The present study showed a sharp decline in the proportion of patients requiring at least 4 RBCs within the first 24 h after trauma and a significant decrease in the proportion of high FFP:RBC ratio administration at 6 h and 24 h. From 2011 onwards, an increasing number of the study population received TXA, reaching 100% compliance in 2014. The proportion of patients receiving fibrinogen also appeared to increase over time, although not significantly. It seemed that good adherence to the ROTEM® protocol was observed since the administration of fibrinogen concentrate was significantly associated with the indication given by the ROTEM® protocol, in univariate analysis. Although observed mortality was higher in the high FFP:RBC ratio group than in the low ratio group, the proportion of observed deaths, when compared to expected deaths, was significantly lower, irrespective of FFP:RBC ratio type or time of application.
The reduction in the proportion of transfused patients and volumes administered, as well as the reduction in high FFP:RBC ratios over the study period, could be due to improvement in the overall therapeutic management strategy as depicted by the optimisation of radioembolisation techniques [24] and establishment of a dedicated trauma team [25–27]. Similar results have also very recently been reported by another French trauma centre [28]. Of note, there was no significant change in the annual proportion of patients who underwent embolisation and/or haemostatic surgical management (data not shown). Another hypothesis is the possible decrease in patient severity over time reported in the area, due to improvement in road safety measures [29]. However, patient severity in the present study was stable. Indeed the most robust injury severity score, ISS, did not change over time, similarly to the nRTS, nTRISS, age, and D30 mortality. Although there was a decrease in the median MGAP score between 2011 and 2016, this change is not clinically relevant as the scores remained within the same range (19–23) of the intermediate risk group. Thus a decrease in patient severity was not observed herein, likely reflecting a recruitment bias, since the cohort consisted only of patients admitted to the TRU and transfused ≥ 4 RBCs. Indeed, although there may be fewer severe patients, the more severe ones are always referred to the TRU.
Due to the study design, it is difficult to assess the impact of systematic TXA administration or the use of a ROTEM® protocol on the observed changes. In the CRASH 2 population study, TXA reduced all-cause mortality by 1.5% (from 16–14.5%) and reduced the risk of death due to bleeding (4.9% vs 5.7%; relative risk 0.85, 95%CI [0.76;0.96]; p = 0.0077). However, the benefit of TXA on mortality is probably underestimated by the low proportion of patients transfused in this study (50% of the population) [11]. Moreover, another recent study showed that early pre-hospital administration of TXA led to clot stabilisation and a reduction in fibrinolytic activity as measured by ROTEM® [30]. To the best of our knowledge, no study has specifically demonstrated the benefit of TXA in reducing transfusions in traumatised patients. However, standardisation of TXA administration showed a significant benefit in the context of hip and knee arthroplasty, including reductions in: perioperative haemoglobin decrement (20%), patients transfused (45%), and number of units transfused per patient (62%) [31]. Concerning the possible impact of using a ROTEM® protocol for the administration of coagulation factors, a retrospective study with trauma patients found significantly lower observed mortality when compared to the mortality predicted by the TRISS (24.4% vs 33.7%; p = 0.032) [32]. Another retrospective study on cardiovascular surgery patients showed that the use of a ROTEM® protocol resulted in a reduction of blood product transfusions but did not influence mortality [33]. Of important note, ROTEM® was introduced in 2004 in the TRU but its use by the physician was improved when its relocation to the haemostasis laboratory occurred in 2010. It would have been interesting to compare the present data to those of previous years but, unfortunately, the RESUVal database did not include data prior to this period.
The proportion of observed deaths, when compared to expected deaths, was significantly lower, irrespective of FFP:RBC ratio type or time of application. These results are discordant with French guidelines [10] reporting that a decrease in mortality should be expected with the use of high FFP:RBC ratios. These recommendations are largely based on the findings of the Banghu meta-analysis [34] indicating a 51% mortality reduction with the use of high FFP:RBC ratios. If this were the case, we would have expected an increase in observed mortality compared to expected mortality for the low FFP:RBC ratio group. Herein, the decrease in proportion of observed deaths was also not related to time of application for high FFP:RBC ratios. This again is not in line with the PROMMTT study [35] that showed a better survival for patients when high FFP:RBC ratios were applied at 6 h vs. 24 h. These results suggest an improvement in patient prognosis due to overall medical management, regardless of the FFP:RBC ratio applied. Importantly, the study population included a low proportion of haemodynamically unstable patients, few penetrating trauma cases, and less anticoagulant or antiplatelet treatments than other study populations. Nevertheless, according to Davenport's coagulopathy definition [15], the present cohort included a particularly large proportion of patients with trauma induced coagulopathy (74% of PTr ≥ 1.2 on admission).
Despite the decline in use of plasma reported here, more than half of the patients still benefited from high ratio administration in 2016, suggesting the importance of plasma transfusion in the management of trauma patients. When indicated, the efficacy of plasma administration would certainly be improved by early application through the use, for instance, of lyophilised plasma which is now available [36].
This study has a number of limitations. First, this is a retrospective study in its design, although the collection of information was done in a prospective manner using a computerised and centralised database. These data allowed us to objectively highlight the change in the transfusion practices in real-life conditions. Second, the study included a small patient population due to both the single-centre design of the study and the short period of inclusion. However, a multi-centre study would not have allowed investigation of the practices of the present TRU, which was the primary objective of the current study. Moreover, including patients before 2011 would have made the analysis difficult due to the extreme diversity in clinical practices prior to that time. We could have included more patients by decreasing the transfusion volume of inclusion, but it would have been less relevant for the analysis of the FFP:RBC ratios. Third, the groups high vs. low ratios were not similar. Due to the design of the study and the small number of patients, multivariate analysis, to eliminate comparability bias between groups, could not be performed. Groups were therefore compared to themselves using the n-TRISS score. Lastly, adherence to the ROTEM® protocol did not reach 100% over the study period. However, a 75% adherence can be considered good given that a multi-centre study showed that only 24% of patients in intensive care units received fully compliant care [37]. Moreover, the majority of protocol deviations occurred in 2011, at the start of protocol implementation.