612 months were incomplete and thus not included. For the missing 8 months, we fitted an ARIMA time series model with Fourier terms for seasonality to interpolate these values using all other values. Temperature data (daily minimum and maximum) were collected over the same period. However, thermometers had to be replaced several times, and they were relocated twice (first by a distance of ~ 1 km, and then by only 30 m). An analysis of the temperature data from 1970 until 2020 indicated that these changes in thermometer and location (hereafter sources) had impacts on measured temperature that were challenging to control for. For example, the magnitude of the difference between minimum and maximum temperature appears to vary with the source (i.e., some thermometers show higher max. temperature, hereafter Tmax, and lower min. temperature, hereafter Tmin). Therefore, we used the TerraClimate dataset (; (Abatzoglou et al. 2018). Temperature from this dataset was correlated with the different monthly temperature sources measured on the ground (Pearson’s correlation coefficient for Tmax: 0.46 – 0.80; for Tmin: 0.14 – 0.40).
There has been a long history of human presence in the Kibale region. Pollen analyses and archeological studies indicate that there was widespread deforestation throughout much of Uganda between 2000 and 5000 years ago associated with the spread of Bantu-speaking agriculturalists (Langdale-Brown, Osmaston and Wilson 1964; Hamilton 1974; Hamilton 1984; Hamilton, Taylor and Vogel 1986; Taylor, Marchant and Robertshaw 1999). Sediment cores near the study site indicate a second period of forest clearing at approximately 400 years ago (Taylor, Marchant and Robertshaw 1999). Potsherds and grinding stones have been found in the forest (Struhsaker 1975; Mitani, Struhsaker and Lwanga 2000; Isabirye-Basuta and Lwanga 2008; Chesterman et al. 2019) and the decorations on the pottery are typical of the period between 200 to 400 years ago (Isabirye-Basuta and Lwanga 2008). In the 1950s, Osmaston (1959) described a small long-abandoned church in the center of the forest and soil analysis indicates that the grasslands enclosed within Kibale are of anthropogenic origin (Lang Brown and Harrop 1962). Kibale forest was established as a Crown Reserve between 1926 and 1932 for sustained hardwood timber production and became a National Park in 1993 (Struhsaker 1997; Naughton-Treves 1999; Chapman, Struhsaker and Lambert 2005). The study area in Kibale (K-30, 282 ha) was not logged and there was no timber harvest before 1970 (Struhsaker 1975) and none has occurred since. Kibale is now well protected from poaching, timber harvesting, and agricultural encroachment. The Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) regularly (9.2 days a month; data from 2005 to 2017) sends out patrols to prevent encroachment (Hou et al. 2021) and poaching by snaring game is limited by find-and-remove programs (Hartell et al. 2020).
Botanical Sampling and Species Categorization
In August 1971, transects were established along compass bearings and all woody plants greater than 10 m in height within 2.5 m of the center of the transect were identified. The set of transects were 2833 m in length in an area of approximately 2 km2. The transects were resampled in December 1978, at which time the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of the trees was measured. We used these 1978 data (436 trees) to ensure that the same trees were sampled at different times. These transects have been maintained over the decades. The transects were resampled in May and June 2018 and 2019 and differences in the presence or absence of trees were investigated and clarified and 2019 measurements were used in analyses (Table 1).
We categorized species as light-demanding or shade-tolerant from a statistical assessment of stem distribution among habitats described in Zanne and Chapman (2005) (see also Zanne, Chapman and Kitajima 2005). Briefly, over two years Zanne and Chapman (2005) quantified tree density (newly germinated seedlings to adults) in each of four canopy types (closed canopy forest, treefall gaps, forest/ grassland edge, and grassland) for 63 species. For rare species not found in these habitat plots, categorization is based on descriptions in Eggling and Dale (Eggeling and Dale 1952), Polhill (1952-), Hamilton (1991), Katende et al. (1995), Lwanga (1996), and an independent assessment made by Peter Grubb, based on his observations of seedlings and saplings in Kibale and elsewhere (Grubb, P. pers. comm.). Since the disturbance that occurred in Kibale happened a few hundred years ago, we are not considering pioneer species that rapidly colonise after disturbance and die out 20-40 years later (e.g., Cecropia, Muntingia, Trema).
Large canopy-level trees were assigned as large-gap specialists if they preferentially recruited into gaps that were larger than those created by tree falls (Langdale-Brown, Osmaston and Wilson 1964; Chapman et al. 1999; Chapman et al. 2008; Isabirye-Basuta and Lwanga 2008). Building on habitat associations of trees in Kibale (Zanne and Chapman 2005), Chapman et al. (2010a) identified four large-gap species that were not early successional (pioneer) species (i.e., species that die within 20-40 years after they colonize a disturbance). These four species often become canopy level trees in old-growth forest: – Celtis africana, Celtis durandii, Diospyros abyssinica, and Funtumia latifolia. The lifespan of these trees is unknown, but it is likely that they live at least a few hundred years. To further verify if these species typically recruit after large anthropogenic disturbances, we established seven 200 by 10 m plots in the study area and seven similar plots in a large disturbed area immediately adjacent to the study area (Nyakatojo 86.2 ha). This disturbed area was an anthropogenically derived grassland, dominated by elephant grass (Pennisetum purpurem), but between 1967 and 1968 the area was converted to a pine plantation (Kingston 1967; Struhsaker 1975). The pines were harvested in 1998 and the natural forest was left to regenerate (Zanne et al. 2001; Duncan and Chapman 2003; Omeja et al. 2016). We expected that the four species that usually recruit into large disturbed areas would dominate this recently disturbed area. This proved to be true and thus these four species were used to test Prediction 4; that they would decline in abundance over the 40 years as they were expected to recruit fewer trees than other species.
Changes in Seed Disperser and Herbivore Populations
To evaluate if changes in the abundance of the seed dispersing frugivores (F) or herbivores (H) have driven species shifts in the tree community (Predictions 1 and 2), we monitored changes in the relative abundance of the following mammal species; primates - redtail monkeys (Cercopithecus ascanius - F), blue monkeys (C. mitis - F), and mangabeys (Lophocebus albigena - F), red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles – H) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza - H); ungulates - red duiker (Cephalophusharveyi – H), blue duiker (Cephalophusmoniticola - H), and bushbuck (Tragelaphusscriptus - H); pigs bushpig (Potamochoerus larvatus - H); and elephants - forest elephants (Loxodonta cyclotis - H), savanna elephants (Loxodonta africana - H), and their hybrids.
A single species may have multiple ecological roles, such as sometimes being a folivore, but also eating fruits and dispersing seeds. The classification of predominantly F or H was based on published descriptions of animal species’ diets ((Oates 1977; Rudran 1978; Olupot 1998; Chapman, Chapman and Gillespie 2002; Stickler 2004; Rode et al. 2006; Struhsaker 2017) and extensive observation and sampling of dung (CAC unpublished data). The potential effects of elephants and the primates on forest dynamics are clearly documented (Wing and Buss 1970; Oates 1977; Rudran 1978; Olupot 1998; Chapman, Chapman and Gillespie 2002; Stickler 2004; Rode et al. 2006; Omeja et al. 2014). However, these effects are not so clear for less well-known duikers, bushbuck, and bushpigs. While, duikers are largely frugivorous, acting as seed dispersers (Gautier-Hion, Emmons and Dubost 1980; McCoy 1995; Brugiere et al. 2002; Molloy and Hart 2002), their effect on seedling dynamics is only partially understood (Lwanga 1994). Bushbuck are browsers (Gautier-Hion, Emmons and Dubost 1980) but their influence on forest dynamics is not known. Bushpigs forage on the forest floor often eating tubers and are known to prey on seeds of several prominent canopy tree species, including: Balanites wilsoniana, Chrysophyllum albidum, Cordia millenii, Mimusops bagshawei, and Parinari excelsa. While some seeds pass through their gut intact, this is uncommon (Rafael Reyna-Hurtado unpublished data, Ghiglieri et al. 1982). Their role in forest dynamics is poorly understood.
We assessed primate abundance (groups/km walked) in six censuses, each of a year’s duration, between 1970 and 2019 (1970 (Struhsaker 1975), 1980 (Skorupa 1988), 1996, 2005, 2014, 2019 (Chapman et al. 2010b; Chapman et al. 2018a, Chapman 2019 unpublished data). We conducted 165 transect walks and covered 660 km. To minimize sources of error, we used the same methods each year and walked the same 4 km transect once per month for 12 months. Censuses were conducted between 0700 hours and 1400 hours at a speed of approximately 1 km/hr. The census team comprised experienced observers. With these methods, we estimated the number of groups/km walked. It is impossible to obtain accurate group counts during these censuses because some species occurred in groups of over 150 animals, while the cryptic behaviour of others make it difficult to detect all individuals. Thus, we separately evaluated group size in three periods (July 1996–May 1998, July 2010–May 2011; May 2017-May 2018, N = 220 group counts; (see Gogarten et al. 2015 for an analysis of the first two periods). Three observers spent approximately eight days each month with the sole aim of accurately estimating group sizes.
For duiker, bushbuck, bushpig and elephants, we evaluated changes in abundance through track and dung counts made in 1996, 2005, 2014, and 2019 along the same 4 km transect used to determine the abundance of the primates. A single set of tracks in a line was counted as one sighting. Both dung and tracks were removed after they were counted to ensure that they were not repeatedly counted. The tracks and dung of the two duiker species can be distinguished when the sign is of good quality, but quality declines over time and depends on the season and environment. Thus, it was not always possible to distinguish the species, so we report a combined duiker value. Censuses of duiker, bushbuck, and bushpigs in Kibale are available from prior to 1996 (Nummelin 1990; McCoy 1995; Struhsaker 1997; Lwanga 2006); however, there are methodological differences among studies (Struhsaker 1997) that make comparisons problematic.
To examine Prediction #1 that changes in the abundance of seed dispersing frugivores results in a corresponding change in the abundance of fruit-bearing tree species, we determined the 10 most frequently used fruiting tree species for blue monkeys (Rudran 1978), redtail monkeys (Stickler 2004 only in the K30 area), and mangabeys (Olupot 1998 data from 1992 and 1993). These species often eat fruits from the same species and this comparison produced 17 tree species that were examined for changes in their abundance (Table 2). Prediction #2 was evaluated for folivorous primates and the tree species most likely to be killed by colobine foraging (2013a) were monitored for their change in abundance from 1978 to 2019 (Table 3). In addition, for Prediction #2 we expected that tree species preferred by elephants would change in abundance with changes in elephant numbers. The species preferred by elephants were determined from several studies (Kasenene 1980; Kasenene 1984; Kasenene 1987; Lwanga 1994; Struhsaker, Lwanga and Kasenene 1996; Omeja et al. 2014) (Table 4). To quantify elephant feeding preferences their tree species selection ratio was calculated (for details of the calculation see Omeja et al. 2014). A ratio greater than one indicates the species was selectively browsed. The foraging preferences of bushpigs, duiker, or bushbuck are insufficiently known to permit predictions of how they may affect forest composition change. However, we report on changes in the abundance of these species so that evaluations may be made in the future.
We estimated sampling saturation or completeness and species richness of the tree community using the estimator of sample coverage in the R package ‘iNEXT’ (Hsieh, Ma and Chao 2013). Because species richness is not sensitive to species abundances and gives disproportionate weight to rare species, we measured tree species diversity with Hill’s numbers (Jost 2006), using the ‘entropart’ package (Marcon and Hérault 2013) for R version 4.0.2 (R-Core-Team 2020). We used the following Hill’s numbers (Gotelli and Chao 2013): species richness (0D); the number of ‘common’ species in the community (1D) measured as the exponential of Shannon’s entropy; and the number of ‘very abundant’ or ‘dominant’ species in the community (2D), measured as the inverse of the Simpson index (Chao, Chiu and Hsieh 2012).
Climate change influences forest plant community composition and structure, either directly (e.g., causing tree or seedling death) or indirectly (e.g., causing the disruption of processes such as pollination). We investigated changes in several descriptors of climate over the period 1970-2019. For rainfall, we examined annual totals and monthly averages calculated over the entire period. For both maximum and minimum temperature (Tmax and Tmin), we examined mean annual monthly temperatures, and monthly means over the period 1970-2019. In addition to general summaries, including mean values, and the range of values, we examined the variation (Coefficient of Variation; CV) in annual trends from 1970 to 2019 using a time series decomposition. For rainfall, Tmin, and Tmax, we applied a “Seasonal and Trend decomposition using Loess” (STL) in the ‘fabletools’ package for R. We applied linear models to the trend component from these decompositions as the outcome variable and date as the predictor variable.