In current clinical practice, the diagnosis of growth hormone (GH) deficiency in short stature is based on an integrated approach that assesses family history, auxological parameters of growth, baseline biochemical indices like IGF-I and the secretion of GH with dynamic tests [1]. Although the above diagnostic process has been standardized over the years with the help of consensus statements, diagnostic pitfalls are possible due to conditions such as constitutional delay of growth and puberty that phenotypically and biochemically overlaps with GH deficiency [2].
Many pediatric endocrinology centers use the GH stimulation tests as a key step in the diagnostic procedure of short stature. GH peaks after stimulation with a pharmacological agent that does not surpass a certain cut-off value, are considered indicative of a GH deficient state. However, several issues complicate the interpretation of GH test results. First, different stimulation agents generate different GH responses that poorly correlate with each other [3, 4]. Second, the GH peak is changing with advancing age [5] and is different between the prepubertal and pubertal children because of the effect that steroids have on GH secretion [6]. Third, obesity negatively effects GH secretion and is a confounding factor in the interpretation of GH stimulatory tests [7, 8].
After initiation of GH therapy, there is a high individual variability in height gain, suggesting variable responsiveness to rhGH treatment. While most subjects display an expected growth trajectory, some of them respond less well while others respond better than expected [9, 10]. Furthermore, a proportion of patients do not even reach an adult height within their MPH range after many years of GH treatment, questioning the diagnosis. Apart from its main target to improve the final height, treatment with rhGH should also be safe and cost-effective [11].
In monitoring the rhGH treatment effect, the deviation of the actual versus the expected course of height has been adequately described by growth prediction models (GPMs). GPMs, based on the auxological features and rhGH treatment doses, can predict the growth response of an individual. Over the last 3 decades, many GPMs for children with short stature, treated with rhGH have been developed [12, 13]. One of latest published, is the individualized growth response optimization (iGRO) model, which was based on the pharmaco-epidemiological survey KIGS (Pfizer® International Growth Database) that had 83,803 children/277,264 patient years who received rhGH therapy (mainly Genotropin™) [14]. This cloud-based model was developed to help physicians access the response to GH treatment and therefore to optimally manage their patients. It calculates an individual child’s level of responsiveness to rhGH treatment, termed the Index of Responsiveness (IoR). The IoR is the difference between observed (obs) and predicted (preTd) height velocity (HV) divided by the SD of the predicted HV during the first treatment year ([obsHV − predHV]/SD predHV). When using the SDS values of IoR, a positive value of the IoR SDS indicates a better growth response and a negative value indicates a reduced growth response in comparison to the reference cohort’s growth response contained in the database [15].
The aim of this study is to correlate the index of responsiveness (IoR) after one year of treatment in prepubertal children with GH deficiency to the basal anthropometric and laboratory values before and after treatment. It also aims to study the secretion dynamics of GH by analyzing the profiles of GH stimulation tests with clonidine in relation to the rhGH treatment response.