2.1 Soil parameters
The soil originating from the ICRISAT station was filled in the tubes with a bulk density of 1.4 g cm− 3 (Vadez et al., 2008). The soil texture consisted of 17% silt, 21% clay and 62% sand and was identified as Alfisol. Plant available volumetric water content was 25.71%.
The initial Olsen P levels of the Alfisol ranged between 2 (Seetharama et al., 1984) and 7.1 mg P kg− 1 (Sahrawat et al., 1995) and was used for the low P treatment without further P fertilization. In contrast, the tubes of the high P treatment received continuous P fertilizer since the establishment of the experimental set up. The same soil type was used for all treatment combinations and further soil characteristics differing with the P treatments are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
P level | OC | TN | pH | TP | P fractions |
| | | | | NaCl HCL | NaHCO3 | NaOH | HCl | Residual P |
| [%] | [%] | | [mg kg− 1] | [%] | [%] | [%] | [%] | [%] |
high P | 0,440 | 0,040 | 5,5 | 318,8 | 13,42 | 32,98 | 27,72 | 5,14 | 20,74 |
low P | 0,544 | 0,051 | 6,1 | 100,8 | 0,68 | 2,57 | 31,92 | 3,20 | 61,63 |
2.2 Experimental set up
The experiment was conducted at the lysimetric phenotyping system of the International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT India, 17°31'03.6"N and 78°16'36.0"E) from July 2018 to February 2019. Detailed plant development records as well as plant specific transpiration measurements were possible on a single plant basis. A detailed description of the study area and facility setup is provided by Vadez et al., (2008). Briefly, semi-field conditions were created by placing cylindrical tubes (height 120 cm, diameter 25 cm) in a trench, thus a planting density of approximately 16 plants m− 2 was reached. The open facilities had the possibility to prevent additional watering during rainfall events with a mobile shelter. During the sorghum cropping period in the post rainy season, the maximum and minimum temperatures ranged from 19.2–33.6°C to 5.2–23°C, respectively. In this study a four-factorial randomized split-plot design with soil P content (high and low P), water levels (well-watered and water stressed), N source (cowpea root residues and mineral fertilizer) and five sorghum genotypes was used. The tubes were placed in four blocks in separate trenches, with the factor combination P x water level. For the well-watered (WW) treatment, the water content was maintained at approximately 80% plant available water holding capacity (paWHC), while under the water stressed (WS) treatment 30% paWHC was the threshold for water addition. Each P and water-level combination was subdivided in two N source treatments. The different N sources were either 15N labelled root residues from the pre-crop cowpea [Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.] grown in the same tubes followed by sorghum cultivation or 15N labelled mineral fertilizer. Pre-crop cultivation and labelling procedures are explained in section 2.3. In total, five sorghum genotypes [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] were grown, with two early maturing (Lata 3, Grinkan) and three late maturing genotypes (CSV14R, Keslapoor, M35-1), while M35-1 served as the control variety.
Five replicates per treatment combination resulted in total 200 tubes, i.e. sorghum plants, and is referred to as the main experiment. In order to get affordable information about belowground sorghum root traits and the plant development, an additional set of smaller tubes was used, with the same height (120 cm) as in the main experiment, but with a smaller diameter of 16 cm. Destructive sampling was conducted to get biomass data at stem elongation (36 DAS), anthesis (56–70 DAS) and maturity (105–112 DAS). This subset of tubes for destructive harvest was grown solely on soils, where previously pre-crops were cultivated, to be able to detect a potential re-use of legume root channels by Sorghum roots and exposed to both treatments – water and P levels. In total, additional 60 tubes, located in the same trench, were used for root parameterization. Although the biomass production in the smaller tubes was reduced to around 24% compared to the bigger tubes, we assume that, other morphological traits (as root biomass) changed proportional to the plant size and that physiological traits were not affected (see section 3.4). Furthermore, the flowering time point (DAS 54–71), physiological maturity (DAS 105–112) and genotype-specific patterns in development and biomass accumulation were identical for the sorghum plants in the tubes for destructive harvest comparable to the plants in the main experiment.
The main experiment results should provide detailed information about the treatment effects on morphological and physiological traits of the sorghum genotypes, while the extra harvest should link the above and belowground interactions to the quantified parameters.
2.3 Cowpea cultivation and 15N labeling
The pre-crop cowpea grew from July to September 2018. Five cowpea seeds (genotype: Giant Russian) were sown and the plants were thinned out to one plant per cylinder. Throughout the cultivation period the plants were irrigated sufficiently and pesticide and fertilizer application (except for P in the low P treatment) was conducted according to common practice. The cowpea plants were labelled with a 15N (99 atom%) tracer solution mixture of di-ammonium sulfate ((15NH4)2SO4) (Cambridge Isotope Laboratories Inc., USA) and potassium nitrate (K15NO3) (ISOTEC INC., USA). Five gram of the N fertilizer mixture with equal 15N proportions were diluted in 2 ml distilled water. The injected dose per plant and labeling event was approximately 30 µl. The tracer solution was injected bi-weekly until harvest into the plant stem with 10 µl GC-needles (SYR FN 50 mm Ga 26, Bevel Tip, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) according to the method by Götz and Herzog (2000) until the tracer solution was depleted. The continuous tracer application was performed to ensure a homogenous δ15N distribution within the cowpea plant organs. The aboveground biomass was harvested and dried at 60°C, weighed and milled at the lab facilities of the department of crop physiology at ICRISAT (Hyderabad, India). The remaining tubes without the pre-crop received 5 mg of mineral 15N tracer as (15NH4)2SO4, diluted in 1 L H2O after 31 days of sorghum sowing (DAS) and 7 days after soil saturation to prevent leaching of the 15N tracer and ensure plant uptake. 34 additional tubes were not labelled to estimate natural abundance δ15N values of cowpea and sorghum plant parts.
2.2 Sorghum cultivation
Six sorghum seeds of each genotype were sown on 19th of October 2018. Additional sorghum plants were grown in pots surrounding the trench to minimize border effects and pest control was applied according to common practice. From November 2018, Carbofuran (2,2-Dimethyl-2,3-dihydro-1-benzofuran-7-yl methylcarbamate) was regularly sprayed against the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) and prevented successfully biomass loss. Fertilizer was applied according to soil P treatment before sowing. Low P big tubes received 2.3 g (low P small tubes 1.4 g) urea as N fertilizer and high P big tubes 5 g (high P small tubes 3.1 g) di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) to apply both, P and N. At 25 DAS, the 5-leaf stage, plants were thinned to one plant per cylinder, followed by soil saturation at DAS 27. Afterwards, plastic sheets and a layer of 2 cm polyethylene beads were placed on the soil surface to prevent about 90% of soil evaporation. Two days later, no more leaching was detected and the initial weight for the individual calculation of 80% field capacity per cylinder was recorded and served as reference weight for further calculations of the targeted water content (Vadez et al., 2008). Weekly weighing ensured the controlled water content monitoring and water was added in order to maintain the water levels of 80% or 30% paWHC. Sorghum was harvested during first half of February 2019 after reaching physiological maturity. The individual plants were separated in leaf, stem, panicle, tiller and tiller panicles, oven-dried at 60°C and weighed. After threshing, grain weight and thousand grain weight (TGW) was recorded. The samples were milled separately at the lab facilities of the department for crop physiology at ICRISAT and subsamples were sent to the University of Goettingen, for further lab analyses. Harvest time points of the extra harvest were selected based on the plants’ development status (stem elongation, anthesis and maturity), while the sample preparation was equal to the above mentioned procedure. In addition, root biomass was washed, collected with sieves, and stored in 70% ethanol until root scanning was completed. A small subsample was immediately frozen at -20°C for mycorrhiza estimation. After crown root counting, roots were oven-dried and milled.
2.3 Field measurements
Plant development was recorded bi-weekly with the following parameters: plant height until the last developed leaf, number of developed leaves, number of developing leaves, number of senesced leaves as well as tiller numbers and height. A developed leaf was counted when the lamina was fully unfolded at the stem. Senesced leaves were characterized by over 50% dried out, yellowish or dead appearance. Leaf area was measured at all green, developed leaves from the fifth leave upwards of all plants including tillers. The leaf area of the first four leaves was negligible and was therefore not measured. Total leaf length was measured from the separation point at the stem until the tip of the leaf, and the width at the widest point of the leaf. Calculation of leaf area was obtained by multiplying the product of leaf length and width with the shape correction factor 0.75 (Stickler et al., 1961). After emergence of the first flower, the flowering date was recorded daily and determined when more than 50% of the panicle was covered with anthers. Flowers were covered with light nylon bags to prevent damage by animals.
2.4 Analysis and calculations
For further analysis, the cowpea and sorghum plant samples were dried at 60°C and ground to a fine powder in a ball mill (MM200 Retsch Haan Germany). Three to five mg of the plant samples were weighed into tin capsules (IVA, Meerbusch, Germany) for the determination of δ15N isotope ratios, as well as N and C contents at the elemental analyzer (Flash, ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany) coupled to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer (IRMS) (Delta Plus Conflo III, ThermoFisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany). The analyses were conducted at the Centre for Stable Isotope Research and Analysis (Georg August-University Goettingen).
As cowpea roots remained in the soil, the at% 15N values of cowpea aboveground biomass were used for further calculations and equal 15N enrichment of above and belowground cowpea biomass was assumed, due to the frequent labelling events occurring during the entire growth period. For calculating the remaining 15N tracer in the soil from the labelled cowpea root biomass, the root to shoot ratio of the cowpea genotype Giant Russian was estimated with 0.16 (Dwivedi et al., 2003). The remaining nitrogen in soil derived from cowpea root residues (TNCroots) was calculated by the following Eq. 1.
\({TN}_{Croots} ={C}_{A}\left(g\right)*{N}_{fraction}*0.16\) Eq. 1
with CA (g) as the cowpea aboveground biomass dry weight (DW), Nfraction as the fraction of N in the cowpea aboveground biomass and the coefficient 0.16, which subsequently could be multiplied to calculate TNCroots, the amount of total N remaining in the soil from the cowpea root residues.
The sorghum N amount taken up (Nuptake) from either cowpea root residues or mineral tracer was calculated by multiplying the amount of N in the sorghum biomass (NBlab) with the 15N fraction derived from the tracer pool, which can be gained by the isotope mixing model according to Eq. 2:
\({N}_{uptake} =\frac{{at\% ¹⁵N}_{Blab}-{at\% ¹⁵N}_{Bnat}}{{at\% ¹⁵N}_{tracer}-{at\% ¹⁵N}_{nat}}*{N}_{Blab}\) Eq. 2:
with at% 15NBlab/Bnat/tracer/nat as the at% 15N of the labelled (Blab) and non-labelled (Bnat) sorghum plant biomass and the applied tracer pool from mineral or organic sources.
The input output ratio of the applied 15N sources was determined as sorghum Nrecovery (%, i.e. the percentage of the N uptake from the provided tracer N amount (TNtracer) from either mineral or organic (TNCroots) source according to Eq. 3:
\({N}_{recovery} \left(\%\right)=\frac{{N}_{uptake}}{{TN}_{tracer|Croots}}*100\) Eq. 3
Total N (TN) content was calculated by the N fraction multiplied by the biomass (g) of the plant parts and the sum resulted in total biomass N content. Total P content was extracted by the nitric acid pressure digestion method (Heinrichs et al., 1986) and was measured on an inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES, Thermo Scientific iCap 6000 Series).
The weekly transpiration (L week− 1) was estimated by calculating the weight difference between the weights of two successive weeks plus the added irrigation water (Vadez et al., 2008). Consequently, the total transpiration was the sum of all weekly transpiration values from initial weighing until harvest. The quantification of the normalized transpiration rate per unit of leaf area (Tn) allows an easy and non distructive assessment of the sorghum varieties transpiration characteristics throughout the plant development. Tn is defined as unit transpiration (L week− 1) per unit of leaf area (m2) (Karthika et al., 2018).
Another parameter estimating the plant’s water use pattern during the growth period is the fraction of transpired water till flowering (FTWF). FTWF is calculated by dividing the cumulative transpiration (L plant− 1) until flowering by the total transpiration (L plant− 1) until harvest.
The water use efficiency (WUE) is defined as the unit grain DM (g) per unit water transpired (L) (Vaux Jr and Pruitt, 1983).
Root colonization with arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) was determined by the modified root staining method (Vierheilig et al., 1998). Roots with approx. one cm length were heated in 10% KOH, stained with a 5%-ink-vinegar solution and stored afterwards in glycerol at 4°C until AMF was counted. AMF colonialization was determined by a modified root segment ± method (Nicolson, 1955) with the AMF colonization per root area. Therefore, a light microscope (Olympus BX40 with Olympus CMOS-camera SC50M) with a magnification of 150x (Olympus Ach 10x/0.25 ph ∞ 0.17, ocular 15x, Olympus Europe SE & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany) in 4.9 Mpx resolution was used. AMF structures were clearly visible without any filter use and pictures were saved as TIFF with JPEG compression. Further counting process was conducted by the software tool ‘Fungi Tagger’ (https://gitlab.gwdg.de/sstock1/fungi_tagger) (Stock et al., 2021). The remaining washed roots scanned with a flatbed scanner and the image analyzing software WinRHIZO 2013e (Regent Instruments Inc., Québec, Canada) was used for root trait analysis. Root length (Rlength) (cm), root surface area (SurfArea) (cm2) and specific root density (SRD, cm g− 1), with SRD being calculated by dividing Rlength (cm) by the root mass (g). Mycorrhized root area was the factor of the root surface area multiplied with the mycorrhiza infection portion.
2.5 Statistical Analysis
Data preparation and outlier elimination was performed using Microsoft.Excel (Version 16.29.1). Statistical analysis and graphical visualization were conducted using R.Studio (Version 4.2.2). Shapiro-Wilk test and Levene’s test were performed to check data for normal distribution and homogenous variances, respectively. If necessary, data were log transformed in order to fulfill the assumptions and an analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed followed by a Tukey post hoc tests. For non-parametric data, the Kruskal-Wallis test was carried out followed by a Dunn’s post hoc test to identify statistical differences between groups. Significant differences were detected at a threshold of p < 0.05. The corrplot function of R was used to perform the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient test with a threshold of p < 0.05.
Table 2 Mean sorghum parameters after the additional destructive harvest time points (stem elongation, anthesis and maturity). Root to shoot ratios, Mycorrhization and shoot P content the early and late maturing genotypes are shown. Significance letters show significant differences (p< 0.05) between growth stages, while the asterisk indicate significant differences between the early and late maturing genotypes within one growth stage (not significant (ns), 0.05, 0.01, 0.001; ns, *, **, ***).
Root to Shoot ratio
Mycorrhization (%)
Shoot P (mg g-1)
High P
Low P
High P
Low P
High P
Low P
High P
Low P
Stem Elongation