Genetic diversity
All sampled sub-regions were characterised by high mitochondrial diversity, including the three newly assessed sub-regions (island of Ireland, Southwest England, German/ Danish North Sea). Samples from the island of Ireland displayed very high diversity, similar to Northwest Scotland, the Orkney Islands and France, whereas grey seals sampled in the German/ Danish North Sea and Southwest England had lower yet nonetheless high levels of diversity, similar to those of East Scotland and Northeast England. Considering that no restriction to maternal gene flow was detected (see below), the lower levels of diversity observed in the latter regions may potentially be attributed to sampling biases resulting from sampling stranded individuals and the varying representation of age-sex groups between sub-regions, and/or differences in effective population size between sub-regions. Effective population size is known to affect genetic diversity of populations whereby populations with larger effective population size show evidence for higher genetic diversity (e.g. Peart et al., 2020). This correlation is in line with observed diversity patterns where seals sampled for instance in Scotland show very high genetic diversity and the area is home to large numbers of breeding seals (SCOS, 2021). In comparison, breeding grey seal numbers in Germany and Denmark, though increasing, are much lower, as grey seals only recently recolonised this sub-region. Further, both mitochondrial and nuclear diversity were found to be higher in comparison to the other resident seal species in European waters, the harbour seal (Andersen et al., 2011; Olsen et al., 2017, Steinmetz et al, 2022), again reflecting the typical pattern of lower genetic diversity for small and/ or geographically constrained populations (e.g. of harbour seals) in contrast to higher observed diversity in larger and/ or wider ranging populations (e.g. of grey seals).
Nuclear diversity was also high across the three newly sampled sub-regions assessed in the current study (island of Ireland, Southwest England, Germany/ Denmark) with the lowest diversity being found for Southwest England. However, as the sample size was relatively small for this sub-region (n = 15), results may not reflect the true level of variation. Consistent with the relatively high diversity observed in the current study, FIS values were close to zero for all three sub-regions, indicating no evidence of inbreeding. Besides current levels of diversity, no recent population bottlenecks, or isolation by distance, were detected. A similar level of nuclear diversity within the species has been reported for other sub-regions within the Northeast Atlantic and Baltic Sea (Allen et al., 1995; Graves et al., 2009; Wood et al., 2011; Klimova et al., 2014; Fietz et al., 2016).
Population genetic structure and gene flow
Previously, Klimova et al. (2014) reported the existence of three genetically distinct metapopulations, namely the Northwest Atlantic (including the Sable Island population), the Eastern Atlantic (comprising of the northern UK, including the northern North Sea and the Faroe Islands) and the Baltic Sea, results confirmed by mitochondrial analysis within the current study. Additionally, our results indicated the existence of two intraspecific units within the Eastern Atlantic metapopulation, previously hypothesised by Decker et al. (2017) based on the genetic distinctiveness of seals sampled in France from those sampled in the northern UK. The existence of two intraspecific units is largely supported by pairwise differentiation, though Bayesian clustering (STRUCTURE and TESS) indicated the presence of only one genetic metapopulation within these data, as could be expected given that such approaches do not perform well when differentiation is low.
With regard to the newly processed data, both mitochondrial and nuclear gene flow indicated that grey seals sampled in the island of Ireland belong to the same interbreeding (panmictic) population. Though contemporary patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation are the result of past rather than present segregation patterns, these findings reflect current knowledge of large-scale movements of grey seals in Irish waters based on telemetry data. For instance, individuals tagged in the Southwest of Ireland during the moult (February) were found to use waters all along the west coast, with movements observed to extend into Northern Ireland and Northwest Scotland (Cronin, Pomeroy and Jessopp, 2013; Jessopp, Cronin and Hart, 2013), and seals tagged in the Northwest of Ireland (April) were also found to travel to Scotland (Luck, 2020). On the other hand, individuals tagged in the Southeast (February, April) displayed movements that primarily stayed within the Irish Sea, along the South and extending across to Wales (Cronin et al., 2016).
Mitochondrial findings relating to our newly generated data were broadly consistent with nuclear results with the exception of two findings of pairwise differentiation: (i) mitochondrial (i.e. maternal) gene flow versus significant nuclear differentiation between the island of Ireland and Southwest England, and (ii) significant mitochondrial differentiation versus nuclear evidence for gene flow between the island of Ireland and the German/ Danish North Sea. However, this is likely due to differences in sample size for the two marker types and the inclusion of fewer sub-regions in the nuclear analysis. Further, results from nuclear migration analysis were consistent with mitochondrial findings, but not consistent with nuclear differentiation findings. Specifically, migration analysis identified gene flow between the island of Ireland and Southwest England - whereby Southwest England was found to be a source of migrants for the island of Ireland. Further, nuclear migration analysis found the German/ Danish North Sea to be a source of migrants for the island of Ireland, though this observation is likely due to other sub-regions missing from the nuclear dataset, and these two areas may rather share a common source population. Overall, no mitochondrial structuring was observed between the island of Ireland and Southwest England, France, and the Dutch Wadden/ North Sea, indicating that movements across these areas are reflective of effective migration rates with exchange of breeding migrants. Observed genetic differentiation reflecting past gene flow of this species align with contemporary movement patterns identified from telemetry data within the sub-region, showing movements of grey seals tagged in France (tagged within and outside of breeding) to southern England and Ireland (Vincent et al., 2017), as well as movements of seals tagged in England to the island of Ireland (Carter et al., 2020). In line with Decker et al.’s hypothesis, France and Southwest England showed similar patterns of differentiation to Scotland, the North Sea and the Faroe Islands, while gene flow between Southwest England and France was observed. Such patterns of differentiation to Scotland and the Faroe Islands were also observed for the island of Ireland. Overall, mitochondrial findings indicate that samples from the island of Ireland, Southwest England and France are distinct from other sub-regions except the Dutch Wadden/ North Sea which showed gene flow to all other sub-regions.
Results of the current study support the previous identification of the Orkney Islands as a source population for other sub-regions in Scotland and Northeast England (Klimova et al., 2014), as well as reported gene flow between the Isle of May/ North Rona and the Danish North Sea based on both mitochondrial and nuclear analyses (Fietz et al., 2016). While it has been suggested that the UK grey seal population may be approaching carrying capacity, causing a southward shift in their distribution towards the southern North Sea (Brasseur et al., 2017; SCOS, 2021), seals breeding in the English North Sea have also been reported foraging in Dutch coastal waters with intraspecific competition suggested as a key driver for such transient behaviour (Brasseur et al., 2017). Interestingly, population differentiation between the German/ Danish North Sea and Northeast England as well as East Scotland was significant when excluding known moulted pups, which could be interpreted as a confounding effect due to the inclusion of “vagrant” non-breeding individuals in genetic analyses (e.g. some of the moulted pups sampled in the German/ Danish North Sea may have originated from sub-regions within the UK, and dispersed southward into the GDNS following moulting). In contrast, there was still no significant differentiation between Northwest Scotland and the German/ Danish North Sea after removing moulted pups from the dataset. The former sub-region included samples originating from North Rona, an area that was previously shown to be a source for the Danish North Sea (Fietz et al., 2016). Hence, this area may be a more established source also for the German North Sea. The observation that the island of Ireland and the German/ Danish North Sea were no longer significantly differentiated when removing known moulted pups from the mitochondrial dataset may be an artefact of the large discrepancy in sample size after removal of samples from the dataset, especially regarding the German/ Danish North Sea sub-region. Another explanation, is that both sub-regions may share a common source within the UK, such as Northwest Scotland. The overall lack of genetic differentiation between sub-regions within the North Sea using the whole dataset is not surprising, given the high dispersal potential of the species, also reflected by the observed contemporary movement patterns that have been identified by telemetry studies. These include movements of weaned pups between Heligoland (Germany) and the Wash in Southeast England, the Netherlands and Denmark (Peschko et al., 2020), movements of adult grey seals between the Netherlands (tagged in March, September) and offshore Dutch, Belgian, German (Heligoland) and UK waters, and the observed breeding behaviour of these adult seals in Southeast England (Brasseur et al., 2017). These patterns may suggest that Germany, Denmark and the Dutch Wadden/ North Sea were likely colonised from Scotland and Northeast England, while France was likely colonised from Southwest England – and potentially Wales, which was not included here but from where tagged young grey seals were found stranded during the 1950s in France (Härkönen et al., 2007).
Despite some discrepancies in levels of genetic differentiation between marker types and/ or datasets, findings from the present study provide evidence of low yet significant genetic structuring within the Northeast Atlantic, supporting the hypothesis that the island of Ireland, southwestern England and France show sufficient genetic differentiation to Scotland and the North Sea to constitute a separate MU. It is worth noting that the present study employed a conservative approach so that the presented significance in differentiation (at the p = 0.05 level) was considered sufficient evidence for the delineation of this separate MU. Further, FST can be an imperfect measure of differentiation particularly when using relatively small numbers of loci. In this regard, using a large number of markers (e.g. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, SNPs) has been found to perform better than using microsatellite markers for the analysis of population structure in some cases, specifically where differentiation is low (e.g. Lah et al., 2016), and is recommended for future analysis. Considering the high dispersal potential and the lack of physical boundaries in the marine environment, care needs to be taken when identifying “hard” geographic boundaries between discrete units/ regions and thus it may be appropriate to identify ‘transition zones’ as has been suggested for other marine mammals (Sveegaard et al., 2015). Such a transition zone may exist within the waters off Northwest Scotland, where patterns of genetic differentiation and gene flow connect this region to sub-regions of both proposed MUs (e.g. Southwest England, but also other sites in the UK and southern North Sea), as well as within the English Channel and Dutch North Sea. Scarcity of samples from the latter transition zone limit inference in this regard, although genetic differentiation showed the Dutch North Sea to be connected through gene flow to all sub-regions within both MUs. The identified barrier within the English Channel itself may also be an artefact of the rather low abundance of grey seals along the shores of the English Channel. If the growth of abundance in this area continues, more genetic exchange is likely.
Implications for and recommendations for conservation management
Based on the genetic findings within the current and previous studies, it is recommended to assign samples from the island of Ireland to the same MU, and to designate the following international grey seal MUs: (i) Northwest Atlantic (i.e. Sable Island); (ii) the island of Ireland, southwestern UK (Cornwall), and France; (iii) Faroe Islands, Scotland and the North Sea; and (iv) the Baltic Sea region (Fig. 2). Results from the present genetic study thereby suggest the delineation of two separate AUs within the Northeast Atlantic (incl. the North Sea) as outlined above for assessing abundance trends. This stands in direct contrast to the single AU currently used within these OSPAR Regions, which is based on assumptions dictated by the wide-ranging movement patterns observed by photo-ID and telemetry studies (e.g. Gerondeau et al., 2007; Vincent et al., 2017). However, at the same time those studies (i.e. Vincent et al., 2017) supported a hypothesised potential barrier to gene flow in the English Channel (Decker et al., 2017). The existence of transition zones indicates significant exchanges between the two MUs of the Northeast Atlantic that have to be considered for conservation management.
Despite a substantially widespread effort in obtaining samples from grey seals around the island of Ireland, some areas remain underrepresented in the present study due to logistical and jurisdictional constraints hampering sampling at certain haul-out sites (e.g. Donegal, Northern Ireland) and low seal abundance in some areas (e.g. East Ireland) (Cadhla et al., 2013; Morris and Duck, 2019). Thus, future efforts should aim at increasing sampling effort in these areas, with particular relevance to resolving potential differentiation between the north of Ireland, Northern Ireland and western Scotland, regions between which grey seals are known to move frequently (e.g. Carter et al., 2020), as well as grey seals occurring along the Welsh coast, a sub-region not assessed within the current study. Furthermore, grey seals breeding at a certain colony can move to other haul-out sites at other times of the year which are also used by seals from different breeding colonies (Brasseur et al., 2017). Thus, the temporal (breeding versus foraging) origin of samples has important implications for the assessment of population structure in grey seals. As the temporal origin was not known for all samples and the temporal sampling distribution of the current study was uneven, it was not possible to separate data into two datasets in order to assess the specific impact of this parameter. It is hence recommended that future investigations into genetic population structure of grey seals should take this into account, in addition to employing a multidisciplinary approach as described in Steinmetz et al. (2022).
Based on available evidence, it is proposed to delineate two tentative MUs where both the English Channel and the Dutch Wadden/ North Sea, and waters off Northwest Scotland should be treated as transition zones (i.e. zones that display genetic connectivity to both MUs), until further genetic analysis is undertaken, and to use these two intraspecific units as AUs for future OSPAR indicator assessments. Within the English Channel, it is recommended to utilise the ICES fisheries management division boundary (between VIIe and VIId), dividing the western and eastern English Channel, for boundary delineation between the two proposed MUs within the Northeast Atlantic, until further genetic data become available. There are indications of the differential use of the English Channel by grey seals tagged in France (tagged between April-August) and the Netherlands (tagged in March-May and in September), with individuals primarily using the western and eastern English Channel, respectively (Vincent et al., 2017; Brasseur et al., 2017), supporting this division. Both nuclear migration and mtDNA analysis indicated gene flow between the Faroe Islands/ Scotland/ the North Sea MU and the island of Ireland/ Southwestern UK (Cornwall)/ France MU. Such exchanges between the two MUs could indicate that the genetic distinctiveness of the two proposed MUs may gradually decrease over time due to increased admixture, and boundaries may shift or even eventually disappear. Continued monitoring and assessment of population structuring is advised, and while the occurrence of grey seals in the English Channel is low (Russell, Jones and Morris, 2017; Carter et al., 2020), increasing future sampling effort in this region is recommended along with the inclusion of samples from Wales, western Scotland, the Wash, the Thames Estuary, Belgium and southern Norway.