All 157 colonies investigated in this study included workers of both sexes. These data indicate that colony foundation by a female-female pair does not occur in the field in this species, or if it does occur, however rarely, the colonies cannot grow to a size sufficient to produce alates. Judging from the microsatellite genotype data of reproductives in field colonies (Matsuura et al. 2009), it is unlikely that offspring produced by parthenogenesis in female-female pairs are integrated in other colonies and are involved in reproduction. Our results indicate that the hypothesis of Matsuura and Nishida (2001) cannot explain the bias in the alate sex ratio of this species.
The sex ratio of alates was significantly biased toward females in all populations, whereas that of workers was not significantly biased and differed from a 1:1 ratio, indicating that the sex ratio bias of alates observed in this species is a general phenomenon throughout the distribution range. Kitade et al. (2010) examined colonies of this species in the Ibaraki population and found that the variation in the alate sex ratio among colonies was much greater than that among workers. This study showed that this trend was observed regardless of the collection site and that the variation in the alate sex ratio is particularly large in high-latitude populations.
Ants equipped with a haplodiploid sex-determination system can oviposit male and female eggs selectively by fertilization, and this mechanism can be used to regulate alate sex ratios. Although this mechanism cannot be applied to termites with an XY sex-determination system, the above results indicate that R. speratus colonies can drastically alter the sex ratio of nymphs that eventually differentiate into alates. The genetic caste determination models proposed by Hayashi et al. (2007) and Matsuura et al. (2018) present the mechanisms by which Reticulitermes can affect the sex ratios of nymphs and workers. The former model predicts that nymphal production would not occur in colonies with an original king and queen (Hayashi et al. 2007; Kitade et al. 2011); however, subsequent studies confirmed nymphal production in these colonies (OK, unpublished data) and in genetically equivalent colonies (primary king and secondary queen colonies of R. speratus; Matsuura et al., 2009). Therefore, the model proposed by Hayashi et al. (2007) cannot be directly applied to field colonies of this species. The epigenetic caste determination model of Matsuura et al. (2018) is intriguing, but it probably requires further empirical confirmation to verify its validity, especially concerning the presence of sex-specific epimarks (Vargo 2019).
Although the trend was not strong, the degree of female bias in the alate sex ratio of each population was greater at the sampling sites with lower temperatures, and this trend was not observed for workers. If the tendency that the frequency of inbreeding colonies is higher at higher latitudes (Vargo and Husseneder 2011) is also applies to R. speratus, this trend supports the hypothesis that AQS results in the female-biased sex ratio (Kobayashi et al. 2013; but see also Hellemans et al. [2019] for AQS species with balanced alate sex ratio). Intriguingly, however, the variation in the alate sex ratio exhibited a clear trend of being greater in colder (higher latitude) populations. Although the frequency distribution of the sex ratio was unimodal in low-latitude (high-temperature) populations, the sex ratio variation became larger in intermediate populations and bimodal in high-latitude (low-temperature) populations. Because the AQS hypothesis (Kobayashi et al. 2013) predicted a unique optimal sex ratio of colonies in a population and, thus, an unimodal frequency distribution, our data suggested that another factor strongly affected the alate sex ratio in R. speratus. Possible causes of this split sex ratio include local mate competition (Hasegawa & Yamaguchi, 1995), avoidance of sib-mating (Noirot, 1989), and infection of sex-distorting bacteria like Wolbachia (Bandi et al. 1997, Lo and Evans 2007, Sinotte et al. 2020). To elucidate the cause of the sex ratio variation in this species, it should help to identify geographical differences in these possible causal factors: population reproductive structures, colony densities, and infection rates of Wolbachia.
This study is the first to show that termite body size tends to increase in higher-latitude habitats, based on a comparison between populations within a species. This trend was also observed in the ant Leptothorax acerorum, a social insect with a similar life history (Heinze et al. 2003). If this body size cline is based on adaptation, the results support the idea that common selection pressures occur in ants and termites.
Heinze et al. (2003) suggested that the most likely cause of the body size cline of L. acerorum is an adaptation that increases endurance to fasting forced by long periods of low temperatures at high latitudes. This explanation also applies very well to R. speratus, considering its life history and the results of GLM analyses, indicating that the annual mean temperature affected both the head width and body weight of alates.
Heinze et al. (2003) examined other possible adaptive hypotheses to explain the size clines of ectotherms, such as a) larger animals are more likely to disperse to higher latitudes and b) competition is less intense in northern habitats, but they concluded that these do not apply to L. acerorum. This was similar to what was observed in termites. Because the mobility of R. speratus is not high and the difference in body size is limited to a maximum of 1.06-fold of the head width, it is unlikely that only large individuals are able to migrate to colder high-latitude areas because of differences in dispersal ability. It is also unlikely that reduced competition at high latitudes is the cause because termites other than R. speratus are not distributed in the study area north of 35° N, but distinct size clines were also observed between these study areas.
The tendency for colony size to increase at higher latitudes, as observed in ants, has not been observed in termites (Porter & Hawkins 2001). Kaspari and Vargo (1995) proposed the hypothesis that a larger ant colony size at higher latitudes is an adaptation to longer fasting periods, based on the results of fasting experiments of ant colonies of different sizes at room temperature; however, because interactions in a colony, including nutrient exchange, are thought to cease at low temperatures, there may be room to re-examine whether an increase in colony size can truly be considered an adaptation to a longer period of fasting. Bernadou et al. (2016) revealed that the body size of L. acervorum increased at higher altitudes, but the colony size did not.
It should be noted that there has been no confirmation that the body size trends observed in R. speratus are due to adaptations (see Stillwell 2010). Even if adaptation is the cause, the observed body size data should be a combination of selected genetic and individual response components to the environment. We propose conducting experiments in which kings and queens derived from different populations at different latitudes are reared under matching temperature conditions to confirm whether the body size characteristics of different populations are indeed inherited.